
ShawnRi don't suppose anyone else here has had issues with pidgin freezing up on them lately?02:33
Chloricevening guys04:12
BryansteinChloric, you get that data off?04:24
Chloricwhat data?04:25
Chloricelaborate, sorry04:26
BryansteinChloric, I thought you had a drive that needed to be recovered04:34
Chloricoh yeah. we got most of what we wanted. the rest we'll try for another day04:35
Chlorici tried installing ubuntu this morning and it wouldnt installl04:36
Chloricso yeah, just best to stick to a livecd04:36
Chloricsorry, im exhausted, was bombing ramps at this new 9 story parking garage with banked turns and a steep exit ramp04:37
reya276Hello everyone19:37
reya276what's cooking today?19:37
reya276any news on anything special non-special19:37
reya276or should I brew up one of Rey's special arguments LOL...LOL19:38
reya276man they need to like make a TOAD MYSQL manager for Ubuntu19:39
reya276the one they got for Winjunk is awesome!19:39
maxolasersquadreya276: Today is national quiet day.19:41
* mhall119 never used toad19:42
mhall119I use SQL Developer for Oracle, and the MySQL GUI tools for Mysql19:42
maxolasersquadThe best GUI tool for Linux I've used is SQL Developer.19:42
reya276maxolasersquad, national quiet day LOL...Awesome!19:43
maxolasersquadI find Toad's interface to be waaaay too busy.19:43
reya276hey but you can trim it19:43
reya276I made it look exactly like Enterprise manager for SQL 200019:43
maxolasersquadI'd really like to see a PyGTK database tool.19:46
maxolasersquadThe DBMS tool market really sucks.  Lots of half-baked products that cost a ton of money.19:47
reya276yeah I agree19:49
reya276but I hear that QT is making a big splash with their IDE and ease of use right along the VB of Linux dare I say19:50
maxolasersquadThe QT demo at UDS was pretty impressive.19:51
reya276so someone may create one in QT19:51
reya276I just want one that works well at this point regardless who makes it19:51
reya276and with what19:51
reya276you can run Navicat Studio for MYSQL through WINE but for me that is not an option19:52
reya276I wonder if Toad MYSQL manager would run on CrossOver Office I bought that to run Office 2007 and the darn thing works very well19:52
mhall119what's wrong with mysql-query-browser?19:52
reya276mhall119, no GUI query/views designer, not everyone likes to code everything20:02
mhall119you don't?20:04
reya276although I'm using the MYSQL Workbench and they got some cool things going20:04
reya276not when it comes to extremely complex views/queries, thanks but no thanks20:05
yanni94hello, can anyone help me figure out a printer issue?23:18

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