
wgrantlifeless: Do we know how many clients are using edge still?00:00
jmlfourth time lucky00:03
lifelesswgrant: no, though if we slightly-unfold the edge ppr we could tell total hits00:08
jmlfor Christmas, I would like tighter feedback loops00:11
wgrantI'm getting tighter feedback loops for Christmas.00:12
jmllucky :(00:12
jmlsixth time, perhaps00:14
thumperjml: I think I've found the problem00:15
jmlthumper: what is it?00:15
jml(I've spent 45 minutes waiting for computers to do things)00:15
thumperfactory.getUniqueDate() :(00:16
thumperit adds a getUniqueInteger to an epoch00:16
thumperthe initial counter is intialized randomly00:16
thumperthe problem occurs when the bmp is created after NOW00:16
jmlthumper: ugh, well spotted00:17
thumperwell debugged you mean00:17
jmlthumper: indeed I do.00:18
thumpercause it wasn't initially spottable00:18
jmlthumper: I feel this is an opportune moment to point out that lp/testing/tests/test_factory.py exists.00:18
thumperyes, but the factory is doing the right thing00:19
thumperthe test isn't00:19
thumperit doesn't need a random date00:19
thumperit needs to make sure the date is in the past00:19
jmlahh ok00:19
jmlyay successful detach00:23
* jml flees00:24
jml(maybe database-apocalypse will pass tests and land while we aren't in testfix mode and then pass on the buildbot and get pulled into stable before I wake up)00:24
poolielifeless: mkanat tells me codebrowse is now behind a loadbalancer, with multiple instances?00:27
pooliethat's great00:27
thumpertestfix submitted00:28
* thumper is grumpy that it took two hours00:34
thumperwallyworld: wanna chat?00:37
wallyworldthumper: give me 5 mins00:37
pooliethumper: wallyworld: anyone, are we now running multiple codebrowse processes?00:44
thumperpoolie: I believe so00:44
poolieso that should help with stability and performance?00:45
pooliedo you want to nominate any other bugs for max to do next?00:45
* thumper thinks00:49
thumperwe will likely have something to do with bzr-history later00:50
thumperbut we were wanting some work done on the LP side first00:50
thumperpoolie: how about the default file render to show the text at that revision rather than an annotated view?00:51
wallyworldthumper: mumble?00:54
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
lifelesspoolie: yes it is, part of the nodowntime effort01:22
lifelesspoolie: each loggerhead instance is still internally threaded01:22
lifelesspoolie: I'm not really here today - am on a swap day01:23
pooliei was asking max to push it but if it's already done that's great01:23
lifelesspoolie: single-threading the backends still needs to be done01:23
lifelessbut its not something I'm directly pushing for loggerhead [yet] because there are still some easier bigger fish to fry01:24
LPCIBotProject devel build (209): STILL FAILING in 3 hr 40 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/209/01:24
thumperlifeless: aren't you on leave?01:24
lifelessbut IRC highlights still highlight01:25
poolieso my suggestions to him were: make a stable branch; turn off annotate by default; allow http caching; profile cpu and memory for serving single pages01:26
wallyworldpoolie: spiv: the bzr upgrade just got merged in as rev 1190202:25
spivwallyworld: hurrah!02:35
spivwallyworld: meanwhile, mkanat on #bzr just bumped into bug 668176, so you'll be wanting to do a bzr upgrade again fairly soon ;)02:36
wallyworldsorry about the delay. the code was ready days ago. it took a while to find a window where we weren't in textfix mode :-(02:36
wallyworldspiv: np. i assume you mean 2.2.2. ping me on the 18th when it is released :-)02:37
spivwallyworld: well, I personally don't care if it's 2.2.2 final or just tip of lp:bzr/2.2 or just 2.2.1 with that one tiny fix backported.   But yes :)02:38
wallyworldspiv: 2.2.2 final is only a week away. can it wait till then?02:39
lifelesswallyworld: remember that we have a scheduled downtime our thursday02:39
lifelesswallyworld: so waiting a week means waiting a month02:39
lifelesswallyworld: or scheduling extra downtime02:40
* lifeless runs away02:40
wallyworldspiv: assuming 2.2.2 final codebase is complete by mid next week, i could take tip of lp:bzr2.2 and do it before the downtime?02:41
lifelesswallyworld: you can't02:41
