
benpowers23hello all, i have gotten myself in a mess and need help out00:46
Cheri703what's going on?00:47
benpowers23i followed a website to install kde over ubuntu to check it out00:47
aveilleuxbenpowers23: You mean KDE over GNOME, go on00:48
benpowers23but the instructions kinda quit matching up w/ what i had at the end00:48
benpowers23here is the site    http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/switch-gnome-kde-45-ubuntu-1004/00:48
aveilleuxbenpowers23: What version of Ubuntu are you using?00:49
Cheri703what step did you get to successfully?00:49
aveilleuxbenpowers23: There is no need to follow these directions, KDE 4.5 is in Ubuntu 10.1000:49
benpowers23Once you’ve restarted and reached the login screen click your username, input your password and at the bottom of the screen where it says Session choose KDE before logging in as you normally would.00:49
benpowers23there was no option00:50
Cheri703aveilleux: you're probably more familiar with kde than I am...00:50
aveilleuxbenpowers23: After you click on your name, if KDE was installed successfully, then it should appear at the bottom. If it was not, then it will not.00:50
nlsthzn_workdid the installation of KDE go ok, no errors etc?00:51
yofelbenpowers23: I think you'll have to switch from gdm to kdm to use KDE, afaik the login manager backend protocols were changed in gdm and the kde devs didn't manage to fix their side fast enough for release00:51
benpowers23yes it seemed so00:51
benpowers23and when i boot up it says kubuntu00:51
aveilleuxyofel, benpowers23: No, that's not the case00:52
benpowers23but the desktop is the same just more programs00:52
yofelaveilleux: k, I'm remembering it wrong then, sry00:53
benpowers23so how do i clean up my mess00:53
benpowers23and how do i try kde00:53
aveilleuxbenpowers23: Just sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop00:54
benpowers23aptitude : command not found00:55
yofelbenpowers23: use apt-get instead00:55
aveilleuxer, right00:56
aveilleuxbecause someone at Canonical decided that 20MB on the final install was more important than a really great package manager00:56
nlsthzn_workapt-get has super cow powers00:56
yofelnlsthzn_work: aptitude has snakes that can eat elephants00:57
benpowers23the results00:57
nlsthzn_workstrange but I always have aptitude and apt-get installed... by default...00:58
aveilleuxbenpowers23: What happens when you click on your username at the login prompt, do you see a little dropdown at the bottom of the screen with "GNOME" as the default option?00:58
yofelnlsthzn_work: it was dropped from the default *desktop* installation00:58
aveilleuxnlsthzn_work: Do you install from the Alternate CD? Because it's on the Alternate disc.00:58
benpowers23no, nothing changed on login00:58
nlsthzn_worknope, the desktop edition... but ok... it hs been awhile since I tried it...00:59
benpowers23i can go to system/ladmin/login screen and change default to kde01:00
benpowers23or to user defined session,  would that allow me to choose?01:01
aveilleuxUser-defined, yeah01:02
benpowers23ok i will try that thank yall so much01:03
benpowers23i cant wait till i know enough about this to help others01:03
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nUboon2Agehey all!05:55
nUboon2AgeQuestion: I understand there is a way for us to put Unity on Ubuntu.  Anyone know how to do that?05:58
nUboon2Ageoops, i meant to say Unity on Lucid06:01
Cheri703I've not done it, but this may help: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-unity-in-ubuntu-10-0410-10.html06:04
Cheri703does that look useful nUboon2Age?06:06
nUboon2Agety Cheri703, i'll check it out06:07
Cheri703if you don't mind, let me know if it works so I can keep that bookmarked :)06:07
nUboon2AgeCheri703: that looks good.  i'll try it out06:08
nUboon2AgeCheri703: i think those instructions are correct for 10.10, but they don't seem to be correct for 10.04.06:10
Cheri703which part? you want the sudo apt-get install unity06:11
Cheri703I believe06:11
nUboon2Agei'm going to try switching to the Netbook desktop and see if i get Unity, but i think i'll get the old Ubuntu Netbook Edition06:11
Cheri703because the 10.10 netbook is unity06:11
Cheri703did you do install unity?06:11
nUboon2Ageno because when i do sudo apt-get install unity it says "E: Couldn't find package unity06:12
nUboon2Ageis there some ppa or something i need?06:12
Cheri703hang on, probably06:13
