
SkaagI remember a debian package called apt-spy or something of the sorts, which found the fastest repository mirror by performing a series of ping tests00:16
SkaagI can't see that it made its way to Ubuntu - is there some alternative?00:16
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uvirtbotNew bug: #673698 in ntp (main) ""ntp" package spanish name is mistaken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67369800:44
uvirtbotNew bug: #673836 in tomcat6 (main) "Doesn't use java picked trough debian alternatives." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67383602:21
yitz_I assume the "system wide" /etc/crontab file is being used even when crontab -l says there is no crontab?02:55
Scuniziwhen I http://localhost/Joomla/ for the installation files the system actually wants to "save" a file.. using however works.. any ideas?03:27
twbScunizi: debug it using curl -v instead of a web browser.03:31
twbUsually "the browser wants to `save' a file" means that the server is returning a MIME type the browser doesn't understand.03:31
Scunizitwb: I've never used curl before.. curl -v <then what?>03:32
twbdiff -U999 <(curl -vso/dev/null http://localhost/Joomla/) <(curl -vso/dev/null
twbYou could use netcat instead, but curl is probably sufficient, and easier to use.03:33
twbyitz_: crontab -l reports the *user's* crontab.  root can have a user crontab, in /var/spool/cron/, but this is unrelated to the system crontabs (/etc/crontab, /etc/cron.*/).03:34
twbyitz_: or: yes, you are correct.03:34
yitz_You're all over the place, twb03:35
yitz_Thanks :)03:35
Scunizitwb: http://pastebin.com/jSnN6EaK ... the results of the line you gave me.03:36
Scunizithat didn't sound/read good...03:37
twbI forgot that curl's output goes to stderr03:37
twbhttp://paste.debian.net/99522/ <-- should be more like this03:39
twbI forgot the 2>&1's, see?03:39
Scuniziok.. redoing03:39
twbWhat that's actually doing is browsing to both URLs, discarding the result but showing the HTTP interaction between the client (curl) and the server.  And the diff part compares the differences03:40
Scunizitwb: ok.. this is what I've got. http://pastebin.com/tk6HZ06j03:41
ScuniziUgh.. wrong link in the line03:42
Scunizitwb: trying again.. http://pastebin.com/yaHJFt0T03:44
Scunizilooks like it didn't hit the localhost address at all.03:45
twbScunizi: er, no, you forgot the second 2>&104:04
twbAlso, don't put sudo in front, that's breaking it04:05
circelzI'm about to install Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server edition.  I want to run Apache, anonymous FTP, and rtorrent.  Should I install Enterprise Cloud or just Server?04:23
twbDo you have a cloud?04:23
twbThen install -server04:26
tonyyarussoAnyone know why the postgresql installs a bin/ and lib/ under /usr/lib/postgresql/<version> instead of using /usr/lib/postgresql/ and /usr/bin/postgresql/ ?04:37
twbtonyyarusso: because that's what the FHS specifies it should do04:51
tonyyarussotwb: Really?  Would you mind explaining that to me?04:52
tonyyarussoheh, all right04:53
* tonyyarusso goes to re-do some reading and attempt to parse04:53
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier04:54
tonyyarussotwb: already on the pathnamecome site04:55
twbI don't know what "the pathnamecome site" is.04:55
tonyyarussohttp://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html , where the FHS lives04:56
twbOh, right.  Carry on.04:57
tonyyarussoThis appears to be the key phrase "and internal binaries that are not intended to be executed directly by users or shell scripts."04:59
tonyyarussoAlthough that seems a bit dubious, since I could totally see myself using these in scripts.05:00
twbIt's a grey area05:00
tonyyarussoClearly - the postgresql-common package puts stuff in /usr/bin :P05:01
twbPresumably that's because they're arch-independent scripts.05:01
tonyyarusso/usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin/createdb: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped05:02
tonyyarusso/usr/bin/pg_lsclusters: a /usr/bin/perl -wT script text executable05:02
tonyyarussoall righty05:02
twb-common is an artefact of the mirror's distribution process05:12
twbIt's better to have twenty 1MB foo_<arch>.deb's  and one 19MB foo-common_<arch>.deb than twenty 20MB foo_<arch>.deb's05:13
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r3snohello all05:19
twbDatz: error: stale NFS handle05:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #673885 in openssh (main) "package openssh-server 1:5.3p1-3ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67388506:26
r3snoim trying to get my server to connect to a wifi connection. but its not hardly working. ive looked at the "docs" which all say dont use them. so im hopeless in finding a solution06:29
twbr3sno: what part isn't working?06:29
r3snotwb: dhcpdiscover isnt getting the ip. so im thinking its not connecting some hw. im testing with an open ap now06:30
twbSo the interface exists in "ip a" and you can manually assign a static configuration and push packets to hosts over it?06:30
r3snothe interface exists. how would i push packets over it?06:31
twbr3sno: ping, for example06:31
twbObviously you would need to configure the interface first.06:32
r3snowell, i mean can i specify that connection?06:32
