[00:08] duanedesign: hey there .. sorry for not noticing your question earlier .. Well I can't really say I've seen a killer cloud book. It's not really a separate field, any seasoned Linux server sys-admin is going to feel mostly at home. It's all about config management, and a high level of automation (unless your work for amazon :) [00:09] duanedesign: might wanna hang out in #ubuntu-cloud as well [00:09] and since it's past 2am for me .. I need to disappear :) [02:00] doctormo, i realized my previous comment may seem inordinately negative so i would like to clarify [02:01] i will be happy to be of any possible assistance and i look forward to talking with you next week about helping you with wacom support :) [02:47] Morning folks [02:47] darn, I missed paultag. :/ [03:16] helloooo nigelb [03:20] hello duanedesign [06:08] ScottL: I didn't take it in any other way than positive :-) I knew what you meant. === AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell [09:47] goedemorgen [12:53] morning sense [12:56] hi duanedesign [12:56] 'lo sense and duanedesign :) [12:57] taking a nap 'for just half an hour' wasn't a great idea [12:58] hi ni [12:59] nigelb: heh, i do that sometimes on my lunch break if I am really tired [12:59] nigelb: its a little iffy if it is helpful or not :P [13:03] heh [13:55] duanedesign: hey.. is there a beginners team for fixing bugs? [13:58] vish: there is. We have a Bugs Focus Group. [13:59] duanedesign: hmm, i thought that was the bug triage focus [14:01] vish: ohh, i see [14:02] vish: i am sorry. not awake yet. 'fixing' bugs :) [14:02] hmm, the beginners team wiki is a bit confusing.. [14:02] duanedesign: np.. :) [14:03] how very odd!!! [14:03] vish: what part is confusing? [14:03] Ubuntu has existed for so long and there seems to be no team for fixing bugs.. [14:03] or atleast i cant find any. ;) [14:04] duanedesign: info-overload on : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam [14:04] not sure why the IRC channels for the Focus groups need to exist in the main landing page.. [14:05] yeah I was a bit curious aout that recently when the Beginners Team was reevaluating its Focus Groups. I initially started to put Bug Fixing and Bug Triage in the same 'group' [14:06] duanedesign: yea, we are starting this new team for papercuts for bug fixers, so was trying to make sure there is no overlap [14:06] that will be great [14:07] vish: thank you for the input on the BT wiki. I agree with you, there is some stuff on that landing page that does not need to be there [14:07] duanedesign: np.. [14:08] * vish really hating the new wiki 'theme' , fonts are so damn small!!! [14:08] and the headers are huge [14:08] seems more than double the size or maybe nearly triple.. [14:11] vish: On my laptop I can Ctrl + once and everything still fits on screen and is a little easier to read [14:13] duanedesign: i'v *never* had to zoom into a page.. but yea that makes it a little better.. thanks [14:13] vish: when I was looking at Bug Fixing the only thing I really found was this wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix [14:13] yea, that wiki is good [14:14] duanedesign: i blame jcastro ! he only made sure people adopted packages and triaged bugs, dint care about fixing bugs ;p [14:20] ah ha! next week bitsize bounties!!! [15:08] vish: that will be nice. [15:17] vish: I am an enabler! [15:25] ;) [15:25] duanedesign: well, bitesize bounties is what i /think/ jcastro is planning for next week.. [15:26] not bounties per se [15:26] yea, no rewards per se but you can just call them that ;) [15:26] heh [15:27] jcastro: working on Unity is the bounty! [15:27] heh [15:27] ehe [15:29] duanedesign: how good is response in the beginners team bug triage ? [15:29] like how many have 'graduated' to Bug-Control? [15:30] there is bug squad mentoring as well and seems we are duplicating efforts now.. [15:49] vish: In the past becoming a member of Bug Control was encouraged and not required. I think that is one thing we were looking at. I have an action item to work from our discussions at UDS to work with Pedro on our mentoring program. [15:53] cool.. [16:16] jcastro, hey, any idea when unity-compiz (or whatever the package is called) will make it into the official repos for natty? [16:16] (i know its in a PPA) [16:18] nisshh: how well did the PPA work for you? [looks like you cant wait to get hold of it officially ;) ] [16:25] vish, i dunno, im not brave enough to run natty dailies :) [16:25] urh [16:25] daily's :) [16:26] vish, i dont normally upgrade till around alpha 2/3/beta [16:27] vish, im mainly interested because i like Unity but