
* spiv is reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~maxb/bzr/2.2-close-ssh-subprocess-socket/+merge/4049300:56
maxbthanks :-)01:03
dcoles_Should all version 2 merge directives have a target_branch inside the header of the merge directive?02:32
dcoles_Just about to open a bug since Bazaar crashes when the target_branch is missing.02:33
spivdcoles_: if it's a crash that produces a traceback, then it's definitely a bug even if that's not valid02:37
dcoles_spiv: Right-o. Just opened bug #67334402:39
ubot5Bug 673344 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/673344 is private02:39
dcoles_Can't seem to find the merge directive spec in the dev docs.02:39
spivYes, I can't find a description of the format (other than the code that implements it) at a glance either.02:41
spivI might not be looking hard enough.02:41
spivThere's at least some code that appears to expect that the target_branch field may not be present.02:42
dcoles_I can't imagine it being too important. From my own merge directives it just seems to contain the local checkout that it was branched off.02:42
dcoles_target_branch: file:///home/dcoles/Documents/Projects/plagiarism\02:43
dcoles_Either way, that target_branch wouldn't have made sense to the person who received it (since it's a local directory)02:44
spivWell, if you configure a public_location for your local branches it'll use thta02:44
dcoles_Aye. That might have been the cause. His version of bazaar must have just dropped the location.02:45
spivIs there any particular reason that bug report is private?02:47
dcoles_Not really. Unless I bumped a 'private' checkbox somewhere (I went via apport)...02:49
lifelessapport files all bugs as private02:49
lifelessuntil vetted for confidential data (which the apport retracer does for ones in ubuntu itself)02:49
spivI should have asked, do you mind if we make that report public? :)02:50
dcoles_Yeah. It's fine. I just un-privated it myself.02:51
dcoles_Looks like nothing but Python and Bazaar stuff.02:51
dcoles_... And Google has already indexed the bug...02:56
dcoles_Seems to have gone AWOL in the current docs, but http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.0rc2-html/developers/bundle-format4.html03:03
spivHmm, I'm increasingly wanting to use tribunal to read bzr test output I think.05:22
spivSo that I don't have to wade through masses of bzr log output in test failures by default (but so that the log output will still be there when I need it).05:22
pooliespiv, well, you should use it!05:25
poolieit does work05:25
pooliethere are many other features that would be nice, but we can add them over time...05:25
spivpoolie: the problem is I'd feel compelled to dust off my half-done patches for it first ;)05:32
pooliethis is a problem? :)05:33
spivNot in the long run :)05:33
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GaryvdMI'm digging arround the code for loggerhead. I'm trying to find what would be the equivalent to routes.py in a pylons.06:36
GaryvdMi.e. where does it decide what controller to use?06:36
GaryvdMAh - apps.branch.BranchWSGIApp.controllers_dict06:40
mkanatGaryvdM: I'm a loggerhead guy if you have other general questions.07:06
GaryvdMmkanat: I'm want to try use my loggraphviz code from qlog in loggerhead07:08
mkanatGaryvdM: Okay. That does a dot graph of revisions, or something?07:09
GaryvdMmkanat: Yes - a graph visualisation, but it does no use dot format. -  screen shot: http://qbzr.googlegroups.com/web/gtk_qlog.png07:11
mkanatGaryvdM: Oh yeah, I've seen that, that's really slick.07:12
GaryvdMmkanat: You can also collapse/expand revisions07:12
mkanatGaryvdM: That would be quite a trick to do in HTML, I'd think.07:12
GaryvdMmkanat: I need to cache a object in memory. There would be one per branch, and it would be valid until the branch tip changes.07:13
mkanatGaryvdM: Ah, we already have a revision graph cache.07:14
mkanatGaryvdM: It's in loggerhead.history, as I recall.07:14
GaryvdMmkanat: According to the doc string, it only lives for the length of a request.07:16
mkanatGaryvdM: No, it is persistent.07:16
mkanatGaryvdM: At least, if you're using the right graph cache.07:16