r3snoi guess im trying to isolate the issue first.06:32
twbe.g. ip l set dev wlan0 up; ip a add addr dev wlan006:32
twbr3sno: you specify the connection by ensuring your route table is correct06:33
r3snomy card is listed as eth1 when i do that... i get "Error: an inet prefix is expected rather than "addr".06:36
twbSorry, "ip a add dev eth1"06:37
twbWhere is your desired IP and /24 is the CIDR range06:37
twbThe route should be added automatically.06:37
r3snoError: an inet prefix is expected rather than "inet".06:38
twbThis is 10.04?06:40
twbYou didn't type "inet", so I don't see what went wrong06:41
r3snodo i only use that "ip a add dev eth1"?06:41
twbYou type what I told you to type, yes06:41
r3snooh, i just fixed the previous statement... ok06:42
twbActually it should be "ip a add dev eth1 brd +"06:42
twbThe "brd +" makes broadcast work, which probably isn't important for the initial test06:42
r3snook done06:42
twbSo now you can try to ping your wifi AP, which has the address
twbEr. So now you can try to ping your wifi AP, which has the address
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uvirtbotNew bug: #673919 in awstats (main) "Syntax error in geoip plugins" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67391908:46
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xampartif i have / mounted from eg. /dev/sda1 and i make a partition for /home in /dev/sdb1 What are the appropriate steps, and could i do them online?11:31
mgolischsteps for what?11:32
xampartlike "cd /home/ && mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/newhome && cp -a . /mnt/newhome && umount /mnt/newhome && mount /dev/sdb1 /home"11:33
mgolischyeah something like that11:33
mgolischid edit the fstab afterwards so its mounted on everyboot11:33
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chrismatHi is anyone running Ubuntu 10.04 with CentOS 5 NFS server?14:08
chrismatI'm getting reoccuring NFS kernel panics on the CentOS 5 nfs server14:09
patdk-wknope, never used centos/rhel as a nfs server14:10
mathiazhallyn: hi - bug 579892 - that's the one I ran into?14:37
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 579892 in libvirt "libvirt should not use the MAC address assigned to tap devices/vnet interfaces by the TAP/TUN driver" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57989214:37
hallynmathiaz: no, you're on maverick right?14:40
hallynmaverick has the fix14:40
mathiazhallyn: correct14:40
mathiazhallyn: seems like a similar bug though14:40
hallynaround the time of the prague rally, there were a lot of these little bugs floating around14:41
hallynunfortunately the bug reports got jumbled together with meaningless 'me toos' which slowed down debugging14:41
hallynmathiaz: the test with ns_exec and veths will help us know whether it's libvirt or the kernel/bridge.ko14:42
ivokssoren: thanks14:49
ivoksmathiaz: thanks14:49
ivoksi got the t-shirt and the note :D14:50
mathiazivoks: :)14:50
ivoksttx: thank you too! :)14:50
ttxheh, no problem dude14:50
ivoksi'll put it on the wall14:51
mathiazhallyn: hm - that's annoying - I can't reproduce the freeze today14:54
hallyngr, finally upgraded my netbook to maverick, and now it won't resume14:58
hallynguess i'll be wiping the thing and goin gback to lucid14:58
eagles0513875|2anyoen here have dovecot + postfix working on ubuntu lucid? im having an occasionally weird error with squirrelmail15:02
mathiazhallyn: \o/ - I can reproduce it15:03
eagles0513875|2im having some strange issues with squirrelmail complaining about permissions15:04
eagles0513875|2yet i fixed the permissions15:04
hallynmathiaz: what did you change to reproduce it?15:04
eagles0513875|2how can i fix this error Nov 11 15:41:46 eagle dovecot: IMAP(jonathan): mkdir(/home/jonathan/Maildir/.INBOX.Sent/cur) failed: Permission denied (euid=1000(jonathan) egid=1000(jonathan) missing +w perm: /home/jonathan)15:04
mathiazhallyn: well - I've rebooted my system15:04
mathiazhallyn: and then I powered off the guest that was second to start rather than the first one15:05
eagles0513875|2i added the group jonathan on the /home/jonathan folder on all folders to have rwx permissions15:05
mathiazhallyn: then running guests froze15:05
mathiazhallyn: I'll give you the output of the command in the bug now15:05
mathiazhallyn: bug 673705 updated15:10
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 673705 in qemu-kvm "running guests freeze when a guest is powered down" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67370515:10
mathiazhallyn: I'm going to the do the test procedure to check if it's a kernel or libvirt+qemu bug15:11
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sjefen6Aint add-apt-repository a bundled "command" ?15:17
sjefen6guess not https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine#Adding Launchpad PPA Repositories15:19
mathiazhallyn: how should the nc test be run?15:20
mathiazhallyn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu-kvm/+bug/616064/comments/3315:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 616064 in qemu-kvm "Broken networking in kvm guests" [Medium,Incomplete]15:20
mathiazhallyn: ^^ I've setup the procedure up there15:21
