
Goodgamebioterror, I've posted on the topic if you're interrested00:13
bioterrorare you asking do you put all the placing settings in the same file00:15
bioterroryou put them into lubuntu-rc.xml00:16
Goodgamebioterror, a friend of mine said their is as easier way00:16
Goodgameto open the apps at the loggin he tells me to use gnome-session-properties and for the position (and the size) to use devilspie https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie bioterror00:18
Goodgamewhat do you think of this?00:19
Goodgamebioterror, ?00:22
bioterrorput them all maximized :D00:29
Goodgamedon't you think his way is easier?00:29
bioterrorhttp://code.google.com/p/gdevilspie/ go ahead00:30
bioterrorif that suits your needs00:30
GoodgameI don't understand00:31
bioterrorGoodgame, well, I cannot help you with that00:38
bioterroryou have to try it out yourself and think if that's what you need and want00:38
Goodgameto me it does the same thing, maybe a bit easier his way no?00:38
Goodgamethanks anyway for your help bioterror00:47
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ubuntumanHey all, hoping someone can help me out. Just installed lubuntu 10.10. wondering if there is a way to save the session on shutdown (ie, open windows, apps etc) , kinda like xfce does.02:23
phillwubuntuman: not that I know of, you may be better off asking on the mailing list.02:26
wandaHow do I browse for samba network shares on lubuntu 10.10?04:16
wandaSeemed like pybrowser was in lucid, is that my best bet?04:19
phillwwanda: there was a package missed in the iso... oops :)04:25
phillwgive me one minute04:26
phillwwanda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/ReleaseNotes/MaverickMeerkat/#Network%20File%20Browsing%20with%20PCManFM04:28
wandaThanks, I'll look it over.04:29
phillwthere is a 10.10.1 iso due out shortly, I think that they've decided to include gvfs-backends by default as it is causing support calls.04:31
phillwthe os-prober  issue will also be fixed.04:31
wandaThanks, phillw, I don't know about the os-prober issue.  I didn't realize that regular releases had point releases.04:34
phillwwanda: yeah, Julien will be making a point release as those two issues are causing support calls on here and on the forum.04:35
phillwwe're not a 'regular' release, 10.10 was released as a bets, so we are allowed to 'tweak' it :P04:36
wandaThanks, folks.05:13
=== ubuXubu is now known as Balsaq
audioHi all,07:24
audioI want to monitor and record the changes made when installing an application.07:24
audioCan anyone suggest how to do it?07:25
audioInstall some sort of monitoring app?07:25
bioterrorI've used linux since 1998 and I've never found need for anything like that07:28
audioI want to try and learn how part of an app works but I can't read the code, so wanted to see what it changes.07:32
bioterrorall you get is: dpkg -L application07:34
bioterrorsudo strace apt-get autoremove07:35
audioThat looks to list the files but does it show what changes are made to existing files?07:35
bioterroroh for real07:36
bioterrorcheck the source code07:36
bioterrorhow in the eart you think you can see changes from a binary file07:36
bioterrorhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_file read07:36
audioIf I can identify the changed files I can then compare them to unchanged versions of the same file.07:37
audioThe changes are likely to be config files rather than binary07:38
audioSo I am looking to identify "what changed"07:39
audioSo I was hoping to find some sort of snapshot of before and after installation.07:40
audioOr a record of what happened during installation.07:41
audioDoes apt-get install write a detailed log of what happens during installing a new app?07:43
bioterrorif you really want to know07:45
bioterrorsudo strace apt-get install whatever07:45
audioOK, I'll look into strace.07:46
lithprhello.  I installed lubuntu 10.10, and since installing the ati drivers, when i login my resolution is always reset to 640x480.  any idea what i can do to make my resolution preference persistant?07:47
bioterroredit /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:47
lithprhow linuxy.  thanks :)07:47
bioterrorI installed last night fglrx drivers07:48
bioterrorand no problems07:48
lithprhmm, yeah, i'm having pretty bad luck with the 10.10 'buntus on this machine07:49
lithprthere is no setting for resolution defined in my xorg.conf07:51
lithpri'll google around to see where/how i should define it07:51
lithprthank you07:51
dean_Hi I am currently using Ubuntu gnome desktop which runs fine but I have installed the LXDE desktop but no wireless connection could someone help me?11:56
dean_anyone here?12:01
