
BelseruskWhich option do you use? http://i.imgur.com/4rZQt.gif11:13
Belseruskebel, on what?11:15
Belseruskebel, Which option would you use normally?11:16
ebelif i am opening a file from a usb stick or something11:16
ebelor if i know if it's an executable or now11:17
tdr112100 ubuntu cds just came11:37
tdr112ebel: could you drop in the display stand , you have11:37
ebeltdr112: sure11:38
tdr112ebel: great11:38
zirodayHeya, I was wondering if someone could recommend me a cheap .ie doman registrar. Looking around the best I've got is EUR$17.46 which feels rather steep12:02
davem.ie's aren't cheap12:03
zirodaydavem: I gathered :)12:03
davem€16.25 from us :)12:03
slashtomthe cheaper option is a .eu12:04
zirodaydavem: awesome! I was looking at blacknight but you have ~$20 on your site12:04
davemthats the special offers page12:04
davemits heavily referenced from the blog but not the main page12:05
zirodayand that's not just a sign up special right? That stays throughout even after the first year?12:06
zirodayslashtom: its a wordplay so it needs to be an .ie12:06
tdr112czajkowski: http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~tdr/blog/2010/11/11/ubuntu-cds/12:07
ebelziroday: .ie are intentionally high12:07
ebelthough they've come down in price. Time was they used to cost ~ €50 → €75 per year for a .ie12:07
davemziroday: its just for the 1st year12:07
ebelI use blacknight for my domains.12:07
ebelthey have sponsored ubuntu ireland with free web hosting12:08
zirodaySweet, well the prices aren't that bad at all, I'll try them out, and if Godaddy keeps ticking me off I might move all my domains over12:08
zirodayebel: awesome!12:08
davemebel: whats the URL?12:09
* slashtom also uses Blacknight (switching from 1and1)12:09
davemfor the ubuntu ireland12:09
* davem works for blacknight12:09
davemhence the blatant advertising :)12:10
ebelthey have given us hosting, but we're trying to find volunteers who want to make the website :P12:10
ebelah hehehehe12:10
ebely'know how it is with volunteer organisations. :)12:10
ebelOur normal website is http://www.ubuntu-ie.org, but that's still running on canonical's servers12:11
zirodayoof I didn't know the <blink> tag was even used anymore12:13
zirodayouch VAT?12:14
davemziroday: welcome to the world of marketing :)12:17
zirodayheh, I forgot what its like to live in a country that seriously taxes :P12:17
zirodayoh dear davem you don't like my credit card.12:22
davemcontact accounts12:32
ebeldavem: how many people work in blacknight? friend is looking for hosting company16:36
ebel(feel free to poke Moof on this network :P )16:36
davemwhy does he ask?16:43
davemis he looking for a job??16:43
slashtomdavem: he's worried his provider will go out of business (again)16:48
ebelhaha, yeah that was funny last time16:50
davemafaik we're now the largest registrar in ireland and its still climbing so not likely that we'll go out of business16:57
davemwho was his previous crowd?16:57
ebeldavem: i think there were in morocco or spain17:07

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