
cjohnstonnewz2000: whenever you return, could you please look at that bug again01:29
newz2000such drama01:33
AlanBelldid the wiki theme just change?14:52
newz2000AlanBell: earlier this week15:03
AlanBellno, it got made default just a few minutes ago15:04
AlanBellgood that the smilies got fixed before it went live15:05
newz2000oh, it was just a few min ago15:17
AlanBellhmm, diff pages are not hilighted any more16:29
AlanBellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda?action=diff&rev2=99&rev1=97 for example16:30
=== Daker is now known as daker
newz2000AlanBell: if you see any more bugs would you go ahead and report them on ubuntu-website and tag them as light-wiki?21:11
newz2000 ^ anyone can do that actually21:11
newz2000bonus points if you give me a ping here after reporting it21:11
AlanBellyeah, will do21:33
newz2000AlanBell: and if you'd like to submit a patch, that would be OK too. ;-)21:34
AlanBellnewz2000: can we get the code sorted out21:35
newz2000AlanBell: which code?21:35
AlanBellhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/light-moin-theme ended up being pointed at my branch21:36
AlanBellnot sure who did that, might have been cjohnston21:36
AlanBellwhich is plainly wrong as the code on the website isn't that code21:36
newz2000yeah, let me see, that is a bit odd21:37
AlanBellI don't know what code is live at the moment21:37
* newz2000 isn't sure either21:37
AlanBellI can't really do any sane patching if the trunk doesn't exist21:37
* cjohnston didnt do anything21:38
AlanBellmhall119: maybe?21:38
newz2000it's in my junk! lp:~newz/+junk/light-wiki21:38
AlanBellyeah, that is the wrong place too!21:38
AlanBellI can't do merge proposals to that21:39
newz2000should I change the owner to ubuntu-website?21:40
newz2000btw, if anything goes wrong, always blame me. That's my job.21:40
cjohnstonBug #67413021:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 674130 in ubuntu-website "Ubuntu wiki : "Page immuable" isn't at the tright place (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67413021:40
newz2000maybe I should have pushed it to ~newz/+junk/ubuntu-website/light-wiki ?21:41
newz2000or maybe ~newz/ubuntu-website/light-wiki21:42
* newz2000 tries that21:42
AlanBellwell I think it should be to a branch owned by a team or something21:43
cjohnstonI belive it should be ubuntu-website/light-moin-theme and owned by the commiuunity team21:43
AlanBelllike https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-website-community/ubuntu-website/light-drupal-theme21:43
* newz2000 tries21:44
newz2000created new branch21:44
cjohnstonis it the ubuntu-website/light-moin-theme newz2000 ?21:45
newz2000They have a similar lineage21:46
AlanBellhttps://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-website-community doesn't look quite right21:46
newz2000there are other themes for ~ubuntu-website-community21:47
AlanBelllp:ubuntu-website/light-moin-theme would be consistent with the others21:47
cjohnstonI think atleast21:47
cjohnstonnow it needs the code uploaded to it21:48
AlanBellthat looks good to me21:48
newz2000I think its there21:48
cjohnstonit is21:48
AlanBellbug 635035 is now properly fixed \o/21:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 635035 in ubuntu-website "light-moin-theme is not on Launchpad (affects: 1) (heat: 4)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63503521:49
cjohnstonmoin sucks21:50
cjohnstondid I say that21:50
newz2000If I could just move 6 bugs to "fix completed" at once in launchpad, that would rock21:50
cjohnstonfile a bug21:50
newz2000I've got an api...21:51
AlanBellmoin without xapian sucks21:51
newz2000yeah, that would help21:51
AlanBellI think there are about 600 pages that do a brute force full text search each time they are opened21:53
newz2000If you guys see any wiki bugs that are high priority, definitely mark them as such.21:53
AlanBellfairly sure that the save delay is also due to some kind of search going on as it is the same 20 second or so response time21:54
newz2000Next week, say Tuesday or so, I'll do a half day sprint closing them out21:54
newz2000AlanBell: yes, it has to look for users who are subscribed21:54
AlanBellthought so21:54
AlanBellso how come someone doesn't check the box and turn on xapian?21:54
AlanBellpeople have been bitching about the wiki performance for years21:55
newz2000I can't remember, it may be either we're using a slightly too old version or there was some issue with xapien21:55
AlanBellall the moin sucks, lets use mediawiki stuff is just down to performance, not syntax or anything rational21:55
newz2000AlanBell: probably the best way to get this chagned is to push for it leading up to next UDS. I honestly doubt it will happen before then.21:56
cjohnstonnewz2000: who is responsible for uds.ubuntu.com21:56