DoonzHey guys, Im running Ubuntu 10.04 server in Vmware Workstation on a windows host. My keyboard mappings on the guest OS (Ubuntu server) are all buggered up. Where is the key mapping file?15:28
eagles0513875|2any dovecot experts in here15:36
eagles0513875|2patdk-wk: how can i fixNov 11 15:41:47 eagle dovecot: IMAP(jonathan): mkdir(/home/jonathan/Maildir/cur) failed: Permission denied (euid=1000(jonathan) egid=1000(jonathan) missing +w perm: /home/jonathan)15:39
eagles0513875|2i get emails but after a while squirrelmail fails to load my inbox15:39
eagles0513875|2restarting dovecot and postfix fixes the issue15:39
patdk-wkwhat version of dovecot?15:45
patdk-wkI want to say it's an issue they are handling currently in the dovecot maillist15:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #674093 in net-snmp (main) "No Such Object at OID" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67409315:46
patdk-wkfor v2.x15:46
patdk-wkit's very very simular15:47
ScottKpatdk-wk: He'll have 1.2.915:47
patdk-wkdunno then :) never had an issue15:49
hallynmathiaz: i don't understand what you're asking?15:49
patdk-wkbut what does ls -lad /home/jonathan/Maildir show?15:50
patdk-wkcan't imagine it's messed up, if it works at all, but15:51
sorenivoks: For what?15:57
ivokssoren: signed note from UDS :)15:57
sorenivoks: Oh :)15:58
dwhiteheadjust encountered an issue with 10.04 upgrade and mysql... won't work now16:01
air^Got myself a pc. Planning to run Ubuntu Server on it and have it act as a fileserver.16:04
air^I'll be using 3x2TB disks in software raid-516:04
dwhiteheadneed to either get mysql back up and running (it's complaining about mysqld.sock) or get the DBs to another box16:04
air^Question is, what's the recommended way of setting up the boot partition?16:04
dwhiteheadanyone able to assist?16:04
air^Separate bootdisk? Or maybe a separate raid-1 partition on 2 of the disks?16:05
patdk-wkair, I personally couldn't care less how you setup the boot partition, or even the os partition16:06
patdk-wkif it is going be used as a fileserver, and truely as one, and not a workstation16:06
patdk-wkit won't be using the boot or os drives at all16:07
patdk-wkso it won't matter how you set them up, except for boot time16:07
air^Jup. It's gonna be "headless".16:07
air^I might as well just boot from an old drive then, that's probably the easisest way and it wont mess with my raid.16:08
patdk-wknow, you might want to do a raid1 for the boot and os, just cause it makes it easier to fix, if something breaks16:08
patdk-wkor old drive :)16:08
air^I actually got two identical old drives ;)16:08
air^Could run raid-1 on those, and raid-5 on the storage drives.16:09
air^At least I'd get to know mdadm a bit more then :D16:09
air^Swap partition is probably not worth raiding, or maybe it can run raid-0 as I'll have the same amount of space free anyway.16:09
patdk-wkif you have to use swap, you already failed16:11
air^I know, still it's needed to be setup.16:11
* patdk-wk gives systems a token 256 or 512meg swap normally :)16:11
patdk-wkunless I want to hibernate16:11
patdk-wkI figure if I use all 512megs of swap, the system has been unresponve already while it used up that swap, so it crashing isn't going do more damage16:12
air^Another solution might be to boot of an usb memory, but that's probably even slower.16:12
patdk-wkhave several systems that boot esxi off usb16:14
patdk-wkI generally don't care about reboot times16:14
patdk-wkthey don't happen often16:14
air^can esxi handle software raid?16:14
patdk-wkraid0 :)16:15
patdk-wkactually, not even raid016:15
patdk-wklinear raid, or whatever you want to call it16:15
air^grr. now I actually started considering esxi (vsphere)16:20
air^But then I probably end up having to buy a supported raid card. and lots of more memory :D16:21
patdk-wkesxi lets you concat drives :)16:23
eagles0513875|2_hey guys16:23
patdk-wkotherwise, hardware raid required16:23
eagles0513875|2_patdk-wk: did you see my error message i was getting?16:23
patdk-wkbut then, I perfer hardward raid, even on linux16:23
eagles0513875|2_re dovecot Maildir16:23
patdk-wkI saw it16:24
patdk-wkdoesn't make sense16:24
eagles0513875|2_any idea how to fix it16:24
eagles0513875|2_i know it doesnt make sense16:24
patdk-wkbut what does ls -lad /home/jonathan/Maildir show?16:24
eagles0513875|2_but after a while maybe an hr or so16:24
eagles0513875|2_patdk-wk: drwx------ 17 jonathan jonathan 4096 2010-11-11 15:45 Maildir/16:24
eagles0513875|2_accordign to the ubuntu dovecot wiki its suppoed to me chmod -R 700 on the maildir folder16:25
hallynmathiaz: and, while you were doing the veth tests (an dnot hanging), were you able to hang with libvirt?16:25
mathiazhallyn: hm - I didn't try that16:25
mathiazhallyn: I'll set up a new test case later today16:26
air^patdk-wk: jup. but I think tha'ts gonna be a bit overkill for my personal use... but then again, I could probably run esxi from usb, use the old drives for virtual machines and have a virtual linux setup the raid-5 :D16:26
patdk-wkeagles0513875|2_ dunno :(16:28
eagles0513875|2_patdk-wk: :(16:28
patdk-wkI've just never had an issue like that16:28
patdk-wkand doesn't make much sense16:29
eagles0513875|2_patdk-wk: did you follow the ubuntu wiki's16:29
patdk-wknope, been using dovecot long before ubuntu was around16:29
eagles0513875|2_patdk-wk: waht version are you on16:29
