
MTecknologyso.. ubuntu wiki .... logged in = old style & logged out = new style02:58
nhandlerMTecknology: Logged in uses whatever theme you have set in your preferences (which is the old theme for many people. For me, it is the kubuntu theme). Logged out uses the default theme for the wiki which is now the new theme03:43
MTecknologynhandler: oh.... that would make sense..03:47
nhandlerMTecknology: Yeah, they can't really do much about logged in users without changing their set preferences (which would anger many people)03:48
MTecknologyI imagine so - I completely forgot that you can set preferences at all03:48
MTecknologywanna help me learn latex?03:49
nhandlerMTecknology: I'm probably not the best person to teach you. I looked at it a few months ago, but I never really mastered it.04:34
MTecknologynhandler: I've always wanted to rewrite my resume in latex - I'm touching it up and I finally decided to do it04:36
MTecknologynow I'm 'finally' learning latex04:36
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
=== Daker is now known as daker
=== Daker is now known as daker
=== daker_ is now known as daker
AlanBellMTecknology: most people should have "default" as their logged in theme so it will change for them15:07
* AlanBell prefers the old theme15:09
MTecknologyAlanBell: I kinda do too..16:54
AlanBellMTecknology: I quite liked this version http://libertus.co.uk:808016:57
MTecknologyI never saw that - pretty17:36
dev001fyi, planet ubuntu's rss 2.0 feed is borken (http://bit.ly/d6Gh7W); atom feed works fine.23:53

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