nUboon2AgeCheri703: that looks like it will work06:17
Cheri703awesome :)06:18
nUboon2AgeCheri703: i've installed it, now i'm going to try it.06:21
Cheri703good luck!06:22
realeyesanyone know how i can update grub?06:36
AbhiJitrealeyes, sudo update-grub06:37
realeyes / grub2?06:37
realeyesis 2.6.35-22 what (10.10) is supposed to look like on the grub2 screen?06:37
JoeMaverickSettrealeyes: according to the 10.10 release notes from http://goo.gl/KDHmL, i'd say yes it should show 2.6.35-2206:43
realeyesthat's ugly :/06:43
JoeMaverickSettrealeyes: why?06:44
nuboon2ageCheri703: yup, that work.  Thanks!06:44
realeyesis what i see eachtime i try to boot ubuntu06:52
realeyesActionParsnip: http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/417/imag0008o.jpg07:05
hxcjonnysniperi need help opening a port for transmission.07:20
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julie3Hello. I need help with recovering my files from the live cd10:36
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julie3the disk is unrecognized10:48
nlsthznjulie3: Are you trying to recover files from a HDD while booted in a live environment?11:16
julie3nlsthzn: it's fixed!11:35
nlsthznjulie3: Good for you :)11:35
julie3recovered all my files11:36
julie3thanks anyway!11:36
nlsthznglad I was here to at least have a listen, and maybe help :p11:37
bioterrornlsthzn, you had a magic touch!11:39
bioterrorI've got that too at my work11:39
nlsthznbioterror: I used the power of my mind *eg* btw congrats on making the beginners team!!!11:39
bioterrorthanks ;)11:40
nlsthznsat in on the meeting last night in between working and saw your name and I was like "Hey, I know him, he has helped me!" Was pleased you and the other candidate made it11:40
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lalyais anyone awake/online?12:15
lalyaI just installed this ubuntu 10.1012:15
bioterrorI am12:15
lalyabut i dont undesterstand something12:15
lalyaI dont like that when i start up my laptop12:15
lalyathere's that black grub dos-like menu12:15
lalyahow can i prevent it from showing up12:15
lalyaand run straight to ubuntu?12:15
bioterrorahhh, you dont like GRUB12:16
lalyaI tried to search in ubuntu administration12:16
bioterrorjust a moment12:16
lalyabut there seems to be no settings to control that thing :(12:16
Timo_lalya: you could go to StartUp settings, and set the grub time to 012:19
bioterrorI've got two timeouts in my /boot/grub/grub.cfg12:19
Timo_lalya: System->Administration->StartUp-Manager12:20
bioterrorI think that's not the way to do it anymore12:20
Timo_gl helping the guy12:20
bioterrorsudo nano /etc/default/grub12:21
lalyatimeonut 10?12:23
lalyamay i put timeout 0 and dont see it at all?12:23
bioterrorjust a moment12:23
bioterrorreading some documents about that12:23
bioterroruncomment the hidden12:24
lalyai'm available for tests, dont worry12:24
bioterrorand if you in the future want that grub menu to be displayed, just press shift while booting12:25
lalyabut can u remind me what to  do ... "noob way"12:25
lalyai opened terminal now12:25
lalyawhat do i have to type exactly?12:25
bioterrorsudo nano /etc/default/grub12:25
nlsthznStrange that GRUB is displaying by default on a fresh install with only one OS...12:26
lalyano no12:26
bioterrorshould show only when another os's12:26
lalyasorry i forgot to tell12:26
lalyai have also windows12:26
lalyabut it has its own boot menu already12:27
bioterrorwhy you want to hide grub then?12:27
lalyaso when i choose linux12:27
lalyathen it pass to that grub menu as well12:27
nlsthznStrange... you install Windows after Ubuntu?12:27
bioterroryou have another boot menu before grub? :o12:27
lalyaeasy bcd12:27
lalyawhich is part of windows12:27
lalyait already recognizes i have linux12:27
lalyaso when i press linux, then it gives out also grub menu12:28
lalyai want it as when i press linux, it goes straight to ubuntu desktop12:28
bioterroruncomment that grub_hidden_timeout12:28
lalyawithout that grub surplus12:28
bioterrorand then save12:28
lalyauncomment ...means?12:28
bioterrorremove the #12:28
lalyaok wait....12:28
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lalyasave is SHIFT + O ?12:30
lalyaor CTRL + O ?12:30
bioterrorand then ctrl+x12:30
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lalyanow i reboot?12:30
bioterrorI would suggest to do that so we can confirm that works12:31
lalyait doesnt work :((12:31
