dasen | hi guys, does anyone know when will unity have a functioning application menu? | 00:08 |
dasen | the new version I mean | 00:08 |
bazhang | dasen, after the alpha release? | 00:08 |
dasen | bazhang: do u know when it will arrive? | 00:09 |
bazhang | dasen, you might wish to check the release schedule referenced in the /topic here | 00:09 |
dasen | oh yeah, sorry :) | 00:10 |
bazhang | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule | 00:10 |
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magn3ts | I have an interesting idea. | 07:10 |
magn3ts | Release daily builds as patches of a common base! | 07:10 |
magn3ts | Or have a common Ubuntu image that everything patches. | 07:10 |
magn3ts | I've downloaded Ubuntu, I don't know how many times. Think if I was just downloading some sort of patch | 07:10 |
magn3ts | But then I remember compression. :/ | 07:11 |
rww | just zsync the new one from the last one you downloaded? | 07:11 |
magn3ts | how does this work?? | 07:11 |
magn3ts | does ubuntu distribute .zsync files? | 07:11 |
rww | yes | 07:11 |
magn3ts | >_> | 07:12 |
* magn3ts aptitude's zsync | 07:12 | |
rww | note the .zsync files on e.g. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ :) | 07:12 |
magn3ts | Yeah, had that window open looking for torrent files, but this is much better. thanks! | 07:12 |
* magn3ts was so proud of himself | 07:13 | |
rww | no torrents of daily builds. it'd be hard to do for something that's only relevant for 24 hours | 07:13 |
magn3ts | Yeah, I wondered... I thought I might have previously but those were probably even alphas. | 07:13 |
=== Tscheesy_ is now known as Tscheesy | ||
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
=== zniavre__ is now known as zniavre | ||
mhall119 | hi everyone, I'm trying to load the daily desktop ISO in virtualbox, but it gets stuck showing the desktop and mouse only, or sometimes just a black screen, anyone know if this is a problem with the ISO, or am I just unlucky? | 14:22 |
mhall119 | okay, some apps are throwing errors saying the can't close file descriptors, others are throwing errors saying there are too many open files | 16:06 |
mhall119 | this is causing all the Gnome stuff (metacity, gnome-panel, etc) from running | 16:06 |
fagan | mhall119: I havent seen that myself | 16:17 |
fagan | the only big issue im getting is unity with compiz not working at all | 16:17 |
fagan | I wouldnt mind but compiz works just fine on my laptop even though its really old its just unity+compiz doesnt | 16:21 |
cfx_ | anyone know if it is possible to have each individual workspace shown by separate monitors? like 2 workspaces , 2 monitors, 1 on each. | 16:38 |
coz_ | cfx_, with compiz no | 16:38 |
coz_ | not that I am aware of | 16:39 |
cfx_ | coz_, without? | 16:39 |
coz_ | cfx_, :) well I rarely dont use compiz but let me check | 16:39 |
cfx_ | thanks coz_ | 16:40 |
coz_ | cfx_, the only thing I can think of is seperate xscreens | 16:41 |
cfx_ | you mean X sessions? | 16:41 |
coz_ | cfx_, no xscreens... let me find a link | 16:41 |
coz_ | cfx_, this is for nvidia https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaMultiMonitors | 16:42 |
cfx_ | coz_, im using ati lol | 16:43 |
coz_ | cfx_, ooo | 16:43 |
fagan | coz_: thats a bit old I think so it may not work too well | 16:43 |
coz_ | fagan, probably | 16:43 |
coz_ | and for ati I am not sure...maybe xinerama but then compiz will not work with that | 16:44 |
* fagan thought there was a setting to make workspaces work properly but never tried it | 16:44 | |
coz_ | fagan, let me check in 0.9 compiz | 16:45 |
cfx_ | coz_, what does xscreens do? is there a screenshot/photo? | 16:45 |
coz_ | cfx_, essentially separate xscreens is going to allow a different workspace on each monitor however no dragging of windows between the monitors | 16:45 |
fagan | well there is no real benefit in using seperate workspaces between monitors anyway | 16:46 |
fagan | since the extended display system actually works fairly nice | 16:46 |
cfx_ | fagan, hm? | 16:47 |
coz_ | yeah I agree... cfx_ what is the thinking with this ? why separate workspaces on each monitor? | 16:47 |
cfx_ | coz_, i want to have documentation on the 2nd screen and coding on the 1st one | 16:47 |
cfx_ | i will simply have all doc related stuff on 2nd workspace | 16:47 |
fagan | cfx_: you can drag the docs to the second monitor and it sould do that | 16:48 |
coz_ | cfx_, well with some of compiz plugins you can use either viewports or each monitor for windows to open on specific monitors or viewports | 16:48 |
