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pleia2oh bother, DST19:58
pleia2who is here for the meeting?19:59
pleia2(we can move it to 21:00 for the winter if we want)19:59
AlanBellI thought it was in an hour20:12
AlanBellgoogle calendar says both uw and accessibility meetings are from 9PM in my zone, 45 minutes from now20:14
PendulumAlanBell: I know for a fact that that's right for accessibility20:17
AlanBellyeah, I think the u-w one is wrong on the fridge calendar20:17
pleia2it is, DST messes it up20:19
pleia2I was the one who added it to the calendar, so when DST changes for me, it helpfully updates events I created20:19
pleia2I wish goog calendar would just let us add things in other time zones :\20:19
akkyeah, it's crazy that it doesn't20:20
akkno one takes timezones into account when writing sw20:20
AlanBellit is an insanely difficult problem20:26
AlanBelland really really hard to guess what is the "right" thing to do20:26
pleia2well, apparently bumping it an hour conflicts with the accessibility meeting, so that idea is out20:33
pleia2ok, I updated the calendar20:36
Pendulumpleia2: it may work for future meetings. this accessibility meeting was kinda a one-off so we could start getting a schedule together for this cycle20:38
pleia2doh, I just updated them all20:39
pleia2through march20:39
pleia2well, keeping it at the same time UTC probably makes things easier20:40
pleia2shouldn't make non-DSTers suffer for our weirdness :)20:40
pleia2nhandler: can you take a look at the fridge calendar and approve the meeting moves? fridge still doesn't pay attention to my additions/moves20:41
pleia2hm, maybe it did20:42
pleia2anyway, lack of meeting is probably my fault anyway, I didn't send out a reminder :\20:43
jledbetterOops, sorry, I thought it was in an hour too!20:51
jledbetterOh wait, it is an hour. This day is flying by way too quickly for me. pleia2 I add stuff in other timezones but it converts it to mine. It helps me do date math for PST stuff. :)20:55
pleia2jledbetter: google calendar is broken with time zones, it's 20:00 UTC, which was an hour ago20:57
pleia2but since I was the one who added it to the fridge, it "helpfully" updated it along with DST :(20:57
nhandlerpleia2: Check now. It should be good20:58
pleia2nhandler: thank you :)20:58
pleia2looks good20:58
jledbetterLooks good now for me too. Guess there's going to be a reschedule?21:00
pleia2next meeting is in 2 weeks, so we'll just go with that one21:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-women-project to: This Channel is LOGGED | http://ubuntu-women.org | support (mostly) at #ubuntu | channel guidelines: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/IrcGuidelines | Next Meeting: Thursday November 25th @ 1000 UTC
pleia2it's thanksgiving in the US, but it's a more EU/APAC friendly time anyway so shouldn't matter21:01
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jledbetterOk. Sounds good.21:03
Pendulumanyone who is bored since there's no meeting here is more than welcome in the accessibility team meeting :P21:43
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