patdk-wklots of mine are on 1.1, one of them is on 1.216:29
hallynmathiaz: i'm sorry, i need to reword that test16:30
patdk-wkI don't feel that 2.x is stable enough yet for me16:30
mdeslaurzul, mathiaz, etc.: FYI, I've published a mysql security update today, so if anything explodes, please let me know16:30
hallynmathiaz: it's worded for a slight variation on the bug16:30
patdk-wkmdeslaur, you exploded my mailbox :)16:30
hallynmathiaz: so please wait until i post a new recipe in bug 673705, rather than waste your time repeating the other one16:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 673705 in qemu-kvm "running guests freeze when a guest is powered down" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67370516:30
mdeslaurpatdk-wk: give me ssh access to your box, and I'll fix it for you :)16:31
mathiazhallyn: ok - I'll wait for your new recipe16:31
eagles0513875|2_patdk-wk: im on 1.4.20 tahts in lucid rempos the dovecot-imapd16:31
patdk-wkit goes 1.1 -> 1.2 -> 2.016:31
eagles0513875|2_whoos meant 1.2.916:31
eagles0513875|2_im getting confused with squirrelmail16:31
patdk-wkI only have 1.1 on linux16:32
patdk-wk1.2.13 on freebsd16:32
patdk-wkhaven't had any issues with 1.2.1316:33
patdk-wkbut I jumped straight from 1.1 -> 1.2.1316:33
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eagles0513875|2_hey guys does lucid have selinux enabled16:37
mdeslaureagles0513875|2: not by default, it has apparmor enabled by default16:38
eagles0513875|2_patdk-wk: seems like apparmor is the cause16:41
eagles0513875|2_what would i ened to do to modify the configuration of apparmor16:41
patdk-wkah, I hardly ever use it16:41
jdstrandeagles0513875|2_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingApparmor16:41
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jdstrandeagles0513875|2_: it is important to remember that apparmor as configured in Ubuntu is not system wide confinement, it is application specific. sort of like the selinux targetted policy, but still different16:42
eagles0513875|2_would you guys advise against disabling apparmor16:42
mdeslaureagles0513875|2: I doubt apparmor has anything to do with the issue you are having, look somewhere else16:42
jdstrandeagles0513875|2_: I would highly advise against disabling apparmor16:42
ScottKeagles0513875|2_: I would advise against it.16:42
jdstrandeagles0513875|2_: see the debugging page for how to determine if apparmor is causing a problem and how to fix it if it is16:43
eagles0513875|2_mdeslaur: permissions are right on folder and everything someone in dovecot told me that apparmor is the problem16:43
eagles0513875|2_ill take a look at the wiki16:43
eagles0513875|2_thats interessting16:44
mdeslaureagles0513875|2: we don't have a dovecot apparmor profile by default, unless you've installed one yourself16:44
eagles0513875|2_no i havent16:45
mdeslaureagles0513875|2: take a look at 'dmesg' and see if you have any apparmor denial messages in there16:45
segv`Got an issue, so I need kernel 2.6.34+ for my motherboard to work, but I want to install the LTS, you guys have any recommendations for achieving this?16:45
mdeslaureagles0513875|2: if not, apparmor isn't what is blocking you16:45
eagles0513875|2_mdeslaur: i am able to send and recieve emails fine16:45
eagles0513875|2_the problem becomes after a few hrs or so its unable to load my inbox16:45
eagles0513875|2_i have to restart postfix and dovecot16:45
mdeslaureagles0513875|2: well, "works for a while" is most certainly not an apparmor issue16:47
jdstrandeagles0513875|2_: do you have auditd installed?16:47
mdeslaureagles0513875|2: do you have an error message from postfix/dovecot?16:47
eagles0513875|2_jdstrand: no i dont16:47
eagles0513875|2_mdeslaur: the only one i do have is that permissions issue16:47
jdstrandeagles0513875|2_: then do something like 'grep -i denied /var/log/kern.log'. that will show you any apparmor denials16:48
jdstrandeagles0513875|2_: you might need to look in kern.log.1, etc...16:48
mdeslaureagles0513875|2: is you home directory mounted NFS? Is it encrypted?16:49
eagles0513875|2_jdstrand: nothign showing up there16:49
eagles0513875|2_mdeslaur: encrypted O_o16:49
patdk-wkevil encryption16:50
jdstrandeagles0513875|2_: doesn't sound like apparmor then16:50
eagles0513875|2_jdstrand: far from it i dont have a dovecot policy setup for it16:50
eagles0513875|2_jdstrand: is teh encrypted homedir the issue16:50
mdeslaureagles0513875|2: well, if your home directory isn't accessible because your user has logged out, that would probably explain it16:51
* patdk-wk only does wde16:51
mdeslaureagles0513875|2: you should try with a non-encrypted home directory16:51
eagles0513875|2_which woudl me reinstalling the entire server :(16:53
segv`so no pointers?16:53
eagles0513875|2_mdeslaur: how can i tell if the users has loged out or not16:53
mdeslaurwell, when it stops working, take a look if they're home directory is still accessible16:53
jdstrand(obviously logging in as some other user than the one having the problem)16:54
bluethundrhow do I allow ssh sessions into an ubuntu 10 server host16:55
eagles0513875|2_jdstrand: only have one created16:56
eagles0513875|2_alrighty guys ill bbl16:56
Datzbluethundr: if behing a nat/router, forward a port.16:57