fagan | *should | 16:48 |
coz_ | cfx_, or use group and tab plugin to group all of the similar windows together on each monitor | 16:48 |
coz_ | cfx_, or tile and grid plugins or any combination...with Place windows plugin you can specify location ofwindows | 16:49 |
coz_ | that you want to open | 16:49 |
coz_ | so IDE on primary and text on secondary | 16:49 |
cfx_ | what is compiz, im confused, i thought default ubuntu didnt use compiz | 16:50 |
cfx_ | just regular gnome | 16:50 |
cfx_ | fagan, i dont understand, is there a howto or smth that illustrates that? | 16:50 |
coz_ | cfx_, well default ubuntu compiz with compiz and you can check to see if it is activated under /system/preferences/appearance and the visual effects tab | 16:50 |
coz_ | rathe comes with compiz | 16:51 |
coz_ | cfx_, and if you sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager you can set specific plugins and their settings | 16:52 |
cfx_ | coz_, so you're essentially saying that this is possible with some compiz plugins? | 16:53 |
coz_ | cfx_, absolutely... you would have to familiarize yourself with the plugins and their capabilities but ,,,yes | 16:54 |
cfx_ | i have normal on visual effects, does that mean compiz is enabled? | 16:54 |
coz_ | cfx_, remember compiz is a "window manager" yes it is enabled | 16:55 |
coz_ | cfx_, now install compizconfig-settings-manager and open either under system/preferences or ccsm in terminal or run dialog | 16:55 |
cfx_ | coz_, ah i see it, but which of those should i enable to make that work? | 16:56 |
coz_ | cfx_, ok well... Place windows plugin under the window management category ,,,if you click that to get into its settings , you will see its options listed there | 16:56 |
coz_ | cfx_, to enable a specific application window to open on one of those options you click the plus (+) icon then the "grab" button and click the window to include it into the window match string | 16:57 |
coz_ | cfx_, for example, under Place window plugin ,,click the "Fixed window placement" tab | 16:59 |
coz_ | cfx_, there you see 3 options | 16:59 |
cfx_ | yes i see them | 16:59 |
coz_ | fixed position fixed placement and fixed viewport | 16:59 |
cfx_ | right | 17:00 |
coz_ | fixed placement should allow you to place a window on either monitor and it will open on that same monitor each time | 17:00 |
coz_ | cfx_, when you click the "New" button, a dialog opens with a (+) button | 17:00 |
cfx_ | please go on | 17:01 |
coz_ | cfx_, when you click the (+) button another dialog opens with a "Grab" button and when you click that the cursor chanes to cross hair that allows you to click on an open application window to set that into the window rules string | 17:01 |
coz_ | there is also an "Invert" button which would "EXCLUE" a window from that rule so you dont want that right now | 17:02 |
coz_ | cfx_, the first dialog that opened will allow x an y positioning of the window you chose | 17:02 |
coz_ | cfx_, its takes a bit of practice to deal with window rules and placement sliders but you will find it works well | 17:03 |
cfx_ | ok so you're saying i should select all the doc related windows and add them to fixed viewport ? | 17:04 |
coz_ | cfx_, yes ,, one at a time | 17:04 |
coz_ | cfx_, test your settings with the x/y sliders | 17:05 |
cfx_ | and you say that there is a threshold e.g. x <1000 = monitor1 where x>1001 is monitor2? | 17:05 |
coz_ | cfx_, you can always reset to defaults and start gain with that little yellow whisk broom icon | 17:05 |
coz_ | cfx_, something like that... I am not great with these sliders myself and I am support for compiz but I generally just play with the sliders until I get it correct however there is also a pull down menu "Mode" for thinkgs like cascade,, center etc on the first dialog | 17:08 |
coz_ | cfx_, even open under pointer | 17:08 |
coz_ | cfx_, open under pointer of course opens an application window where ever the cursor is locatedd | 17:09 |
coz_ | located | 17:09 |
cfx_ | coz_, how can i disable that annoying effect when switching workspaces? | 17:13 |
coz_ | cfx_, which is that? | 17:14 |
coz_ | cfx_, the cube? | 17:14 |
mrmcq2u | on reboot I am getting stuck on checking battery state, anyone know what could cause it? | 17:14 |
mrmcq2u | Im on a desktop with no battery | 17:14 |
charlie-tca | yup | 17:14 |
cfx_ | coz_, no. i mean there is a transition phase "FX" when switching workspaces | 17:14 |
charlie-tca | X didn't start | 17:14 |
