
blue_annahow do I get changes to the keyboard layouts stick?00:10
=== douglas is now known as MrEsterhouse
MrEsterhouseHello everyone!01:42
blue_annahey MrEsterhouse01:42
blue_annado you know ..01:42
blue_annahow do I get changes to the keyboard layouts stick?01:42
MrEsterhouseIsn't the setting for that in the xorg setting?01:43
blue_annaI was using the panel plugin to quick/switch the language01:44
blue_annabut the keyboard model keeps reverting, and the keys to switch languages revert too01:44
MrEsterhouseI don't use that option01:44
blue_annasince I have an AltGr key, I can't press both alt keys to switch :P01:45
blue_annabecause there-s only one01:45
MrEsterhouseheck I dont know how to set my keyboard model so I can use its features01:45
blue_annaahh, there's the dash01:45
MrEsterhouseMy question is, how do you change the setting for the splash that says xubuntu be for you get to the login.01:49
MrEsterhouseI have a LG 16:9 DVI monitor ever since I installed it that splash seems like it displays in 640x48001:51
MrEsterhousedon't be afraid to chime in people.01:52
blue_annaMrEsterhouse, Applications -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> Splash Screen .... it should be there01:59
blue_annaSession start -> Splash .. I was copy-pasting02:00
RJ_F1how can I change the login sound for Xubuntu 10.10?02:05
MrEsterhousenot this splash it is all black that just says xubuntu. Everything when you hit alt F2 to go back to command line all the text is low res02:06
MrEsterhouseAs far as I know there is no login sound for xubuntu02:07
MrEsterhouseIm not sure how to enable it, I was told that it isn't an option that can be enabled.02:08
RJ_F1in the "login options" or whatever, there is a checkbox that says 'play login sound' and it is checked, but I have no way of changing it?02:09
MrEsterhouseYes I seen that as well. I had asked about that awhile back.02:10
MrEsterhouseI don't think that it is completely integrated  in xubuntu.02:12
RJ_F1Alright, I guess I just gotta wait for someone to figure it out then.02:12
MrEsterhouseone thing I cant seem to get is my nvidia driver to load that I downloaded from there site02:27
MrEsterhousewhen I run the file it tells me that it cant find the headers02:27
MrEsterhousethis happened after I went to 9.1002:27
MrEsterhouseIm upgrading to 10.10 as I type, hopfully I can get the driver installed02:28
=== m00se is now known as bizkit
=== bizkit is now known as m00se
maitrey_hi guys, I have recently purchased second hdd 500 gb seagate sata and it seems to be impossible to connect it in ubuntu (10.10). I've setup bios but I can run only one of those hddsks. It is not recognizing the second as slave. What to do? I guess jumper won't help?04:00
=== m00se is now known as bizkit
=== bizkit is now known as m00se
Kara-NoIs there any way to reset Xfce settings without logging into Xfce?06:15
SysiKara-No: ctrl alt F5 "rm -rf .config/xfce4"06:54
Sysii still don't like crossposting06:56
ubuXubugood morning to all who reside here in the remote binary jungle of Xubuntu08:31
TheSheephi balsaq08:37
=== Wicet2 is now known as Wicet
=== SuperHark is now known as MichealH
sktxanyone have a clue how to get the video working on xubuntu lucid? i get audio but no video, even after installing the restricted-extras package...17:34
Sysiwhat video you're watching, with dragon?17:35
sktxdragon? no, with vlc... and it's half the videos i watch.17:36
sktxi tried with totem too but that works less often than vlc17:36
Sysioh wait, dragon was 10.10 problem :p17:37
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
hagenZhi. how can i set other resolution of the screen? xrandr command doesnt help and there is no my resolution in the settings window18:03
charlie-tcahagenZ: maybe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution will help with that18:09
hagenZcharlie-tca, i have already read it, it didnt help18:11
charlie-tcayou would need to create or modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf and restart for it to take effect18:12
charlie-tcachanges made in the file should override defaults18:12
hagenZi see. there is no xorg.conf so i was misleaded18:16
charlie-tcaThat seems to be common. We don't often realize that just creating it will make X use it18:17
hagenZwhich Identifier i must set? look it up somewhere?18:24
charlie-tcaSomthing like "Subsection "Display" in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Setting%20resolution%20changes%20in%20xorg.conf18:28
charlie-tcaModes gives the different resolutions you want to be able to use18:28
hagenZok i'll check this out18:35
fumanchu182First time xubuntu user, giving it a switch from gnome, however I cannot find a way to disable the desktop switcher, i.e. set it to only one desktop so I can then remove the widget.18:48
Sysimiddle click → remove workspace18:48
fumanchu182but I already love that i can have different wallpaper on each monitor as opposed to a gimp hacked wallpaper that spans both18:49
fumanchu182I middle click on the switcher and it does nada.18:49
Sysion the desktop18:49
Sysiswitcher is just switcher :)18:50
fumanchu182found it18:50
fumanchu182workspaces under xfce settings18:50
Sysii'm not if that middle click action is enabled by default18:50
fumanchu182This is quite a neat desktop manager.18:50
fumanchu182It is simple but gives me everything I need for my development enviornment18:51
fumanchu182err environment18:51
fumanchu182I am quite impressed.18:53
fumanchu182I think I just found a new desktop manager of choice.18:54
knomefumanchu182, nice to hear.18:54
knomehey, kids! o/18:54
Sysihey uncle knome! \o18:54
fumanchu182With using this desktop manager you keep inline with all ubuntu upgrade release dates?18:55
knomefumanchu182, yup, xubuntu releases are parallel to ubuntu releases18:56
fumanchu182That's good.18:56
knomefumanchu182, and all the apps are updated in xubuntu as well, since xubuntu and ubuntu share the repositories18:56
hagenZcharlie-tca, i havent 1024x768, only 800x600 max19:00
hagenZyesterday it was, before i installed wine and rebooted19:00
charlie-tcaI don't anything about wine, but it sounds like it did something wrong19:01
hagenZso i should uninstall wine or there are other variants19:02
hagenZwhich port is fore ssl here?19:04
rigvedhi everyone19:35
rigvedcan anyone tell me how close is xubuntu to ubuntu in terms of the look and the applications available19:35
Sysiall same application avalable, see screenshots for looks19:36
charlie-tcarigved: personnally, I don't think it looks like Gnome. As for applications, you can use all applications that Ubuntu uses.19:37
charlie-tcaOf course, installing all the same applications means you do use the same resources too19:37
rigvedSysi: thanx19:38
rigvedcharlie-tca: thanx. just openoffice.org19:38
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels19:41

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