
charlie-tcaGood morning15:23
charlie-tcaOUCH! Have you seen the wiki now?17:28
charlie-tcaTake a look at http://imagebin.org/12281117:31
davmor2charlie-tca: click on your name and see if you have the option to change from Ubuntu theme to another?17:32
charlie-tcaAnd that does ??? for new people?17:32
pleia2yeah, looks like they rolled out the new wiki version today17:33
charlie-tcaSince I use the old Ubuntu theme, I can read it if I log in, but why should not I be able to read it anyway?17:34
charlie-tcaThe new orange links blur bad in the blue header17:34
pleia2yeah :\17:35
davmor2charlie-tca: bug it :)17:35
charlie-tcayeah! I have tried that. last bug I filed, was for not being able to print a page. RESPONSE: Why would you want to print any page?17:36
charlie-tcabug sits incomplete waiting because they don't like the answer17:36
pleia2I do suspect the response to this would be "don't use a blue background"17:36
pleia2does wiki syntax allow for changing the color of links?17:37
charlie-tcaSelecting a different theme in user preferences does17:37
charlie-tcaI don't think syntax allows it, though17:37
charlie-tcaI can change background, text, highlight, tables, etc. As far as I know, not links17:38
* pleia2 nods17:38
cody-somervillecharlie-tca, whats the bug # for not being able to print a page?17:43
charlie-tcaIt is referring to www.ubuntu.com - bug 67092717:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 670927 in Ubuntu Website "Can not print the "Leadership Code Of Conduct"" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67092717:45
charlie-tcaBut I am done fighting that one, cody-somerville 17:45

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