lalyai just rebooted and again grub12:31
bioterrorjust a moment12:32
bioterrorstabbing my own file to check it out12:33
lalyamy string was #rub_hidden_timeout=012:34
lalyai deleted that #12:35
lalyai forgot the *g12:35
lalyaof grub12:35
lalyai try to modify grub_timeout=10 and set to 012:35
lalyalets see12:35
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bioterrorI manged to get my grub resolution bigger ;)12:40
bioterrorbut still that menu12:40
Timo_we need a menu12:41
Timo_with nice graphics12:41
Timo_like I have a linux mint 10/9 /lubuntu dual boot12:41
Timo_triple boot*12:41
Timo_then we need it to have 2 linux mint logos and 1 lubuntu logo12:41
Timo_which you can choose from12:41
Timo_or so12:41
bioterrorgood for linux mint devs to tweak some grub graphics when you rip everything from ubuntu itself and call it your own distro ;)12:42
bioterroroh, I have that nice application download center which freezes everytime I use it :-)12:42
lalyait workss!!12:43
bioterrornow you get 10 seconds faster to ubuntu desktop ;)12:44
lalyai dont see it at all!!13:00
lalyawhich is very very grub!!13:00
lalyaops.. good13:00
bioterrorout of the eyes, out of the mind13:01
lalyatake care and thanks for the help §!!!13:13
antoniuspisahi there, somebody knows if the eeepc 1215N works well with ubuntu?14:08
zkriesse_It should14:09
Robinuxikonia, so like they jump over a release or two to apply the term LTS?14:10
zkriesse_LTS applies to every other release ja14:11
Robinuxno i meant he told me14:12
Robinuxmaverick won't become LTS later14:12
Robinuxand i need to choose a server14:13
Robinuxwether to go for 10.10 or 10.0414:13
Robinuxi thought that at some point 10.10 would get the label 'LTS' but i was told it won't14:13
deejoeLTS every two years14:13
deejoeso, 8.04 and 10.04 were LTS14:13
deejoe8.10, 9.04, 9.10 were  not14:13
Robinuxoh crap! you meant 'yes' by saying 'ja'14:14
Robinuxlmao what you scandanavian? :D14:14
Robinuxfint fint!14:14
Robinuxdamn, deejoe i see14:14
Robinuxso i'm better of with 10.04 server14:14
deejoefollowing the pattern, the next LTS would be 12.04, so installing 10.10 will require updates to 11.04 and 11.10 before upgrading to 12.04, whereas installing 10.04 *should* allow one to stay at 10.04 and then upgrade to 12.04 in one move.14:15
deejoeIn my experience, staying with an LTS release all the way through can present some problems, though.14:15
Robinuxso in 10.04 if i do apt-get upgrade/update14:16
Robinuxit won't update me to 10.10?14:16
zkriesse_It can but in the end it comes down to personal preference14:16
deejoeFor instance, Firefox 3.0 was in 8.04, but Ubuntu did not keep it at 3.0 all the way through the cycle, and are now calling Firefox 3.6 "firefox-3.0" for 8.0414:17
deejoethis broke horribly for me14:17
zkriesse_It will14:17
zkriesse_Robinux: You can upgrade 10.04 to 10.1014:17
Robinuxhmmmm i see14:17
deejoenot unless you change sources.list or do a "do-release-upgrade"14:17
Robinuxhehe in that case i won't use apt-get update/upgrade to stay with 10.04 for atleast a few months14:18
Robinuxoh ok14:18
Robinuxdeejoe, i see14:18
zkriesse_Robinux: Sudo apt-get upgrade/update is for the programs for your current is14:18
zkriesse_You actually have to run a specific command to force an update14:19
Robinuxits not for upgrading the os14:19
zkriesse_But updates are usually not so good IMO14:19
Robinuxwhat is? then?14:19
Robinuxi understand zkriesse_14:19
zkriesse_I always just do a full install14:19
deejoeRobinux: other than the Firefox issue, and some hardware-specific things, I've found going from one major release (6.06 LTS to 8.04 LTS and from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS) to go very well, in situ.14:21
Robinuxin situ?14:22
deejoeIn fact, this is a major benefit, in my eyes, of the well-tended Debian-based distributions.14:22
deejoeRobinux: applying the updates to a running system, rather than doing a fresh install, or booting the system to a CD/DVD installer.14:22
deejoeOne can always do a fresh install if one wants, but it is nice to have it be an option, rather than a requirement.14:23
aveilleuxRobinux, If it helps at all, my servers ran 8.04 and the upgrade to 10.04 was flawless14:32
aveilleuxRobinux, I don't expect it to be any different in 12.0414:32
Robinuxcool to know! aveilleux!14:33
Robinuxbtw you never told me if apt-get upgrade isn't the command to do OS update then what is14:34
