[00:23] popey: 7 minutes! [00:43] akgraner: I forgot to ask you about that video of me and robert, the interview [02:15] jcastro, oh crap let me edit that - I have it [02:15] jono thank you! [02:15] no rush [02:15] I didn't need it now [02:17] nah - if I don't do it tomorrow - it will become OBE [02:18] akgraner, :-) [02:18] http://blogs.computerworld.com/17315/the_new_linux_desktop_ubuntus_unity [02:22] jono, steven rocks! [02:23] akgraner, he does! [02:23] good and fair article [04:51] morning all [05:31] jono: awesome screenshot [05:37] nigelb, which one? [05:37] jono: the one with sil :p [05:37] oh yeah :-) [05:43] there's butter all over my face... lol [05:43] tried to eat a too big dosa? [05:44] maco: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1263/5165056497_cbe95d7916_z.jpg [05:45] haaa [05:45] dear h key: you need to do a better job [05:46] this is what happens at 1 am :p [06:25] jono, nice post to the planet about why you love Ubuntu, it just inspired me to write one :) [07:00] nisshh, nice! [07:00] :) [07:38] wow http://ui.xinh.org/ [07:38] mornin kim0 :) [08:01] nigelb: hey morning :) [08:08] good morning! [08:10] dholbach: morning [08:17] kim0: o/ [08:17] nigelb: o/ :) [08:57] * dholbach gives akgraner a big hug [08:58] dholbach, thank you! [08:58] akgraner, take your time with everything - being there for your family is the most important thing you can do now! [09:00] akgraner, we can't "replace" you here (how could we? :-)), but I guess we'll struggle a bit, but somehow make do :) [09:00] dholbach, thanks - I am talking to joe barker (I emailed him already we just need our schedules to line up :-) about maybe doing interviews with developers, translation teams as well as the loco team ones :-) [09:00] once your world is under control again, we'll be glad to have you back :) [09:01] akgraner: joeb rocks. I know him from beginners team :) [09:01] since he mentioned started back doing that - I'll let you know know as soon as I do [09:01] nigelb, yep that he does - he is awesome [09:01] akgraner, for the developer interviews put him in touch with https://launchpad.net/~behindmotu/+members#active [09:01] will do [09:01] * dholbach hugs akgraner [09:02] * nigelb goes to remind lucidfox about next interview [09:02] :-) [09:03] * dpm joins the hug with akgraner [09:03] dholbach, if you have someone in mind to help organize dev week - please give access to the google doc - or I can send them my fill in the blank reminders, and check lists I use (which are almost like the wiki but with all my goofy notes on them) [09:04] dpm, thank you! [09:04] akgraner, will do [09:04] akgraner: when's dev week? isn't it some time later? [09:04] I'm not sure we have agreed on dates yet [09:04] dev week should be some time around feature freeze, I guess [09:05] nigelb, it's time to hand the reins to new people looking for non-developer ways to help - I can't have all the fun now :-P [09:06] akgraner, thanks for the e-mail. I know it must have been hard to write it. Take all the time you need, and we'll be glad to have you back whenever! I wish you the best juggling with the job, organizing what's needed for the house and all the rest *hugs* [09:07] dpm - I appreciate it [09:09] akgraner, I'll take over the translations interviews, do you know if you have any in the queue that someone had sent to you and I might not have been on CC? The next one I'm looking to publish is from Andrej, from the Slovenian team - he pinged me last week and included his response on the google doc [09:11] dpm - I think you were cc'd on the all - but I will double check for ya [09:11] them not the [09:12] I hope you can find someone new to contributing who is excited about the translation efforts who would like a place to help with - it's a perfect way to get to know the personalities and places in and around the community [09:13] and we can get them added to be able to add to the fridge [09:13] akgraner, yeah, good point *nods* [09:15] same with someone who wants to know more about LoCo's or Developers - doing those are awesome as well and perfect roles for non-developers [09:17] I should prob blog about interviewer opportunities? [09:17] but wanted to talk to you all 1st [09:19] just like people who are looking to help with the Ubuntu weeks - we can find 3 people - one for each week - they can learn all kinds of things about how the community fits together and works helping organize those [09:19] (I say 3 people b/c depending on life stuff doing all 3 could burn a person out) [09:19] no pun intended [09:19] :-P [09:20] see I still got some humor :-D and grins [09:20] akgraner, keep it that way :) [09:20] def [09:21] please let me know if you need anything from me that I have forgotten to hand over - but I think you all have access to the spreadsheets and check lists for all the interviews, and ubuntu weeks [09:23] we'll have a news team meeting on Dec 2nd, so if there is something you want get worked out that involves that team - let me know and I'll get it added to the agenda so the team knows about it all [09:25] nigelb, remember that data base/team management application we talked about? [09:26] that needed developing [09:26] akgraner: ah yes [09:26] aloha [09:26] akgraner: when can we talk in more detail? (I'm at work now and my laptop is still in the shop :( ) [09:27] akgraner: also, any time you need help with dev week recruitment, feel free to ask (I end up helping anyway :P) [09:28] I talked to a group from Stanford university yesterday that one wants to help with the care and feeding of Brainstorm so they can learn more about how the Community is using ideatorrent - but also they are looking to help be part of the development for afore mentioned applications as they