lifelesswallyworld: we select the revision early in the week02:41
lifelesswallyworld: trying to slide things in at the last minute is a guaranteed nightmare.02:41
lifelesswallyworld: remember you need time to qa on qastaging/staging, deal with testfix, possible test failures trying to land it.02:42
wallyworldlifeless: ok. i'll do it tomorrow. now fcuk off and enjoy your day off02:42
lifelesslol ok02:42
lifelessI guess what I'm trying to say is 'either do it now, or decide to (wait a month | schedule extra downtime)02:43
* thumper looks to the sky02:45
ajmitchthumper: it's clearing up now, just a short bit of rain :)02:46
* thumper is referring to soyuz factory generated crap that won't render02:46
ajmitchheh :)02:46
* thumper sighs some more02:55
lifelessStevenK: please tell me you didn't land something without using ec2land ?03:56
* thumper just saw the failure03:58
thumperI thought it was a general failure so forced it, but on reading the error it looks like StevenK03:59
* thumper pulls trunk03:59
lifelessStevenK: (of course, it could be the known race condition with ec2 - and I am very curious which it is)04:00
thumperlifeless: I get the same error trying to make devel04:14
* thumper testfixes04:15
* thumper EODs04:25
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!04:40
LPCIBotProject devel build (210): FIXED in 3 hr 16 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/210/04:40
LPCIBotLaunchpad Patch Queue Manager: [testfix][r=mwhudson] Upcall correctly,04:40
LPCIBotactually do the assertion in the test, fix the assertion.04:40
LPCIBotProject devel build (211): FAILURE in 23 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/211/05:04
LPCIBotProject devel build (212): STILL FAILING in 1 min 49 sec: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/212/05:06
Maha2Hi frnds anybody hav black money?05:40
wgrantc.l.i and c.l.d are empty.07:33
lifelessthings are moving07:49
wgrantAren't you not here?07:50
lifelessI'm hacking on testtools07:56
lifelesslp:~lifeless/testtools/matchers if you're interested07:57
lifelesspersonal time07:57
adeuringgood morning08:24
LPCIBotProject devel build (213): STILL FAILING in 3 hr 39 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/213/08:55
LPCIBotLaunchpad Patch Queue Manager: [testfix][rs=thumper] Fix the PPACreationError import in08:55
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
mrevellHey up09:16
henningebigjools: It's "Hellau!" actually but not for another 50 minutes or so...09:20
bigjoolshenninge: it's actually whatever I want it to be :)09:20
henningeCarneval season starts at 11:11 today in some parts of Germany09:21
bigjoolswhat's that?09:21
wgrantbigjools: Hi.09:23
wgrantbigjools: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/xserver-xorg-video-geode/2.11.10-1~jaunty109:24
henningeJust to correct myself, it's "Helau"09:25
henningelifeless: Hi, still around?09:25
wgrantbigjools: Someone accidentally uploaded it (was meant for a PPA)... and the Release pocket check is only for CURRENT/SUPPORTED, not OBSOLETE.09:26
bigjoolswgrant: how did that get there?09:26
wgrantbigjools: I think we should probably reject all uploads to an obsolete series (it would fix a PPA-related bug too).09:28
wgrantBut that needs to be checked with people.09:28
bigjoolswgrant: we can't do that - PPAs need to remain active09:28
bigjoolsbut obsolete distros, totally09:28
wgrantbigjools: Hmm, why?09:29
wgrantIn the past the virtualisation flag has been turned off upon obsolescence.09:29
wgrantAlthough not yet for Jaunty, it seems.09:29
bigjoolsbecause some crazy people want to carry on using them09:29
bigjoolsso I'd rather it was a switch than a lock :)09:30
wgrantI guess we'd best just extend the current/supported check to obsolete.09:30
wgrantI had a look at the upload checking code.09:30
wgrantThose pockets are hardcoded in a few places.09:30
wgrantAlso, the archive permission API is.......09:30
bigjoolsthis surprises you ...09:30
bigjoolswell if you dislike the API then feel free to be constructive09:31
wgrantYeah, I had a look at redesigning it yesterday.09:32
wgrant(I need to change it to allow pockets for queue admins)09:32
