
smplmanwhen ever i run a ./configure on anything i get an error that gcc cannot create executables. Any ideas\00:23
cjwatsonsmplman: make sure you have gcc and libc6-dev installed00:34
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psusipitti, I got it... kernel patch to put the attribute saying the drive is external in the drive device in sysfs for esata04:15
op_amp /join #ubuntu-devel08:32
op_ampCan I install Daily Build image of Natty using simple wubi installer?08:33
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tmzt_dg2rootop_amp: you might want to ask in #ubuntu+1 this is a development channel08:55
tmzt_dg2rootor is natty the released one?08:56
tmzt_dg2rootso just #ubuntu08:56
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geserwhat's the meaning of the red lines?11:48
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nemotrying to locate https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/i386/libghc6-utf8-string-dev/ for lucid or maverick20:44
nemoexists for lucid20:45
nemois in bytestring according to unc0rr20:45
* nemo looks20:45
marcosrorizhi guys20:54
marcosrorizguys I'm helping out uploading screenshots for debian and debian-derivated (Ubuntu/DL/Etc) but there are some questions in my mind here..20:54
marcosrorizis there any guideline for uploading screenshots of cli app20:54
eitch0000marcosroriz: interesting question. And what is with all the library packages? Shouldn't they be filtered out on the screenshots website?21:03
marcosrorizI tried to demonstrate the use of the cli app --> http://screenshots.ubuntu.com/package/ant21:04
marcosrorizeitch0000, yep and also there is a problem with -data -common pkgs21:04
eitch0000marcosroriz: your pic is looking good21:05
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marcosrorizthanks :)21:09
nemohm. can't find it in maverick. well. I guess figuring out how to build it without cabal is up to the package maintainers21:17
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ScottKmarcosroriz: Since it's Debian's screenshots project, I'd ask them.21:28
ebroderDo we generally update the maintainer field for no-change rebuilds? My inclination is that you shouldn't, but I'm not sure21:57
Laneyno I wouldn't bother21:58
ebroderHmm...how about the version number for a no-change SRU? Is the different between ubuntu0.1 and build0.1 semantically interesting in that case?22:04
ScottKIt's important that it be lower than the version in the next release.22:04
kklimondaif it's ubuntu you have to change Maintainer22:04
ebroderkklimonda: I'm looking at your bug 67378922:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 673789 in librmagick-ruby (Ubuntu) "lucid (and probably newer?) version has to be rebuilt against newer imagemagick" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67378922:05
kklimondait looks almost like someone is... right ;)22:05
Laneythe tools will try to make you, depending on your DEBEMAIL, but you don't /have/ to22:05
kklimondaLaney: at least bzr bd -S will fail if you use ubuntu version and Maintainer isn't set to @ubuntu.com22:05
LaneyDEBEMAIL= bzr bd -S22:06
ebroderSo it sounds like build0.1 + no maintainer change isn't offensive to anyone22:06
ebroderErr...except there's already a librmagick-ruby 2.11.1-1ubuntu0.1 sitting in lucid-updates22:09
kklimondanow that's embarassing :)22:09
ebroderNo worries. It's bug #518122; I'm going to dup yours to it22:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 518122 in librmagick-ruby (Ubuntu Lucid) "Please rebuild for newer version of ImageMagick" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51812222:10
ebroderI'm...very confused by the bug's history, though22:10
ebroderI guess it went to updates with the outstanding other bug (which isn't a regression), so that makes sense22:11
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
chrisccoulsoncould a core-dev please add lucid and maverick tasks to bug 655707 for me please? (it's already fixed in natty)22:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 655707 in pango1.0 (Ubuntu) "Firefox crashes opening pages that use webfonts " [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65570722:32
stgraberchrisccoulson: done22:39
chrisccoulsonstgraber, excellent, thanks22:40

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