bioterrorsudo do-release-upgrade14:34
aveilleuxRobinux, If you use apt-get, then you won't update the OS version unless you run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:35
deejoedo apt-get and aptitude really operate that differently?14:35
aveilleuxRobinux, if you use aptitude (like I do), then a sudo aptitude safe-upgrade will *not* update the OS, a full-update will14:35
aveilleuxdeejoe, Different commands to achieve the same ends.14:35
deejoeaptitude dist-upgrade does *not* do a release upgrade in my hands14:35
deejoeI do it *all* the time.14:35
deejoethe difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade is in how it treats dependencies14:36
bioterrorrelease upgrade needs changing repositories14:36
aveilleuxdeejoe, aptitude dist-upgrade is an alias for safe-upgrade. apt-get dist-upgrade is not.14:36
deejoeeven so, aveilleux, that is recent14:36
aveilleuxapt-get dist-upgrade runs the update script; it's an alias to do-release-upgrade.14:36
cprofitthey deejoe14:36
deejoehi cprofitt14:37
deejoeaveilleux: fortunately, I have an 8.04 box still that I"m planning to upgrade to 10.04 soon, so I can test that :-)14:37
bioterrordist-upgrade, in addition to performing the function of upgrade, also intelligently handles changing dependencies with new versions of packages; apt-get has a "smart" conflict resolution system, and it will attempt to upgrade the most important packages at the expense of less important ones if necessary. The /etc/apt/sources.list file contains a list of locations from which to retrieve14:37
bioterrordesired package files.14:37
deejoeto be clear: my contention, which I think bioterror is illustrating, is that "apt-get dist-upgrade" on 8.04 will *not* take one to 10.04.14:39
deejoeunless one edits sources.list first.14:39
bioterrortechnically: when you want to update your current releases packages you use apt-get upgrade, when you change your /etc/apt/sources.asdasd from release to another, you will use apt-get dist-upgrade14:39
aveilleuxdeejoe, No, that's the opposite of what bioterror just said.14:39
deejoethe better way to do it, of course, would be to use do-release-upgrade, again as bioterror has well noted14:40
deejoeaveilleux: it is not14:40
bioterrorbut with ubuntu I suggest to use do-release-upgrade14:42
deejoethis is one of the more clear descriptions of the difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade I've seen recently http://serverfault.com/questions/46748/can-someone-clarify-ubuntu-debian-dist-upgrade-for-me14:46
deejoeah, too bad aveilleux has quit:  the least-hassle way of demonstrating what apt-get dist-upgrade will do is to run it with the -d switch, which is "download-only"14:48
deejoeapt-get -d dist-upgrade14:49
deejoerunning that, one can watch the process and easily see that it does not download packages from the next release14:49
deejoesorry, that should be sudo apt-get -d dist-upgrade14:49
nlsthznhi ^^15:04
Silver_Fox_Hello nlsthzn15:04
nlsthznSilver_Fox_: How is my fave forum mod doing today?15:05
yofeldeejoe: you're right, apt-get dist-upgrade only upgrades the distribution if you've changed you're sources.list before that, the only difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade usually is that the former refuses to remove or install new packages but only upgrades existing ones15:06
Silver_Fox_I am your favourite nlsthzn ?  How does one earn that title?15:07
Silver_Fox_I am fine thank you, how are you ?15:08
Puck`hi Silver_Fox_, nlsthzn and the rest (:15:08
Silver_Fox_Hello Puck`15:10
Silver_Fox_How is Puck`  ?15:12
Puck`Puck` is okay, enjoying day at work15:13
nlsthznSilver_Fox_: lol, your one of the few I recognize ^_^15:18
nlsthznhi Puck`15:18
Silver_Fox_nlsthzn,  Oh I see,  though I do not even use the same handle :D15:20
Silver_Fox_I am fine thank you Puck` ,  just working on some scripts15:21
Puck`Silver_Fox_: what language?15:23
nlsthznSilver_Fox_: made the connection a few days ago (if I recall I asked if you sere s.fox from the forum)...15:24
Silver_Fox_Puck`,  I am using two at the moment.15:25
Silver_Fox_Puck`,  php and action script15:26
Puck`oh, i had my share of php these day, i did a web application for my collegues, so they can ditch excel files, so now it works with a database15:26
Puck`speeds up work a bit15:26
Puck`what does the action script do on your end?15:26
Silver_Fox_It is all tied into a webis we are building.15:28
