
akgranerhighvoltage, nhandler - the better solution is to have someone (I haven't looked yet) Just write a story on Xubuntu and say btw if you are interesting in joining in on the planning then join us at this meeting02:12
akgranerTalk about what Xubuntu is, how it is related to Ubuntu, how to get involved and what are some of the key points/goals coming out of uds, how people can get involved and send the invitation to the community - not just a "meeting announcement"02:13
akgranerthat would be awesome for the Fridge02:14
akgranernhandler, highvoltage  - if I was rude yesterday not my intent - lets work on the agenda for the next meeting and hash someone this out via the mailing list prior to the meeting - I'll update agenda and send a note to the list in the morning and get this ball rolling02:17
nhandlerakgraner: Yep. An actual story would be fine for a one-off type thing. But we shouldn't do that for every Xubuntu meeting ;)02:18
akgraneragree - just showing the subtle difference in how to get the same message out02:18
akgranerbut in an informational way that benefits the greater audience02:19
akgranernhandler, has anyone added the bug day for tomorrow to the Fridge yet (sorry I haven't looked)02:20
akgranernhandler, nm the page finally loaded :-) the answer is no :-)02:23
highvoltageakgraner: ah, I can't even remember anything yesterday that could come across as you being rude,02:45
highvoltagenhandler: I didn't suggest we do it for every meeting ;)02:46
alouriegood mornign07:12
akgraneralourie, good morning!08:58
alourieakgraner: hi Amber!09:22
alouriehow are you? How's your house?09:22
akgranerabout to be torn the rest of the way down so we can start rebuilding09:23
akgranerprogress is being made daily09:23
alourieakgraner: oh good09:33
akgranernods :-)09:33
alourieakgraner: I really hope it'll be done as soon as possible09:34
akgraneralourie, thank you, me too09:34
alourieakgraner: we all support you here :-)09:38
akgraneryou all rock09:40
alourieyou rock09:45
akgranerwe missed adding bug day to ubuntu-news.org - but IT world picked it up - woo hoo - http://www.itworld.com/open-source/127268/help-improve-ubuntu-bug-day-tomorrow?source=itw_rss11:55
akgranerawesome - Joe barker is going to cover the translation and loco team interviews this cycle - woo hoo!18:55
akgranerhe will be mentoring a couple folks who are new to the community and contributing as well..18:56
akgranerdpm you are everywhere - didn't see you in here :-P19:00
dpmheya :-)19:00
Pendulumakgraner: he's stealth like that19:04

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