
=== urbanape_ is now known as urbanape
skumaraubuntu one is not connecting to cloud in ubuntu 10.10. when open it freezes for long time and the setup screen sso does not appear. anyone can help?03:22
achianghello, i've read the FAQ, but can't seem to figure out how to sync files outside of ~/Ubuntu One. i wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that i'm using maverick + unity03:29
achiangright-clicking a folder in nautilus does not show any options to sync with U103:30
achiangplz halp? honk honk. :)03:30
duanedesignachiang: hello04:04
duanedesignachiang: if you open nautilus do you find their are still no Ubuntu One options?04:05
duanedesigni am not in unity at the moment...04:05
duanedesignachiang: if all else fails you can use the command line and the u1sdtool to sync folders outside ~/Ubuntu One04:07
jdobrienduanedesign, hello04:07
duanedesignhello jdobrien04:08
jdobrienduanedesign, I just wanted to let you know...we've found why there's been problems with moves when there are large directory trees04:09
jdobrienduanedesign, working on fixes now...now sure when it will land in production04:10
duanedesignjdobrien: i was just reading the conversation about the moves from this morning :)04:10
duanedesignthats good news04:10
jdobrienduanedesign, very frustrating04:10
psypher246hi u1 team, fw days ago there was a link to a page on how to install the latest u1 via ppa, what is that link again, i can't find anywhere05:56
psypher246faq qorthy question05:56
duanedesignpsypher246: hello06:12
psypher246howzit duane, i literally just found it06:12
psypher246gonna update on a second pc to see if the bug i picked up persists06:13
duanedesignthat is it06:13
duanedesignsudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuone/stable06:13
duanedesignis an easy way to add the ppa.06:14
psypher246do u know if the traffic shaping bug has been ficed? noone responded to my bug report a few weeks back06:14
psypher246yeah i know06:14
duanedesigndo you happen to have the bug number handy?06:23
duanedesigni think that bug has been fixed. I do not know if it has been backported yet.06:25
psypher246there was a response, but after supplying requestde details nothing happened: 63401306:26
psypher246but if i'm running the PPA it should be fixed then?\06:26
duanedesignbug 63401306:27
ubot4duanedesign: Bug 634013 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/634013 is private06:27
psypher246hmm after adding ppa06:28
psypher246Reading state information... Done06:28
psypher246The following packages have been kept back:06:28
psypher246  libubuntuone-1.0-1 python-ubuntuone python-ubuntuone-client ubuntuone-client06:28
psypher246  ubuntuone-client-gnome06:28
psypher2460 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.06:28
psypher246and ubuntone indicator is failing now06:28
duanedesignwhat version of Ubuntu?06:29
duanedesignare the five it is holding back the ubuntu one packages?06:29
duanedesignoh wait06:29
duanedesigni see it06:30
psypher246this worked fine on my laptop06:30
psypher246can't upgarde cvia cli06:31
psypher246but update manager works fine???06:31
duanedesignpsypher246: try installing them one at a time. sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-client06:31
psypher246it's done06:31
psypher246make no sense06:31
psypher246now indicator opens06:32
psypher246god i wish someone would for once and for all fix this damn ubuntu keyring from coming up every time you chnage your desktop password. sometime ubuntu's regressions kills me06:32
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psypher246duanedesign: looks like shapings working now07:36
duanedesignok great07:37
psypher246duanedesign: well working on 32bit, need to confirm on 64 as well07:37
psypher246gonna test for a hwile still and doible confirm07:37
bacQ: my phone sync polluted my contact lists by creating lots of duplicates.  is there a way using the web to delete them all and start over, syncing again from the phone?07:40
psypher246duanedesign: if the ubuntuone indicator says meta: 90 items, content 3134, it';s not actually downloading yet hye, it's still busy syncing meta data?07:46
duanedesignyes psypher24607:56
duanedesignit will not get to the content until the metadata is done07:57
duanedesignmorning all10:04
ryeduanedesign, morning!10:08
duanedesigngood day mr rye11:34
duanedesignThe weather is really nice right now where i am. Summer is finally starting to give way to cooler weather11:35