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qwmargh. burnt 10.10 to a cd, to install on an old inspiron 8200. but it fails... and it leaves me clueless.18:10
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zk_'ello all19:07
zk_quick question19:07
zk_how do i install a new theme? :D19:07
zk_and how do i keep my 1024x768 resolution? after a reboot it goes back to 1600x120019:11
slooksterpsvquestion how can I change the bottom lxde bar to have a different look cause it's a gradient white to black to white19:50
slooksterpsvnvm found it19:50
slooksterpsvit was just in the panel settings19:50
kosaidpohello guys21:03
kosaidpois there any app like pitivi i can use in windows ??21:03
MichealHWindows Movie Maker? xD21:03
MichealHI joke.21:03
MichealHThere will be one around. You could do It with Flash.21:04
kosaidpoMichealH: iwanna sumthin easy to use flash needs another 3 months to take in hands first21:04
kosaidpothen  start the artistic part again21:05
kosaidpohello there21:08
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gogetalubuntu is awsome butn i dont like chrome22:43
gogetaand seem to be unable to remove it without removing the lubuntu-desktop package22:43
gogetaunfortanly chrome is a fail for gma netbooks22:44
gogetavideo rendering is slow22:44
slooksterpsvyou can remove it and if it does remove lubuntu-desktop that's fine, its just a meta-package22:47
slooksterpsvso it won't remove lubuntu or that, otherwise you can leave it installed and ignore it22:47
gogetawell i knoe they whont change there defuly broswer but it shouldent be linked to there meta package so i can change it without issue22:48
gogeta4gb netbook every byte counts22:48
phillwgogeta: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp#Remove%20lubuntu-desktop22:48
gogetai dont whant to remove it22:49
gogetaim saying if i try to remove chrome it trys to22:49
phillwgogeta: it is completely safe to remove, please read the link I posted up.22:50
gogetathey need it not linked to that meta package22:50
gogetaso remmoving the meta will not effect updates?22:50
phillwgogeta: it has to be for us to be able to use the --no-recomends command, which saves a pile of other stuff being installed.22:51
phillwgogeta: you only need to pop it back on when lubuntu changes from, say 10.10 to 11.04, then it can be removed again.22:52
gogetagot ya22:52
gogetayea chrom is snappy on rendering but video rendering its alot slower then ff22:53
phillwgogeta: it's why I documented it up, it's an FAQ (Frequently Asked Question).22:53
gogetabut chrome is built for dule cores when it comes to that22:54
phillwgogeta: have you installed the lubuntu-restricted package?22:54
gogetait has the same efect on all my older machines22:55
gogetajust how chrome is22:55
slooksterpsvwell technically it's chromium, which is built for speed as far as I know22:55
gogetaspped in html rendering22:55
gogetanot so mutch video22:55
slooksterpsvright video eh..22:55
slooksterpsvI play divx, flash, etc. videos just fine, but then again I'm on a brand new machine, I'll have to see if I can obtain some older hardware to test out22:56
gogetaany gma atom netbook22:56
gogetayou will see the diffrence22:57
gogetanot so mutch divx22:57
gogetabeing i use the mplayer plugin22:57
gogetaso not anything to do with what broswer then22:57
phillwgogeta: the only vid channel I browse is you-tube, with the html5 trial, so I'm not to sure what the others are like.22:58
gogetaits to bad the vlc plugin fails at everything lol22:58
phillwgogeta: vlc works out of the box for me?22:59
gogetai mean forweb divx streams23:00
gogetait will just sitb at wating for video23:00
slooksterpsvgogeta: if its the gma 500 poulbsa however that's spelled yeah that's the worst chipset I've seen23:00
gogetagma 45023:00
gogetamost netbooks use it23:00
gogetathers some tweaks you can make to make it preform23:01
gogetalike overlcoking to 300mhz23:01
gogetadoesent hurt them any23:01
slooksterpsvthat's not too bad, the 500 is horrible I actually hate myself for purchasing the netbook I got with it23:01
gogetause gma booster23:01
gogetaand firfox or modori23:01
gogetahandels web vids on them alot nicer23:02
gogetagma 500 serise can do 400mhz safly23:02
slooksterpsvtried, no difference lol - I did the tweeks in Ubuntu for it, the 3d effects were nice and only Ubuntu Netbook Edition would allow me to watch Hulu at full screen with medium-low skipping23:02
gogetathere just underclocked desktop gpus23:02
slooksterpsvyeah, if you want to continue this discussion further, join #lubuntu-offtopic for OT discussions23:02
gogetabooster + ff hulu medum no skips23:03
gogetalol ok23:03
slooksterpsvreally? wow the 4500 is a lot nicer23:03
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