[00:42] dasKreech called the ops in #kubuntu () [00:52] Yeah, that was against me for cleaning the ban list [00:52] Not much I can do, it will be a noisy evening [00:53] > feel free to !ops nhandler is spamming modes [00:54] * nhandler slaps niko around a bit ;) [01:07] cs clear ? [01:08] now let's see it in #ubuntu! [01:08] nhandler: you win, i disabled my trigger [01:10] your script seems to be broken [01:10] most of them are removed long time ago [01:11] * elky looks at some of the unbans and blinks. [01:12] niko: No, just the bans without comments [01:12] jrib: I'm not looking forward to that [01:12] :) [01:13] niko: Yep. The BT had a lot of stale data (/me hopes ubottu updates based on these unbans) [01:14] nhandler: you can't force it to do mode +b and remove/flag them ? [01:14] nhandler: if possible, you can save /some/ space by doing -bbbb unban1 unban2 unban3 unban4 [01:31] I have a bash script that will take a file with one ban per line and turn it into a bunch of /mode -bbbb statements [01:33] Although, I'm looking and going "suck that, logwatchers" [01:34] except it wont show up :( [01:44] Pici: I tried to use that one day and I failed :) [02:22] xangua called the ops in #ubuntu (echo310infantry) [02:22] why am I so laggy :| [02:23] console-kit. :| [02:29] chien is very close to being banned for good. [02:30] his isp uses dynamic ip [02:31] I'll ban chien*!*@* [02:39] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from chien) [04:04] Question for those folks who are also freenode staff or have been through the GRF process - do you get a chanserv notice or something when you get set as the founder of a channel? [04:04] holy unbans batman [04:05] ... why were there bans on ops in the ops channel? :S [04:06] tonyyarusso: We ban Amaranth every once in a while for yucks. [04:08] Flannel: and Myrtti, LjL, bazhang, ikonia, and jussi01? [04:08] Please ping me before you do #ubuntu, I want to watch [04:08] that jussi01 is a troublemaker! [04:08] nhandler: ^ [04:10] A lot of the unbans/unquiets were simply due to some outdated stuff in the BT. I'm not going to do #ubuntu, +1, or -ot until tomorrow [04:11] tonyyarusso: I do not believe so. But you will get notified when the GRF gets processed [04:12] nhandler: Ah, all righty. [04:13] (All the paperwork should be done - just have to wait for toma*w to read his mail and we're good to go - yay! [04:13] ) [05:51] I'm not sure if root_ in #ubuntu is just confused, but he has two nicks (same ip) and so far has only said "THE_SEEKER_001". [10:08] ikonia, p_________'s obscenity-laced exit flounce a while ago should probably have earned a ban, TBH. [10:08] gone [16:00] is #ubuntu-installer [16:00] an official channel ? [16:02] i didn't think you could get #ubuntu namespace channels at all without some sort of authentication [16:02] it may be official and I just don't know about it [16:02] hence asking [16:02] you can get them, didn't think you could keep them [16:08] @btlogin [16:09] whats the !info flag for version specific packages [16:17] !info [16:17] '' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable [16:17] well, anyway, that is the right line [16:19] got it [16:19] sorry should have said sooner, I was playing with ubottu in pm [16:20] @help info [16:20] (info []) -- Lookup information for , optionally in [16:21] sure, anybody could have done it that way... [16:21] * charlie-tca didn't really know about that, though [16:22] Its handy [17:04] In ubottu, karthick87 said: !beer is Beer is a tasty beverage! [17:04] ubottu: tell karthick87 please don't create pointless factoids [17:04] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [17:04] rubbish [17:25] hi guys [17:25] is tor supported in #ubuntu? It's not in the official repos... [17:25] heya [17:26] umm, I don't think it is [17:26] me neither, worth an ask [17:26] we have the factoid but it points to using tor to connect to freenode [17:27] ActionParsnip: there is a #tor you can point them to I guess [17:29] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (zaytsev appears to be abusive - 4) [17:30] Good day all , my user is banned from months ago , when will it be freed [17:34] alabd: when we have confidence you can follow the channel rules [17:59] nhandler: are you happy with doing this now? [17:59] evilmquin: Yep [18:01] * popey notes alabd has been annoying people in ubuntu-users recently with his opening "praise be" type mails [18:01] I'll +m the channel while I'm doing it - it's not going to be espeically usable for a couple of minutes anyway [18:03] what the fuck is evilmquin doing? [18:03] #ubuntu [18:03] clearing old bans without comments [18:03] also you know the language rules dude [18:04] nhandler: IT IS HAPPENING [18:04] jrib: Yep [18:04] * Pici dances [18:04] floodbots don't like it :) [18:04] well, the *!