mkanatGaryvdM: The History object only lasts one request, but the actual graph cache is the lru_cache.07:17
pooliehi all07:18
mkanatHey poolie.07:18
GaryvdMHi poolie07:18
pooliei need to go in a sec07:18
pooliebut, mkanat, can you let me know some time what happens next with loggerhead on codebrowse?07:18
poolieand/or talk to jam about it?07:18
mkanatjam: Yeah, I need to go back and look at what we need to fix in loggerhead itself before we can put it behind haproxy.07:19
pooliethat would be good07:20
mkanatI mean, poolie, not jam. :-)07:21
pooliei guessed :)07:21
mkanatpoolie: Yeah, I think I explained it briefly to lifeless by email, I have to go back and see what I was thinking the problems were when we talked about it.07:21
poolieyou could perhaps just forward that to launchpad-dev?07:22
poolieoops, got to go, may be back tonight07:22
spivpoolie: g'night!07:23
GaryvdMmkanat: The object I want to cache is an instance of this object: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~garyvdm/bzr/loggraphviz/annotate/head%3A/bzrlib/loggraphviz.py#L13407:23
mkanatGaryvdM: I think that all the heavy lifting that that object does can be done by the existing revision graph cache.07:24
mkanatGaryvdM: Loggerhead currently has serious memory-usage problems, so adding a second cache would not be a good idea (it would never go on Launchpad, for example).07:24
GaryvdMmkanat: Sure - That why I'm trying to get a good understanding of the existing infrastructure first.07:25
mkanatGaryvdM: Okay, cool. :-)07:26
GaryvdMmkanat: Does lp run lp:loggerhead, or some other branch?07:26
mkanatGaryvdM: lp runs launchpad-loggerhead, which is a wrapper around normal loggerhead. (A whole separate project.)07:26
mkanatGaryvdM: But essentially yes, lp runs the trunk branch of loggerhead.07:26
mkanat(With a few differences in deployment and so on.)07:27
lifelessmkanat: we're now running two parallel instances07:27
mkanatlifeless: Oh, that actually happened?07:27
lifelesswe haven't trimmed the worker count yet07:28
mkanatlifeless: Okay. Is it working or is it killing the server with OOMs?07:28
lifelessworking AFAIK07:28
mkanatlifeless: Okay. I suppose I'll have to ask spm, too.07:28
lifelessif you want details ;)07:32
lifelessthe driver for the work so far was being able to do no downtime deployments07:32
mkanatlifeless: Ah, okay.07:35
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
mkanatlifeless: I'll ask spm if there have still been any stability issues.07:39
vilahi all !07:39
vilaping LOSA, can we have some feedback (or even better a fix) about rt #4134007:41
Sakura13any german out there?08:28
lifelessvila: the losas have asked that we ping on the internal launchpad-ops channel by preference08:47
vilalifeless: thx for th info08:48
lifelessvila: it was in flacostes meeting minutes a week or two back08:49
vilalifeless: I don't think I've seen such a thing :-/08:50
lifelessvila: you may wish to subscribe to the launchpad list[s] - including canonical-launchpad08:51
vilalifeless: just when I was almost keeping up with my flood ? :-/08:51
=== Ursinha-brb is now known as Ursinha
stefanlsdHi guys, im doing a UDD merge and it looks like in debian revision they uploaded with a .pc directory. This is problematic now as this quilt stuff is applied. Any advice?13:26
jelmer_stefanlsd: You might want to ask Barry, he was dealing with this problem earlier as well.13:27
=== jelmer_ is now known as jelmer
maxbstefanlsd: The presence of the .pc in the branch is actually the current standard13:31
maxbIt's not a very good standard, IMO, but it's what dpkg-source does13:32
jelmerit'd be great if we could turn those patches into quilt threads or something..13:32
maxbThe storage of the debian patches applied in the branch goes hand-in-hand with using v3 source packages13:33
stefanlsdmaxb: my understanding was that its quilt running that generates it. so during debuild for example it will apply, build and then remove it?13:33
maxbquite what you are supposed to do in an UDD merge scenario with the .pc directory is something I'm not really certain, as the only correct option is hideously painful13:34