wgrantbigjools: There's just one thing blocking my lucilleconfig extermination: germanium's publisher's temp directory. The existing code uses the distro's lucilleconfig root (/srv/launchpad.net/ubuntu-archive/ubuntu-temp), which seems more than mildly insane for PPAs. The new code will use archivepublisher.root, which isn't set by germanium's config, so it will be /var/tmp/archive/ubuntu-temp.09:41
wgrantEasy fix is to set archivepublisher.root in the ppa config.09:42
wgrantBut I wonder if we want the temp directory to be in a less insane place on germanium anyway.09:42
bigjoolsI can't remember what it uses the temp dir for09:43
wgrantIt writes out Packages and Sources there, so it can atomically rename them into the real archive.09:43
wgrantSo it needs to be on the same FS.09:43
bigjools/var/tmp is not useful then09:44
wgrantSo it needs to be fixed.09:45
wgrantBut I think it should be fixed to something other than a lie.09:45
wgrant('ubuntu-archive' is the lie)09:45
lifelessjml: ping09:47
lifelesshenninge: no, not around at all.09:52
lifelesswhats up?09:52
henningelifeless: two questions09:57
henningelifeless: what's the state of bug 672371?09:58
_mup_Bug #672371: Archive:+packages timeouts <ppa> <regression> <timeout> <Soyuz:Triaged by lifeless> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/672371>09:58
henningelifeless: Are you working on that?09:58
lifelessno, I'm on leave09:59
lifelessthe mailing list thread covers the current status09:59
henningeright, ok09:59
lifelesswhich is that a fix is landed, pending qa on qastaging, and deployments are blocked until the fix is qaed (and everything leading up to it)09:59
jmllifeless: hi10:00
lifelessjml: you might like https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/testtools/matchers/+merge/4060610:00
jmllifeless: not as much as I like: "Test results: database-apocalypse => devel: SUCCESS"10:00
jmllifeless: but I'll take a look10:00
henningelifeless: thanks10:00
henningesecond question: I see that a lot of revisions have landed on stable which have not been processed by the QA bot.10:01
henningeno qa tags, no fix committed.10:01
henningeIs the bot on hold because of the blockage?10:01
henningeOr could it be broken or just slow?10:02
henningelifeless: ^10:02
jmllifeless: actually, looking, I need coffee first. won't be a jiffy10:03
lifelesshenninge: no idea10:03
henningewho could I ask about the bot?10:03
lifelesshenninge: jml/stub/flacoste/gary/urshina/mars/diogo/me10:04
lifelessexcept I'm not here.10:04
lifelessits in a service account that those folk (maybe more) have access too10:04
henningelifeless: thanks a lot, enjoy your leave ;)10:04
lifelessde nada10:05
stublosa, urshina or diogo I think. I don't know where or how the bot works.10:05
lifelessaccess doesn't imply knowledge10:05
lifelessstub: lookin the lpqateam crontab if you want to chase pointers.10:05
lifelesshenninge: qastaging is down10:05
lifelesshenninge: that will break the bot10:05
lifelessI don't know why its down - on leave + no losa : not going to dig in myself ;)10:06
henningeNo, I'll have to wait for Chex .... :(10:07
henningethanks again10:07
bigjoolshenninge: ask a GSA10:07
bigjoolsit's too important to be left down10:07
henningeon #is10:07
henningewill do10:07
thumpermy testfixes worked10:14
* thumper heads to bed10:14
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
matsubarahi henninge10:17
matsubarado you still need help with the qa bot?10:17
henningematsubara: Hi!10:17
henningeI already found out that qastaging is running its update script atm.10:18
henningeWould that stop the qa bot?10:18
lifelesshenninge: its been down for hours10:19
lifelesshenninge: whatever its doing is going to fail10:19
lifelessand yes it will interfere10:20
lifelessthe bot reads the active revno from the qastaging and staging web uis10:20
henningeIS just told me that the qastaging-update script started only 21 minutes ago ...10:21
lifelessNonetheless, its been down for hours10:21
matsubarahenninge, lifeless: yes, that's it: https://devpad.canonical.com/~lpqateam/qa_reports/logs/output-launchpad-stable.log10:22
henningelifeless: is "it" the bot or qastaging?10:22
matsubarasorry, still waking up. lifeless is right. qastaging is down then the bot can't do its job10:23
lifelesshenninge: jml: I've mailed the list the fragment from the backtrace ng dug up.10:33
