
blahdeblahhead_victim: I was just going to say that the way i would do that is to just dd the whole 80 GB drive (unless it's not very full) over the top of the 120 GB drive00:41
blahdeblah(i.e. dd if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/sdd bs=256k or something  like that - be careful though: if you mix up the drives, you'll trash your data.)00:42
blahdeblahThat would copy the entire drive including partition table.  Then you could use gparted to expand the partition and filesystem sizes to their maximum.00:43
blahdeblahThat's the way i would do it, unless there were other things i wanted to do at the time, like convert to LVM, or use a different filesystem type.00:43
head_victimOh sorry yeah that00:44
head_victimI ended up dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdc100:44
head_victimI tried the cp one but it kept whinging about out of space so I was playing with dd and then I realised I'd partitioned it wrong so after repartitioning it now running00:45
head_victimDidn't use any bs switches though, is that enouhg of a drama to want to redo it when it's done?00:47
blahdeblahno, just makes it faster00:47
blahdeblahbs is block size, and i usually use at least 256 KB, often 1 MB00:47
head_victimYeah, some people suggest 4mb, some suggest smaller, some don't use it so I just thought I wouldn't use it for now00:48
blahdeblahIf you're less than 20% of the way through, it's probably worth stopping and restarting the process with bs to get the speed gain.00:48
head_victimNah as long as it takes less than a day I'm right00:48
blahdeblahIf you don't use bs, it defaults to 512 bytes, which is ridiculously small nowadays00:48
head_victimIt was only an 80gb drive with about 5 - 10 gb used so it's not a 1tb or anything.00:51
head_victimelky: I've noticed that there's emails showing up on the gmane list online but not coming to my email address. The last one from nisshh never hit my inbox.06:39
nisshhi second that elky ^^^^06:40
nisshhsame happens for me06:40
head_victimStill getting the moderation ones though.06:41
elkymy inbox matches gmane06:42
elkyLoCo Day successfully got to me06:43
head_victimI don't have the last one from the list where he wrote up the wiki 06:43
darkroselast list email I got was LoCo Day06:43
elkyhead_victim, could you use subject lines to speed this up?06:43
elky"the one where he did action" means I have to read all the mails :P06:43
elkyI see a bounce for nisshh for 00:22.06:44
head_victimActually it was the third last one06:44
head_victimI'm getting myself confused I was looking at it last night06:44
nisshhi havent got any since i sent the loco day one to the list06:44
elkyah no, that's a reply06:44
elkynisshh, i'm confused. was that or was that not the last mail you sent?06:45
head_victimI thought I'd missed the "IRC fortnightly sessions" and "Loco day" but have reread my inbox and they're there now.06:47
elkyusually if they show up on gmane or the mailman archive, you just need to wait for a clog in the mail queue to pass.06:48
head_victimAh ok *makes mental note*06:48
blahdeblahhead_victim: I'm not even getting password reminders when i ask for them from mailman at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/options/ubuntu-au06:49
elkyhighly visible mail servers manage to find themselves under large piles of spam to deal with occasionally, sometimes these large piles of spam will strike in the middle of sending out the same mail to 300 people.06:49
head_victimI'd hate to think how much traffic lists.ubuntu.com gets :/06:49
elkya metric beeptonne.06:49
nisshhelky, that was the last email i sent to the list06:49
head_victimMaybe it's lagging a bit then.06:50
nisshhi would say a lot06:50
nisshhsince i sent the loco day mail a long time ago06:51
elkyit's also why the sysadmins ask that we don't blacklist addresses unless they're responsible for lots of bad mails.06:51
head_victimFair call, I default to discard.06:51
elkyyep, good06:52
nisshhelky, my email isnt blacklisted is it?06:52
head_victimI think that was one of the first things you mentioned when I started it. It's been a good learning experience actually.06:52
elkyhead_victim, as a datapoint, I was taken off the moderator list for ubuntu-users recently, the amount of spam I get has reduced to a fraction06:53
elkynisshh, no06:53
nisshhnow ive looked06:54
nisshhi dont have anything from the list since the 10th of this month06:54
elkynisshh, and if you don't send us "make your peepee bigger" mails in quantities of 10/day, we wont.06:54
head_victimI'm so glad I use filters though, I'd have no idea how to cope with it otherwise.06:54
nisshhelky, yeah, of course06:54
Zanthusjust one question - unity, as it appears in 10.10, requires some sort of hardware graphics acceleration to run doesn't it?  like a nvidia or ati GPU?06:55
elkyZanthus, intel acceleration is fine too06:56
nisshhZanthus, i ran Unity on my P4 with an Intel IGP here, works fine06:59
nisshhjust a bit slow thats all'06:59
ZanthusI might give it a try on this netbook then06:59
nisshhyou should06:59
head_victimI'm hanging out for the first iso's with it on the desktop so I can vm it.07:00
nisshhunless its a really useless netbook, itll run it07:00
darkrosedon't forget nisshh's hardware predates silicon07:00
nisshhdarkrose, i cant argue with that :)07:00
head_victimblahdeblah: see if it turns up in the next 24 hours I guess (re the password thing), I have no idea how much lag could be in the system.07:03
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
jfernisshh:are there any classroom sessions planned yet?10:03
nisshhjfer, do you mean for the classroom thing i organised? or for loco day?10:05
jferoh so there are 2 separate things?10:06
nisshhjfer, yes, but if your reffering to the topic i talked about last meeting then you will remember i said im taking suggestions10:07
nisshhso suggest away :)10:07
nisshhjfer, the first session will probably be held sometime late december/early january10:08
jferok. i would be interested in a session on triaging bugs10:08
nisshhmaybe earier10:08
nisshhgood suggestions10:08
nisshhi should make a list10:08
jferperhaps you could add a suggestions section to the wiki10:09
nisshhah thats right10:09
nisshhthanks for reminding me jfer :)10:09
nisshhjfer, have you seen the wiki page for it?10:09
jferyes, I have.10:10
jferi think if be make better use of the wiki it will help us regain official LoCo status10:10
nisshhjfer, although, if you want a session on triaging bugs, i expect you to come to the session (i dont want people suggesting sessions they want and then going away)10:10
nisshhjfer, exactly10:11
nisshhi havent added it to the projects page yet :)10:11
jferdo you have experience in triaging bugs? 10:12
nisshhjfer, ive been on the bugsquad for 4 months10:13
nisshhim no guru10:13
nisshhbut i know the basics plus some more10:13
nisshhand i have experience as well10:13
jferok. I have no real experience yet. I suspect a class aimed at beginners would be appropriate.10:15
darkroselogs from the last how-to-triage we had in here10:15
nisshhdarkrose, 1) that was ages ago 2) kermiac is busy and 3) the bugjam is a social event, not a how-to-triage event10:16
nisshhjfer, yeah, my thinking exactly10:16
nisshhjfer, please add suggestions to the wiki if you have any more :)10:17
darkrosenisshh: 1) 2.5 months 2) doesn't make the data any less valid 3) "HowToTriageClass" looks like a how-to to me10:18
nisshhmeh, whatever10:20
jferi am having trouble packaging something12:01
jferi keep getting this error12:01
dns53you have all the required libraries to build the package?12:02
dns53have a look on line 1337 of the make file12:03
elky1337, lol12:05
elkysorry, carry on12:05
sagaciyeah saw that too12:05
jferok i tried making the package with the make command and it worked12:06
jferhang on i think something may not be listed in the depends because debuild is a minimal build environment12:06
elky!irclogs > cthulhu13:02

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