
eaerthgood eve' m'lady.07:16
eaerthi was wondering about a bug i'm experiencing with xorg edgers and notify-osd last night and it was suggested to file a bug, i did the command to do this but for some reason or another it wasn't able to submit it. i did however find two occasions of the bug in launchpad though if anyone is willing to take a look?07:18
eaerthi believe a developer responded and suggested downgrading to a version of pixman that was equivalent to maverick, however i'm running the lucid variation and i'm not sure if this is possible? did a search in synaptic for pixman and only found one thing but i don't think that was what i'm supposed to be looking for. ;S07:20
eaerthand then someone i was talking to said they didn't know why i don't just disable notify-osd all together but i rather like having it active because i work in fullscreen for the most part and it's pretty handy to see when something is going on...07:21
eaerthany help regarding this would be much appreciated... i'd hate to give up on it.07:23
czajkowskigord: thanks12:53
sensempt: Was it the Conservative office in Millbank which was trashed by students?13:08
mptsense, it was the building generally, they were pretty unfocused13:08
sensempt: Did Canonical get any damage?13:08
mptThey started out attacking Millbank Tower itself, where we are, before realizing the Conservative HQ is next door13:08
mptWe got some smoke, that's all13:09
senseAh, ok. Fortunately not more.13:09
senseAh! There is already a paragraph about it on Wikipedia.13:10
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
jorgesense: http://askubuntu.com/questions/11162/is-it-possible-to-alter-and-update-the-status-icon-of-a-running-indicator-applet13:55
jorgewith a bounty too!13:55
=== jorge is now known as jcastro
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
htorquetedg, hello, i'm the one that asked this question about updating indicator icons: http://askubuntu.com/questions/11162/is-it-possible-to-alter-and-update-the-status-icon-of-a-running-indicator-applet14:35
htorquetedg, i'm setting an icon (by name from the current theme), overwrite this icon with new information (which works), and try to re-set it (which doesn't). you think this is a bug?14:36
c10udi guess indicators are caching the icons.. and i think this is quite an abuse of the indicators :p14:37
htorqueif it's a bug, how would the icon cache influence the situation? (i tried above with icon cache, with updating the icon cache after every icon overwrite, and without icon cache - no change)14:37
c10udnote: i'm not affiliated with canonical, etc.14:38
htorquec10ud, it definitely is!14:38
tedghtorque, It seems that it should notice the file change.  I thought that GTK did that for us, with theme changes.14:38
htorquec10ud, i just feel bad without my system applet in the panel14:38
c10udhas it been removed? (i'm still on lucid)14:39
htorquei don't think there will be a possibility to add gnome-applets to unity's top panel14:40
c10udoh, right, unity..14:40
htorquetedg, so it would rather be a gtk bug then?14:41
tedghtorque, Possibly.  I'm curious if it's just watching the theme cache file, and waiting for that to update.14:42
htorquetedg, nope, it doesn't seem to be a problem with the theme cache file: if i start the indicator, i always see the last saved icon state - even with the cache file present.14:48
tedghtorque, Yeah, I was more thinking it was watching the cache file.  Try updating the state, then touching the cache file.14:49
htorquetedg, touching or running update-icon-caches - no change14:54
tedghtorque, Hmm, okay.  As a work around you could toggle between two.  i.e., adjust one, switch to one, adjust two, switch to two, adjust one, etc.15:00
htorquetedg, already tried this and am hitting the same problem: the changed icons never show up. if you say it's currently not possible and might be a bug somewhere, than that's ok with me :)15:05
tedghtorque, Yeah, it must be.  Sorry :(15:05
sensejcastro: Ah, a bounty!15:05
htorquetedg, thanks anyway!15:05
sensejcastro: Ouch, that is such a painful way of solving this!15:06
htorquesense, yeah, i know :P15:06
sensehtorque: Ah, you asked the question. :)15:07
htorquesense, yes. i'm not even a programmer and i know that the way i try to do this is rather "painful"15:07
htorquetedg, a followup: i now created a simple gtk window with a gtk.toolbutton which sets its icon when clicked: btn.set_icon_name("indicator-messages-new"). i replaced the icon on disk between two clicks and the change was reflected (even with the theme cache file present)15:39
tedghtorque, Hmm, that's good, but means that it's probably entirely my fault :)15:53
htorqueoh, i need to click the button for the change to happen - calling set_icon_name alone does nothing. so maybe it's rather my code's fault :o15:54
htorquedo i need to force the indicator to redraw or something like that?15:55
tedghtorque, Hmm, I'm not sure how you'd do that.  You could probably do it using the attention state.15:57
htorquewoohoo, that seems to work15:59
htorquetedg, so now i don't have to explicitly re-set the icon. it's just setting the status to attention and back to active (both icons should be the same, else i see flickering). thanks a bunch!16:03
=== Cimi__ is now known as Cimi
=== gabaug1 is now known as gabaug
kklimondaCimi: ping? How can I get a color of selection background in Gtk+ ?20:41
kklimondagtk_style_lookup_color ?20:41
kklimonda(if so, what's the right name? :) )20:41
Cimikklimonda: one sec20:41
kklimondasome parts of Gtk+ documentation are so useles..20:42
kklimondauseless even*20:42
CimiGtkStyle * style;20:42
Cimistyle = gtk_widget_get_style (widget);20:42
Cimiif you want colors to use them easily with cairo20:43
Cimiyou could create a struct20:44
Cimitypedef struct20:44
Cimi 86{20:44
Cimi 87        double r;20:44
Cimi 88        double g;20:44
Cimi 89        double b;20:44
Cimiwithout the numbers20:44
kklimondano problem, I can still parse it :)20:44
Cimimmm let me write the code for you20:44
kklimondaisn't this struct similar to Gdk.Color ?20:44
kklimondait has r, g, b instead of red, green, blue so no..20:45
Cimimmm maybe gdk.color is new in gtk+320:46
Cimimmm no, gdkcolor is 0 - 65536 iirc20:46
kklimondabah, something has to be broken if something that simple is not ;)20:48
Cimihttp://pastebin.ca/1988460 kklimonda20:51
kklimondabah, my text isn't pixel perfect :/21:23
kklimondaCimi: where can I read how text alligning in Gtk+/Pango world works?22:19
Cimikklimonda: what do you mean?22:29
kklimondaCimi: meh, my text is one pixel to the right.. and pango_layout_set_alignment do funny things. ;)22:32
kklimonda(what I'm trying to do is more or less duplicating indicator-messages counters)22:33
kklimondahttp://pastebin.com/YTXh84vJ - the code looks like that and text isn't perfectly aligned (it's one pixel off on the left side)22:37
Cimimaybe it's a matter of alignment22:43
gabaugkklimonda: maybe affected by http://cairographics.org/FAQ/#sharp_lines ?22:48
kklimondagabaug: I don't know, maybe I just should leave it for now - does text looks wrong inside balloons here: http://ubuntuone.com/p/OsI/ ? I'm not talking about balloons themselves, they are all over the place ;)22:57

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