jmllifeless: I saw.10:33
lifelesshenninge: could you perhaps file an RT that that log location isn't documented/visible to us?10:33
henningelifeless: yes saw that. thanks10:33
jmllifeless: has the problem been fixed? do you need help fixing it?10:33
henningelifeless: good idea10:33
lifelesshenninge: we should have knowledge and visibility to diagnose things like this10:33
lifelessjml: I'm on leave.10:33
henningejml: I will fix it10:34
henningeand come back to you if I need help ;)10:34
jmlhenninge: thanks10:34
jmlhenninge: it should be a simple matter of importing things from the right place10:34
henningeyes, I expect10:34
lifelessjml: so what did you think of the testtools patch ?10:35
jmlhenninge: my worry is that lpnet has a similar zcml file10:35
lifelessjml: I'm sure henninge will sed the entire production-configs ;)10:36
lifelessthere will be 40 or so files to change10:36
henningejml: no, I think we are safe. No reference to canonical.launchpad.interfaces in the production configs.10:40
jmlhenninge: other than the qastaging reference, surely?10:40
lifelesshuh, perhaps its entirely in tree as it is10:41
henningejml: not even there10:41
henningelifeless: that's what I think10:41
jmlhenninge: so where's the broken code?10:41
henningeguys, give me time to figure it out ... ;)10:41
LPCIBotProject db-devel build (132): FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/132/10:43
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
henningejml: in ./scripts.zcml http://paste.ubuntu.com/529912/10:46
henningeSo, where are those files maintained?10:46
jmllifeless: replied10:55
jmllifeless: sorry it took so long. multitasking is ... SQUIRREL! ... what was I saying, oh yeah, multitasking is hard.10:55
jmllifeless: basically, two things10:55
jmllifeless: why not 'Raises(FooError)'10:56
jmllifeless: and the other is "%s/raises_value/raises_value_error/g"10:56
lifelessjml: separation of concerns10:56
lifelessjml: we could have a helper that curries the two together10:57
lifelessMatchesException is trivially adaptable for use on Failures10:57
lifelessRaises isn't10:57
jmllifeless: I'm happy to have MatchesException be separate10:57
jmllifeless: I just reckon Raises could construct one itself10:57
jmllifeless: or, as you say, we could have a third class / helper that curries them. If so, I'd argue that the helper ought to be called Raises, since that's the prime real estate and almost all of the time everyone will want to be asserting that something raises an exception.10:58
jmlrather than, say, an exc_info tuple that is less than something else10:59
=== jml changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 3 of 10.11 | PQM is open | firefighting: stable->db-devel conflict, jml fixing; qastaging busted, henninge fixing | https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | Get the code: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​Getting
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-doctor
lifelessjml: I have mixed feelings11:02
lifelessjml: I don't particularly like argument inspection11:03
lifelessjml: type inspection I mean11:03
lifelessjml: but we could add it11:03
jmllifeless: you mean, have the instructor take a matcher or an exception class?11:03
lifelesstaking a matcher is an important use case11:04
jmllifeless: got an example?11:04
lifelessin test_runtest11:05
lifeless Raises(MatchesException(Exception("foo"))))11:05
lifelessits checking that the actual exception is passed on rather than some arbitrary exception11:05
lifelessa small improvement that was easy to do here11:05
jmlwell, that's not really passing in a matcher11:05
jmlyou could, in theory, take whatever is passed to Raises() and pass that to MatchesException.11:05
lifelessyou could11:06
lifelessif you want to bind the two together11:06
jmlwell, it's not symmetric. MatchesException doesn't lose its independence.11:06
henningelifeless, jml: It seems to be an untracked file outside our tree and outside the configs. I'll have to talk to the losas to find out if it's really not maintined anywhere.11:06
lifelessthat makes it harder to do exact checks (vs subclass) without changing the core11:06
henningeI'll see that I get it patched now, though.11:07
lifelesshenninge: thank you11:07
