
yggdrasilits a volkswagon can and the air conditioning duct runs right ther and i think its got some hefty bolts up there.00:01
yggdrasilill have to play with it.00:01
yggdrasiland its heavy ass laptop too00:01
Zinnyggdrasil: Please watch your language.00:01
yggdrasilyes sir00:01
yggdrasilis that an automated response ?00:02
rhpot1991yggdrasil: yep00:03
yggdrasilok im out00:03
Wickedhello all. ive got a pvr-150 and i followed these directions on installing the required kernel module(lirc_zilog) and its installed fine and i can load it...but i cannot start lirc. heres the guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9211073&postcount=6400:50
Zinn[ubuntuforums.org] Ubuntu Forums - View Single Post - Using PVR150 IR Blaster In Mythbuntu 9.10b00:50
Wickedlirc wont start saying:00:51
Wicked* Unable to load LIRC kernel modules. Verify your00:51
Wicked * selected kernel modules in /etc/lirc/hardware.conf00:51
Wickedmy hardware.conf: http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/W12HRwC900:51
ubuXubuis mythbuntu xfce ir wut?06:59
ubuXubuor wut*06:59
tgm4883ubuntulo1, yes07:22
tgm4883ubuXubu, yes07:22
ubuXubuso it is xubuntu07:23
ubuXubuwhy is it called....myth07:24
ubuXubuis it cos it really doesnt exist07:24
ubuXububarn door is open martin___07:27
martin___ubuXubu: huh?07:28
tgm4883ubuXubu, cause it is the combination of MythTV and Ubuntu07:30
ubuXubuwut is mythtv07:30
tgm4883ubuXubu, seriously?07:31
ubuXubuis that a os07:31
ubuXubunever heard of that one07:31
tgm4883you are in the #ubuntu-mythtv channel07:31
ubuXubui typed in mythbuntu07:31
tgm4883why did you type in mythbuntu?07:31
ubuXubui heard it was an os07:32
tgm4883it is07:32
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] MythTV, Open Source DVR07:32
tgm4883I know!07:33
tgm4883Super awesome!07:34
ubuXubucan i get free tv07:34
tgm4883where do you live?07:34
tgm4883Probably, I would assume there is OTA there07:34
ubuXubuholy shit07:35
ZinnubuXubu: Please watch your language.07:35
ubuXubuur kidden07:35
tgm4883i'm headed to bed though07:35
ubuXubuhow many channels07:35
tgm4883so you will have to read all about it on the website07:35
tgm4883IDK, that depends on your area07:35
tgm4883you should check out antennaweb to find out07:35
ubuXubui thought it was another buntu os07:36
ubuXuburu serious07:37
ubuXubuso u download the os to get the free tv07:38
ubuXubuexcuse me for a moment, ill brb08:05
henrik_any news on when .24 will be in the repo?08:15
mrandhenrik_: it should already be there.  You may need to update your mythbuntu-repos package.12:43
henrik_thx mrand !12:44
mrandNote, I'm referring to auto-builds PPA, not the official Ubuntu repo.  It won't be available there until 11.0412:44
mrandhenrik_: ^12:44
henrik_I can w8 for it to land in the official ;)12:44
mrandhenrik_: the good news is that it should be VERY stable by then.  The bad news is that it is 6 months away.12:45
henrik_ohh okej.. I think I will need to reconsider :P12:46
henrik_I thaught it was 11.04 pm tonight :) some kind och script doing mirroring or something like it ;)12:46
mrandyeah.... 11.04 = natty12:52
castlechey guys.  I'm having trouble getting the nvidia proprietary drivers on my diskless system.  is anyone able to help?13:02
AzelphurDo we have 0.24 packages yet?15:16
Azelphuralso is there an upgrade guide15:16
rhpot1991Azelphur: they should be in the autobuilds, and no to a guide15:18
Azelphurso I just run dpkg-reconfigure mythbuntu-repos and select 0.24 then upgrade?15:18
Azelphurand cross fingers15:19
castlecI'm having trouble getting the nvidia proprietary drivers on my diskless system.  is anyone able to help?15:22
AzelphurHaving problems upgrading to Mythbuntu 10.10 http://pastebin.com/YB2j4uGB15:53
Azelphurline 63 is where the bad stuff starts happening15:53
rhpot1991Azelphur: let me dig, I hit that15:56
rhpot1991I hit this issue today, installed x11-common by hand to get the latest version (sudo apt-get install x11-common), now my upgrades is on its way again.15:56
rhpot1991thats how I solved it a while back15:57
