
andrewh192aloha guys00:04
andrewh192was wondering if you knew anything about settings for Quassel00:04
andrewh192trying to see if i could hide or redirect the leave/join messages00:05
theannihilatorquestion for anyone00:09
theannihilatorhow do i get wireless working00:09
andrewh192u on linux00:09
FloodBotK1andrewh192: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:09
melissawmandrewh192:  you can right click the channel name on the left of the channel main window and choose "hide events"> select the event you want to hide00:09
valorietheannihilator: what trouble are you having?00:10
andrewh192melissawm: thanx00:10
valorieJust Works, here00:10
theannihilatori cannot get my wireless card to work correctly00:10
valoriespecifically, what do you do, and what happens then?00:11
valoriewe need to hear the actual problem00:11
theannihilatorit states i have wireless enabled and i try to enter my credintials into the manager and nothing00:11
theannihilatorit will not connect00:11
valoriewhat are you using?00:11
theannihilatorkubuntu 10.0400:12
valoriethe widget, knetworkmanager, what?00:12
theannihilatorthe widgen in the system tray00:12
theannihilatorim not sure the name of that program i have not been on kubuntu since april lol00:13
valoriedo you have a list of connections in the little window?00:13
valorieif so, click to select the one you wish to connect to00:13
theannihilatorall it says is wireless enabled auto etho 0 and create a network00:14
theannihilatorother than no00:14
valoriedo you see a little Scan button?00:14
theannihilatori go and create a wireless network icon and i click scan and nothing00:14
theannihilatorbut then again i dont know how many networks are in my complex last i looked i was the only one00:14
andrewh192sounds like u have the problem i had00:14
valoriedoes your wireless card have a switch?00:14
theannihilatoryes and it is oon00:15
andrewh192i had the same problem00:15
theannihilatori connected wireless in windows00:15
theannihilatorabout 10 minutes ago00:15
andrewh192it had to do with my driver for it on linux00:15
valorieok, so you know your card works00:15
valoriethat's good00:15
theannihilatoryes that is correct i am on a dell insprion 152500:15
andrewh192well sort of00:15
andrewh192theannihilator: hey, i have the same problem00:15
theannihilatordell computers and linux well not always a good combo cause of the broadcom cards00:15
andrewh192theannihilator: its because you and i have a wireless card by Broadcom00:15
theannihilatorit was supposed to have been fixed lastyear00:16
theannihilatorbut nope nothing yet00:16
andrewh192well, i am working on getting the driver for the card00:16
andrewh192supposedly you have to download and install a firmware driver00:16
andrewh192but i can't actually find the driver for the card00:16
theannihilatorthats why i am here to see if there is anyone that can solve it besides using the sstupid ndiswrapper00:16
theannihilatorthat is the whole reason i have not switch to using kubuntu as a main os00:17
theannihilatori am trying to just vmware the system but kaspersky is on the fritz....00:18
theannihilatorhey i got a question is there a software program in the rep. called inspircd?00:19
valoriein 10.10 there is00:21
valoriedunno about 10.0400:21
theannihilatork cause i am to lazy to compile it00:21
theannihilatorhow do i upgrade 10.04 to 10.10 using wuzbi?00:21
theannihilatorandrewh192: how would upgrade kubuntu that has been installed using wuzbi?00:26
andrewh192theannihilator: i am not sure00:27
valoriesince 10.10 is LTS00:27
valorieI think it's worth a clean install00:27
ruffleShi guys. i think i need some advice from y'all. i'm thinking of getting rid of gnome and replacing it with kde for now (gnome in maverick doesn't feel right as of now). is there any show-stopper i should be aware of?00:27
ruffleSvalorie, 10.04 is LTS not 10.1000:28
valorieruffleS: are you thinking of doing that as an upgrade, or clean install00:28
valoriesorry, you are right00:28
ruffleSvalorie, i don't know.. i guess i'll just apt-get it00:28
theannihilatorso do a clean still?00:28
valorieI had problems with gnome/KDE conflicts, and did a clean install instead00:28
valoriewhich banished the problems00:29
ruffleSvalorie, are you currently on kubuntu 10.10? are there any bugs annoying you?00:29
valorieon 10.10, and loving it00:29
valorieno bugs I can think of00:29
ruffleSmy internet connection ain't no good. that's why i was thinking of apt-get instead of the clean install thing00:30
valoriethe weatherapplet was buggy at first00:30
valoriebut it's been updated, and seems stable now00:30
valorieruffle, how about zsync for the .iso00:30
ruffleSmmmmm.. sounds interesting..00:31