Datzport 22 specifically16:57
bluethundrit's not a router it's a VM host I am using to build ssh16:57
bluethundrI am hosting the VM with virtual box.. and there is no copy paste support into that terminal16:58
bluethundrso I want to ssh into that terminal to paste in a rather long apt-get command16:58
bluethundroh sorry if behind a nat / router yeah I get you16:58
bluethundrbut that is what's going on16:58
Datztry to ssh into the host with the local ip address16:59
bluethundralready done16:59
bluethundrthat part works :)16:59
bluethundrthat is from that vm I can ssh localhost16:59
bluethundri can ssh OUT16:59
bluethundrbut I cannot SSH in16:59
bluethundrIPTABLES seem quite different from CentOS16:59
bluethundrwhich is what I am used to16:59
jdstrandeagles0513875|2: if you only have one user account, as soon as you login the pam stack will make your home directory available17:00
Datzbluethundr: from your host, ssh into the vm with it's local IP17:02
bluethundrah ufw is pretty nice17:02
Datzis that what was blocking?17:02
bluethundractually that didn't quite work.. I tried ufw ssh allow and it accepted it17:03
jdstrandeagles0513875|2: you also don't have to reinstall your server if this is the issue. the process is basically copy your files to another directory, remove your encyrpted directory and then move them back. http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2009/02/jaunty-encrypted-home-directories.html has some directions on going the other way, and be careful :)17:03
bluethundrbut I still can't ssh in.. however from the VM host itself I can ssh into it's IP successfully17:03
jdstrandeagles0513875|2: you could also configure dovecot/procmail to put the files somewhere outside of your encrypted home17:03
bluethundrthat is I can't ssh in from another host, but from the VM itself I can ssh to it's ip just fine17:03
jdstrandbluethundr: the syntax would be 'ufw allow ssh', but ufw needs to also be enabled. eg 'sudo ufw allow OpenSSH && sudo ufw enable', should do the trick (I used 'OpenSSH' there instead of 'ssh' cause the application rule is more specific than the /etc/services looked up rule)17:05
jdstrandbluethundr: oh, you want to do ssh from somewhere outside to the VM? that is likely a network configuration17:07
bluethundrI actually just want to ssh from one virtualbox host to another17:08
bluethundrfrom an ubuntu  desktop session which understands copy-paste to an ubuntu server virtuablbox instance that doesnt'17:09
jdstrandbluethundr: I don't recall (I don't use vbox regularly), but I think you need a special vbox network configuration for that that is not the default17:09
segv`bluethundr: bridge.17:10
bluethundrjdstrand, I hear you but I can ssh out from the ubuntu server vm into the ubuntu desktop vm17:10
bluethundrjust not the other way around17:10
segv`you can go both ways with a bridge.17:10
bluethundrtherefore this is seeming like a firewall issue17:10
bluethundr I notice that there is no iptables script in /etc/init.d as there is under CentOS17:11
segv`as long as openssh-server is installed and enabled on the desktop (which it isn't by default)17:11
segv`bluethundr: ufw :)17:11
jdstrandbluethundr: if you've only used ufw on these machines, just temporarily do 'sudo ufw disable' on both until you are sure the networking is in order17:11
segv`https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW .17:11
bluethundrjdstrand, great thanks I'll give that a go17:11
jdstrandbluethundr: if the netowrking works, then just make sure you allow ssh on both using the ufw command I gave earlier17:12
bluethundrjdstrand, sure thanks17:13
bluethundrsigh.. both VMs have the same ip17:14
bluethundrscrew it I'll just work with the desktop version for now..lol17:15
segv`bluethundr: just set the network adapter on each VM to a bridge...17:15
segv`They'll dhcp off your network and you'll be able to ssh to both of them like you would a real machine on the network.17:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #674132 in clamav (main) "package clamav-base 0.95.3 dfsg-1ubuntu0.09.10.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 128" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67413217:41
MrPicardHowdy all!, im currently trying to install etherpad onto a ubuntu cloud server but having some minor problems, the deb repov is currently not getting any data.17:43
MrPicardsome index files have failed to download.17:43
MrPicardi ran this command.17:44
MrPicardsudo echo "deb http://etherpad.org/apt all ." >> /etc/apt/sources.list17:44
Picisudo won't pass across io redirection operators. Use:    echo "deb http://etherpad.org/apt all ." | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list17:45
MrPicardPici, this is what i see after running that command.17:47
MrPicardwas just following the wiki ubuntu setup17:49
jdstrandhallyn: hey. finally get to your second merge request. approved, merged, uploaded. thanks for your hard work on it! :)17:51
MrPicardi know theres https://github.com/ether/pad but dont know if i can excute a deb17:51
MrPicardany ideas?17:54
MrPicardtheres also17:55
MrPicardim just unsure of which one to pick..17:55
hallynjdstrand: cool, thanks17:55