newz2000cjohnston: it's not you?21:56
* newz2000 keeps mixing them up...21:56
AlanBelland yes, it is an old version as I was talking to the moin developers in #moin about it and 1.6 is totally out of support now21:56
newz2000Well, the photos imply its' the design team21:57
AlanBelldid jono ever hand that over to anyone else?21:57
cjohnstondunnp... theres bugs being filed on it21:57
newz2000of course if it were thed esign team there would be no purple on it21:57
AlanBellhave they gone off Aubergine?21:58
cjohnstonit doesnt follow design standards at all21:58
cjohnstonAlanBell: no mixing21:58
newz2000AlanBell: aubergine is business = canonical21:58
newz2000cjohnston: that's not quite right either21:58
newz2000more business = more aubergine21:59
AlanBelluds isn't Canonical!!21:59
cjohnstonthats what i was told21:59
cjohnstonwe wanted to change summit to aubergine21:59
newz2000right, that is pure community, no purple21:59
AlanBelland the torus pie chart things indicate a mix21:59
newz2000(taht was meant for AlanBell but works for cjohnston's comment too)21:59
AlanBellhttp://design.canonical.com/brand/5.%20Ubuntu%20colour%20palettes%20and%20colour%20landscape.pdf page 5322:00
cjohnstonnewz2000: Bug #671122 <-- just for you22:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 671122 in ubuntu-website "install an accessible wiki theme (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67112222:00
* newz2000 smacks head22:01
cjohnstonthank AlanBell for that one22:01
newz2000thank you AlanBell22:01
AlanBellyup, I was going to come on to that!22:01
AlanBellthe light-moin-theme release today didn't go down that well with the low vision users in #ubuntu-accessibility22:04
AlanBellsmall font, grey on grey22:04
newz2000probably the best place to discuss this is on the mailing list22:05
newz2000That way we can get the attention of the designers22:05
AlanBellbunging the simple-mente theme in the list of available themes would be good22:05
newz2000AlanBell: is it compatible with 1.6?22:05
AlanBellI believe it is compatible with 1.622:05
newz2000ok, I'll forward that e-mail to the designers22:06
* newz2000 wonders how he missed that before22:06
AlanBellnot many actual theme changes between 1.6 and 1.9 and I think simple mente is a few years old22:06
AlanBellhttp://moinmo.in/ThemeMarket/SimpleMente there is a 1.6 release22:07
AlanBellif we can get that installed I can get feedback from users who can set it as their personal default and then I can fix anything wrong with it22:09
newz2000I think I'd rather get light-theme fixed22:09
AlanBellwell that isn't going to be high contrast22:11
AlanBellit would be great to get all the navigation stuff into the light theme22:12
AlanBellwith http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/ I started from the default wordpress theme and then made the body text darker and background lighter and size bigger until the verdict in -accessibility was that the text no longer looked fuzzy22:16
* newz2000 thinking out loud a bit...22:18
newz2000a simple js/css based style switcher could do all of that22:18
AlanBellit could22:18
newz2000AlanBell: do you want to propose an additional css style sheet that could be included to increase the contrast, font size and line spacing a bit?22:19
AlanBellso my branch is rather diverged from the trunk at this point, with a bunch of changes that have been manually merged, or won't be merged22:24
AlanBellnot sure how to realign it22:25
newz2000AlanBell: I do'nt think you can reconcile the two22:25
AlanBellhmm, bzr pull and merge or something might do it22:27
newz2000You can give it a shot, but I'd suggest starting with a clean copy of my branch22:28
newz2000What I do is this:22:28
newz2000mkdir project-name22:28
newz2000mv old-branch project-name/old-branch-archive22:28
newz2000cd project-name22:28
newz2000bzr branch new-branch22:28
newz2000That way you can still refer to old-branch if you need22:29
AlanBellhmm, merging seems like it will teach me more about bzr though :)22:29
newz2000well, the right way to do that is this...22:30
newz2000bzr branch new-branch new-branch-bug12322:30
newz2000then work in new-branch-bug123 and when done push it as a merge proposal22:30
newz2000then when approved, merge back into new-branch and push it22:30
newz2000if you merge your branch with mine you'll get a combination of conflicts and things that I won't accept in a merge proposal22:31
newz2000(i.e. purple headings)22:31
AlanBellok, took a fresh branch22:47
AlanBellthat is a lot of executable images in /light/img22:48
AlanBelland css files22:49
AlanBellso if I pop together an accessible stylesheet how would that get loaded?22:51
AlanBellwould it stay loaded as you navigate around the wiki?22:51

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