rhpot1991feel free to add a comment onto this bug or read up on it bug 63993315:57
ZinnBug 639933 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "10.04 -> 10.10beta: could not install the upgrades - Couldn't configure pre-depend x11-common for x11-xkb-utils, probably a dependency cycle." [High, Confirmed] http://www.launchpad.net/bugs/63993315:57
ruletHello. I've installed 0.24 from this https://launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/+archive/0.24 repository. And the old problem appeared: "Cannot login database". Any ideas?16:18
Zinn[launchpad.net] 0.24 : “Mythbuntu Developers” team16:18
Azelphurrhpot1991: that doesn't seem to work for me16:19
rhpot1991Azelphur: read the bug then I'd say16:20
AzelphurI did, tried the dpkg thing too16:21
AzelphurI'll go through and see if theres any more16:21
AzelphurI'm trying comment #2 which is scary16:29
Azelphurit's removing half the universe16:29
CRU_Hey guys....I am in need of some help.  I just installed a geforce 210 but can't get the sound to transfer via hdmi.  In my device manager I have a ? next to HDA Nvidia Sound Card16:30
CRU_Anyone know how to get sound working on the geforce 210 or help on how?16:38
rhpot1991CRU_: I know someone who had it working outside of myth and then had to modify their myth sound settings to use hw(1,3) instead of hw(0,3).  I think16:40
rhpot1991CRU_: check in alsamixer that its not muted as well16:40
CRU_i dont get any sound from it.  I just dont know how to get it installed properly.16:41
rhpot1991check alsamixer then test things with vlc or something16:45
rhpot1991get it working then move onto mythtv16:45
CRU_ok...i'll start here.16:48
CRU_rhpot1991: in alsamixer, I have a realtex nvidia alc888 *i believe onboard* that has volume, but when I switch cards, the other has no controls *the one for hdmi*16:56
Azelphurrhpot1991, I removed x11-common and that got the update to run17:26
Azelphurnow I've updated and it doesn't make to X17:27
AzelphurI get the Ubuntu splash screen and it says "The disk drive for UUID-8464... is not ready yet or not present"17:27
Azelphurit offers me to continue to wait. S to Skip or M for manual recovery17:28
Azelphurif I press S not much happens it just continues sitting at the splash screen17:28
AzelphurI can SSH or Switch to a TTY though17:28
Azelphurso basically it's just not starting X17:28
Azelphurlooks like I have no GDM, I'm installing it now and its installing a huge tonne of X packages with it, hopefully that'll fix it17:30
henrik_Hello! Anyone who know something about bach scripting? I got a problem loading DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/mythfrontend.real & in a screen17:38
CRU_Hey guys.  Setting up my first mythtv box.  I have a 210 geforce card with hdmi.  When I connect to my tv and play through surround sound, sound works, but through tv only all I get is clicking noises. Any idea why?17:38
henrik_this is the script I'm trying to load thru crown job to be runed every minute. http://paste.ubuntu.com/530136/17:41
henrik_the problem is that I can't get the start command running thru a screen.17:42
henrik_and without a screen the command puts out debug information so it never stops and can continue the script17:42
rhpot1991CRU_: disable the surround sound passthrough18:02
rhpot1991and/or tell it your speakers are stereo and not 5.118:03
rhpot1991Azelphur: check your /etc/fstab sounds like you have something in there that doesn't exist18:03
CRU_what does the surround sound passthrough do?18:06
rhpot1991passes dts and such18:09
Azelphurrhpot1991, I've got like 10 different problems so I just decided to reinstall18:09
Azelphurincluding that one :(18:09
Azelphurreinstall and pull the tables from the old install should hopefully work18:10
rhpot1991old install is what version of myth?18:12
AzelphurI wanted to do mythbuntu 10.04 -> 10.10 and 0.23.1 -> 0.2418:13
rhpot1991just make sure you restore your tables before you install 0.2418:13
Juppersdoes anyone know how to fix the python bindings after going to .24 in mythbuntu 10.10?18:15