valoriethen you won't have to rely on your connection much00:31
ruffleSi do have a 10.10 iso here00:31
valorieI wrote a blog post about how to do it00:31
ruffleSok but the one i've got is ubuntu's iso though00:31
valorieworth downloading the proper kubuntu one, IMO00:32
ruffleSyeah.. thought so...00:32
ruffleSi have even considered sticking to win 7 until 11.10 is out! i'm not enjoying ubuntu and gnome as i used to back in 10.0400:33
theannihilatori dont like kde period in kubuntu00:33
theannihilatori liked the old kde 3 layout00:33
valorieI'm the wrong person to talk to about gnome, since I've never liked it, at all00:33
theannihilatori do not like these window widgets00:33
ruffleStheannihilator, welcome to the club, mate. i don't like kde either.. i'm just going to give it yet another go00:34
valorietheannihilator: you can do the old-fashioned way, if you want00:34
theannihilatorwhat kde 3 on kubuntu 101000:34
valorieno, but you don't have to have any window widgets00:35
valorieor any special desktop effects turned on00:35
valorieas usual, KDE gives you maximum control over what you want00:35
theannihilatorhelp im lost00:50
theannihilatori did  asearch for g++ compilers00:51
theannihilatorand all but the the multilib files say amd6400:52
theannihilatori take it back all do00:52
theannihilatorwhich one will work for me>?00:52
valorieyou might want to ask in a devel channel00:54
theannihilatorwhich is?00:54
theannihilator #dev?00:54
valorieor #kde-devel00:54
valoriedepending on exactly what you need00:54
theannihilatorits for kubuntu00:54
valoriesort of quiet in there right now, but great group of people00:55
valoriethey don't bite00:55
ruffleSvalorie, thanks for your help. i'm already downloading the .iso. i will do the zsync thing when i get it01:18
valoriehmmm, I would have started with zsync01:29
Ches7erim looking for information about native support of ati video cards01:30
j_baerHello, I am from the Artwork Team and I am looking for the best contact in regards to Kubuntu artwork.01:34
valoriehi j_baer!01:36
smwj_baer, that might be something best to ask on a mailing list or in #kubuntu-developers01:36
valoriecan you come into #kubuntu-devel ?01:36
smwright, #kubuntu-devel01:36
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ruffleSvalorie, remember i ain't got the kubuntu iso. the one i have is ubuntu's01:36
valorieI don't see our art people in this chan01:37
valorieruffleS: right, but there is a zsync link to start with01:37
j_baerIs #kubuntu-devel the right?01:37
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valorieI hope re-naming will work for you01:37
valorieprobably will01:37
smwj_baer, yep01:37
ruffleSvalorie, yeah i'll try that as well01:38
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Seipheranyone use cairo-dock?02:05
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Seiphercairo-dock w/kde02:05
ftg2whats the name of the package with the world clock plasmoid?02:11
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dasKreechHi valorie02:38
valoriegood evening, dasKreech02:41
dasKreechhow are you doing?02:41
valoriedoing well, how about you?02:41
dasKreechhead hurts02:42
valorieI'm sorry to hear that02:43
* valorie offers tea02:43
dasKreechlovely :)02:45
chris062689I have a question, I'm currently connected to a windows computer through cifs.02:49
chris062689I'm using the command..02:49
chris062689sudo mount -t cifs // -o username=Chris,password=PASS /mnt/winserver02:49
chris062689Is there a way I can replace (the LAN address) with just the name (myserver) so it doesn't matter if I'm on the LAN or if I'm using a VPN?02:50
dasKreechif you have name resolution in your lan yes02:54
chris062689Name resolution on the router correct DasKreech?02:58
dasKreechif that serves the lan then yes02:58
chris062689Hmm, let me double check.02:58
chris062689Also, how can I get that to automatically mount my server on login?02:58
chris062689chris@chrisLaptop:~$ sudo mount -t cifs //myserver/ChrisFiles/ -o username=Chris,password=PASS /mnt/winserver03:01
chris062689mount error: could not resolve address for myserver: No address associated with hostname03:01
chris062689dasKreech ^03:02
dasKreechcan You ping myserver?03:04
chris062689nope, unknown host dasKreech03:04
chris062689But I can map the network drive just fine on my windows machine03:04
dasKreechthere you go03:04
chris062689I can map it just fine from (myserver) a windows machine03:06
chris062689using //myserver03:06
dasKreechsee if you can get the name resolution working on the Linux machines. It needs to be able to ping within your .lan domain03:06
chris062689perhaps I can write a shell script that pings that IP address, and if it can't find it, use the other address (the Hamachi address)03:07