stefanlsdmaxb: well, in this case the .pc directory was introduced by debian a while ago. i removed the .pc directory and doing the merge and build, it fails to apply, as its already applied13:35
stefanlsdmaybe i should leave it there and not remove it... (checks)13:35
stefanlsdas a side note - running bzr remerge --weave leaves me with .OTHER.OTHER (running it again gives me) .OTHER.OTHER.OTHER (not sure if this is working as designed...)13:36
maxbWell, the "correct" thing to do would be to leave the .pc directory in place, *including* updating its cached copy of modified upstream files. But that's really messy and breaks the UDD story as being a nice way to merge things13:37
maxbI think some more thought needs to be given to what the UDD importer actually commits to the the import branches for v3 source packages13:38
maxbhmm, I need to grab lunch. afk13:39
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jammgz: if you care, I upgraded to testools 0.9.7 and it gives me a valid unicode failure, which is still odd, but at least it doesn't die.19:05
jamah, it is failing during the cleanup phase, which is strange, but does explain some of the earlier issues19:06
vilajam: I'm not there anymore but I haven't managed to get in touch with a losa, may be you can ping Chex in #launchpad-ops so we get at least a bit of feedback about testtools on pqm ?19:08
jamvila: k, I haven't seen Chex yet today (I have other questions for him as well). Do you have an rt for it?19:09
vilajam: 41340 the one you commented on19:09
GaryvdM\o/ Graphviz for loggerhead : http://imagebin.ca/img/yJm8tLH.png  <-work in progress.19:13
jamGaryvdM: pretty. Though I'd really like it to collapse by default :)19:16
GaryvdMjam: Yes, work in progress. :-) Look at the url - I've manually expanded 428.1.*19:17
maxbHmm, 0.9.7. ~bzr PPA needs an update19:21
gthorslundmorning stewart!19:24
mgzha, swapped lifeless for jelmer. happiness all round?19:27
mgzjam: goodie. do you want to make the bug about the cleanup failure, or should I redupe it again?19:28
jammgz: the cleanup failure was already a bug, but I just get a regular traceback now, so feel free to just mark it a dupe19:29
mgzmaxb: you might want to not bother till 0.9.8 as 0.9.7 has some platform/version compat issues.19:29
maxbWhat's the likelyhood of bzr wanting to depend on testtools >= 0.9.4 in the medium-term future, if anyone knows?19:29
mgzjam: cool. what's the number for the cleanup failure?19:29
mgzmaxb: https://code.launchpad.net/~gz/bzr/require_testtools_0.9.5_for_selftest/+merge/3514419:29
jammaxb: AIUI we need 0.9.5 for some unicode failures19:29
maxbOh. It's just people are talking about updating testtools on bzr's PQM, so I figured an up to date deb would be good19:30
jamso... high but paused waiting for sysadmins to upgrade pqm19:30
jammaxb: I thought there was one?19:30
maxb0.9.6, not .719:30
jamwell, >0.9.5 is good, .7 would be nice :)19:30
jamvila: what happened with all of the double mp requests?19:32
maxblifeless: Are you OK with uploading a newer one to Debian unstable? Once that require_testtools_0.9.5_for_selftest MP lands, we're going to need it to update bzr there19:32
jamlifeless is away today19:32
jamand tomorrow, IIRC19:32
maxbI spy him talking in other channels right now :-)19:33
jam(he may answer anyway, but he is officially on leave)19:33
mgzdebian's still in freeze which is a little annoying.19:33
maxbmgz: Are those issues in 0.9.7 you refer to sufficient that bzr's PQM might want to prefer 0.9.6 over 0.9.7? In which case I should *not* update the ~bzr PPA for now19:34
GaryvdMhttp://imagebin.ca/view/gNbLSX.html - better layout - One of the reasons I love working on graphical things, is it's easy to show others your progress :-)19:35
mgzpossibly not an issue for ubuntu? should be okay for all python versions and the testsuite not running without extra python packages might not hurt.19:36
mgzhttps://launchpad.net/testtools/+milestone/next <- what's pending.19:37
maxbmm, sounds like a release is needed :-)19:39