JuppersThe autobuilds seem to not include the correct python bindings.18:17
=== Gibby_away is now known as Gibby
superm1Juppers, there's been a few people saying this, could you help debug by chance?19:39
superm1for starters, which mirror of 0.24 do you have19:39
superm1you can see in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/19:39
Juppersdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/repos/ubuntu maverick main deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/0.24/ubuntu maverick main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/0.24/ubuntu maverick main19:40
Zinn[ppa.launchpad.net] Index of /mythbuntu/repos/ubuntu19:40
superm1okay so you've got the PPA mirror19:41
superm1that's good19:41
superm1next, what version of myth* do you have installed? - "dpkg -l | grep myth"19:41
superm1(without the quotes)19:41
superm1and put that in a pastebin19:42
Zinnwhen pasting more than 5 lines of data please use http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com so you don't flood the channel.  Then please post the link in the channel.19:42
superm1okay so it looks like the proper version of the bindings is installed19:45
superm1you can double check the files by this: "dpkg -L libmyth-python"19:46
Juppers[~]:mythpython --version    MythTV Python Bindings   local versions     bindings version:   Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/bin/mythpython", line 13, in <module>     print '    bindings version:  ', '.'.join([str(i) for i in static.OWN_VERSION]) NameError: name 'static' is not defined19:50
superm1hmm.. so somehow you have another copy installed elsewhere it seems19:50
superm1check in /usr/local ?19:51
superm1did you ever build from source manually?19:51
Juppersnot since .2219:51
superm1okay, so check in the following directories for a directory called MythTV19:52
superm1[ '/usr/lib/python2.6', '/usr/lib/python2.6/plat-linux2', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-old', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/PIL', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gst-0.10', '/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gtk-2.0', '/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/gtk-2.0', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/wx-2.8-gtk2-unicode', '/usr/loca19:53
superm1it's more thank likely in '/usr/lib/python2.6' or '/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages'19:53
superm1or '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages'19:53
Juppersfound /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/MythTV]:19:57
superm1is that just a symlink with /usr/share/pyshared/MythTV though by chance?19:57
JuppersI think the winner of the bad will be /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/MythTV]:19:58
superm1before you axe it, see if anything is claiming ownership19:58
JuppersI mean [/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages]: l ./  ../  MythTV/  MythTV-0.22.egg-info  MythTV-0.23.0.egg-info19:58
superm1/usr/local ?19:59
superm1so it was from a handle compile a while back then it sounds19:59
Juppersnuke it?19:59
superm1yeah if it's within /usr/local, nuke it19:59
Jupperssorry so terse, trying to merge the arclight metadata selector with extended video info into mythbuntu right now too.20:00
superm1no problems.  it's a relief it's not caused by the packages20:01
Juppers[/]: mythpython --version MythTV Python Bindings   local versions     bindings version:
Juppersmuch better20:01
funsheephello, i tried to install mythtv 0.24 now the backend won't start, saying "Error: There are no cards in the database". I don't have a tv card, so thats obviously true. But the backend does not start. How do need to configure the backend so that it starts again?20:29
tgm4883funsheep, there is an option in the backend to set up a dummy card20:30
superm10.24 makes it a requirement to have some card, even if it's a dummy20:31
funsheepyeah noticed that. backend goes into an endless loop trying to start20:31