the mutter/clutter version was slow [16:27] nisshh: jump first and then see how it works out, you never know until you've tried it.. ;) [16:27] there are still a couple small issues. The dash is not working so well so you can only launch apps from the launcher [16:27] nisshh: i'v rarely seen major problems with dev releases.. [16:27] vish, yeah, i had problems with maverick alpha 2 not working, so that put me off the really early stuff [16:28] vish, you reckon i should upgrade to natty daily? [16:28] duanedesign, this is the unity alpha in the PPA your talking about? [16:28] nisshh: you are missing the good stuff mmaaan! [16:29] lol [16:29] ok [16:29] maybe i will :) [16:29] nisshh: what i do is usually have partitions and install the +1 release on another partition [16:29] ah ok [16:29] i usually chuck it in a VM first [16:29] nisshh: while the stable is on another partition with the same home [16:29] yeah [16:29] /home [16:30] too much mucking around :) [16:33] vish, link to the daily builds of natty? [16:33] (google cant find it) [16:35] nisshh: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ [16:35] thanks vish :) [16:35] yw.. [16:36] oh nice [16:36] an oversize cd image [16:36] looks like ill have to find a DVD :) [16:37] nisshh: use a usb live [16:37] vish, old computer here, has an option in the BIOS for usb boot, doesnt work though :) [16:37] i tried with maverick [16:38] i have one like that, gah that is irritating!! [16:38] yeah [16:38] makes me want a new computer so badly :) [16:39] vish, is unity default in natty yet? [16:40] nisshh: havent booted to natty in a while, so not sure.. [16:40] ah ok [16:48] found a DVD! [16:48] and its blank! [17:02] vish: here is my take on the wiki theme http://libertus.co.uk:8080/FrontPage [17:03] that is just running on my laptop at home [17:04] AlanBell: neat! *much* better.. [17:05] fluid width, font sizes readable, contrast improved, headers distinguishable but not huge [17:05] but not following the design guidelines strictly enough [17:06] a lot of other things seem odd with the wiki, no italics [17:06] file bugs [17:06] yea.. [17:06] cant seem to be able to do double indentations.. [17:06] weird.. [17:08] the theme was a lot worse before, they did accept one or two fixes I did [17:09] italics is indeed missing, file a bug and I will do a merge proposal for that one [17:18] vish, bah! it didnt work :) [17:18] wait, i meant :( [17:18] the GUI installer hasnt worked for me since 9.10 [17:19] i thought, maybe, just maybe, but no, still doesnt [17:19] grrr [17:19] [17:21] AlanBell: merge away.. filed Bug #674936 [17:21] Launchpad bug 674936 in ubuntu-website "Italics not possible on wiki (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/674936 [17:22] sorry nisshh, yes I was talking about the Unity-compiz alpha [17:22] duanedesign, yeah [17:22] nisshh: oh the installer itself dint work? weird :s [17:22] nisshh: you are trying on a VM or ..? [17:23] vish, i booted it from DVD [17:24] vish, it gets to the loading screen, finishes loading, displays the wallpaper for about 15 seconds, then appears to start booting, but stops with no cpu or cdrom activity [17:24] nisshh: hmm, there was a problem with the installer not working because of low memory.. how much memory does the sys have? [17:24] 1GB [17:24] of RAM [17:24] should be enough [17:25] yeah.. [17:25] vish, 1GB not enough? [17:25] nisshh: should be enough [17:25] yeah [17:25] im trying it in a vm now [17:26] vish, when installing maverick i had to resort to the alternate cd to get it installed [17:41] vish, just curiously, i tried update-manager -d, it says there is 11.04 available, i didnt know it was possible to upgrade yet [17:42] nisshh: yea, that update available once the +1 repo is open [17:43] vish, oh, so the +1 repo isnt open yet? [17:43] nisshh: i wonder if today is inverse day, and everything i say somehow means the other way.. :D [17:44] nisshh: nah, i meant its available as soon as the repo is open, hence available.. [17:44] ah [17:44] so it IS available [17:45] vish, i just didnt know if it was simply there, or if it worked or not [17:45] nisshh: yup.., updating using that command should get you to natty [17:46] cool [17:46] seems like thats my only option unless i wait for the alternate cd [17:52] vish, i just realised, the compiz port of unity will require compiz to be turned on all the time wont it? [17:52] nisshh: yup [17:52] hmmm [17:53] this thing runs with compiz on, but its slow [17:53] slower [20:05] nisshh: next week [20:06] after they are not-so-broken in the PPA [20:09] jcastro, cool, thanks :) === JanC_ is now known as JanC