
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
bilalakhtarIs the PPA upload processing daemon down?06:39
bilalakhtarI uploaded a package 20 minutes ago, still no mail , nothing06:40
bilalakhtarand the signature and other stuff was good06:40
bilalakhtarNow its going to be 25 minutes, still no mail, still no upload on the page06:44
bilalakhtarAnyone here with the same problem?06:45
maxbubuntu-mozilla-daily needs its own build farm09:00
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sladenSince  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-font-family/+expirable-bugs   is a non-empty list, what does one have to do, in order to get expiry to work13:09
sladenif the automatic one still doesn't work, is there still a Python/API script that I can use to do it?13:09
kikosladen, there's a switch on the project to turn expiry on; is it on for that project?13:32
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
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=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
romaiahello all. I am trying to create a new branch, but this is shown:14:14
romaia$ bzr branch lp:stoq14:14
romaiassh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Connection refused14:14
romaiaany idea what is happening?14:15
jderoseromaia: i think i might be having a similar problem: TooManyConcurrentRequests: The medium 'SmartSSHClientMedium(bzr+ssh://jderose@bazaar.launchpad.net/)' has reached its concurrent request limit. Be sure to finish_writing and finish_reading on the currently open request.14:19
kikothumper, mrevell: bzr/ssh bustage?14:22
mrevellabentley, Do we know of anything, wrt kiko's question above?14:23
romaialooks like its back14:23
abentleymrevell: No.14:24
romaiayeap. its working again14:24
mrevellromaia, Good to hear. Let me know if you have any further issues.14:24
mrevellThanks kiko14:24
mrevellcheers abentley14:24
kikoabentley, mrevell, why are we having these issues intermittently?14:25
kikois this something we're keeping track of?14:25
abentleykiko: I guess because if we were having them all the time, they'd have obvious causes?14:26
kikoabentley, is that your best answer??14:26
kikoflacoste, yo!14:26
abentleykiko: I haven't been aware of this as more than an occasional issue.14:27
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== LinuxJedi is now known as LinuxJedi|away
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al-maisanhello there! When I try to create a merge proposal using the ls-submit plugin as follows: "bzr ls-submit -v --staging" I get an error that's sticky i.e. does not go away:16:25
al-maisanbzr: ERROR: File exists: '/srv/bazaar.la16:25
al-maisanCould somebody from the code hosting team please look into this?16:25
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
bercoWe (TI) created to PPA on our Launchpad https://launchpad.net/~tiomap-dev i.e. "TI OMAP Private trunk PPA" and "TI OMAP trunk PPA"16:42
bercoCan a LOSA make them ARMEL and have the "OMAP Private trunk PPA" made PRIVATE please?16:43
bercobigjools: is that something you can do ^16:44
ogra_acany LOSA should be able to16:45
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zaytsevhi folks17:44
zaytsevyesterday lp was dying when I was trying to open detailed ppa package view page17:44
zaytsevtoday my pushes to the ppaare completely ignored17:44
zaytsevthere's an outage going on or it's just me?17:45
bigjoolsif the reason is not there, then the package has a fault which is crashing the upload processor (a bug I need to fix)17:45
zaytsevbigjools, I've been using it for ages. I know about these pitfalls17:46
zaytsevI've been pushing libgadu if you can check whether this is the case17:46
bigjoolsit's falling over when processing your upload17:48
bigjoolsmight be an outage on the librarian, one sec17:48
bigjoolsoh wait, that was at 0730 UTC, have you tried since?17:48
bercoCan a LOSA look at my request please?18:01
Chexberco: looking now, sorry18:08
Chexberco: all set on both of those requests.18:25
bercoChex: thanks a lot18:26
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serfussome help is needed here19:39
serfusi can't mange to recover my password19:39
serfusconf email just dosn't arrive19:40
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spivHuh, resubmitting a merge proposal keeps the old description, but not the old commit message?22:48
=== LinuxJedi is now known as LinuxJedi|away
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb
=== Philip6 is now known as Philip5

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