
HannieCan anyone tell me where I can find information (web page) about the screenshots that were uploaded to the server09:10
HannieHoi trijntje09:34
sagacihey, just listening to the uupc, sounds like a huge project. Maybe it'd be an idea to stick with the LTS releases12:36
sagaciand now just heard popey's idea of LTS releases on the podcast12:37
popeywasnt my idea :)12:50
popeyothers have suggested it before me :)12:50
sagaciit looks like a good product though, coupled with the ubuntu font, dots and screenshots, it should be part of the ubuntu install12:51
hannie_godbyk, are you here?15:43
hannie_godbyk, ping15:44
godbykHello, hannie_.16:01
hannie_Hi Kevin, I was just chatting with trijntje on the nl channel16:06
hannie_Did you receive my mails of this morning?16:06
godbykhannie_: Yes. I'm responding to them now, in fact.16:09
godbykOne response sent. Another coming in just a moment.16:09
hannie_Right, then I won't bother you here. I will go and read your answer16:10
hannie_If I still encounter any problems I will come back16:11
godbykSecond email sent.16:12
godbykLet me know if you have any further questions.  I should be around for quite a while.16:13
hannie_Kevin, you forgot to answer the most important one16:15
hannie_About the screenshots16:15
hannie_The subject is Final stage16:15
godbykOh, whoops. I see that one now.16:16
hannie_Ok, I'll wait for your answer16:16
godbykIf you email the two screenshots to me, I will make sure that flan gets then and that they make their way into the repository.16:16
hannie_I will send them to you right now16:17
godbykI'll see if I can snag the others and put them in the repository.16:17
godbykIf I can't, I'll let flan know and have him do it soon.16:18
godbykThen one of us will send you an email to let you know when they're there.16:18
hannie_This is really awesome16:18
godbykAfter you've got them downloaded and you rerun make, they should magically appear in the manual.16:19
hannie_That's what I guessed16:20
hannie_What a wonderful technique16:20
hannie_I just sent you the two screenshots16:21
godbykAre you working on lucid-e1 or lucid-e2?16:21
godbyk(If you're unsure, you can run 'bzr info' to find out.)16:22
hannie_Is there much difference between the two? I hope most of the work is doen with e116:22
hannie_I am now going to work on that line break thing. Thanks again for your help so far16:24
trijntjehannie_, still no luck with the line breaks? I thought there was a package that could do dutch hyphenations16:25
hannie_trijntje, see page 1816:25
hannie_It is not a matter of hyphenation16:25
hannie_trijntje, do you want me to send you the updated nl.po?16:26
trijntjehannie_, sure, but i dont know how to go from .po to .tex16:28
hannie_ok, then I will send you the updated ubuntu-manual-nl.pdf16:29
hannie_Mind you, it still needs corrections16:29
godbykhannie_:  I've added the screenshots to the repository, so you may run 'bzr pull' now.16:29
hannie_Great, this is fun16:30
hannie_I am rather curious about the final results16:30
godbykThe screenshots should appear the next time you rebuild the PDF.  Please take a look at them and make sure that they're all correct and look okay.16:30
hannie_We should say thanks to trijntje, who did the screenshots16:31
hannie_Kevin, about the credits part one more question16:31
godbykThanks for putting up with our lack of organization, trijntje! :-)16:31
hannie_Do I have to add the LP names of the Dutch translators manually?16:32
godbykhannie_: For the Lucid editions, you do.  I would recommend using their full names if they're okay with it.  If they prefer their launchpad names be used instead, that's okay, too.16:33
godbykhannie_: I'm trying to automate that a bit for the Maverick edition. We'll see how it goes.16:33
hannie_What about people who only contributed one string?16:33
godbykIt's up to you whether or not to include them.16:34
godbyk(One of the many joys of being a translation editor! :-P)16:34
trijntjegodbyk, no problem, most screenshots were taken with quickshot when it still worked, which was quite painless16:34
hannie_Ok, back to work now. I will let you know if everything went well16:34
godbykAll right. Good luck!16:34
hannie_See you!16:35
hannie_godbyk and trijntje (if you are still here) SUCCESS! All the screenshots are in the pdf16:44
hannie_I can see that some text is hidden behind some screenshots, but that can be fixed I suppose16:45
=== Daker is now known as daker
jenkinssorry I have been away for a while life has been busy and my laptop is broken at the moment18:59
* nisshh slaps jenkins19:00
nisshhbad jenkins!19:00
nisshh :)19:00
jenkinslol :P19:00
jenkinsI now need to decide on if to get a new laptop or a desktop19:00
nisshhjenkins, depends if you need portability or not19:01
jenkinsor find a way to fix the soldering on this thing.19:01
jenkinsthats the trouble portability has been of use to me19:01
nisshhah ok19:01
jenkinsdesktops offer better value19:01
nisshhheh, you can say that again :)19:02
nisshhjenkins, plus, desktops are far easier to upgrade parts in19:02
jenkinsyea exactly19:03
jenkinswhat irc app do people use in android19:03
nisshhi forgot19:03
nisshha guy in my loco knows though19:03
* jenkins tries andchat19:06
nisshhjenkins, your in luck19:06
nisshhjenkins, supposedly good ones are andchat and YAAIC (Yet Another Android IRC Client)19:07
jenkinsthanks for checking19:08
nisshhnp :)19:08
jenkins-AndroidYey it works!19:13
jenkinsnow to take my laptop apart more!19:13
nisshhjenkins-Android, which android phone do you have? desire? droid 2? nexus one?19:14
jenkins-AndroidIt's very good19:16
ChrisWoollardWas there are meeting tonight?21:38
ChrisWoollardIf there was I guess I missed it.21:38
ChrisWoollardHold on a mo. Its Thursday....21:39
ChrisWoollardIt's tomorrow isn't it.21:39

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