
alouriegood morning07:12
=== pedro__ is now known as pedro_
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pace_t_zuluhey everyone16:43
pace_t_zuludoes anyone know why there are ISOs being produced specifically for Mac computers? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/16:43
charlie-tcaThis is just a move from ports to current daily/daily-live per discussions at uds16:57
davmor2charlie-tca: was it your first UDS?16:58
charlie-tcain person, yes16:58
davmor2charlie-tca: what did you think?16:59
charlie-tcaIt was GREAT!16:59
charlie-tcaThe energy and positiveness during that week is tremendous16:59
charlie-tcapace_t_zulu: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntutheproject-foundations-n-cdimage-ports-consolidation17:02
charlie-tcadavmor2: it is really hard to explain the energy boost from UDS. To have so many people in such a small area do so much17:03
davmor2charlie-tca: I know that's why it grieves me when I can't make it :)17:03
moustafaOne of these days, I too will be at a UDS17:14
davmor2moustafa: moo17:15
pace_t_zulucharlie-tca: are you referring to the PowerPC builds?17:24
charlie-tcanot specifically, I am referring to all port builds17:25
moustafadavmor2 : garglebug17:31
pace_t_zulucharlie-tca: how would one of those +mac builds be a port?20:13

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