ryeduanedesign, hm, i can say the same11:38
ryeduanedesign, summer? Hm, 19 degrees celsius, and it is nearly winter here, according to the calendar :)11:38
duanedesignrye: ahh. Pretty close, it is 16c here11:40
duanedesignbut the sun has not come up yet11:40
duanedesignrye: was talking to [j]dobrien last night. It sounds like he has the move bug figured out and working on a fix11:41
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achiangduanedesign: correct, if i open nautilus, there are no U1 options.15:27
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ryeachiang, that may mean that nautilus extension found no syncdaemon running and decided to leave nautilus alone, you may try restarting nautilus - nautilus -q15:39
achiangrye: hm, what package provides syncdaemon?15:41
ryeachiang, ubuntuone-client and ubuntuone-client-gnome provides the plugin for nautilus an ubuntuone-preferences15:41
achiangrye: ok, i do have those packages installed, but i don't see syncdaemon running15:43
ryeachiang, you may want to start ubuntuone-preferences from MeMenu and see whether it works15:44
achiangrye: that helped, thanks.15:46
achiangrye: hm, is there something about syncing folders on an external drive that doesn't work?15:46
ryeachiang, the official answer to that is "No, currently you can only select to synchronize folders inside your home directory. "15:47
achiangrye: ok, thanks.15:49
achiangmakes U1 a little less useful for me. who wants to store large amounts of data in $HOME these days?15:50
beunoachiang, the huge vast majority of people stores large (all?) their data in $HOME  ;)15:51
beunostarting by the fact that it's the default in the installer15:51
achiangmy mental model of U1 is, "oh good, i have a place to backup my files into the cloud". my files are backed up locally on an external drive. i don't think that is a crazy use case15:53
beunoachiang, it isn't crazy, it's just not one of the primary use cases, so we haven't gotten around changing things to work outside of the home directory15:57
achiangbeuno: ok, i guess that's fair enough. thanks for the help.15:58
beunoachiang, but I'll make sure mattgriffin knows about it  :)15:59
mattgriffinachiang: we've found that it's difficult to convey to users that u1 is not backup. it is sync. add a file to your desktop, it gets added to u1 (and all other syncing computers). remove a file from your desktop, it gets removed from u1 (and all other syncing computers). different than what most people think of as backup.16:01
achiangmattgriffin: maybe it's difficult to convey because users want it to be backup.16:03
achiangcertainly that's what i want it for. why would i need the same 20GB synced around to all my various machines? if i have several machines, i've probably already figured out how to network them and get them talking to each other16:04
mattgriffinachiang: that's the issue though. for most people, keeping track of 20 GB of data (files, contacts, notes, and bookmarks) on multiple machines is not that easy.16:05
achiangbut anyway, i don't mean to debate your design philosophy here. i got the answer to my technical question (my use case isn't valid for u1, so don't do that), so thank you to the folks who helped.16:05
mattgriffinachiang: it's good to get feedback from users. thanks!16:06
achiangmattgriffin: yeah, but wasn't there some report that said the vast majority of files stored in U1 are music files, and not really contacts, notes, bookmarks?16:06
mattgriffinachiang: haven't seen anything like that16:07
mattgriffinachiang: that could be the b/c of the problems we had in the past with syncing contacts16:08
achiangfrom the little that i've played with dropbox (on windows), they seem to have a similar model. only files in Dropbox\ are synced16:09
achiangso at least U1 are no worse than the market leader. :)16:09
mattgriffinachiang: yeah. i think they also follow symlinks... something we've considered by haven't quite figured out technically16:10
mattgriffinachiang: based on what you know about Ubuntu One sync, how does it differ from backup for you? what extra benefits do you get from a backup solution?16:11
achiangmattgriffin: well, i'm a technical user, so when you say to me, "it's sync, not backup" i immediately grok what you're saying. i really wonder about non-technical users though, the ones that ubuntu are trying to reach.16:12
achiangon my machine, i have a relatively small SSD - 60GB, and it's filled with ubuntu development tarballs. my music, photos, etc. are on an external drive (2TB)16:13