Silver_Fox_It is hard to explain without you being here to see the code15:28
harrisonkhey zkriesse15:35
harrisonkhey zkriesse15:36
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mikesuI am having trouble with my camera's SD card in my netbook's SD card socket.  The system recognises it but says it can't mount it as it is not authorised.   I have tried mounting it at thye command line which works, but a relative is going to borrow the machine for a holiday and isn't up to doing that.  How do I make the mount happen on  putting the card in the slot?16:02
bioterror/dev/sdb1    /media/sd    fat32    rw,user,auto    0    016:04
bioterrorthe secret is that "user" in the middle16:04
bioterror/dev/sdb1 /media/sd vfat users,iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 016:04
bioterrormikesu, change that sdb1 to a correct16:05
bioterrorand add that line to /etc/fstab16:05
bioterrornot really solve that problem (but it will work as a work-a-round)16:05
bioterrorand also I think, have you formatted that?-)16:05
bioterrorif you move the data to a safe and then format it and say "take ownership of device" or what was that16:06
bioterrorthere's a checkbox for that16:06
mikesuI can't format his SD card  He has several anyway.   He will be using my login (the only one) but isn't a Linux user16:07
bioterrormikesu, you should try formatting it16:09
bioterrorI've never had any problems with SD cards16:09
mikesuI haven't when it was in my camera, but when we plugged his camera into the usb socket it gave the same message about NOT authorised.16:10
bioterrorhope you have nikon and he has canon ;)16:11
mikesuNot sure ,but mine is the canon.16:13
mikesuI have looked in /dev and there are sdb and sdb1  How do I tell which to use?16:14
bioterrorhey, don't do that fstab change ;)16:15
bioterrorI think that should be solved just with the formatting16:15
mikesuWill try with my card16:15
mikesujust before I format, why do you think thta's the answer?16:18
bioterrorbecouse there's issue with ownership of the fs16:19
mikesuI understand that, but why will re formatting  help?  Especially as I am unlikely to be able to persuade him to let me format all his cards!!16:22
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bioterrorbut I gotta go, dinner time16:24
mikesuThanks anyway16:24
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mikesuAnyone else got any ideas why both camera, card reader and card all give same message "can't mount - not authorised"??16:26
cprofittmikesu: what is the format of the card reader?16:29
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mikesuDon't know as I don't have it with me here.  I'm going to try logging in as root to see if that solves the issue.  Will quit now and come back if I don't get anywhere.16:36
hxcjonnysnipercan someone please help me open my ports for transmission?16:40
genupulasMohan_chml:  idiot16:42
bioterrordamn, I forgot say that he should use diskutility to format ;)16:43
mikesulogging in as root solved the problem. Not a good solution but a work-around,  Will do to allow backing up the holiday snaps!16:44
hxcjonnysnipercan someone help me open ports for transmission?16:44
mikesuIf anyone has come across this before please email me at mikesu+at+tiscali.co.uk16:45
hxcjonnysnipertransmission says the port is closed and its making my torrent downloads stupid slow.16:45
genupulashow can i do programming linux with C?17:09
yofelgenupulas: install build-essential, then either use a text editor and terminal to work or use an IDE17:13
genupulasi already did them17:13
genupulasyofel:  ..^^^17:13
yofelok, then I misunderstood your question, what exactly do you want to do?17:14
genupulasi know C17:15
genupulasthen how can i write17:15
genupulasyofel: ^^17:15
genupulasyofel:  give me a small example17:17
genupulasyofel:  after that i can do17:17
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yofelgenupulas: well, you can either use a text editor to write wthe .c files and then compile them with gcc in a terminal, or you can use an IDE like codeblocks or others17:18
yofelI personally am a text editor + terminal person17:18
rajasekheryofel:  i have gedit17:19
yofelas an example, you could write a simple hello_world.c, store it somewhere, run 'gcc hello_world.c' to compile it and then run it with './a.out' (gcc names the binary a.out unless you tell it a name)17:19
cprofittnice yofel17:32
cprofittWhen I get to looking at C that will help17:33