tgm4883superm1, I thought we had fixed that?20:32
tgm4883or have we not fixed that yet?20:32
superm1the endless loop thing?20:32
superm1i think you had some ideas for it20:33
superm1with upstart jobby stuff to count how many times it failed20:33
superm1but i dont think it was ever implemented20:33
tgm4883fine leave :)20:33
tgm4883superm1, yea I think your right20:33
tgm4883yep, it's a bug targeted for 11.0420:34
tgm4883alpha1 that is20:34
funsheepcouldn't find the dummy card, only test recorder and demo recorder - both want a filepath as a parameter20:34
tgm4883superm1, ^^20:35
tgm4883I haven't set mine up yet on 0.24, so IDK20:35
superm1either of them are fine just to get the backend running without a tuner20:35
superm1demo recorder is probably what i was referring to20:35
funsheepok. maybe the demo recorder then should be added as a "dummy recorder" to make things obvious (at least for me) :) i'll try that. i would like to add that to the documentation then - should i do that, and if yes, where? thanks in advance20:37
=== nico_ is now known as camelreef
Zinn[bugs.launchpad.net] Bug #674215 in Mythbuntu: “/usr/share/mythtv/metadata shoud be part of mythtv-common, not mythtv-backend”20:39
tgm4883funsheep, I added it to the mythbuntu 0.24 mythtv page20:39
mrandfunsheep: if you were so inclined, the installation guide would be the best place: http://www.mythbuntu.org/wiki20:40
superm1camelreef, interesting, i thought that frontends now trigger that to happen on the backend20:41
* camelreef has finally upgraded to maverick and the 0.24 nightlies20:41
camelreefsuperm1, well, the frontend logs were showing the command line and were returning zero result20:42
camelreefI copied the directory over, and voila20:42
camelreefmaybe it is a remaining config20:42
superm1but i thought as soon as it was imported a backend job is supposed to kick off the metadata grab automagically20:42
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] MythVideo - MythTV20:43
camelreefsuperm1, I'm with you, I read the same thing somewhere, but heh, not reality on my setup20:44
superm1well it will need to be investigated a little bit before shuffling around20:44
superm1otherwise there's some messy conflicts/replaces that need to be done20:44
camelreefI'm the messenger!20:45
camelreefis Jamu still on acron on 0.24?20:46
* camelreef goes lookig....20:46
superm1 it should be20:46
tgm4883it's a fallback20:46
camelreefand do you remember that bug with $LANG in the startup script making use of directories with accentuated chars impossible?20:47
=== Gibby is now known as Gibby_away
camelreefit's back20:47
Zinn[bugs.launchpad.net] Bug #541042 in Mythbuntu: “locale is not set up before mythtv-backend start causing problems in mythvideo with accentuated chars”20:47
funsheepSorry do bother you again, but i can't get my system to work again. I tried both test and demo recorder (without setting a filepath). After that trying to set a video source the setup hangs.20:48
superm1dang camelreef20:48
camelreefyou need more French users!20:48
tgm4883funsheep, i'd try using a filepath for a video20:48
camelreefwithout metadata scrips on remote frontend:20:50
camelreef2010-11-11 19:58:53.187 Running Grabber: /usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Television/ttvdb.py -l en -M Battlestar Galactica 200320:50
camelreef2010-11-11 19:58:53.211 No results found for Battlestar Galactica 2003 1 120:50
superm1camelreef, http://paste.ubuntu.com/530250/20:50
superm1does that fix it for you?20:51
camelreefsuperm1, yes, it does (I just did a copy/paste from the backed-up script generated by dpkg)20:52
superm1camelreef, could you just double check with this exact one to make sure the syntax is right?  if so, i'll add that to t onight's autobuilds20:53
funsheeptgm4883, ah. i was to impatient. everything works again. thanks for the help!20:53
camelreefI used this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/530252/20:54
superm1okay more or less the same then20:54
camelreefif the one I used works, yours will work20:54
