
aboganiholstein: Sorry to bother you. I would want know if there a working combination with -rt/-realtime kernels and fglrx driver. For example Lucid -rt kernel (2.6.31) works with Lucid fglrx driver?07:08
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quadrisproScottL, naspro is available in Natty22:37
quadrisprothen (new software in natty)...22:37
TheMusoquadrispro: Thanks for your help re rtkit.22:40
quadrisproTheMuso, ehy! you're welcome!22:41
quadrisproTheMuso, how are you? Do you have other good things for Debian?22:42
TheMusoquadrispro: Yes, but on other fronts, mostly a11y. Being frozen atm is a slight pain however.22:43
quadrisproah ok22:43
quadrisprohave you had a look at new JACK stuff uploaded?22:44
TheMusoquadrispro: Do you mean jack clients, or the jack servers themselves?22:53
quadrisproJACK toys (-mixer,-keyboard)22:54
quadrisproand more are coming22:54
TheMusoRight, no I haven't looked.22:54
TheMusoSOmewhat busy with more important audio matters, and unity a11y for this cycle.22:55
quadrisproah yes, I understand22:57
ScottLquadrispro, awesome!  thanks23:19

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