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jdstrandsoren: hi! so what is going on with vm-builder these days? I know you were going to talk to someone about the contributor agreement. has anything changed?18:01
hallynyeah, i'd be curious about our plan for vmbuilder too18:01
jdstrandthere is apparently a Debian fork now...18:02
jdstrandor at least a git repo with Debian support18:03
* jdstrand would love Debian support in vm-builder18:04
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* hallyn out for remainder of day - ttyl18:06
slestakhello guys.  anyone aware of recent changes in teh rsyslog package or config?  My logs used to be owned by syslog:adm and now they are owned by syslog:syslog and my remote logging is failing18:17
slestakseems to have started a few weeks ago18:18
slestakshould the syslog users primary group be syslog or adm?18:23
jdstrandhallyn: oops: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/0.8.5-0ubuntu1/+build/204235218:24
jdstrandhallyn: ftbfs on ppc. amd64 and i386 built, armel still building. fyi 0.8.3 built fine on powerpc in maverick18:25
slestaklooks liek i am running into bug 48433618:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 484336 in rsyslog "/etc/rsyslog.conf permissions incorrect/missing for creation of dynamic files" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48433618:28
jdstrandhallyn: fyi, armel ftbfs too18:46
reggie_hey folks18:54
reggie_need a bit of help installing ebox onto Ubuntu server18:54
reggie_dont really want to install a full gui since that is what I am used to so far on the Ubuntu desktop side of things18:55
reggie_can anyone here offer some assistancde18:56
reggie_helloo ubuntu server land, please a bit of help19:04
m_tadeuhi everyone...what reason can be for eth0 just disapear from ifconfig?19:10
Nafallom_tadeu: it's down? :-)19:10
Nafallom_tadeu: ifconfig -a should show it.19:11
m_tadeuNafallo: doens't show...only lo is displayed19:11
m_tadeuin deed....I fear a hardware problem :S19:12
m_tadeuis there any other reason for this to happen, appart from burnt NIC?19:13
* Nafallo haven't used ifconfig personally in a very long time.19:15
hggdhmathiaz: what does VCS stand for (as in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerMaverickDailyVCS)?19:15
mdeslaurm_tadeu: is this on a server or on a laptop? I've seen the eth card disappear before on certain laptops if nothing is plugged in it when the laptop is booted.19:15
m_tadeumdeslaur: it's a server19:16
m_tadeubut I'll give it a try19:16
m_tadeuno luck19:18
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m_tadeuwhat else can I do for troubleshooting?19:19
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uvirtbotNew bug: #674183 in amavisd-new (main) "package amavisd-new 1:2.6.4-1ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67418319:21
ChrisBuchholzHey guys. I have an ubuntu 10.04 server and i wanna upgrade the couchdb on it from version 0.10.0, which is available by default, to the newer version 1.0 (or even better, 1.0.1). How would i go about doing that?19:28
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m_tadeuI guess it failed to probe my NIC...how is that possible? and what can I do about it?19:37
the_archit3cthi, what is the cmd to launch a process which will not die when user logout ?19:40
ScottKSpamapS: Any chance you'd have a moment to fix Bug 674183?19:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 674183 in amavisd-new "package amavisd-new 1:2.6.4-1ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67418319:40
the_archit3ctthx adamk-pl19:40
adamk-plthe_archit3ct: you welcome19:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #674199 in bind9 (main) "bind9 1:9.7.2.dfsg.P2-1 FTBFS in natty" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67419919:57
mathiazhggdh: VCS stands for Version Control System20:02
mathiazhggdh: it's another name for the daily builds20:02
mathiazhggdh: ie provide a PPA where daily builds of latest upstream software is available (from upstream vcs (bzr, git, hg, svn, etc...))20:03
hggdhmathiaz: thank you, sounded like it but I wanted to be sure20:12
cdubyaI'm wondering how many use ubuntu server for vpn access and what kind of implementation. I'm new to it and have read quite a bit, but am curious how people are using/integrating it.....20:33
mathiazcdubya: openvpn is quite popular20:34
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
cdubyamathiaz, yeah, I read a bit on it......I'm not opposed to looking at it, I'm just looking to find out from others who have implementations what pros and cons they see in them.....20:36
sorenjdstrand: I've not heard back yet.20:37
sorenjdstrand: I should administer a mild prodding.20:37
ewook_cdubya: don't use ubu for it. zeroshell hosts the openvpn20:40
ewook_cdubya: I don't that is :P20:41
cdubyaewook_, so how does that all work as far as the routing? I mean, so your remote clients connect to zeroshell, but then.....20:44
uvirtbotNew bug: #674216 in samba (main) "0x000003e6 Error When Printing from Windows 7 x64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67421620:46
sorenjdstrand: done.20:46
RoyKhi all. any idea why my server boots on linux-image-2.6.32-23-server even though linux-image-2.6.32-25-server is installed?20:48
guntbertRoyK: I assume you checked the obvious possibility already - so no idea from me :-)21:04