jmllifeless: so, rather than type checking, I would rather, def __init__(self, exc_type=None, matcher=None): style shenanigans11:07
jmllifeless: I would rather a helper than that.11:07
lifelessjml: I think we're only seeing the thin edge of the wedge; once we open up things we'll start to see more sophisticated checks and usage.11:08
jmllifeless: I don't :)11:08
lifelessjml: We can add a helper (say 'raises') later, I don't feel one is really needed right now.11:08
spivlifeless: WHUI (yet)11:08
lifelessspiv: that also applied to getDetails, but its taken off (e.g. see soupmatchers)11:09
spivI do strongly believe in making known common use cases convenient.11:09
spivBut I also believe in sleeping :)11:10
jmllifeless: it's not enough to block the landing, I'll grant, since we can add one later. But it is needed right now, because there's already stacks of Raises(MatchesException(FooError)) in testtools11:10
jmlspiv: :)11:10
spivSo I'll look forward to reading the results of this discussion some time later.11:10
lifelessjml: tell you what11:10
lifelessjml: I've done the other variable rename and pushed while we chatted11:10
jmllifeless: yay11:10
lifelessjml: i leave it to you to land, in whatever shape you think best ;)11:10
jmllifeless: did you do the MANUAL change?11:10
jmlI forgot to mention in IRC11:10
lifelessjml: no, lp hadn't forwarded your mail11:11
jmllifeless: anyway, it's a deal.11:12
lifelesscool. Have a good day.11:12
lifelessgnight jml, spiv, et al11:12
henningeqastaging is back!11:26
jmlhenninge: cool.11:30
jmlhenninge: what was the problem?11:30
henningeThere is a zcml file out side the tree that referenced canonical.launchpad.interfaces.11:31
henningeI still don't know where it is maintained (it should be!) but Ng patched it for me.11:32
henningejml: looks like this: https://pastebin.canonical.com/39629/11:36
jmlhenninge: ok, makes sense11:37
henningejml: I think it should be put into the production configs branch.11:38
jmlhenninge: that sounds sensible to me.11:38
jmlhenninge: perhaps follow this up with a losa?11:38
henningethat's my plan as soon as Chex wakes up. ;)11:39
jmlhenninge: good good :)11:41
jmlahh yes, conflict11:51
jmlI had forgotten in the dizzy excitement of email processing.11:51
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
jmlcan someone help me QA https://bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/673015 ?12:00
_mup_Bug #673015: Code of Conduct requirement for PPA upload rights is unnecessary <ppa> <qa-needstesting> <Soyuz:Fix Committed by jml> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/673015>12:00
bigjoolsjml: what sort of help do you need?12:00
jmlbigjools: well, I guess I need to try uploading without the CoC signed12:01
deryckMorning, all.12:01
bigjoolsjml: ok I can make that very easy for you12:01
jmlbigjools: of course, I've already signed it, so I need to figure what to do there12:01
bigjoolsjml: make a new user12:01
jmlbigjools: and I don't really know how to upload to a PPA :)12:01
bigjoolsand put your gpg key on it12:01
jmlbigjools: ok.12:02
bigjoolsjml: the other option is that I hack your account on DF to remove the CoC :)12:02
jmlso I can't really test this on qastaging?12:02
jmlhas to be DF?12:02
jmlbigjools: do I have to do something special to get the right version of code onto DF?12:03
bigjoolsjml: make a new user on DF - its emails go to the staging inbox12:03
bigjoolsjml: yes - ask me :)12:03
jelmerbigjools: fwiw I updated dogfood this morning12:03
jmloh heavens12:03
bigjoolsit runs db-devel, what revno was it in?12:03
bigjoolsjml: I noticed12:03
bigjoolsjelmer: I noticed12:03
wgrant(you can also deactivate a CoC sig)12:03
jmlI'd forgotten about staging inboxes12:03
jmlbigjools: I'm not sure if it's made its way to db-devel. checking now.12:04
bigjoolsjml: I can merge a devel revno if you want12:04
jmlbigjools: r11894 of stable. Not on db-devel yet.12:05
jmlwill be once my conflict resolution branch gets through PQM.12:06
bigjoolsjml: ok just ping me when it's ready then and I'll update DF's code12:06
jmlbigjools: will do. thanks.12:06
bigjoolscan you believe that the existing code that downloads builder files has no code to deal with errors ...12:07
jmlI really need to make an inventory tracker thingy for Launchpad.12:08
