
Sarvattbryceh: wow, thank you very much for that endorsement! I haven't even filled out the application yet! :)00:07
brycehno prob00:14
brycehyou can probably hit pitti, raof, and tjaalton up for them too I'd imagine.  Might be worth getting one from a non-X guy too if you know anyone00:45
bryceh "Wayland+Unity = Weyland-Yutani?"01:59
ionThe combination should have a similar logo, but with a U in the background instead of the V. :-)02:00
ioninstead of the Y i mean.02:00
RAOFCome on, build!  Poppa needs a new libdricore!02:17
brycehman, airlied is harshing on anyone with a ubuntu bent on #wayland02:28
bryceh(and after mark's announcement, there's a *lot* of ubuntuers on #wayland)02:29
RAOFI should probably add #wayland to my list of idling channels.02:29
brycehit's been rather humorous the last few days02:34
brycehTONS of newb questions.  "When will Ubuntu be moving to Wayland?"  "What the difference between X and wayland?"  "How does Wayland handle network transparency?"02:35
RAOFBut you could actually do some rather funky network transparent stuff with fake drm devices if you wanted to.02:38
brycehrandomly, I discovered two other canonical folks interested in doing wayland-related work on the channel, whom I'd never met or known before02:38
brycehyeah the n.t. stuff is a faux issue02:39
RAOFI know Robert Ancell is interested in making lightdm work for wayland.02:39
brycehbut if you're a magazine author, it makes it sound like you understand deep X jujitsu if you mention it02:39
ionI think it would be great for X to be a thin layer that draws Wayland windows, in equal position with native Wayland programs as well as implementations of other networked UI protocols. Adequately small programs that do one thing as well as possible, Unix style. :-)02:45
RAOFYou can run X as a wayland client right now; there's even some work to make it more performant in that case.02:48
ScottKSarvatt: If you have something that needs sponsoring, let me know.  Then I could comment on your application as a sponsor (which carries more weight).04:12
brycehSarvatt, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/58860810/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.xserver-xorg-video-intel_2%3A2.12.0-1ubuntu6~bryce_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz04:48
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ricotzstgraber, hello, is there a new (minor) release of ltsp planned? will it be compatible with lucid?16:45
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=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|Away
stgraberricotz: nothing is planned so far for lucid, though I know a colleague of mine backported my upstream snapshot of LTSP (ldm and ltsp) to lucid (currently in https://launchpad.net/~mgariepy/+archive/backports for testing, will be copied to https://launchpad.net/~revolution-linux/+archive/ppa once tested)18:17
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stgraberricotz: once it's copied in ~revolution-linux, it means that my company is using it in production and that most features will have been tested18:17
stgraberricotz: we know that the current package has a small bug with ltsp-remoteapps (new feature we implemented last week) but should be fixed upstream this afternoon and backported again18:18
ricotzstgraber, thanks for answering, i would use them in a critical environment, currently i use the maverick packages comiled under lucid18:21
ricotzstgraber, i saw there was quite some progress since the latest release, so i was just curious18:21
ricotzstgraber, so there no dependency changes which arent available with lucid18:23
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ricotzstgraber, introducing new features in a micro release update doesnt sound that good, arent there any sru update considered?18:24
stgraberricotz: well, sru are there for bugfixing and I'm not really sure of what I'd bugfix in lucid. For our customers we usually work with the PPA as we can do our changes upstream, release and then backport + test before deploying.18:32
ricotzstgraber, there are always bugs ;-), and the lucid lts release is a good candidate for using it with ltsp in a buisness environment18:36
ricotzstgraber, i will have a look at the ppas you mentioned18:37
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Sarvatthmm, radeon mesa classic drivers support egl now too19:19
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brycehheh http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ODc2Nw20:57
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=== Bernardo|Away is now known as Bernardo
brycehSarvatt, http://www2.bryceharrington.org:8080/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/versions-current.html21:38
Sarvattwoohoo, thanks bryce!21:39
Sarvatthate how auto syncs dont show up on natty-changes21:40
Sarvattdarn, just when I thought we could start syncing xterm - http://sarvatt.com/downloads/xterm_266-1_i386.build23:06
jcristauand dickey's autoconf stuff is some custom weird version, so patching it is going to be fun23:14
Sarvattcoming soon to a wheezy near you!23:15
jcristaueasiest would probably be to report it to him, and ask if he can add -lfontconfig for 26723:16
Sarvattmore fun!23:23
Sarvatt/usr/bin/ld: main.o: undefined reference to symbol 'XGeometry'23:23
Sarvatt/usr/bin/ld: note: 'XGeometry' is defined in DSO /usr/lib/libX11.so.6 so try adding it to the linker command line23:23
Sarvatt/usr/lib/libX11.so.6: could not read symbols: Invalid operation23:23
RAOFWhat a pointless message!23:24
Sarvattand now this after -lfontconfig -lX1123:25
Sarvatt/usr/bin/ld: cachedGCs.o: undefined reference to symbol 'XmuReleaseStippledPixmap'23:25
Sarvatt/usr/bin/ld: note: 'XmuReleaseStippledPixmap' is defined in DSO /usr/lib/libXmu.so.6 so try adding it to the linker command line23:25
Sarvatt/usr/lib/libXmu.so.6: could not read symbols: Invalid operation23:25
RAOFSomeone will have a good reason why ld can't just do the right thing.23:26
Sarvattlike http://wiki.debian.org/ToolChain/DSOLinking ?23:27
RAOFThat doesn't seem23:31
Sarvattsane? agreed23:31
Sarvattit builds with http://sarvatt.com/downloads/patches/xterm-linking.patch23:31
* RAOF wants his desktop-unity. Vertical space is a non-renewable resource.23:32
Sarvattplink.sh agrees the linking is needed at least23:32
Sarvattsurprisingly I have way more than I know what to do with now :)23:34
Sarvatti've been using 1024x600 99% of the time for the past 2 years and just switched to 1920x1080, dont know what to do with it23:34
RAOFWell, there's the first 3D bug to deal with in the compiz 0.9.2 switch; the new compiz hits an assert somewhere in r600g on evergreen.23:36
JanChm, Intel works on Xephyr-with-OpenGL-support? that would be useful to have...23:37
Sarvattlooks like fedora links against ncurses instead of libtermcap and does a sed on the Makefile after configure to add the -lXmu 23:38
Sarvattxephyr? hosted X is the new hotness!23:39
* Sarvatt runs away from wayland talk23:39
RAOFBah.  Dear intel: kindly release Sandybridge, so I can get a faster laptop.  Kthxbye.23:42
SarvattI broke down and got one now, not exactly confident sandybridge 3D on linux will be worth a crap in the next year and settled for a real GPU :)23:44
RAOFBut the CPU itself is so shiny and fast!23:45
RAOFSomeone just needs to make a 12" gaming laptop for me.  I'd even accept 13" :)23:46
RAOFWith nice new ATi graphics, a large rust-bucket hdd and a smaller superfast ssd, a quad core, 8GiB RAM, and 9 hour battery life.23:49
RAOFAnd maybe a pony.23:50
JanCSarvatt: yeah, I saw something about the "hosted Xorg" too, not sure if it supports OpenGL? in any case, something that can be used to let multiple users use OpenGL on 1 multihead graphics card...  ;)23:50
RAOFThat should work now with kms, right?23:51
JanChm, I should look up documentation on that then23:52

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