vilajam: wrong ordering of my loom threads to start with, then a after-thought about working around lp limitations, then one forgotten push, sry about the noise, the activereviews page looked fine in the end20:04
jamvila: probably, though I primarily review via my email :)20:05
vilajam: long story short: I try to make my proposals easier to review by trying new workflows so I uncover bugs20:05
vilajam: then make sure to start with the latest ones you received and check the pre-requisite branches to review in the right order ;)20:06
vilamgz: Hey !20:13
lifelessmaxb: I think we need a release20:24
lifelessmaxb: I've uploaded python-fixtures, its in NEW20:24
lifelessmaxb: it would be nice to recommends: that for the next testtools upload.20:24
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rittyanHello. Version is 2.1.0. bzr fast-export gives "Unable load library fastimport". Any ideas on how to make it work?21:11
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rittyans/Unable load/Unable to import/21:12
GaryvdMrittyan: Is this on windows, installed with the standalone installer21:15
rittyanit is on ubuntu, installed via apt-get21:15
GaryvdMrittyan: I did apt-get install bzr-fastimport; bzr fast-export MYBRANCH. It worked fine.  From you bzr version, I assume you are on lucid?21:21
rittyanthe server is on hardy :-( downloading fresh bzr onto my macosx, then will DL repo and try it on my notebook21:21
GaryvdMSorry about asking if you use windows :-p - I was working on the windows installer last night, an fastimport is broken, so I jump to conclusions...21:23
rittyanyes that's fine21:23
rittyanI don't find it offending21:25
rittyanmore offending is where my current project is, now, but it won't be long (until fastexport is broken in new version too)21:25
GaryvdMrittyan: What version of bzr-fastimport do you have on the hardy box?21:27
rittyanlatest checked out from launchpad21:28
GaryvdMInstalled by putting into ~/.bazaar/plugins/?21:28
GaryvdMI think you also need do bzr branch lp:python-fastimport; cd python-fastimport; sudo ./setup.py install21:29
GaryvdMNot 100% sure though.21:30
GaryvdMrittyan: ^21:30
rittyanI am not sure either21:30
maxbThat sounds right to me21:30
rittyanstill doesn't work21:31
maxbAlternatively, if you want to not install python-fastimport globally, you can make it work by checking it out to (say) ~/.bazaar/python-fastimport, and creating a tiny bzr plugin that adds it to your python path when running bzr21:31
rittyanto be honest i don't want to pollute my machine21:32
rittyanthough i just did and it still doesn't work, ok21:32
rittyanwill try locally when dl will finish21:32
maxbMe too. The way I install extra libraries for bzr plugins is to have a ~/.bazaar/plugins/AAAuselibs.py file which contains import sys; sys.path.insert(0, '/path/to/extra/libs')21:33
rittyanmy 20mbit provider is down again so i am using gprs, extra$ for speed slower than staying still :(21:33
rittyan8 min left21:33
pooliehi jam, all22:23
jamhi poolie22:23
pooliei was actually online, but on the phone etc22:23
pooliehow was your day?22:23
jampoolie: pretty good22:24
jamstill waiting on movement from a  l-osa22:24
jambut I guess they had some critical launchpad regressions etc22:24
jamfound a memory structure that I'm happy with for the groupcompress packing code22:24
pooliewaiting for movement as far as getting the server started?22:35
jamI need one of them to start it, and update the production configs so I can actually test it22:36
pooliewell, keep pushing i guess22:39
kikofound this in an internal linaro wikipage comment from an engineer "* bzr doesn't like long (>1GB) checkouts - need to fetch in chunks (bzr get -r number)"22:41
kikothat's pretty weird -- is it possibly true though?22:41
james_wkiko, if it is interrupted you have to start from the beginning, using the incremental approach avoids that problem. That may be what they are referring to22:43
kikojames_w, I think it was a perf issue though -- it's davidgiluk's page22:43
james_wkiko, also possible, but I haven't really heard reports of that22:44
jamkiko: also depends how you define "doesn't like". You can checkout 'bzr lp:qtwebkit' which is about 1.7GB, but we'll use about 1GB+ of RAM to do so.22:45