Joeb454I quite like C, though it does get kinda difficult sometimes without OO17:36
rajasekheryofel:  http://pastebin.com/LfBx1zZ917:36
rajasekheryofel:  i have used cat file.o17:40
rajasekheryofel:  i got some code17:41
yofelright, cc works too since it links to gcc17:41
rajasekheryofel : i am asking u that17:42
rajasekheryofel: u guys are going to design some pkg's ......so is it possible to design those pkg's  with C or C++?17:43
yofelrajasekher: you don't need to use -c there, unless you have modules and want to build them seperately, -c will create a hello.o that you still need to link for the complete app, just running 'cc hell.c' would be enough17:45
yofelrajasekher: depends on what you want to do, and how you want to do it, the main differce between c and c++ is that c++ has OOP17:46
rajasekheryofel:tell me with c bro17:56
kohinoorDhello peeps.. ok.. ive installed 10.10 and my webcam no longer works. anyone knwo how to fix that please?17:59
yofelrajasekher: I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand what you want to know, with pkg, do you mean a debian package, an application? command line or graphical?18:00
kohinoorDwell it was working fine on 10.0418:01
kohinoorDin skype for instance18:01
kohinoorDin cheese18:01
kohinoorDnow its liek the driver isnt recognised18:01
kohinoorDoy, that wasnt for me lol....18:01
* kohinoorD parks her butt18:01
pleia2kohinoorD: how does it "not work" - does it give an error? or just not do anything?18:03
kohinoorDnot do anyting18:03
rajasekheryofel: yes writing an application18:04
pleia2I don't know much about webcams, but my first stop would be to plug the camera model into an ubuntuforums.org search to see if others have had a problem18:04
kohinoorDive tried that already :/18:04
pleia2no results?18:04
kohinoorDand i dont want ot downgrade back to 10.0418:04
pleia2ok, well hopefully someone with more expertise will wake up :)18:04
kohinoorDthansk for tryin :)18:05
* kohinoorD fills her meter and re-parks18:05
* pleia2 has one webcam, in her netbook, and it "just works"18:05
kohinoorDyea mine used to a well18:05
kohinoorDdunno what happened on the upgrade18:06
hobgoblinkohinoorD: I would dis-connect and re-connect and the try a dmesg |tail in a terminal - see if it gives any information - I would also run lspci and lsusb - then at least you will have a bit more information for anyone who can help18:06
kohinoorDdisconnect adn reconnect what?18:07
kohinoorDits a built in cam18:07
yofelrajasekher: sure you can use C for that, if it's supposed to be a graphical application you'll have to use GTK with C, Qt only supports C++, there's Wx too but I don't know much about that18:07
hobgoblinkohinoorD: oic = well I was not awarte - try lsusb and lspci anyway - then people will have some idea of what it is and whether it's recognised18:08
rajasekheryofel:  then guide me upto what u know bro18:08
rajasekheryofel:  please bro18:08
kohinoorDhobgoblin: thank you :)18:08
hobgoblinkohinoorD: don't post them results here though - use a pastebin like paste.ubuntu.com18:09
kohinoorDim sorry, what is that?18:10
hobgoblinif you go there - you can paste information into the box - give it a name then when you hit paste it will give you a new url which you can then put here for people to look at18:11
yofelrajasekher: well... I really haven't done much application development with C myself nor do I have the time to give you and extended tutorial, maybe someone else can, for gtk you can find tutorials on http://www.gtk.org/documentation.html, if you want to use an IDE after all I would recommend anjuta or codeblocks18:11
kohinoorDohh awesome, thank you so much :)18:12
hobgoblinkohinoorD: welcome :)18:12
hobgoblinkohinoorD: anyway - get the info and I'll have a quick look18:13
kohinoorDlike that?18:13
hobgoblinkohinoorD: yep - that's right  - posting long lists like that here will obviously upset people :)18:14
kohinoorDyes.. giggles.. im sure of that18:14
Silver_Fox_I'm off. Goodbye18:15
hobgoblinkohinoorD: can't see the camera there ...18:16
kohinoorDyea i (sont) see that too18:18
kohinoorDdont* even18:18
* kohinoorD cant spell18:18
kohinoorDany idea what i can do?18:18
cprofittwhat's the issue?18:29
cprofittbuilt-in webcam from what I can see in the scrollback18:29
hobgoblinfailing webcam in an upgrade form 10.04 to 10.10 apparently18:30
* cprofitt nods18:30
cprofittso it worked in 10.04, but not in 10.1018:30