cpruittFirst time installing Ubuntu (VMWare guest on OS X host system).  Installed Ubuntu Server 10.4.1.  Ubuntu in the VM seems to have no IP address assigned, no matter what type of VMWare networking option I choose.  Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to troubleshoot this?  I'm completely lost.21:12
guntbertcpruitt: look into /etc/network/interfaces, what does it say about eth0 ?21:14
cpruittguntbert: http://paste.ubuntu.com/530267/21:16
guntbertcpruitt: looks fine, should use dhcp - I#m not *that* familiar with vmware but you should be able to manage the dhcp server of vmware21:18
cpruittguntbert: I managed to get it to find an ip address with sudo dhclient eth1.  I'm just not really all that sure what that is doing, and it  wont persist after a restart.21:21
guntbertcpruitt: ah, that might be, did you assign two NICs to the VM?21:22
cpruittguntbert: not that I'm aware and not intentionally.  It's a macbook with both wireless and ethernet cards so maybe VMWare is doing it automatically (?)21:24
guntbertcpruitt: just for "fun": replace eth0 with eth1 in that file and restart the network21:25
cpruittI'd tried that and it told me something couldn't be found.  I'll try again (restarting rightnow)21:25
ndrofthelineHello I'm trying to set up external access to my home server21:26
guntbertndroftheline: you will have to allow that on your router21:27
ndrofthelineI have port 80 forwarded through my router, I can ping it with http://www.canyouseeme.org/ but it won't serve my page to my browser21:27
ndrofthelineguntbert: yeah, i had the port forwarded in my router21:27
cpruittguntbert: SIOCSIFADDR: No such device    and    eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device21:27
ndrofthelinelspci | grep eth21:28
ndrofthelinerather, lspci | grep Eth21:28
cpruittcourse, now it's saying the same for eth121:29
guntbertndroftheline: grep -i eth     (is easier)21:29
ndrofthelineguntbert: fair enough21:29
ndrofthelinewell anyway i'm not sure what cpruitt's prollem is but i got my own! lol21:30
cpruittndroftheline: my problem, when you get down to it, is that I don't know jack about what I'm doing.  :-)21:31
ndrofthelinecpruitt: is your Ethernet controller showing up when you run "lspci | grep -i eth"21:31
guntbertcpruitt: *are* there any virtual NICs in the VM?21:31
ndrofthelineah, a VM21:31
ndrofthelinewhich vm21:31
guntbertndroftheline: if I remember correctly apache does by default only listen on the localhost interface21:32
ndrofthelinethat would explain it21:33
cpruittguntbert: I wouldn't even know how to create a virtual nic in VMware21:33
cpruittndroftheline: VMWare Fusion on OS X21:33
ndrofthelinecpruitt: yeah sorry man i don't know jack about vmware21:34
ndrofthelinecpruitt: but you could check if it has one by running lspci | grep -i eth21:34
ndrofthelinethe vertical line is a "pipe"; it's on the same key as your backslash21:34
ndrofthelineit connects two commands together21:34
guntbertcpruitt: (from bad memory): look into the settings of the VM, there must be a NIC (where you changed the network mode....)21:34
mrmistthere might be a seperate application to manage the vmware network (off of the host), too.21:35
highvoltagendroftheline: is your nick Metallica related by any chance?21:36
cpruittsorry got pulled out of my office21:36
ndrofthelinehighvoltage: neg. it's keith laumer's bolo series and orson scott card's Enderverse21:36
ndrofthelineIt's actually NDR Of The Line21:38
cpruittguntbert: I only have three options: Share the mac's connection (NAT), connect directly (bridged - I have this set to use airport instead of auto detecting) or create a private network (Host Only).  All three do the same thing.21:38
ndrofthelineNDR = "Ender"21:38
ndrofthelineOf the Line means it's an AI tank21:38
ndrofthelinesounds kinda lame but the books are awesome (:21:38
cpruittI'd say I must have broken something but this is a brand new install21:38
ndrofthelinecpruitt: have you ever installed any other OS on VMWare Fusion and successfully gotten internet access?21:39
cpruittndroftheline: No.  First time installing anything on VMware.  Got it specifically for tis.21:39
ndrofthelineyou had to pay for it or something? does it come with support?21:39
mrmistIn my fairly limited experience the NAT based stuff is the easiest to use21:40
guntbertmrmist: only if the VM gets an ip address ;-)21:41
ndrofthelinecpruitt: iuno sir i might suggest u use virtualbox21:41
mrmistFor sure that would seem to be an issue ;)21:41
cpruittVMWare?  I'm sure it does.  I guess I can try to dig up a copy of windows and try installing that too.21:41
ndrofthelinecpruitt: its the only one i have any experience with so i'm obviously biased but it works well21:41
guntbertcpruitt: I guess you will have to do the hard thing yourself  - read the vmware docu :-)21:42
cpruittndroftheline: considered virtualbox, but VMWare will let me migrate the VM to a server running VMWare21:42
ndrofthelinecpruitt: oic21:42
ndrofthelinecpruitt: well gl hf read the fine manual (:21:43
cpruittguntbert: I'm on a mac.  Apple doesn't even WRITE documentation, what makes you think I'm in the habit of reading it?  ;-)  kidding.  I guess my assumption was that the VM was having the problem but maybe that's not the case21:43
