
TheProfHello - I am hoping someone can help with a small question please.  I've tried the Twitter module to get a global Twitter block but I seem to be unable to do so.  The twitter feed is unprotected and doesn't need a password.  Is there another solution or a  better, simpler solution for getting a basic twitter block please?23:29
RobotGrrlTheProf: Protect your tweets? ;)23:35
TheProfRobotGrrl: Hello.  I'm making the site for someone else so I don't think that's an option.23:36
RobotGrrlTheProf: Sorry, might have misunderstood!23:46
TheProfRobotGrrl: No problem.  I just want a block to show tweets. Ideas?23:46
RobotGrrlTheProf: Ooohh, I see! There is a standard Twitter module around. You can probably find it on their site- or is that not what you are looking for?23:47
TheProfRobotGrrl: I did try that same twitter module but it doesn't work unfortunately. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.23:48
RobotGrrlTheProf: Maybe Twitter was fail whaling at that time? It's rather temperamental these days23:48
RobotGrrlTheProf: There are PHP scripts around that can display tweets in plain text around the internet23:49
TheProfRobotGrrl: I'm not sure since I can have twitter open in another window and it works.  I do also get an error message from Drupal so I don't think it's twitter.23:49
TheProfRobotGrrl: do you have a link to an example one perhaps?23:49
RobotGrrlTheProf: I can check what one I use for my site and get back to you in an hour if that works (have to do a robot webcast soon) :-)23:50
TheProfRobotGrrl: if you could do that, that would be greatly appreciated!23:50

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