
lalyai have just installed this ubuntu 10.1010:25
lalyabut i need a little help?10:25
lalyacan someone try?10:25
zedlalya: you'd better try #ubuntu-it10:30
zed#ubuntu-eu is not really a support channel :)10:30
lalyabut when there are few people10:31
lalyain a channel10:31
lalyathey can help you better10:31
lalyain crowded channels they tend to ignore silly askings10:31
lalyamy problems is this... I need to know the hw address of something in my laptop.. but i just installed this ubuntu10:32
lalyaand i dont see anything like the old windows "device list"10:32
lalyawhere can I see all my hardware in ubuntu?10:33
lalyaand their hex addresses?10:33
zedlalya: you open a terminal emulator10:41
zedand enter "ifconfig"10:41
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