
dlynes_laptopHow do you disable the splash screen?  I need to be able to interact with the installer, but the throb bar/splash screen is preventing me from seeing the console that is doing the install.15:41
charlie-tcadlynes_laptop: edit the menu line and remove "quiet splash" from it15:52
dlynes_laptopcharlie-tca, and that gets rid of the throb bar?  I thought that was only for the png splash screen supported by the kernel?15:53
cjwatsonerr.  that's a confusing question.  when the installer is running, the splash screen is normally not there15:53
charlie-tcaYou can get the line on-screen from the installer menu by hitting F6 ESC15:53
cjwatsonso I don't understand what your environment could be15:53
cjwatsonperhaps I don't understand which splash screen you're referring to15:54
* charlie-tca is confused, too15:54
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, my installer is a two-part install....it's a large enough install that ubuntu can't seem to complete all of it during the initial pxe boot install, so I have some additional install that happens the first time the gui boots up15:54
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, on 9.04 it remained in the console until the install finished, and then ran startx to boot into the gui15:55
cjwatsonso you're referring to the splash screen that's the Ubuntu logo with dots underneath it, or similar?15:55
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, exactly! :)15:55
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, with the moving dots15:55
cjwatsonthen what charlie-tca said should be correct (though removing 'quiet' is probably unnecessary).  that splash screen isn't supported by the kernel, it's done in userspace15:55
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, yeah...that's what I figured15:56
cjwatsonthat said, you may need something a bit more sophisticated depending on how much you're doing with the console15:56
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, is it actually a process that gets run, that I can just kill?15:56
cjwatsonyes, plymouth, but better to stop it cleanly15:56
cjwatsontry without 'splash' first and see what happens15:56
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, you mean 'kill plymouthd'?15:56
cjwatsonI mean try without 'splash' first and see what happens. :-)15:56
dlynes_laptopOh, ok15:56
cjwatsonnot prepared to venture more until you've tried that15:57
cjwatsonwhen you run without 'splash', plymouth is still running, but passes boot messages through15:57
cjwatson(it's basically doing multiplexing)15:57
cjwatsonif that doesn't work, it would be best to run 'plymouth quit'15:59
cjwatsongenerally if you can try to avoid killing processes that's cleanere15:59
dwhiteheadjust encountered an issue with 10.04 upgrade and mysql... won't work now16:00
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, yeah...I only need this for the first boot16:00
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, after the first boot, I'm fine to have plymouth run16:00
cjwatsondwhitehead: I'm afraid we do initial installations here, not upgrades.  try #ubuntu or #ubuntu-server?16:00
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, actually....this is the current append line:          append ramdisk_size=14984 locale=en_CA console-setup/layoutcode=en_CA netcfg/wireless_wep= netcfg/choose_interface=eth0 netcfg_gethostname= url=http://preseed.ubuntu.com/preseed-lucid-station-installer.cfg vga=normal initrd=lucid-station-installer/i386/initrd.gz --16:00
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, erm...nvm....it's not using that at this point...it's already past that point16:01
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, I guess as part of my preseed late_command, I should modify the grub2 configs to modify the plymouth out of there?16:04
cjwatsonmore likely, you'd need to run 'plymouth quit' at the start of your second-stage installer commands16:06
cjwatsonthinking about it, running without 'splash' probably won't actually help much, sorry16:06
cjwatsonbut just telling plymouth to go away should be straightforward16:06
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, Ok, because I just tried the 'plymouth quit' command, and I'm left with a black screen....no text on it...is that normal?16:09
cjwatsonwell, I'm expecting that you would be running your second-stage installer code after that, and that it will put something on the console ...16:11
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, trying that now, thanks16:16
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, btw...is the 10.04 installer supposed to take considerably longer than the 9.04 install?16:16
cjwatsonext4 is known to slow things down somewhat sometimes16:19
cjwatsonlong story16:19
dlynes_laptopOh...why was it chosen as the default, then?16:20
dlynes_laptopOr is it faster after everything's installed and you're only writing data?16:20
cjwatsonagain, long story :)  dpkg is kind of a worst case for it due to the things it has to do to be absolutely reliable16:35
dlynes_laptopAnyways...I seem to be getting the 2nd stage installer on tty7 now, and a blinking cursor about 8 lines down on a completely black screen on tty116:48
dlynes_laptoptty2 through tty6 seem to be what you would normally expect16:49
cjwatsonit's possible you may need to explicitly chvt after quitting plymouth16:50
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, yeah...I'm on a limited timeline today, though....so I'm skipping the 2nd stage install for now, and doing it manually, instead16:57
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, it was working very well for 9.04, but completely fubar with 10.04 (and I'm guessing 10.1 as well)16:58
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, it seemed to work for 9.1 as well, but 9.1 was a bust for us because of nfs mounts over pxe boot not working so well16:58
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, it's something i'm going to have to address in 10.04 now, so when I figure it out, i'll be sending script patches and a bug report onto launchpad.net16:59
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, thanks for the tip about chvt, though...I will try that on Monday17:00
Riddellwhat's the best way to create an ubuntu bootable usb stick from non-ubuntu linux?17:01
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, btw, I'm guessing ubuntu has a limited number of tasksels you can do in the preseed?17:01
dlynes_laptopRiddell, Same way as you create it from ubuntu linux?17:02
Riddelldlynes_laptop: so "create usb-creator packages for suse" then "use usb-creator" ?17:02
dlynes_laptopRiddell, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/using-unetbootin-to-create-a-linux-usb-from-linux/17:04
dlynes_laptopRiddell, distribution independent, that way17:04
dlynes_laptopRiddell, afaik, usb-creator only works if you're running ubuntu17:04
dlynes_laptopRiddell, but, i'm not an expert, either17:05
cjwatsondlynes_laptop: theoretically you should be able to select as many packages as you like17:05
cjwatsondlynes_laptop: maybe you're running into a command-line length limit or something, if you tried to install a truly enormous number17:05
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, that's what i thought, but 9.04 seemed to cut me off after so many packages17:05
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, i was installing an enormous number, but they were all one per line17:06
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, was installing a bunch of drivers, network management/diagnostic tools, software development tools and software development libraries17:07
cjwatsonyeah, but they all go onto one giant apt-get install line in the end17:07
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, ah...so how do you get around that, then?17:07
cjwatsonfile a bug with logs and I'll look at it17:07
dlynes_laptopHow do I get logs of it?17:07
cjwatsonafter it fails, hit the go-back button until you get to the main menu, and select "save debug logs"17:08
cjwatsonor you can switch to alt-f2, run 'anna-install openssh-client-udeb', and then you have scp17:08
dlynes_laptopcjwatson, this is in the console installer?  or the gui installer?17:08
cjwatson/var/log/syslog is the important one17:08
dlynes_laptopOk, thanks....much appreciated17:08
cjwatsonthe GUI installer doesn't have tasksel17:08
dlynes_laptopI will include the preseed config file as well17:09
dlynes_laptopAgain...don't know if i'll get it on there today, or not....but by Monday for sure17:09
dlynes_laptopBtw...if we have a support contract with Canonical, can we get packages backported, such as wireshark 1.4?17:11
cjwatsonI don't know the answer to that - you'd have to ask your support contact17:13
cjwatsondevelopment and support are fairly separate, except for escalated bugs and the like17:13

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