charlie-tca | ? | 17:14 |
coz_ | cfx_, can you describe it a bit better ? there are several things it could be | 17:15 |
charlie-tca | mrmcq2u: usually when I get that, restarting works. Sometimes, though, I have to use recovery mode and clean the packages | 17:15 |
coz_ | cfx_, is it scroll whell switching? | 17:15 |
cfx_ | coz_, on bottom right when you click the 2nd workspace it doesnt just "appear" in front of you. there is a dizzying effect | 17:15 |
cfx_ | coz_, exactly | 17:15 |
mrmcq2u | right thanks charlie-tca will try dpkg-reconfigure | 17:16 |
coz_ | cfx_, ok in ccsm under the Viewport switcher plugin click the "Desktop-based viewport switching" tab | 17:16 |
coz_ | cfx_, Move Next and Move Prev are set to what? | 17:16 |
cfx_ | disabled | 17:17 |
coz_ | cfx_, ok then thats not the effect | 17:17 |
coz_ | cfx_, oh you are using gnome's desktop switcher ...yes? | 17:18 |
cfx_ | coz_, yes default ubuntu here | 17:18 |
cfx_ | with gnome | 17:18 |
coz_ | cfx_, well you can go into ccsm again and disable desktop cube and enable Desktop wall instead | 17:18 |
coz_ | also disable Rotate cube first | 17:19 |
cfx_ | coz_, also what's the hotkey to change workspaces ? | 17:19 |
coz_ | cfx_, then try the workspace siwtcher and see if that is better | 17:19 |
coz_ | cfx_, yes ctrl+alt+left and right arrows | 17:19 |
cfx_ | coz_, cube is already disabled, wall is enabled | 17:20 |
coz_ | cfx_, oh!! | 17:20 |
coz_ | cfx_, ok for topic reasons meet me in #compiz | 17:20 |
cfx_ | thanks for the hotkey, that works | 17:20 |
coz_ | cool | 17:20 |
coz_ | cfx_, but lets pick this up in #compiz if you have more compiz related issues and questions :) | 17:20 |
cfx_ | i'm already there | 17:21 |
zniavre | good evening | 17:43 |
zniavre | wich package to install the new desktop > ubuntu-desktop seems not in repos | 17:43 |
fagan | zniavre: its not ready yet but you can try an older version | 17:44 |
fagan | sudo apt-get install unity | 17:44 |
zniavre | ok thank you | 17:45 |
fagan | then log out and select ubuntu-netbook when you are loging in | 17:45 |
fagan | zniavre: the maverick version is very broken though | 17:45 |
fagan | you should wait for natty | 17:45 |
zniavre | in fact i got for now only bases system | 17:45 |
zniavre | natty* | 17:46 |
zniavre | found it thank you | 17:46 |
fagan | no problem | 17:47 |
zniavre | :o) | 17:47 |
fagan | its going to be completely different when natty is released though | 17:48 |
fagan | there are so many problems with it at the moment | 17:48 |
xteejx | Hi all. I can't see any alternate CD images for Natty, have they not been generated yet? | 18:52 |
yofel | looks like iso failed to build to me, since the folders are empty | 18:54 |
* yofel forgot where the build logs are kept... | 18:54 | |
yofel | firefox backlog to the resque... http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/ubuntu/natty/ | 18:56 |
yofel | yep, failes to build | 18:56 |
yofel | *fails | 18:56 |
xteejx | yofel: Damn :( My vbox install won't work, it gets up to the gdm login but doesn't show it, and Ctrl+Alt+F1 does it on my system, not the vbox :( | 18:56 |
xteejx | Booo :( lol | 18:56 |
yofel | hm, I know how to switch to tty in kvm, but not in vbox.. | 18:56 |
xteejx | yofel: I don't think you can insert keypresses in vbox sadly | 18:57 |
yofel | wasn't that a slightly different key combination? | 18:57 |
xteejx | oh well have to wait for a built alternate, the live doesnt work | 18:57 |
yofel | xteejx: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1292037 ? | 18:58 |
charlie-tca | xteejx: did you try right-ctl F1 ? | 18:58 |
charlie-tca | The vbox key replaces Crlt+Alt usually | 18:58 |
xteejx | charlie-tca: Really? :O I'm gonna try that | 18:58 |
xteejx | charlie-tca: Nice one Charlie, it worked thank you :D | 19:00 |
charlie-tca | no problem | 19:00 |
charlie-tca | I use VBox a lot for testing | 19:01 |
xteejx | same, its alot easier/safer than messing up a production machine | 19:02 |
yofel | natty works fine on my eeePC so far, well almost | 19:03 |
yofel | when the display turns off, and I move the mouse, the display turns back on, but not the backlight. I have to close the lid and open it again for the backlight to turn on o.O | 19:04 |
magn3ts | What was the last live cd build that worked? | 21:32 |
magn3ts | the last two I've tried were broken | 21:32 |
=== Patrickdk_ is now known as PatrickDK | ||
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC |
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