camelreeffor the grabbers: http://paste.ubuntu.com/530257/20:57
superm1yeah i didn't think ttvdb.py was still used20:59
superm1but it might be20:59
tgm4883superm1, jamu uses it20:59
tgm4883since jamu is the fallback20:59
superm1but the integrated stuff shouldn't need it21:00
tgm4883RDV might know more, but he isn't here21:00
tgm4883no one answered me in -users on that21:00
tgm4883oh well, off to learn about DNS21:00
camelreefc'est speco comment The Edge sort la gratte de Where the streets have no name21:00
camelreefwell, the integrated stuff may not use it21:01
camelreefbut if you want to manually fix metadata it apparently uses it21:01
camelreefW key21:01
superm1i tried to invite RDV in21:02
superm1he should be able to get down to the bottom of this21:02
camelreefOK guys21:07
camelreefthanks for the hard work21:07
camelreeftime to actually use MythTV, not just tinker with it :o)21:07
camelreefthen bed21:07
camelreefoh, one last thing: the libmyth package is still called libmyth-0.2321:10
* camelreef is probably not the first with htat one...21:10
camelreeflibmyth-0.23-0, to be exact21:11
camelreefwith 0.24.0~trunk26882-0ubuntu0~mythbuntu2 as a version21:11
superm1camelreef, you must be on an old build21:12
superm1the current builds are 0.24.0+fixesZYX21:12
superm1which mirror are you using?21:12
camelreefI used the nightlies deb21:12
camelreefto set that up21:12
superm1yeah but which mirror did you select?21:12
superm1i think 2 of them have problems currently21:13
camelreefUK and 0.2421:13
superm1open up MCC and reconfigure it to be "PPA" or "de"21:13
superm1either of those should be fine21:13
superm1UK and US are both busted AFAIK21:13
camelreefa dpkg-reconfigure later... and plenty to upgrade !21:15
camelreefincluding a libmyth swap21:15
camelreefshould I open a bug on mythbuntu-repos ?21:16
superm1tgm4883 knows about it21:16
superm1i think there's actually a bug open too21:16
superm1solution might end up being to just pull out the repos if we dont get em fixed soon21:17
steviemanI am trying to use the autobuilds to update from .23.1 to .24 but I am getting a message saying only a partial upgrade is possible. Items like mythtv-backend, mythtv-frontend, mythgame are not selectable in the update manager21:57
tgm4883stevieman, what repo did you select for 0.24?22:09
steviemantgm4883: I selected PPA22:10
tgm4883new dependencies maybe?22:10
tgm4883try an "apt-get -s dist-upgrade"22:10
steviemantgm4883: I don't know, I think I'll just sit and wait a while before I upgrade. I just got the machine working, I don't want to break it again. Anyways, I gotta run22:12
tgm4883and thats what the -s is for22:12
superm1update-manager will do it for you too generally22:35
camelreefwow, audio sync on that remote frontend is quite off22:51
camelreefand that auto-population is giving waaaaaay too many choices22:52
camelreefgot a good setup now22:55
camelreefand the judder-free setup now works on the main frontend22:55
camelreefthat 0.24 release is quite nifty !22:55
camelreefpulseaudio in sync on the laptop is unheard of22:57
camelreefgood night from Scotland!22:59
CRU_Hey.  I need some help.  I have just installed a geforce 210 card and want to change my default audio device in mythbuntu to the hw:1,7  but I cant figure out how to do it...been trying for about an hour23:13
rhpot1991CRU_: just type that into the audio page?23:19
CRU_but I cant get sound on any other programs if I just do that.23:19
CRU_I will get sound for tv...but any other application I have open from mythtv (i.e. hulu) wont give any sound23:20
tgm4883hulu isn't an application, it's a website23:21
CRU_they have a desktop application you can download actually23:22
AzelphurHmm, Metadata grabbing doesn't seem to be working at all for me in the new MythTV23:22
Azelphurpress W, nothing happens23:22
Azelphurwell it puts the little timer up for a second but besides that nothing happens23:23
AzelphurI'm using the mythbuntu 0.24 build23:24
=== nhOmega is now known as ruskie

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