jmljelmer: hi12:09
jmljelmer: did you ever get around to testing opening 'o' and 'p' series?12:10
jelmerjml: hellø12:10
jelmerjml: No, but I do that on dogfood now or after you've QA'ed your change.12:10
jmljelmer: super. thanks.12:10
jelmerjml: Are you QA'ing now?12:10
jmljelmer: no, waiting for db-devel to have the new goodness to test12:11
jmljelmer: so you could go ahead right now :)12:11
jelmerok, great12:11
Ursinha-afkhenninge, hi12:17
Ursinha-afkwhich bugs?12:17
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
henningeUrsinha: Hi!12:17
henningewhich bugs?12:17
bigjoolsUrsinha: hi, I want to request a feature on the qa bot so that I can set something as previously QAed before it lands.12:19
jmlweird. just got a gpg validation rejection from pqm12:20
bigjoolsoh - nobody told you?12:21
Ursinhahenninge, that weren't processed by the qa-tagger :)12:22
henningeUrsinha: Oh, those ;)12:22
Ursinhabigjools, I'd ask you to file a bug and I'll triage it :)12:22
bigjoolsUrsinha: no worries - my next question was where to file it? :)12:22
Ursinhabigjools, https://launchpad.net/qa-tagger12:23
jmlbigjools: nobody told me. Have I been sacked?12:24
bigjoolsUrsinha: done!12:26
henningestub: Hey!12:27
henningestub: I am trying to reproduce and OOPS I am getting from the poimport script.12:28
Ursinhabigjools, thanks :)12:29
henningestub: but I don't see any. Could it be that they get ignored locally?12:29
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 3 of 10.11 | PQM is open | firefighting: stable->db-devel conflict, jml fixing | https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | Get the code: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​Getting
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!12:33
LPCIBotProject devel build (214): FIXED in 3 hr 37 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/214/12:33
LPCIBotLaunchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=lifeless][ui=none][bug=673874] Improve memcache caching of some12:33
LPCIBotbugs pages12:33
stubhenninge: No - should be no difference with OOPS reports between local and production12:38
stubhenninge: If you get a WARNING or above, you should get an OOPS12:38
deryckgmb, hi.  still not having much luck getting a clean test run with js upgrade branch.12:38
henningestub: yes, that's what I am trying to fix because we have too many WARNINGS. I just cannot find where the script issues the warning (which then becomes an  OOPS).12:39
henningeAnd I don't see a warning in the log output when I run it loally.12:39
=== brianchidester is now known as brianchid
=== matsubara-doctor is now known as matsubara
henningejml: I marked th bugs for your c.l.interfaces branch as qa-bad to prevent that revision from being deployed.12:41
stubhenninge: Ahh. If you want, there is more information available to the logger. You can set a breakpoint in canonical.launchpad.scripts.logger12:41
gmbderyck: Okay. K12:42
gmb... er12:42
gmbderyck: I mean: I'm still tied up with other bugs at the moment anyway, so not a big worry there. Can I help at all?12:42
stubhenninge: Oh.. no warning == ignore me.12:42
* henninge ignores stub12:43
jmlhenninge: why does it need to be prevented from being deployed. I thought the issue was fixed?12:43
deryckgmb, I don't think so, but thanks!  I've got a couple more ideas to try and if those prove unfruitful, then I'll cast about for more help.12:43
henningejml: on qastaging and staging but not on production.12:43
gmbderyck: Okay.12:43
* gmb lunches12:43
henningeI want to talk to a losa before I touch that.12:43
jmlhenninge: ok. so I can I rely on you to change it back to qa-ok when prod is fixed?12:44
henningeyes, you can ;)12:44
jmlhenninge: thanks.12:44
stubhenninge: Doesn't the traceback in the OOPS tell you where the script issues the warning?12:44
henningeI think not, let me try to see12:45
stubOh.... no traceback because it isn't in an exception handler.12:45
henningeyes, I think that's it.12:45
stubIf you are bored of hitting your head against this wall, consider refactoring OopsHandler in c.l.scripts.logger -- you should be able to extract a lot more information from the log record in the emit() method and add it to the OOPS report, such as the line number and file name.12:46