chris062689that could be a work around.. hmmm........03:07
chris062689What replaced "kdesu" command?  It doesn't appear to be installed anymore on Kubuntu 10.1003:13
dasKreechThought they were aliased to each other03:23
Ches7ergetting all my windows set up03:29
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ruffzzzi need help. i've just installed kubuntu but i can't go online on my dsl connection03:52
ruffzzzi can set the connection but the widget won't show it03:52
dasKreechruffzzz: what is your setup?03:57
ruffzzzdasKreech: what do you mean?03:57
dasKreechhow is your dsl connection setup?03:58
dasKreechdo you need a password03:58
ruffzzzyes i do03:59
ruffzzzit can be configured but kde's widget won't show it to me so i can go online03:59
ruffzzzand yes i do need password03:59
ruffzzzdasKreech: u there?04:03
farazhello people04:17
farazdo any body know how can i have a normal desktop in ubuntu04:17
farazI first had ubuntu 10.1004:17
farazthen i installed kubuntu-desktop04:17
farazwhen I restarted, the screen got blue and kubuntu written on it (before it was redish/orangish with ubuntu written04:18
farazwhen I restarted, the blue screen04:19
farazand that's it04:19
chris062689When you get to where you enter your username and password04:19
faraza few new softwares installed04:19
chris062689There should be a dropbox to switch between GNOME and KDE04:19
farazI don't put a password anywhere04:19
dasKreechchris062689: In Ubuntu it's Ubuntu and KDE04:19
farazit login automatically04:20
farazI doesn;t ask for id/password04:20
farazwhat do i do04:20
chris062689then logout.04:21
chris062689And it should bring you back to that screen.04:21
farazI restarted the computer04:22
farazanyway ... I have changed my login menu04:22
faraznow I will restart04:22
farazif I don't comeback, that means I have something new to see(Hopefully good effects)04:23
dunshirleyThere is something wrong with my network connet04:24
ftg2i'm looking for the world clock plasmoid. what package is that in?04:29
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basyHi, is there any voice command tool for KDE? I mean how to run script just speaking to microphone on KDE :P ?04:58
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit05:16
=== tremmons is now known as iflema
peabodyuhh so I have a bluetooth mouse that doesn't use a pin for pairing.. and apparently that doesn't work with the distro's release of bluedevil05:20
peabodythere's a forum post like that here: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3114068.0 and they suggest to the person to use the "trunk version" of blue devil05:21
peabodyI have no idea what that means or how to do it.05:21
valorieIt means - either download a tarball, or build from git or svn, where ever it might be05:22
valorielet me look at the post...05:22
valoriehttp://gitorious.org/bluedevil is where it is05:23
valoriehave you ever built anything from source before?05:24
peabodyyeah I went there but I don't see how to download it?05:24
peabodyI've done some make && make install some from tgz05:24
valorieyou don't down load from gitorious, you clone05:24
peabodybut I have no clue how git works05:24
valorieI build amarok from source (git)05:24
valoriebut I'm far from an expert05:24
peabodyso do you know what I need to do?05:26
valorieI wouldn't be comfortable doing it with so little information05:27
valorieshoot, there is no #bluedevil05:28
valorieyou might look at the archives of this list: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-hardware-devel05:31
dasKreechvalorie: #solid05:35
valorieI'll keep that in mind, dasKreech05:44
dasKreechbasy: Simon05:48
basydasKreech: thanks05:51
dasKreechhope you enjoy I'm quite impressed with it05:52
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sunny_sllscan anybody tell me what is the command to install the latest kde repos from backports ?05:59
dasKreechsunny_slls: which version of Kubuntu are you on?06:02
sunny_sllsdasKreech, 10.0406:03
dasKreechsunny_slls: Ah well check the kubuntu.org webpage06:04
ubuXubugood morning.06:07
sunny_sllsDarthFrog, can you please tell me the command again to update the packages after i added the ppa repo to the software sources..06:11
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omkarHey Guys,I have Acer aspire 5745G laptop n I tried connecting speakers to the laptop07:05
omkarbut saw that external speakers doesnt work in kubuntu but it works in windows07:05
omkarneed to go now07:12
omkarstrange no one replied07:12
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poyntzis it just me or is kubuntu really slow?07:19
poyntzi mean.. the latest one07:19
