[00:07] "< rallias> does anyone know if there is a perl implementation of php?" [00:08] MY EYES [00:16] O_o [00:19] jpds: some guy was asking how to include() a perl script into his php script earlier (it *might*'ve been the other way around, it's a while back) [00:20] he was very disappointed this didn't just work [00:21] marienz: There are ways you could sort of make that work, but it is usually cleaner (especially if they are both your scripts or both short) to just port one to the other [00:25] well, yes [01:17] nhandler: you mean users who join, don't say anything and ping out? I rather they not join. I hope for the day that #ubuntu-ops is no longer needed [01:42] I'll take that and raise you 'world peace'. [01:45] I'll take that and raise you 'universal understanding' [01:45] oho! [01:45] I'm a gamblin' man. [01:47] s/world peace/global disarmament/ [01:48] * h00k rolls a 42 [01:52] Is there a template I should use for my wiki page (as part of the operator application process)? [01:54] Jordan_U: well, you probably saw "Operator Application process" here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements [01:54] Jordan_U: a reference can be mine https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AnthonyHook#IRC%20Op if that helps, or check some of the other operators wiki [01:55] s [01:55] h00k: Thanks. [01:56] Jordan_U: if that helps at all [02:08] Jordan_U: Basically, as long as the requested info is there and easy to find, the format isn't really that important [02:10] More insight than I! woo. [04:22] "chein" in #u - known trouble? [04:23] chien, rather [04:27] ive been !fr'ing at chien for a while now...im thinking remove [04:28] wasn't he on (and causing similar issues) a few nights ago? [04:28] I haven't been doing much IRCing recently, and the nick seems familiar [04:28] not sure [04:28] someone was repeatedly using $foreign though [04:29] right. nick and behaviour. [04:29] right, clearly worded warning issued. From now on, it's a matter of enough rope. [04:43] Madpilot: yes, know issue, asks questions in other languages after being told multiple times about speaking English. [04:43] known* [04:43] and given the proper channels to go to [04:43] usually he does Spanish and French. === Tm_K is now known as Tm_T [09:15] how come ubuntu's ftp doesn't have autocompletion features for navigating through folder hierchies? [09:21] aborticide: this isnt #ubuntu - let me jsut check why you have been forwarded here (the operators channel) [09:23] ident? [09:23] nah, this is something else [09:23] the cringeworthy nick? [09:24] aborticide: you seem to have a strange few comments on the tracker, asking to be banned? [09:25] aborticide: if you would like to join #ubuntu, it would be helpful to talk with us. :=) [09:30] can i be unbanned? [09:31] aborticide: can you explain what happened before? [09:31] aborticide: also please read the following docs [09:31] !guidelines [09:31] The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [09:31] !coc [09:31] The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ . For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct . [10:10] what's up Jordan_U ? [10:10] Multiple floodbots are active at once again in #ubuntu. [10:10] I see it [10:16] aborticide: you ok here ? [10:27] all, please check the topic [10:27] !idle [10:27] Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries. [10:28] if you don't need anything from the operators at this time, or your busy with other things, please come back later when you are free and ready to talk [14:09] ikonio [14:11] hello [14:11] he's my italian brother [14:12] cousin of jewkonia [14:12] etc [14:12] ikonia: Does he pay with Italian Express though? [14:12] all the time [15:46] the bot(s) may lag a little for a few mins, just fyi [16:00] tsimpson|n800: Thanks for the heads up. [18:07] ikoni a has family from every fate and nationality [18:07] fate? [18:07] faith* [18:33] oh "mess" = "message"... makes sense... somewhere... I guess... [18:41] heh [19:01] fate: Death by applesauch [19:01] family member: cousin Leo [19:14] *sput* new shoes! [19:22] oh hey, a mneptok. I hear there hasn't been any progress on your blueprint to ship MariaDB with Ubuntu - what's the deal with that? [19:47] tonyyarusso: there are packaging issues we'd rather get sorted for both Debian and U. then both will win. [19:49] mneptok: Makes sense to me. Will they be ready in time for a standard sync from Debian for the next Ubuntu LTS? ;) [19:56] tonyyarusso: hopefully. depends on the availability of Norbert Tretkowski. [19:57] hmm, alrighty [19:57] mneptok: y'alls need to show me lots of activity so I don't get convinced to try to migrate everything to postgres ;) [20:35] tonyyarusso: we have Debian packages. they just don't play nicely with MySQL packages. [20:35] mneptok: ah, that would be a pretty obvious issue. [20:58] http://askmonty.org/wiki/MariaDB:Download [23:04] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (frW appears to be abusive - 4)