agree all the ones out there don't suite the needs for groups like various open source teams that are combinations of all sorts people and proj [09:28] ects [09:29] nigelb, yep - just wanted to tell you about it before I forgot [09:30] \o/ [09:33] Morning all! [09:34] Morning popey [09:45] heya popey [09:47] I love my job [09:47] Just got told I'm going to stuttgart for work [09:58] czajkowski: germany? [09:59] oh no.... czajkowski is invading germany... :p [10:03] nigelb: you and me are gonna have words buddy! [10:09] * nigelb is very glad he's miles and miles away :p [10:10] czajkowski: oh well, I thought you'd throttle me, hrm 'have words' sounds much for friendly :p [10:10] goes back tgo playing with big blue button [10:12] czajkowski: oooh, how is it? [10:12] intersting [10:12] I took a look after seeing your tweet [10:12] somone did ask me some time back if it were possible to build something like that with open source tools [10:12] I'm glad I've been proven wrong :) [10:15] we really are rather fortunate with planet.u.c always interesting stuff to read and people just get on with it , planet.debian gets rather cranky with people posting stuff on it and now want rules in place to stop flatter links being included [10:15] SIGH [10:17] http://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2010/11/msg00084.html [10:17] maybe the gnome project should sort their planet first huh? [10:18] popey: sup with the Gnome planet [10:19] my only objection/issues with planet.u.c is sometimes the same post appearing multiple times one after another just from different feeds, but I just scroll past them [10:19] http://ignore-your.tv/2010/11/08/what-about-the-other-side-of-the-anne-frank-accusation for example [10:24] oh my [10:27] czajkowski: and the theme :P [10:29] theme? [10:38] czajkowski, cool, I was living in Stuttgart for a few years, it's a great city? [10:39] czajkowski: the look of http://planet.ubuntu.com is the 'old' style [10:39] (I meant «!», not «?») [10:39] popey: who is therealpopey? [10:39] my wife [10:40] popey: ahh gotcha [10:40] popey: aaaah [10:40] it'd be nice if IS got around to it, but I suspsect there are a lot more things higer priority [10:40] doubt it is anything to do with IS [10:40] czajkowski: yeah, the them on planet is old and ugly... therefore I have issue with it :D [10:40] website team [10:41] czajkowski: you get to throttle mhall and cjohnston for it :p [10:42] meh [10:43] the theme of planet.ubuntu.com is the least of the projects issues IMO [10:43] aye [10:43] nigelb: no not throttling mhall119 or cjohnston [10:44] popey: +1 :) [10:49] goedemorgen [10:53] morning sense :) [10:53] hi nigelb! [11:53] check it out - http://www.itworld.com/open-source/127268/help-improve-ubuntu-bug-day-tomorrow?source=itw_rss [12:03] \o/ awesome [12:44] awesome indeed === jorge is now known as jcastro [14:43] blah! [14:44] cjohnston: sup [14:44] what did you break [14:44] yall throttlin [14:44] cjohnston: no I said I wasn't going to do so, nigelb suggested it [14:45] lol [14:47] I'm still laughing over the pic of hope so there isn't thorttling [14:47] hehehe [14:48] its awesome isnt it [14:48] not my fault ye talk stuff I say out of context [14:48] but it was amusing [16:03] kim0, ok, one sec, calling on skype in one moment [16:03] cool [16:04] morning jono [16:05] hey Pendulum! [16:05] kim0, are you on skype? [16:05] jono: yep [16:05] just call [16:19] I call it a day - see you all tomorrow! [16:20] have a great rest of your day [16:20] have a good rest of your day dholbach! *hugs* [16:20] * dholbach hugs Pendulum back [17:59] popey: in your 'petition' , hehe! " ..to my followers.. " no wonder you are compared to Elvis.. ;) [17:59] "I wish to microblog about the TV programme to my followers.." [17:59] vish: I actually initially wrote "my followers (hate that term)" [18:00] :) [18:47] dpm, Talked to Joe barker - I'll email you - he said he can handle the translation team interviews this cycle :-) - I shared the spreadsheet with him - and let him know where we are at with the interviews [18:47] awesome, thanks akgraner! [18:47] So I'll do an email introduction and you all can iron out the details if need be after than :-) [18:48] brilliant [18:50] he rocks! and he knows a few people wanting to get involved - so he will also mentor a few people once he gets a few interviews completed [18:51] ok I like the word "few" way too much today DOH! [18:57] dpm were you able to get the interview published ok? [18:58] I ask just b/c I am updating the spreadsheet so joe knows what really has been completed :-) [18:59] akgraner, I had to leave for an appointment and I just came back, so it's not published yet. You can mark the Slovenian one as done, as I'll publish it tomorrow morning then [19:00] jono: Do I take it your graphic request is not required any more? [19:00] ok - sorry just excited for him - not rushing ya :-) [19:36] jono: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4qRJ-ym3U0 You look so different here! OpenAdvantage employee! ;) [19:36] When was that? [19:40] sense, 2005 I think [19:40] 2005 seems ages ago in my memory, but it is only 5 years. How much has this project changed since then! [19:46] Its rather amazing. [19:48] indeed :) [19:49] jono: ^^ [19:49] doctormo, I sorted the logo, thanks [19:49] jono: Just needed to know the status. [19:49] thanks [19:50] thanks doctormo [19:56] popey, this guy is a trip [19:56] :-) [20:26] :) [21:05] Can I get more votes on this question? http://askubuntu.com/questions/11815/how-to-install-wacom-bamboo-pen [21:05] I want to make sure other wacom users see it. [21:21] sure doctormo [21:24] thanks duanedesign [21:54] jcastro: ping [22:09] doctormo, I did not have to do that for me [22:10] mine *