
askhl__paultag, if I'm not mistaken, you just run xgettext on your source files.  See xgettext(1).00:25
andrejzHello !16:35
andrejzI have a question about update manager16:36
andrejzsome strings are not translated in 10.1016:36
andrejzeven though they were translated in launchpad in June 201016:37
andrejzAFAIK, update-manager is not a part of non-language pack packages, is that correct ?16:37
trijntjeandrejz, I believe part of the strings that show up in update manager are in fact from apt-deamon16:51
andrejzhi, trijntje!16:52
andrejzcan you tell me how can i check it ?16:52
trijntjeI use grep -iR "Searchterm" /usr/share/locale* to see where a string occurs16:57
paultagaskhl, humm, aye. It was erroring for me, but I think I've got it. Now only to make sure everything is "working" :)16:57
paultagaskhl, cheers, thanks for the response :)16:58
andrejzthe problem is the string in question is Downloading16:58
andrejzso it's almost in every package16:58
dpmhi andrejz, I think there was a bug about that, let me check...18:04
andrejzplease do18:06
dpmandrejz, there it is: bug 64126218:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 641262 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "Status strings during update do not show up translated (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 72)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64126218:17
andrejzthanks! good to know somebody is working on it18:18

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