*@bzshells ban I placed has just been removed even though I commented it [18:04] o'rly [18:04] Seveas: Actually that was because of something that happened elsewhere. [18:05] also, why muted? [18:05] stop people asking "what's going on" I guess [18:05] Yes. [18:05] popey: thanks for the heads up on alabd [18:05] Also I can't imagine getting anything done during that spam. [18:05] then why didn't you just explain it beforehand? [18:06] He did announce it. [18:06] must have gotten lost in the noise... [18:06] Seveas: do you really think that would stop people from reacting? [18:06] "18:02:23 <@evilmquin> Things are going to get a bit noisy for a couple of minutes, folks - please bear with us [18:06] that is some _considerable_ distance from being an explanation IMO [18:06] wow, best put limcore and iraqi back on the list [18:06] * ikonia is making notes [18:07] popey, like halfway around the world :) [18:07] perhaps changing the /topic might have been prudent? [18:07] ikonia: looks like we are going to be busy for the next few days :/ [18:07] ikonia: the bt database isn't perfect, we fully expect some bans to be put back [18:07] hindsight 20/20 vision etc [18:08] tsimpson|n800: it's not a problem, I caught them, they are back [18:08] ikonia: Please be sure to comment on those bans. [18:08] popey: The whole thing only takes a minute or two [18:08] nhandler: irrelavent [18:08] Pici: I shall re-comment them [18:08] popey: You're right, we should have made a better announcement about it. [18:08] nhandler: you know what was happening - over a thousand other irc clients did not. [18:09] also, time to leave that channel now I guess, trolls will have a feast :) [18:09] Pici: I suspect there are some bans set more than once (that the bot didn't see removed), some of those without comments... [18:09] for two minutes people got a little confused but they got a show [18:09] anyway, it's all done now, thanks for the work you guys have done clearing that up, and good luck over the next few days :S [18:09] Seveas: which one ? [18:09] tsimpson|n800: I have a feeling that may have happened as well. [18:09] ikonia, I saw syf for instance [18:10] ahh yes, I did have a comment on him also as I removed him once and you made me aware [18:10] reason for +r still? [18:10] one of the floodbots set that [18:11] the floodbots set it in certain situations [18:11] looks like flood I guess [18:11] ikonia: no. [18:11] oh [18:11] and nzk [18:11] see my note in -monitor [18:11] weird, I have uncommented bans that weren't removed apparently [18:11] they don't count /mode messages anyway [18:11] jrib: swap you some of my commented ones that where ;) [18:12] Seveas: would you care to re-set them again as I had commented both of those and they have slipped through [18:12] That person hasn't been around for years. [18:12] ikonia, I haven't been an op in a loooooooooong time :) [18:12] Pici, because they were banned, duh... [18:12] Pici: I assume you'd rather it was left off then [18:13] --> bjoich (~KURBA@ has joined #ubuntu [18:13] penis [18:13] there's the first one ;) [18:13] tht was quick [18:13] anyway, have fun, I'll come back in a month or so [18:13] what a surprise bzshells too [18:13] here we go :) [18:14] tsimpson|n800: did you query for all bans without comments? or all un-removed bans w/o comments? [18:15] Pici: removed and where the comment count is 0 or 1 and the first comment doesn't look like an automatic comment [18:15] tsimpson|n800: okay. [18:16] evilmquin: Thanks for the help :) [18:21] evilmquin: If you could please use this for your pre-removal announcement next time it would be great: "Things are going to get a bit noisey for a few minutes, as we cleaning out some stale modes. Feel free to take a moment to get up and stretch. " [18:22] * Pici goes for lunchies [18:23] Also, for those who like graphs: http://status.nullcortex.com/other/other/ircbans.html [18:23] nice :) [18:23] I like graphs [18:26] -offtopic and +1 still need to get done, which is why you don't see the big fall for -ot [20:11] Pici: would it be okay to go ahead and clear the bans on -offtopic and +1 ? (nhandler has made his escape) [20:11] evilmquin: Sure, go ahead. [20:12] should be a bit faster this time [20:12] Allrighty. [21:01] hi, if http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/locallanguage#hebrew-arabic is right, then the factoid !arabic should be changed [21:02] is my ban on #ubuntu-offtopic permamantly [21:02] for 3 days i idled in here, and wahm, another ban [21:04] i'll wait till my question is answered, i realize no idling here, so if you'd like to kick me, fine, just please leave the output as to whether i am permbanned or not [21:04] in PM [21:05] i am mentally handicapped, but could use the fellowship of bright fish i'm sure you all have looked into it, and should be able to discern i'm no troublemaker [21:10] nhandler: i don't know what the status of the new bantracker of ubotu, but feel free to pm me if you have requests or anything like that [21:15] could i please speak to an ubuntu-op [21:15] about a private matter [21:15] in PM [21:17] i apologize if making it publicly known how i felt about others and what they needed to help themselves. [21:20] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from brianBTB) [21:23] please prefix my nick and follow up to PM when you all are not busy. [21:23] i dont mind being kicked from here, just please get back with me [21:24] stumbleupons