cprofittI would like to suggest one thing... boot back to the liveCD and see if it works18:30
kohinoorDlive of 10.10 ?18:31
kohinoorDokies, i can try that... and shall :)18:31
kohinoorDthank you18:31
cprofittif not... then boot to 10.04 live and get the identifiers from it using lspci or lsusb18:31
cprofittwe will wait here for you18:31
kohinoorDthank you :)18:31
Daniel0108not much :P19:46
Daniel0108that wasn't offtopic :P just a greeting xD19:48
FireBeardgheh, sorry, I'm kinda bored19:49
Daniel0108I understand xD :P19:49
Daniel0108No problems to support :PP19:49
Daniel0108FireBeard: Come to #ubuntu-beginners-team :P19:51
FireBeardI actually am not much of a helper19:51
FireBeardI just lurk a lot here [I'm Phrea]19:51
Daniel0108oh, I'm a supporter :P Maybe I join Ubuntu-Beginners-Team ;)19:52
FireBeardif you are, do19:52
Daniel0108okay, :P I just have to write an email introducing me, but I'm too busy xD19:54
FireBeardI don't really know why I'm still here, after all this time, maybe it's because the support in this channel really is great, I direct a lot of people to this channel, they don;t always like the 'beginners' name, but their problems always get solved19:54
FireBeardand that's the point, isnt it19:56
Daniel0108but please come to #ubuntu-beginners-team channel :P19:57
FireBeardno, I'm not part of the team :)19:57
FireBeardand I don't wish to be19:57
=== Phrea is now known as FireBeard
luluhouse7I deleted a partition and overwrote it with ubuntu but windows still sees it and all the files are intact and readable. How is this possible?20:25
bioterrorokay :D20:26
nlsthznit isn't :p20:26
nlsthznlulu has left the building20:27
FireBeardnot possible20:27
bioterrormaybe (s)he read what (s)he wrote20:27
FireBeardyea, why wait a few minutes for an answer when you can leave within seconds20:27
nlsthznbioterror: lol, escape before explaining foot in mouth20:29
kosaidpoguys anynoe can have a test chat with me in skype21:10
zkriessewhat is it21:11
kosaidpozkriesse: hello21:13
zkriessekosaidpo: in response to your question sure21:13
kosaidpozkriesse: thats great dude  thanks21:13
=== James is now known as Guest22369
mR0I ran apt-get update via terminal & I got this : E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)21:54
mR0E: Unable to lock the list directory21:54
mR0any advices?21:54
yofelmR0: did you run it with admin priviledges? (sudo)22:00
mR0yofel: yes, I did it22:00
yofelmR0: are you sure you have no other package manager running?22:01
mR0Im sure bout it.22:01
yofelhm, try this but with the file that hangs for you22:02
ubot2If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »22:02
mR0Ok, I'll try it now...22:02
mR0Still can't update. Is it need to restart my system?22:04
yofelshouldn't be necessary, but you can try it, if something's using the file a reboot should kill it22:05
ehcahStupid suggestion... mR0:  Do you have the Ubuntu Software Updater open as well as terminal?22:06
mR0ehcah: yes, mocp. But it already closed.22:08
mR0ehcah: What Ubuntu Software Updater?22:09
ehcahI often have that problem if I used the GUI to find a particular package to update.22:09
ehcahadimistratrion -> Update manager22:09
ehcahor administratrion -> Synaptic Package Manager.22:10
suprengrsudo apt-get purge??22:10
ehcahI either of them are open while you try to apt-get update/upgrade/install from terminal, you may trouble.22:10
mR0No another update manager opened while Im trying update it via terminal22:11
suprengr...or autoclean???22:11
mR0suprengr, I'll try now22:12
mR0suprengr: U mean removing some apps?22:13
mR0still can't update my repo :(22:14
suprengrmR0: no.. I'm suggesting a clean of downloaded packages only - not the apps they installed.22:14
mR0suprengr: ok, I did it22:14
suprengrthe idea being to see if anything wwas/is locked bedause of a fail or something.22:15
mR0becouse of this : E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)22:15
suprengrmR0: time for a restart... if no difference try looking for the lock file.22:17
mR0is lock file located on these directory?22:18
suprengr...just checking b4 advising22:18
yofelthe lockfile is supposed to be there, the error is about the file being opened in another application already and apt-get being unable to access it22:19
mR0yofel should I delete it?22:20
yofelusually no, but removing it shouldn't break anything as far as I know22:20
mR0yofel: WeW22:21