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
henningestub: I'll do that when I get bored.12:48
* henninge is not bored today ...12:48
henningebut now for some lunch, first12:49
henningethanks stub!12:49
jmlI hope the PQM submission that's running now fails13:01
jmlotherwise we'll be in a pickle13:01
=== jml changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 3 of 10.11 | PQM is open | firefighting: - | https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | Get the code: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​Getting
deryckallenap, I think checkwatches is running again.  https://lpstats.canonical.com/graphs/BugWatchUncheckedOutdated/13:04
deryckallenap, did you find out anything about this?  Or just happened to run again?13:05
jmlle sigh13:07
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allenapderyck: Chex sorted it out last night. Hung process, don't know why though.13:37
deryckallenap, ok, cool.  At least we got it going again.  Thanks!13:37
deryckAnd thanks Chex!13:37
gmballenap, deryck: Sometimes it gets stuck. I'd file a bug about it but the problem is so vague as to be unhelpful without some serious debugging in a production environment.13:51
allenapgmb: Do we run it multi-threaded at all, or was that turned off?13:54
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gmballenap: I think we turned that off because it was doing something unsavoury to either our servers or someone else's. I could be wrong.13:55
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jelmerjml: So, having an O and a P series seems to work14:04
jmljelmer: sweet.14:04
jmljelmer: uploads to them are forbidden?14:05
jelmerjml: Yeah, I haven't enabled any of that.14:05
jmljelmer: I mean, have you tested that uploads to them are forbidden?14:05
jelmerjml: Also, I had to name them o-series and p-series as "o" and "p" are too short. I haven't tried whether renaming the series works.14:07
jelmerjml: Yes, although I now realize that it gave me a "Unknown distroseries" error, which seems weird.14:07
jmljelmer: that's a bug, but probably not enough to block opening them.14:08
jmljelmer: could you try a rename?14:08
jelmerjml: yup14:10
jmljelmer: ta14:15
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
jmljelmer: how did renames work out?14:51
jelmerjml: Still on it.14:53
jelmerjml: It seems to be working (though I'm not entirely sure what I should be testing that might break): https://dogfood.launchpad.net/ubuntu/obvious15:16
jmljelmer: it doesn't redirect. I wonder if that'll be a problem.15:20
bigjoolsjml: can you join our mumble channel15:24
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jelmerjml: Redirect in what way?15:26
bigjoolsthere has to be a decent way of getting the trial TestCase and TestCaseWithFactory to co-exist15:43
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jmlbigjools: yeah, there is15:48
jmlbigjools: but the branch where I do it has about eight failing tests.15:48
jelmerhmm, mumble fail?15:56
bigjoolsso I have a test that uses TestCase.makeTemporaryDirectory() but I need to change it to use the trial TestCase15:56
bigjoolsshould I wait for your branch or haxor something?15:57
henningeSo, the +packages timeouts seem not to be fixed. Any ideas what to do next?15:58
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 3 of 10.11 | PQM is open | firefighting: Still no fix for timeouts in r11888 | https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | Get the code: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​Getting
jmlbigjools: trial has something for that16:00
jmlbigjools: it's in the api docs16:01
bigjoolsok ta16:01
bigjoolsjml: mktemp?16:01
jmlbigjools: yeah, that's it16:01
bigjoolsit's not quite the same thing but I can fiddle16:02
jmlbigjools: fair enough.16:02
bigjoolsjml: thanks for the pointer16:02
jmlI'll get my act in gear and land this testtools branch sometime soon16:02
deryckmrevell, ping16:03
bigjoolsis "act" a euphemism?16:03
mrevellHello deryck!16:03
jmlbigjools: yes. it's short for "arse".16:03
jelmerjml: Just confirmed that targetting bugs works.16:09
jmljelmer: thanks.16:10
jmljelmer, bigjools: btw, could one of you please update dogfood to db-devel r9960 or later?16:11
