
=== phillw1 is now known as phillw
=== phillw is now known as Guest33229
kristian-aalborghi ppl08:02
kristian-aalborgany Eee users here?08:02
kristian-aalborgI plan on using this as a template/ inspiration... should work, right?08:18
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
kristian-aalborgubuXubu: tried it yourself?09:27
* kristian-aalborg has to go09:35
kristian-aalborgsee you later09:35
kosaidpoi have in ly first partion xp is it safe to format it n put another linux ??11:41
kosaidpoi have in my partition....11:42
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ubuXubuit is noy only safe but it is easy13:41
Goodgamemy mouse has at least 3 buttons non-used, how can I configure it?14:12
aa4bbi downloaded lubuntu 10.04, md5 checks fine, i burned it to cd, self-test says one bad file. burned it again at slow speed, self-test again says one bad file. should i just keep burning?16:20
allan__Hey, I am on Lubuntu 10.10 and my dock is freaking out, things are moving back and forth while they aren't suppoesed to be.21:03
allan__Is anybody there?21:06
EpicCyndaquilI feel extremely stupid, but I'm having trouble finding an ISO download on the lubuntu.net site...22:35
bioterroron the right side is "Get Lubuntu"22:36
EpicCyndaquilyeah, just found it... you guys should really throw a download link at the top.22:36
EpicCyndaquilI probably sound like a whiny bitch right now though, thanks :D22:36
bioterrorone lubuntu iso in your hands is enough to infect all computers around you wit lubuntu ;)22:37
zkriesse_bioterror: Probably shouldnt use the word infect but yeah22:38
bioterrorit depends22:38
bioterrorit happens so fast, that it reminds the  infection ;)22:38
EpicCyndaquilSorry guys, I think I'm addicted to gnome-shell (3 beta) as far as my laptop goes22:41
EpicCyndaquilI've never been a huge fan of other window managers, but hey, this will work better for the computer in question22:41
phillwEpicCyndaquil: when you log onto this room, it gives you the link?22:41
Goodgamehere is a question I have, you may help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161932022:41
EpicCyndaquilphillw, it does for the torrent now that I look. *facepalms*22:42
EpicCyndaquilbut yeah, dug this computer out of the ewaste - 1.7ghz processor, >300MB of RAM, and the only problem was a faulty install of Windows 20022:44
bioterrorGoodgame, that's is possible to do with Openbox22:44
phillwEpicCyndaquil: obviously we prefer people to use the torrents, there's only my server as a direct upload site now, and it's throttled.22:44
Goodgamebioterror, it isn't?22:45
EpicCyndaquilphillw, I'm already nearly done with the direct link, however if I like lubuntu, I'll throw it on my 100mbps seedbox22:46
bioterror<application name="evince">22:46
bioterror     <decor>no</decor>22:47
bioterror     <position force="yes">22:47
bioterror         <x>50</x> <!-- replace 50, 200 with whatever you like -->22:47
bioterror         <y>200</y>22:47
bioterror     </position>22:47
bioterrorinside the application tags of my rc.xml file worked for evince. See22:47
phillwEpicCyndaquil: thanks, seeders are requiered, my current hoster does allow me to seed, but does allow me to host the iso's.22:47
bioterrorhttp://icculus.org/openbox/index.php/Help:Applications .22:47
phillw!pastebin | bioterror22:47
ubot5bioterror: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:47
bioterrorphillw, sorrym too lazy at this time of evening22:47
Goodgamebioterror, thanks22:48
EpicCyndaquilphillw, firefox just crashed for seemingly no reason, so it looks like I might be startng that torrent sooner than I thought xD22:49
bioterrorI'm off to bed22:49
phillwEpicCyndaquil: you should have an invite?22:49
EpicCyndaquilphillw, I don't understand what you mean?22:51
phillwEpicCyndaquil: I sent you an invite for #lubuntu-offtopic22:52
Goodgamebioterror, still here?22:57
phillwGoodgame: sorry, he's gone to bed for the night, he's still getting over his fever and just had his 1st day back at work.23:02
GoodgameI didn't know you knew him that much23:02
mbergamoHey everyone, I was trying to set up my wireless connection on Lubuntu but I couldn't get it to work. I downloaded http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/?repo=Maverick&arch=i386&package=bcmwl-kernel-source&have= these files for to set up my broadcom bcm4321. I put the files (downloaded from my ubuntu partition) in a directory and moved it to an external hard drive. I then switched to my Lubuntu partition and from inside the directory ran23:38
mbergamo'sudo dpkg -i *.deb' but it came back with http://pastebin.com/XQhTkvtH23:38
phillwmbergamo: the broadcom devices should be seen via hardware drivers in Preferences?23:40
mbergamophillw: thats what i thought as well, but i didn't see it in there.23:41
mbergamophillw: ugh i'm going to tinker with this some more23:41
phillwmbergamo: sorry that I cannot be of more help :(23:42
mbergamophillw: Yeah, there isn't anything listed and it gave me the same error as before :/23:50
szczurmbergamo, /usr/sbin/dkms: line 35: patch: command not found23:51
szczuri'd go with installing the patch program23:51
szczursudo apt-get install patch23:51
szczuror even sudo apt-get install build-essential23:52
szczurthis will install packages related to compilation23:53
szczurhmm, but dkms have "patch" in  dependencies so it should be here23:53
szczurnevermind, try this and tell me the results :)23:54
mbergamoszczur: will i have to bring down the necessary packages online from this partition and move them over again?23:54
szczurdon't you have wired connection?23:55
mbergamoLubuntu won't pick up my wired connection either :/23:55
szczurhmm, you can run synaptic, select the patch and build-essential packages23:55
szczurand then in File menu23:56
szczuryou have something like Generate the script for package download23:56
szczurthis shoudl give you the list of packages so you can easily save it somwhere23:56
szczurand download it from windows by just copying and pasting23:57
mbergamoszczur: that was my original plan to pull down the bcmwl-kernel-source, but it wasn't listed in synaptic. will the path and build-essential packages be there by default?23:57
phillwmbergamo: is this of any help? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/MinimalInstall#Unmanaged Wired Network23:58
Timo_mbergamo: I wanna thank you for yesterday, yuou were a great help!23:58
szczurno, you have to download them separately, select them with synaptic and choose File -> Generate a package download script23:59
szczurthen you can download them on windows23:59
szczurlemme check something23:59
mbergamoTimo_: of course, any time! if you need anything else just ask23:59

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