suicide bot, a blackbox, turned me into a figher. i wish nothing but peace for all. [21:26] and some words of advice, if your overworked and unhappy, it would like to consider that you try and get time off. irc has gotten the worst of me in the past as well. [21:27] and one last final public note. those that were in question, and i spoke what i honestly believed, i did not want to pursue it any further, which is what many of the channel wanted me to do. look like the bad guy. [21:28] i dropped it immediately not wanting to start a war. Madpilot was intent on going to war with me. [21:28] or at least not drop it and let by gones be by gones [21:28] i'm not a malicous human being [21:30] no one in there, every really cared for me, but i have a long history of not being malicious [21:32] you will have found many folks in there the night i was blacklisted, who had repeatedly done the o4o thing, though not a word of chastisement [21:33] please consider my words, and please give it some reconsideration [21:34] when you take me away form the community i'm left when the only viable alternative to have, to be nothing much but an end user rather than a helper. [22:08] seeing as i was welcome in #ubuntu-offtopic for 3-4 days, and all of a sudden i am banned, again. you've all heart where i am coming from. it was my desire to the lack of responsiveness to wipe away my k-rad freenode login which is my very right === avis is now known as k-rad [22:10] rww called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (k-rad-: repeated ban-evasion, despite notification of banned status) [22:11] k-rad: do you know that bypassing a ban in a channel is against freenode policy [22:13] do you realize i've been trying to settle this matter with #ubuntu-ops with not a single word to be spoken ? [22:13] that isn't the point [22:13] and for the record, no one EVER told me i was banned. [22:14] 2010-11-11T21:01:33 k-rad: You're banned from #ubuntu-offtopic by cloak. I recommend /parting the channel. [22:14] and for the record, i went 3-4 days in there, without being banned as k-rad, and i simply had nothing to say to anyone [22:14] thats exaclty what i ddi [22:14] i left [22:14] and then you joined again [22:15] indeed i did. i was unabanned for 3-4 days. that was a indication to me that #ubuntu-offtopic were not heartless [22:15] under k-rad [22:15] you were banned by your cloak, you then didn't identify to your account to regain access to the channel [22:16] recognized that much, so you do not penalize me for that [22:16] if you tried to join while identified then you would have known the ban was still in effect [22:16] did you read about being unbanned as k-rad for 4 days, no question asked ? [22:17] please refer to my previous discussion here, as to my status in #ubuntu-offtopic which occurred before my rejoining (3-4 days unbanned, that seems to send a message that people are over it) [22:19] tsimpson, i won't rejoin the channel. but i would like to know how long i am banned for. that way i can remove it from my channel list, and not get deceived into thinking i was unbanned since for 3-4 days i idled there with nothing to say, or any blocks [22:19] you were banned 3 days ago, the only reason you seem to be unbanned now is because you didn't identify to your account and get cloaked [22:19] i'm no longer using my pdpc account [22:19] i guarantee you, i've been in that channel for some time as k-rad. within last 3 days. [22:19] k-rad: bans stay until it is discussed (in here) and an operator in that channel is convinced that you understand and will abide by channel rules [22:20] we generally never have automatically expiring bans [22:20] tsimpson, i ask you to read the dialog i had for the whole channel, before this war against me started up again [22:21] I am not waging a war, I'm simply stating the fact as I can see them, if you want to be allowed access in -offtopic again, you need to wait for an operator of that channel to talk to you and make a decision [22:22] here is a example to the usual me in that channel, me trying to assist a drunk in there http://pastebin.com/wMtjF2vx [22:23] i believe those ops also reside on this channel, so hopefully someone will have noted, that i am seeking resolution to this issue. i'm one of the nicest guys in the word [22:25] i'd like to idle here so i can speak to someone peacefully. i'll be waiting for a PM. should my presence here be unwelcome i am not against a kick, as no idlers are allowed. [22:26] k-rad: Since you know that idling is not allowed, please don't [22:26] k-rad: Since you know that idling is not allowed, please don't [22:27] no problem IdleOne might you try and find someone that could speak with me, and have them PM me as k-rad ? [22:27] thank so much [22:27] have a nice evening [22:27] will do. [22:28] btw, i wish you'd have said k-rad please dont idle, against channel rules, someone will get back to you [22:28] enjoy your evening [23:26] Why is he now in #u-w? [23:29] who knows [23:36] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1527 users, 3 overflows, 1530 limit)) [23:37] Is he pulling others in there now?