jelmerjml: sure16:11
jmljelmer: thanks.16:11
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jelmerjml: dogfood should be on 9961 now16:55
bigjoolsjml: can I pick your brains about Twisted again?16:59
jmlbigjools: sure17:01
bigjoolsjml: so I am hoping there's a Twisted pattern for something17:01
bigjoolswhen we're fetching files from the builder it's currently a simple "for" loop17:02
bigjoolsbut if that's async then it needs changing - is there anything in Twisted that can help?17:02
jmlbigjools: uhh...17:02
jmlbigjools: what are you trying to do?17:02
jmlbigjools: fetch one file, then fetch a second file, then fetch... etc?17:03
bigjoolsso it loops over all the files synchronously fetching them17:03
jmlbigjools: or are you fetching many files and you don't care about the order17:03
bigjoolsah good point17:03
bigjoolsI can just request them all at once17:03
bigjoolsdunno if that will make the builder barf17:03
jmldl = gatherResults([fetchFileAsync(filename) for filename in filenames])17:03
bigjoolsrejoice :)17:04
jmlassuming fetchFileAsync returns a Deferred17:04
bigjoolsit does17:04
jmlthere are some quirks with error handling17:04
jmlspecifically, it's not quite as obvious as when it's synchronous17:04
bigjoolswell given I said there is no error handling at all right now ...17:04
bigjoolsout of interest if I did want to do them one at a time, is there another pattern?17:05
jmlperhaps a DeferredSemaphore(1)17:06
jmlit's not very convenient though17:07
jmlbigjools: I reckon BuilderSlave could probably grow a method that takes a list of files and does this download. Makes it one step closer to putting a multi-file method on the slave itself17:08
bigjoolsquite probably17:09
bigjoolsIt needs some careful thinking because there's a bunch of checking done one file names17:09
jmlbigjools: not on the client side17:11
bigjoolsjml: au contraire17:11
bigjoolsit checks each file to make sure it's not going to write where it's not allowed to17:12
jmlbigjools: which of these three methods is doing checking on filenames? http://paste.ubuntu.com/530111/17:12
bigjoolsjml: you're looking at the wrong thing there17:12
bigjoolsyou need to look at where we get files off the builder17:13
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!17:13
LPCIBotProject db-devel build (133): FIXED in 4 hr 2 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/133/17:13
jmlbigjools: oh right, you mean this instead: http://paste.ubuntu.com/530112/17:13
bigjoolsjml: that's the bottom of the stack, but yes17:13
bigjoolsthe checking is done in _handleStatus_OK17:14
bigjoolsfor filename in filemap:17:14
jmlbigjools: how is it any more complicated than finishing that loop and then having a list of known-good filenames to fetch?17:15
bigjoolsjml: it's slighly more but not much17:16
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jmlthere's a global state bug in my testtools-experiment branch17:44
mrevellsinzui, I *think* I've removed the troublesome ACL from the Feedback page. I've also updated the page with a link to the SSO help. Could you please try editing the page to confirm the ACL removal has worked?17:57
* jml off18:08
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cody-somervilleHow would I go about trying out recipe builds?18:44
wgrantcody-somerville: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/Recipes18:53
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rockstarabentley, is the standup in ~45ish?20:34
abentleyrockstar: yes.20:35
rockstarabentley, thank you sir.20:35
abentleyrockstar: no problem.  Will you be joining us?20:35
rockstarabentley, indeed I will.  I just got home.20:38
abentleyrockstar: welcome back.20:39
thumperrockstar, abentley: mumble21:11
rockstarthumper, on my way21:11
thumperrockstar: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/664234 needs qa21:26
_mup_Bug #664234: Export the branch merge queue data through the API <qa-needstesting> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Fix Committed by rockstar> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/664234>21:26
thumperwallyworld: mumble again?21:58
wallyworldthumper: ok21:58
lifelesswgrant: hi23:12
wgrantlifeless: Hi.23:17
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