poyntzcompared to 10.04 it seems to have slowed alot..07:20
poyntzit's definitely a lot better looking07:21
sresuWhat does Purge option do in Muon for packages?07:21
poyntzalso when i push windows into the top of the screen (so the window becomes full screen), there seems to be no way to move them back07:21
valorieno, seems faster to me07:24
valoriebut hardware varies07:25
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dasKreechpoyntz: just drag them off the top of the screen09:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 670788 in Kubuntu PPA "Updating to KDE 4.5.3 in Kubuntu 10.10 requires removal of necessary packages" [Undecided,Fix released]09:20
NakkelSays fix released but Im still having packages removed.09:20
alvinNakkel: Only libionweather4 or something. That's normal09:21
NakkelNo, more essential ones, like kdebase-workspace kdebase-workspace-bin kdeplasma-addons kubuntu-desktop plasma-desktop etc etc09:21
valorieweird, not for me09:24
valoriecomment on the bug09:24
NakkelWill do09:29
jussiNakkel: checked your mirror is up to date?09:30
Nakkeljussi: Would that have effect when the upgrade is coming from a PPA?09:32
jussiNakkel: heh, Id forgotten it was coming from a PPA. strange09:32
valoriewe had this report in the first day or so, when some stuff wasn't fully uploaded into the PPA yet09:36
valoriebut very strange NOW09:36
NakkelIs there ways for me to dig in to this? If dome 3rd party package is borking the whole deal?09:39
alvinNakkel: What happens if you just run $ sudo aptitude install09:46
Nakkelalvin: Have to install aptitude and try...09:47
Nakkelalvin: No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.09:48
Nakkelalvin: 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 252 not upgraded.09:48
alvinNakkel: ok, that's good. Now try $ sudo aptitude full-upgrade09:50
alvinand let it resolve dependencies. You will at least see the libweather thing09:50
alvin(yes, aptitude was taken out in orde to make room on the cd)09:50
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Fleckwhy is there 5 playback streams of one player in mixer?10:30
Fleck*why there is10:30
ct529guys, what happened to kivio, and what substitutes it?10:39
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alvinct529: Now that you mention it, it's no longer in the repositories.10:45
alvinThe latest package was for karmic: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/kivio10:47
valorieI think I heard that there was no one supporting it10:48
alvin!info kivio10:49
ubottuPackage kivio does not exist in maverick10:49
alvinAh, indeed. ct529: kivio hasn't been ported to Koffice2. See bug 54538810:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545388 in koffice (Ubuntu) "kivio package missing from kubuntu lucid" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54538810:51
ct529alvin: thanks!10:52
rethuskubuntu 10.04 try to install ant-phone, got this errror:11:02
rethusThe gtk-config script installed by GTK could not be found11:02
rethusits gtk 2.0 and the dev-package is installed11:02
rethusany idea, why gtk-confi was not found?11:02
Nakkelalvin: Sorry, had to pick daughter from school suddenly. Anyway, aptitude offers as second suggestion to remove libweather-ion4 and few plasma-*-yawp packages as solution. Seems to be the best pick. Ill go with that and see how I wreck my system. :)11:03
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Guest39463i hv a problem11:17
Guest39463after installinf fglrx drivers11:18
Guest39463plymouth looks bad11:18
Guest39463any solution11:18
alvinGuest39463: Not really a solution, but you could remove splash and quiet from /etc/default/grub. Why covering up important messages for a few seconds?11:21
yofelGuest39463: you should be able to find instructions how to work around that in bug 563878 - there's no realy fix though11:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563878 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu splashscreen big and ugly after installing ATI/nVidia proprietary graphics driver" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56387811:21
Guest39463i know its only few seconds11:22
Guest39463but the original plymouth is so beautiful11:22
Guest39463i want it back11:22
alvinand totally useless imho :-)11:22
alvinI don't have an ATI card, but isn't the problem that proprietary drivers don't work with plymouth?11:23
smoophhi ... i am looking for a remote desktop program that has the following properties: No need to be logged in before establishing a connection (wake on lan); when in a remote connection the monitor attached to the computer doesn't show what I am doing via remote? anybody know a tool that has those properties?11:24
Guest39463i know it totally useless11:24