kikojam, I think that's a good definition of "doesn't like" :)22:46
kikojam, does this get better soon? :)22:46
jamkiko: no current focus on pushing the peak memory down. 2.2 is about 2-3x better than 2.0 in this regard, but I haven't come back to address it again22:47
jam(iow, 2.0 would take more like 2+GB to copy it)22:47
kikojam, okay, thanks. tough for people working on gcc-linaro, just that22:47
kikobut I guess I can buy them more ram as a gift ;)22:47
mkanatkiko: It also may be that they're using a 32-bit OS.22:54
mkanatkiko: So they can't address more than 2GB per process.22:54
mwhudsonkiko: it's a bug in the ssh server we use22:54
wamI'm googling for about 2 hours now. How can I integrate/use bzr smart server so that I can commit/push to it? I'd like to use redmine and the repository on the redmine server. I think, redmine has nothing to do with it, because all I need is a smartserver that authenticates against sql. Any hints or URLs?22:55
mkanatwam: You could just use SSH and have some PAM module do the authentication.22:56
wammkanat: then I have shell access for every user, righ?22:56
kikomwhudson, oh really?22:56
mwhudsonkiko: yes22:56
kikomwhudson, what's the fix? :)22:56
mkanatHey kiko!22:56
mwhudsonkiko: hard :( http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/439522:56
mkanatwam: You don't have to--you could make "bzr serve" their shell.22:57
mkanatwam: Or something like that. We do something like that for bzr.mozilla.org.22:57
wammkanat: sounds promising. Do you have any docs for that or should I just read the help?22:58
mkanatwam: I don't have any docs personally on the Mozilla setup, no.22:58
kikomwhudson, why does that kick in when the checkout is over 1gb?22:59
mwhudsonkiko: because the openssh client by default rekeys the connection after 1 gig of traffic22:59
mkanatkiko: So they could do their checkouts over bzr:// if they have it.23:00
mwhudsonit's launchpad, so that'd be a no23:00
mkanatmwhudson: Ahh.23:01
kikomwhudson, can we contract somebody to fix the issue?23:03
kikoi.e. please :)23:03
kikoI want to avoid any additional bad press we get because of all things a bug in CONCH!!23:03
kiko(who's ousado btw)23:03
mwhudsonkiko: probably23:05
GaryvdMmkanat: I made some good progress on adding graphviz to loggerhead: http://imagebin.ca/view/gNbLSX.html23:05
kikomwhudson, how can I help get that ball rolling?23:05
mwhudsonkiko: i could probably fix it given enough time so you could try going through the infrastructure process23:05
kikomwhudson, I'd rather we contracted somebody else, you're too expensive23:06
mkanatGaryvdM: Hey, that looks pretty awesome!23:06
kikoGaryvdM, hah, that looks so cool23:06
mkanatGaryvdM: Are you just going to make it an option of the normal changes controller?23:06
mwhudsonGaryvdM: cool23:07
GaryvdMmkanat: At the moment I have made a new controller, but I don't mind either way.23:07
GaryvdMGood night all.23:09
mkanatGaryvdM: Night!23:10
pooliemwhudson: we should mention the bzr lp bug there23:14
pooliehi kiko, mkanat23:14
mkanatHey poolie.23:15
mwhudsonpoolie: yes, i guess so23:15
pooliekiko: so would this be your top item for linaro/udd/bzr?23:17
kikopoolie, well, linaro uses bzr heavily for gcc, and whatever causes problems for them I need to pay attention to, as it hasn't been a decision without detractors23:20
kikopoolie, I'd be happy to help pay for a contract to get that bug fixed and rolled out23:20
pooliek, thanks for raising ti23:22
kikopoolie, cool, keep me posted on any progress23:23
pooliemwhudson, jml, do we know any obvious contractors to do it? i could just ask in #twisted...23:23
jmlpoolie: exarkun.23:24
* poolie looks for the lp bug23:25
mwhudsonpoolie: i'm not sure there is an lp bug, in fact23:28
pooliebug 55613223:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 556132 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "bzr: ERROR: paramiko.SSHException: (affected: 1, heat: 1)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55613223:37
pooliemkanat: hi?23:55
mkanatpoolie: hi23:58

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