mrmistPresumably the vm networking setup tool for your chosen option is showing the network as enabled?21:44
ndrofthelinecpruitt: it's probably not a problem, but a 'feature' that you just have to configure right21:44
cpruittI've used Parallels for so long with no prolems (running windows) that I sort of expected VMWare wouldn't have any either21:44
cpruittndroftheline: Yeah... love those "features"21:44
ndrofthelinecpruitt: lol yeah no kidding21:44
guntbertcpruitt: well, on my virtualbox it works flawlessly, (but with vmware I didn't have that issue either)21:45
ndrofthelinecpruitt: on th eother hand, restrictions like that make sure you don't install some bs 'OS' on a VM that immediately starts spamming your network because it gains access by default21:45
ndrofthelineand then of course there's the fact that YMMV21:45
cpruittjust seems weird that I've gotten the ip to show up, just not consistently21:45
ndrofthelinehey guntbert do you know what i'd need to do to make my webserver allow external access21:45
guntbertndroftheline: look for a line with "listen" in the config files, but I'm not sure21:48
mrmistis it listening? check /etc/apache2/ports.conf  (assuming apache2)21:48
ndrofthelinemrmist: it says NameVirtualHost *:8021:49
ndrofthelineListen 8021:49
ndrofthelineafk 521:50
mrmistSo it looks like it should be21:51
mrmistmost likely culprit then is some firewall rule, at a guess21:52
EvilPhoenixndroftheline:  check iptables, see if it is dropping all traffic.  OR, if you're on a private network, see if the hardware firewalls send you traffic on http ports correctly21:54
EvilPhoenixand by private network i mean something like hiding behind a router or smth21:54
mrmistassuming no connectivity at all, that is.  IF there's a response from the webserver but it's just not serving hte correct page, then check the virtual hosting config21:54
cpruittndroftheline: guntbert: confirmed it's a VMWare issue.  Another VM with ubuntu server is not having issues.  Seems to be a problem with a duplicated VM22:08
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.22:15
cpruittHmmm... Does ubuntu flip out of your change a nic after the install?22:16
cpruitt*"if you change"22:16
cpruittI think VMware is changing the virtual nic when a VM is copied and Ubuntu is "losing" it somehow.22:17
ndrofthelinehow can i "see if the hardware firewalls send you traffic on http ports correctly"22:24
RoyKndroftheline: tcpdump port 80?22:25
ndrofthelineRoyK: is that a command i can input directly22:26
RoyKwhat exactly is it you're trying to do?22:26
RoyKwireshark is quite neat22:26
RoyKtcpdump -w will dump in pcap format22:27
RoyKwireshark can read that, and wireshark is graphical and contains lots of Good Stuff for analyzing traffic22:27
ndrofthelinewait...aren't results supposed to be scrolling on the screen or is it outputting it to a file22:27
ndrofthelinei don't have graphical interface on this server22:27
ndrofthelineits a headless22:27
RoyKtcpdump -w will write to a pcap file22:28
ndrofthelineotherwise it should just scroll on the screen?22:28
RoyKthen you can download that file to your pc and analyze it with wireshark22:28
ndrofthelinehere's the thing. I ran "tcpdump port 80" and accessed the basic apache webpage from my browser on a different computer on the same network22:28
ndrofthelineit displays fine if I use my local address22:28
ndrofthelineok sorry22:29
ndrofthelineyeah that's the static IP of my server22:29
ndrofthelinestatic meaning its locked in at my router22:29
ndrofthelineso my server always takes
ndrofthelinemy router being
RoyKso your router is doing NATing?22:29
ndrofthelinei believe so. it's a standard belkin consumer router22:29
RoyKif so, you'll need to enable port forwarding in the router22:29
ndrofthelinei have22:29
* RoyK uses dd-wrt :รพ22:30
ndrofthelinei have ports 80, 21, and 64738 forwarded to
RoyKwhat's the IP?22:30
ndrofthelinemy IP?22:30
RoyKyeah, so I can try to connect22:30
RoyKndroftheline: http://pastebin.com/55ks9ks122:31
ndrofthelineok so why doesn't my apache webpage come up when that IP is accessed form a browser22:32
=== jenkinbr is now known as evilsquishy
ndrofthelineis it because i've only been able to try to access it from within my local network?22:32
RoyKndroftheline: I guess that's your router answering22:32
RoyKif so, that means your router isn't correctly configured22:33
=== evilsquishy is now known as squishy
ndrofthelinei mean, how can i fix this?22:33
ndrofthelinemy router has a "Virtual Servers" pagve22:33
ndrofthelinei have both TCP and UDP forwarded to my server's IP for the ports i mentioned earlier22:34
RoyKno idea - that's a router support question - not really related to ubuntu...22:34
ndrofthelinebut they're not getting through my routerrrrrrrr22:34
ndrofthelineur right.22:34
ndrofthelinety tho22:34
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RetroGamerhi there, I am attempting to configure a script on one of my domains in /var/domains that needs a .htaccess file23:15
RetroGamernot quite sure how to allow htaccess for just that domain, I tried putting in the site config: "<Directory /var/domains/example.com> AllowOverride All </Directory>"23:17
RetroGamerbut it didn't seem to do anything23:17
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