achiangthe size difference is one thing; but it also makes sharing with Windows a little easier16:13
mattgriffinachiang: having that data on an external drive?16:14
achiangobviously windows can't read ext? and i don't entirely trust linux to read/write ntfs16:14
mattgriffinheh. ok16:14
achiangyes, i dual boot into windows on occasion. linux support for raw photo editing is still.... poor.16:14
achiangalso, while i do have multiple machines, the secondary machines are really test machines. i don't need files from my primary machine synced onto them16:16
mattgriffinachiang: gotcha16:16
achiangi'm a chromium user, and i found a little checkbox that says, "sync bookmarks across machines". it just seems to work, and that cured pretty much 95% of the pain i was having with multiple machines16:17
mattgriffinachiang: yeah. that's pretty cool16:17
achiangthere are occasionally things that might be nice to sync up: ssh keys, dot files, etc. and i can see U1 being really nice for that. but i long ago rolled my own solution with a git repo and a script that creates symlinks to from my real dot files to their appropriate spots in $HOME16:18
mattgriffinachiang: so with your multiple machines, having the files physically on them isn't that important. but more just generally having access to them (or some of them on occasion) is helpful?16:18
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achiangthat way, if i edit a dotfile in $HOME, it actually shows up in git diff in the repo; i know i need to push that change somewhere to keep it16:19
achiangmattgriffin: yes, i think that would be a fair way to characterize it.16:19
achiangmattgriffin: to answer your original question, i guess my mental model of U1 is "user friendly rsync, for a subset of directories you care about"16:20
achiangthat's how it's different from backup to me16:20
mattgriffinachiang: ok. with that difference, what else does backup give you?16:20
achiangmattgriffin: well, the reason i started asking these questions is because i actually was quite excited to play with the mobile streaming feature. i bought a few albums from U1MS, and it was nice to stream them from the cloud onto my android app16:22
achiangso my next thought was, "oh goodie, now i just want to copy a few mp3s from my external drive to U1 so i can stream them too"16:22
mattgriffinachiang: gotcha. so drag and drop what you wanted to have access to from your mobile phone16:23
achiangright. and the limitation of files in $HOME was a little annoying (but again, as a technical user, i understand and appreciate that there are philosophical and technical reasons you don't support that)16:24
mattgriffinachiang: ok. this is really helpful16:24
achiangi guess from a design standpoint, it's a tricky issue. what if machine A has an external drive, with path /media/MyDrive and you *backup* folder Foo to U1. then you want to sync machine B that doesn't have the drive. where does Foo get downloaded to?16:26
achiangb:/Ubuntu One/Foo i guess would work16:26
achiangotoh, as a user, i'm thinking, "I paid for X GB of storage. does it really matter where on my hard drive that data exists before it goes into the cloud?"16:27
achiangi would think, "as long as I stay within my storage limits, I should be able to copy whatever I want, from wherever I want into there"16:27
mattgriffinachiang: right16:28
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* dobey reads the backlog about "syncing" random files18:04
nessitahey rye, does this bug #673368 ring a bell for you?18:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 673368 in ubuntuone-client "latest ubuntuone is unstable and does not autoconnect on startup (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67336818:45
nessitarye: looks like a mismatch between u1client and ussoc18:45
nessitarye: are we even providing ussoc for Lucid? I would say no, but this user installed a particular PPA (the beta PAA I think?)18:45
ryenessita, we have stable ppa with goodies from maverick for Lucid, need to check whether sso is there18:50
nessitarye: could you please? thanks!18:52
dobeysso is in the stable ppa18:58
rmcbrideyes it is20:36
rmcbride(2 hours later)20:36
jderoseAsk Amber Graner about UbuntuOne :) http://cdn.novacut.com/ask-me-about-ubuntuone.oga20:48
jderoseaquarius: ^^20:49
aquariusjderose, heh! when was that? the Friday night party?20:52
aquariusI missed that :)20:52