Guest39463but just for looks i want it11:25
yofelalvin: more precise: the proprietary drivers don't support KMS and can't set the proper framebuffer resolution on boot11:25
yofel... by themselves11:25
yofelit's possible to set the framebuffer by hand, see the bug, but be careful not to set a resolution your card doesn't support11:26
Guest39463mine is a laptop11:27
sresuHibernate(Suspend to disk) is not working. How to fix it?11:29
Guest39463attempting a woraround now11:31
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alvinsresu: bug 56871111:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568711 in linux (Ubuntu) "Resume from suspend does not work" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56871111:54
sresualvin: Is it about Suspend to disk or RAM?11:55
sresualvin: Ah-ok. Thanks11:55
FlashDeluxehi ive got a question, my tab completion does not work in a right way, if i e.g. type in apti and press "tab" it does complete the command "aptitude" but if i typ after aptitude a "inst" and press tab, it does nothing, why?12:00
sresualvin: pmos69 says it got solved for him but didn't describe his resolution12:00
phoenix_firebrdwhat is chromium-browser-inspector, its showing up in updates, should i update or reject it12:05
phoenix_firebrdwhat is chromium-browser-inspector, its showing up in updates, should i update or reject it12:09
alexey Привет!=)12:13
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alvinsresu: I don't know. suspend/hibernate is all about the combination of hardware configuration and a certain version of Ubuntu. The field is full of regressions.12:19
alvinIt's a lot of hit and miss. I think there are scripts in order to help the developers into knowing what works and what doesn't.12:20
sresualvin:  Yes. Possibly into performance regression than regression now with Ubuntu after Maverick release12:21
sresualvin: Anyways, thanks for the bug link. Hopefully I will get a solution soon. :)12:22
alvinI do hope so12:22
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n8wive got a problem with the kpackage, it doesnt show any updates even though there r some ...but when i run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade it shows all the updates12:32
n8wn apart of that, the kpackage always crashes after searchin for updates12:33
alvinn8w: I think the consesus for now is that it's better to use command line utilities to install software. (apt-get & aptitude). Package managers with gui stuff are being introduced every new release of Kubuntu. I wouldn't care about them. Trust aptitude.12:39
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alvinWhat have we got until now? adept, kynaptic, kpackagekit?12:40
n8walvin:  ye:)i will do that12:41
alvinI know Ubuntu wants users to have the possibility of avoiding the command line, but you shouldn't fear it.12:41
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LukasT|screenHello guys, it is possible to install Qt4.6 on karmic?13:35
goodtimeperhaps LukasT|screen13:36
goodtimeits worth a try if it dont mess things up13:36
goodtime back to ubuntu13:39
goodtimetoo much leg work in ferora so i install  a old 10.4 disk13:40
goodtimemuch less of a hastle13:40
LukasT|screengoodtime: ?13:42
LukasT|screenI'm on Kubuntu Karmic and I can't updade. But I want to compile qt4.6 stuff13:43
goodtimemaybe its ,,apt-get install update13:47
goodtimeas root in your terminal13:47
PiciLukasT|screen: Why can't you upgrade?13:47
goodtimeidk lol13:48
goodtimehere ill try it first13:48
Picigoodtime: Thats not a valid command.13:48
LukasT|screenPici: due to other software we depend on13:49
goodtimeim still kinda a noob13:49
goodtimeit just has taken me a long time  because of windows os13:50
PiciLukasT|screen: You'd probably be best off looking for a ppa for qt4.6 then.  Or finding the source, but you're on your own in terms of support for either one.13:50
LukasT|screenPici: ppa is what?13:51
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.13:51
* LukasT|screen Fedora user mostly13:51
goodtimeidk but i could find out i guess13:51
* goodtime is playing manish boy by muddy waters13:53
goodtimecant get the spammer to work heh13:53
wechatgoodtime: you try too send a lot of mails?14:00
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goodtimei get paid today oh shit14:06
goodtimejust rememberd14:06
goodtimehmmm maybe ill get that 19' monitor today for only 55 bucks14:07
goodtimethe thing matches my pc meening that its a dell14:07
goodtimeeverything i have is made by dell14:08
goodtimeand was free14:08
goodtimethen i go and get this cool graffics card for 25 bucks14:08
