
charlie-tcaGood morning13:13
davmor2morning charlie-tca 13:15
charlie-tcamr_pouit: natty is missing all icons today13:15
charlie-tcaswitching icon sets gives me the desktop icons but no panel icons13:15
charlie-tcaGood morning, davmor2 13:18
charlie-tcahm, for some reason, I have to boot to recovery mode, run "fix broken packages", to get updates to install. Then I can log in, restart, and have things working13:53
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: sorry, I'm focusing on uploading xfce 4.7.x to natty for the moment (and for the next weeks). I'll look at bugs after :P15:04
charlie-tcayup. I won't file bugs until we get it uploaded then?15:04
mr_pouitalso, the iso might be broken for a few days after the upload of xfce4-panel, no need to report bugs for that (I'll announce on xubuntu-devel when it's not safe to upgrade, and when the transition is finished)15:04
charlie-tcaThanks for the warning. I will wait for you to say when.15:05
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