jderoseaquarius: yeah, right before the Hallelujah song.  pretty sure you were there, just not all there.  :)  nor was i.20:53
aquariusI was there; I remember Rebecca singing. Must have missed the U1 plug :P20:54
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jderoseaquarius: i also put up the entire Allstars audio and a bunch of video clips: http://blog.novacut.com/2010/11/uds-hallelujah-video-lets-help-graner.html21:09
waltercooli have a question, for NON-Ubuntu users... how can i access to my account? Can i get values as Amazon S3 for use s3fs?23:38
waltercool(im using gentoo anyways)23:38
beunowaltercool, no23:40
beunoyou can use the web ui23:40
beunothere will be more and mor APIs exposed23:40
beunobut for now it's either the Ubuntu desktop or the web23:41
waltercoolbeuno, but exist a "FUSE" method for Ubuntu One?23:41
beunowaltercool, no fuse method, no23:41
waltercoolbeuno, and someone will exist? A client should be launched for "Linux", not just for Ubuntu ;)23:42
beunowaltercool, we will not be building a universal client23:43
beunothere's work going on for a windows client23:43
beunoand there's work going on to provide APIs to access all your information23:43
beunobut no universal client of any sort on our plate23:43
beunowith those APIs, I guess anyone could do it23:44
waltercoolbeuno, the API for windows client will be public? :)23:44
beunowaltercool, the client is open source, yes23:44
waltercoolor is a generic API (using http)?23:44
beunoyou can in theory already build a client23:45
beunothe ubuntu client is open source as well23:45
beunowe're working on REST apis23:45
beunoand making it easier23:45
beunobut everything to build a client is out there23:45
beunothere's also a project for an android client23:45
waltercoolbeuno, the android client will work like u1sdtool?23:47
waltercooli mean, a GUI handling u1sdtool?23:48
beunowaltercool, no, it's a full-fledged client23:48
beunowaltercool, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AndroidU123:49
waltercoolbeuno, oh nice =D23:49
waltercoolbeuno, my next celphone (i hope) will be an Android, and i really want use some u1 features (lisen my bought music on streaming) :)23:51
waltercoolgood work anyways beuno ;) I would like see more features and giving a good lesson to Apple ;)23:52
karniand the new version of AU1 will be much better ;)23:52
* beuno high-fives karni 23:53
beunohow's it going?23:53
* karni \o beuno23:53
karnibeuno: I had to take a break for few days, but (!) I just came back home for 3 full free days, and I'm planning to dedicate my time to that23:53
karnibeuno: from the dashboard, I made a neat services page that shows status of all services related to U123:54
beunokarni, awesome23:54
beunowhere did you leave things?23:54
karnibeuno: rephrase that please ^ ^23:54
* karni didn't quite get the question ;)23:54
beunokarni, last time I saw, you where working on the build system with CardinalFang23:55
karnioh you mean that23:55
beunodid you manage to get beyond that and start refactoring?23:55
karnibeuno: as far as I remember, there ware just a few little tweaks for he's branch -- neat ant setup for everybody23:55
karnibeuno: I must say, I think I was supposed to fix something.. CardinalFang -- I was supposed to help you out with the ant setup, or have we finished that?23:56
beunoI don't remember  :)23:56
karnibeuno: anyway, then I started to write stuff from scratch, layout stuff properly in different files, using XML more extensively (as advised by Android)23:56
karnibeuno: tomorrow I hope to write the content provider, which is basically the main guts (along with the sync client)23:57
karnibeuno: having that, the rest of UI should be relatively easy.23:57
beunokarni, it's going to be awesome23:58
karnibeuno: I'm not talking much recently because I want to have things done first, and then report back when at least bigger part of it is ready.23:58
karnibeuno: so I'm also working on myself. do first, say later.23:58
beunoI've been neck-deep in roadmap planning23:58
beunoso just coming up for air today  :)23:58
karniso yeah.. I've got 3 days now, so I hope to come up with some good piece of code :)23:58
karnibeuno: ah, I see :)23:59
beunothis release is going to be awesome23:59
karniI'll start tomorrow with reviewing CardinalFang's branch (so that we can merge, if it's all set), and get to that ContentProvider.23:59
karnibeuno: no doubt!23:59

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