Picigoodtime: I know this channel isn't busy, but its still intended to be a support channel.  If you want to chat you can join #kubuntu-offtopic and/or #ubuntu-offtopic14:08
goodtimeand a tv card14:08
FloodBotK1goodtime: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:09
goodtimeok ty14:09
PiciFloodBotK1: silly bot.14:09
goodtimeheh i guees irc channles rely on it thoe14:10
goodtimei need to get that driver for the thing thoe14:11
goodtimeati 1300 series14:11
Picigoodtime: I'm pretty sure that you can only use the open source driver with that card.  I have the x1400 myself.14:13
goodtimeso how do i go about that?14:13
PiciIt should work out of the box.14:14
goodtimei guess it did it already then14:18
goodtimethere are no proprietary driver i guess to install so it prob did it already14:19
goodtimei hope14:19
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silv3r_m00ncan I run kde on a netbook , with intel atom processor and 1gb ram ?14:51
silv3r_m00nI mean kde 414:51
alvinsilv3r_m00n: Yes, you can. It 'll be slower, but it'll work fine. There's also the plasma interface for netbooks.14:54
alvinAnything will be slower on an atom anyway. It's well supported.14:55
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BluesKajhow to set a text file page size permanently in Kate .? The size changes back to some dinky default size unless one saves it everytime it's used.15:03
goodtimeits prob a font15:04
BluesKajnope , nothjing to do with fonts , it's the padge size that I want to resize permanaently15:06
BluesKajerr page, goodtime15:06
goodtimethat sucks15:08
goodtimethere has to be some simple command15:08
ArranHow do I get to the room irc.freenode.net and there enter /join@kubuntu-de.org?15:08
goodtimeok, /server irc.freenode.net15:09
Arraninto the line I am writing now?15:09
BluesKajit's #kubuntu-de15:09
goodtimethen /j #channel15:09
goodtimethat shouldnt matter15:10
goodtimeas long as your in the room15:10
BluesKajArran, this irc , the @ doesn't work15:10
goodtimethose commands work anywhere in irc15:10
BluesKajArran, just click here , #kubuntu-de :)_15:12
goodtimeright lol15:12
ArranOK, that was just a typo. But I still do not see, where I can type in /join#kubuntu-de.org.15:12
goodtimedont worry its hard to grasp at first15:12
ArranSorry, this is my very first experience with such a feature15:13
BluesKajArran, it's not#kubuntu-de.org15:13
BluesKajjust #kubuntu-de15:13
yofelthere is #kubuntu-de.org too for the web page15:13
goodtimeok. again /server irc.freenode.net then type   /j #whatever channle you chose15:13
yofelArran: and it's '/join #kubuntu-de.org' without the quotes (and you're already on freenode currently)15:14
BluesKajyes yofel but we're not talking about webpages15:14
goodtimedont forget the # thn type in the channel15:14
Arran@ goodtime: in this line I am typing in  just now?15:14
ArranOK. Where then?15:14
yofelBluesKaj: didn't read the full backlog..15:14
yofelgoodtime: why not? should work too15:15
goodtimeyes it is sorry15:15
BluesKajArran, in the server textbox15:15
BluesKajyofel, it should work , but it's less cluttered if he types in the server textbox15:16
ArranThanks a lot, I managed to be there.15:16
goodtimeso it worked15:16
ArranYes. And good by for the moment. I will be bake much wiser ho to use this method of communikcation.15:17
BluesKajArran, if you're on irc using an IM client , @ still won't bring attention to the nick you want to address , just use the person's nick15:17
goodtimeyou can jump to any channel with /j #channel15:18
goodtimeyou might even be able to hit all kinds of servers with /server whatever server15:19
goodtimekonversation is a cool ass client for irc i can run all kinds if servers and channels at the same time15:20
goodtimelove it15:20
goodtimehah found a roach to smoke15:20
* goodtime is listening to Anarchy by KMFDM on Symbols [Audacious]15:21
BluesKajonly thing I'd like to see added is an autolist connected to irc servers ..someone should write a script15:21
BluesKajgoodtime, don't run any listening to: scripts or aliases , it'll get you kicked15:22
BluesKajnp, just a reminder of some of the rules here15:23
goodtimegood stuff15:24
goodtimewow i should register here but i forgot how15:26
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:26
goodtimewow havin some trouble15:29
goodtimehmmm ill get i think15:29
goodtimeNickServ- Insufficient parameters for REGISTER15:31
goodtimeNickServ- Syntax: REGISTER <password> <email>15:32
BluesKajgoodtime, /msg nickserv register pw email , in the server textbox15:34
sobczykis there some bug filed about the bad IO scheduling in linux?15:37
goodtimeman i cant seem to register15:38
BluesKajgoodtime, go to #freenode and ask their advice ...maybe you registered previously or some such15:41