yofelthe next app that needs it should create it again22:21
mR0i see22:21
suprengryofel: (over to you... your there with knowledge well ahead of mine)22:22
mellohi may i ask a question?22:35
deejoeplease do22:35
melloi installed ubuntu 10.10 x64 and its finished but it woont boot up its stuck on the blc scren fter bios22:36
mellosry meant black screen after bios22:37
deejoeare there any white letters at all?22:38
deejoealso, if you hold down all three keys at once, Ctrl-Alt-F1 for a second or so, does that take you to a console login prompt?22:39
melloyes there is letters on the screen22:39
mellohavent tried tht will do so right away22:39
deejoeif you get a login: prompt that might be somewhat promising22:41
melloctrl-alt-f1 did not give me a command prompt22:41
mellobeen reinstalling ubuntu for 4hrs now drives me crazy that it dosent work22:42
deejoeI know how that can be.22:42
deejoedoes the installation CD work as a live CD?22:42
melloi have tried to boot it form local disc when i put in the live cd but that dosent work either22:42
melloyeah the live cd has no problems22:43
deejoewell, that's promising, then22:44
deejoeI'm afraid I'm going to be late to a meeting that starts at the top of the hour.22:44
deejoemello, perhaps someone else will see your question, now that you've asked it :-) and will have some ideas.22:44
deejoesorry for your troubles, good luck.22:45
mellolets hope so, thanks for ur help22:45
mellodoes anybody have any ideas?22:46
yofelhm, boot issues are tricky :/22:48
yofelcan you try to remove 'quiet splash' from the boot options? howto:22:48
mellohow do i do that?22:48
yofelhold left shift pressed after the bios screen and you should get to the grub menu, press 'e' to edit the boot entry and remove 'quiet splash' from the line that starts with 'linux' and then press ctrl+x to boot, that should make the boot a bit more verbose22:51
melloyofel: dont think its working dont get a grub menu22:55
yofelmello: start holding it down *during* the bios screen, the grub timeout is 0 seconds, so you have no time to press it after that22:56
mellojust getting a black screen22:57
yofelhm :/22:58
yofelok, different approach: can you try to press 'alt+print+k' when it stops booting and see if that get's you something? (that's a sysrq instruction to kill everything that's running on the current terminal)23:00
mellook will try23:04
dom_1roxtartoday i tried installing unity to desktop 10.10 and now i get a black screen. any way to change login screen options using a live cd???23:05
mellodidnt work23:05
yofelhm, then I'm out of ideas if you can't get into the grub menu23:06
ubot2GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:06
=== FireBeard is now known as Phrea
melloYESSSSS i got it to work23:35
melloyofel: how do i get uuntu to find my other hdd23:38
yofelinternal hdd or usb?23:38
isishi, can someone how/if i can join group call on skype for ubuntu23:38
isis*someone tell me23:38
yofelmello: hm... it's not shown under 'Computer' ?23:40
stlsaintisis: you should be able to23:40
mellono but in disk utility23:40
isisstlsaint, i cant find a button anywhere to join call! lol i know it sounds nooby, but i cant ><23:41
yofelmello: not sure how to access it from gnome then (I use kde) maybe someone else knows, you could mount it by hand over the command line though23:42
melloi found the hdd in disk utility and i can choose create partition should i do that23:42
yofelmello: wait, was the disk empty?23:43
yofelI mean, completely empty, no partition on it and never used - if yes, you'll have to first create a partition on it and format it23:45
yofelthat will of course erase anything on the disk in case something is on it after all23:45
melloyofel: yes completly empty23:45
mellook so shouldi  press format drive23:45
yofelok, then create a partition, and choose a file system to format it with23:46
mellowich shoud i use FAT?23:46
yofelwell, FAT is the easiest when it comes to compatibility, can't handle linux file permissions though should you ever need those23:46
melloso should i use ext4 then23:47
yofelif you're only using linux that should be fine23:47
mellook thanx alot m823:47
yofelI'm not sure what the default permissions are for the new drive so you *might* have to adjust them in case it complains, but that's pretty easy23:49
yofelhaven't use gparted in ages..23:49
=== Phrea is now known as FireBeard

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