friesehi, i have kubuntu 10.10 with kde 4.5.3, when i click a link for example on konversation it downloads it to /var/tmp/kdecache-... and then opens that file in opera15:44
friesei want the link to directly open in opera15:45
friesehow to do that?15:45
[mors]akonadi does not boot15:45
[mors]only as root15:45
[mors]and if akonadi is not running, kmail freezes when sending mail15:45
[mors]friese: in konversation -> Settings > configure konversation > Behavior > General15:46
frieseah. thanks, it works15:47
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bbeckI was wondering if anyone was finding that it takes some screens a long time to be updated after a change?  For example when using kopete, I'll press enter to send a message, and several seconds later the conversation pane will get distorted, and then a couple seconds after that be updated.16:15
bbeckIt's not just that application.  Sometimes buttons will not appear on dialogs, and I have to hover over where they would be for them to appear.16:16
BluesKajbbeck, have you updated lately ?16:19
sobczykhow to add custom kernel options in the new grub?16:22
bbeckBluesKaj: I'm running 4.5.3 on Kubuntu 10.10.  This has been a problem since the initial release of 10.10.16:23
yofelsobczyk: add them to /etc/default/grub GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT and run update-grub after that16:24
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:24
BluesKajbbeck, it could be graphics driver related ..which card do you use ?16:25
bbeckBluesKaj: This is what I have, Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller.16:26
bbeckBluesKaj: It's weird, because I can force repaints (e.g. change the size of a window, hover over a button, etc.) I just don't know what may have changed to cause it.16:28
BluesKaj!intel |bbeck16:28
ubottubbeck: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.16:28
BluesKajubottu seems out of date ...bummer16:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:28
BluesKajbbeck, perhaps the guys at #kde can help...they're very knowledgeable16:29
bbeckBluesKaj: ok thank, I'll try there.16:32
BluesKajsobczyk, what custom kernel options ? pls be more specific16:32
sobczykok, I'm trying to switch IO scheduler16:33
sobczykthe IO killing responsiveness problem is big for me16:33
sobczykit is really sad that this one exists since hardy16:34
BluesKajsobczyk, dunno if this will help , http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-change-io-scheduler-for-harddisk/16:36
sobczykBluesKaj: thx16:43
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chriss0110Hi. Does anybody know something about curious bugs in kde in connection with kms? everything crashes and nobody knows why. Now I thought it may be because i deactivated kms via "nomodeset" in grub. So I activated it again but now kde doesnt even start. I asked this in #kde as well and i got the suggestion to ask here again because it is x that crashes and not kde.17:28
NewbeeI have a very strange and annoying problem17:47
SentynelHas the Kubuntu netbook version been pulled?17:48
NewbeeKde does not treat the circumflex normal anymore but makes things like ê out of circumflex + e. But I need it to use the sign in a mathematical contect.17:48
NewbeeDoes anybody know how to make kde to treat the sign normal again?17:48
NewbeeIn any non kde-app like firefox or openoffice everything is fine! so I thing the problem must be kde- related17:49
chriss0110any ideas concerning my problem?17:52
yofelSentynel: the desktop and netbook images were merged, it decides by system type and screen size what to use, you can switch between desktop and netbook in systemsettings too18:02
Sentynelyofel: yup, I worked that out, just grabbed the image and booted my netbook off it18:03
Sentynellooking good18:03
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Sentynelerm, okay, my kubuntu installer just crashed on "configuring apt" stage. threw up a message complaining that getting extra packages from the CD failed, then threw up an "installer crashed" message with a blank details field18:33
Sentynelany chance I could drop out to the terminal and prod it into finishing the installation?18:33
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Guest31913hi everyone. i am running kubuntu 10.10 and have a soundblaster 5.1 (ca106). alsamixer shows all channels, kmix and phonon configurator only one analog stereo channel. can anybody help?19:24
SentynelGuest31913: in console, type pavucontrol, then from the configuration tab select a suitable output (probably 5.1 output + analog input or something along those lines)19:24
Sentyneler, suitable profile19:25
Guest31913Sentynel: allright, let me try that. thanks ahead!19:26
crischanSentynel: the pavuconfig thing worked, it works like a charm now, still there is only one channel (named Analog Surround 5.1) to manage. on 10.4 and 9.10 i had three channels (front, side, center) to finetune... any ideas?19:36
Sentynelcrischan: you can tweak the volumes of the individual channels also in pavucontrol19:36
Sentyneloutput devices tab19:36
crischanSentynel: yes. but i had amarok on my rear channels and other apps on my front channels. used to be able to config that in phonon config, but there it onlny shows one 5.1 channel...19:37
Sentynelcrischan: no more, I fear19:38
Sentynelunless phonon gets an upgrade to properly interface with pulse19:38
SentynelI have a patched phonon backend that bypasses pulse19:39
crischanSentynel: ah, ok. it's by design. well, i can live with that for now.19:39
crischanbut thank you very much for the answers!19:39
Sentynelno worries, I had the same issue when I upgraded19:40
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lleachiiany folks who could take comments on the distros?20:39
Tm_Tlleachii: you prolly can get comments in #ubuntu-offtopic20:42
Tm_Tthis is Kubuntu support channel20:42
chinmayai am facing some issues regarding this command kdesu -u kde-dev konsole ? i get the prompt for enterning the pwd but then the konsole screen does not open20:48
BajKanybody know a good vnc client for kde? or does krdc support playing a vnc server?20:50
ScuniziWhat do I use for managing PGP Keys?20:51
chinmayai am facing some issues regarding this command kdesu -u kde-dev konsole ? i get the prompt for entering the pwd but then the konsole screen does not open21:03
chinmayawhat might be the issue ?21:03
rats_Hi guys/gals a new zombie just appeared in my system monitor - gaurddog , it flashing zombie about every 15 secs. is this a proublem21:13
rats_im running kubuntu 10.0421:14
morticumi'm using kile and it just started doing something odd when scrolling: when I scroll down one "unit" on my touchpad it moves to the next paragraph rather than I have set globally (namely, 3 lines)21:36
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sven_oostenbrinkMy special  desktop effects are not working, they are disabled because.. well, its saying due to the reason:.. and then nothing.. If I check the plugins I have, I see an empty list.. is this a bug? how can I install these special effects?22:18
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andrewh192ok, I have a question regarding how to install Mozilla Sunbird23:04
andrewh192was wondering if i could use the apt-get command instead of compiling and "making" the program from source on my end23:05
andrewh192and what ppa i would add to my list of sources for that to work23:05
sven_oostenbrinkMy special  desktop effects are not working, they are disabled because.. well, its saying due to the reason:.. and then nothing.. If I check the plugins I have, I see an empty list.. is this a bug? how can I install these special effects?23:06
Sentynelandrewh192: sunbird was discontinued; the successor is the lightning extension for thunderbird (xul-ext-lightning)23:12
poyntzwhen I click on kpackagekit from the kmenu I get this error KDEInit could not launch '/usr/bin/kpackagekit before it launches. any way to fix?23:12
poyntz/usr/bin/kpackagekit definitely exists23:15
ThangalinHow do I uninstall Nepomuk, strigi, and akonadi without uninstalling KDE?23:23
poyntzis there any way to resize the reconq window once maximised?23:23
ThangalinI have already disabled Nepomuk. I would really like to have the programs eliminated. :-)23:23
poyntzThangalin: have you tried looking up the packages individually in kpackagekit?23:24
ThangalinI didn't even know kpackagekit existed. I always use apt-get or aptitude.23:24
andrewh192Sentynel: so i need to install what?23:25
andrewh192whats thunderbird?23:25
Sentynelandrewh192: thunderbird is the mozilla email client23:25
ThangalinAh, poyntz ... When I remove akonadi-server, it suggests that kubuntu-desktop is removed. Is that okay? Reads like a bad thing.23:26
andrewh192is there a way then that i could just use the apt-get command to install that?23:26
Sentynelandrewh192: if you just do sudo apt-get install xul-ext-lightning it should pull in thunderbird as well if it's not already installed23:27
andrewh192Sentynel: thanx23:28
andrewh192Sentynel: you know if i can sync my google calender with my calender on thunderbird?23:35
Sentynelandrewh192: yes, same way as sunbird23:36
andrewh192which was23:36
Sentynelandrewh192: http://www.google.com/support/calendar/bin/answer.py?answer=99358#sunbird23:36
andrewh192i never got that far on here23:37

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