
=== CYF is now known as CloseYetFar
xubuntu976hello world00:38
xubuntu976wuz up?00:40
jtmoneyI'm running 10.04.1 LTS.  What is the preferred method of upgrading XFCE to 4.6.2 without upgrading to 10.10?02:09
moetunessee if it is in backports or check if there is a ppa maybe02:10
jtmoneymoetunes, it's not in backports (I have that repo enabled), and there's no PPA as far as I can tell.02:11
moetunesjtmoney:  it might be hard to do then - you could build the source02:12
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!02:12
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels02:12
jtmoneyxGrind, uhm, I'm running Xubuntu
xGrind10.04.1 ?02:15
jtmoneyThat's what it says on my TTYs.02:15
jtmoneyAfter I ran apt-get update/upgrade.02:16
jtmoneyBut, yes, Xubuntu 10.04.02:16
xGrindjtmoney; better02:22
jtmoney10.10 completely screws with remote controls, and I don't want to go through all that again.  Plus, this is more-or-less a server for my house, so I'd rather keep 10.04 on it.  But XFCE 4.6.2 seems to be mostly bug fixes, so I don't see why I shouldn't install that.02:25
DrCherryfresh install of 10.10, i borked my display resolution, what file do I have to edit it to fix it?  I can't see anything if I log on.03:17
moetuneshow did you bork it? - is there a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?03:18
DrCherryI set it too high, and there's no /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:18
DrCherrymaybe there's a .x... file in my home dir?03:19
moetunestry moving ~/.config/xfce to xfce.bak if you used the xfce resolution setter03:19
DrCherryokay I don't have that file either03:20
moetunesthat'll be a dir03:21
DrCherryokay i have .conf/xfce403:22
moetuneswhich don't you have? - .config?03:22
DrCherryshall i rename that whole dir?03:22
moetuneswon't hurt - you can move it back later03:22
moetunesuse the tab button to complete file names in tty's or terminal - it saves time and errors03:23
DrCherryfixed, thx03:24
DrCherryi'm going to root around in that dir and see if I can find the exact file03:25
moetunesnp :)03:25
DrCherrythere's a file in there called displays.xml that appears to hold the setting03:28
moetunesyou could edit it or remove it or rename it as you pls03:29
DrCherryi restored my old xfce4 directory with the res fixed, rebooting03:30
DrCherryweird, i was hoping to get the default look when i installed but now my menu bar is at the bottom and the icons are different, odd03:31
moetunesmust have a config that sets that somewhere03:32
DrCherryno biggie03:32
rshakinhey ppl04:34
rshakinanyone using the dropbox service ?04:35
ridinrshakin, dropbox does work here.04:48
rshakinhmm strange... it does work but for some reason my background keeps crashing when i am running it as a service04:51
rshakinridin: there seems to be something wrong, i am running the lts 8.04 version of xubuntu...04:51
ridinwell, xubuntu is end of life...04:52
rshakinwhat do you mean... no more xubuntu04:54
rshakinwhat is going to replace it ?04:55
ridini mean, 8.04 isn't getting more updates04:55
ridinupgrade to 9.10 or 10.0404:55
ridinor 10.10 :b04:55
rshakini meant 10.4 sorry04:55
rshakin10.10 on my box is not running really well there are some serious bugs with drivers for this laptop esp when sound card comes in to play even tho this is very simple and standart setup04:56
rshakinbut that could of been since i did a distro update04:57
=== ubuXubu is now known as Balsaq
matakshow to install graphic driver  i have Intel Corporation 82852/855GM running in toshiba l1011:33
TheSheepxubuntu already comes with intel drivers11:33
matakshow to know that i have already the drivers?11:33
mataksi just did a fresh install on xubuntu11:34
TheSheepthat's not what I wrote11:34
Sysiwhat doesn't work?11:34
bazhangshould be there already11:34
Sysino problem - no solution :)11:35
bazhangmataks, you dont install anything; simple11:35
mataksbazhang, why?11:35
bazhangmataks, TheSheep already told you11:35
TheSheepit's installed out of the box11:35
mataksok, i have another problem, i can feel that xubuntu is not smooth, i can feel a slight lag.11:37
bazhanghow much ram11:37
mataksonly 25611:37
bazhangwell there it is11:37
mataksany way to optimize?11:37
TheSheepadd more and the problem will go away :)11:37
bazhangmataks, yes, get more11:37
mataksok thanks :)11:39
mataksi have another question, what are the advantages and disadvantages between ubuntu and xubuntu?11:40
Sysiubuntu uses more memory, in xubuntu you can't drag items from menu to panel11:41
mataksoh, that's why i can't drag google chrome to panel no matter what i do. hehe thanks :)11:42
WaltI just started using xubuntu, and would like to have xmonad as my wm. Does anyone know any good resource on this? I have googled for quite a while but am not finding anything concrete12:14
Sysiinstall it and: xmonad --replace12:14
bazhanghttp://tombuntu.com/index.php/2009/03/17/introduction-to-the-xmonad-tiling-window-manager/ Walt12:15
Waltbazhang, thank you12:15
Waltanother small thing. When I press alt-f2 and enter xterm, I get the default settings. what is the command to open an instance the same way as when opening from the applications menu?12:17
moetunesI think that is called xfce4-terminal12:18
Waltmoetunes, thans, that was it12:19
Waltmoetunes, where could I have gone about finding that out?12:19
moetunesright click the menu entry for it iirc12:20
Waltmoetunes, that opens it for me. Is there some configuration for the xfce menus?12:20
moetunesWalt:  not that I know of - a right click opens it?12:21
Waltyeah, right clicking any menu entry opens it for me12:22
moetunesWalt:  look in the desktop files in /etc/applications I think - for the menu entries12:23
=== hutch is now known as dee_h
lampslaveHello. Can you tell me, why group admin can enable/disable sudo, but can't do it for su?12:33
Sysisu is for using root12:33
Sysithere's no passwd for root user by default in *buntu12:34
lampslavefor example. i have 3 users: disabled root, admin and guest. guest connect with ssh, root and admin can't do it. guest can't use sudo, but can use su for bruteforce admin's password12:36
lampslaveif admin has password like "123" guest can take root's rights12:38
Sysisu always requires root's passwd?12:38
Sysiall, extecially sudo users/root should have strong passwd12:39
lampslavebut why i can't disable su too?12:40
lampslavethe same way12:41
Sysii think you should be able to12:41
Sysibut shouldn't have need to12:41
lampslavei think, group admin must disable all capabilities fot take root12:42
lampslavenot only sudo12:43
dee_hHow do I get compiz-fusion to work?13:01
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz13:01
moetunesinstall ccsm too13:01
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz13:02
dee_hI have installed all the ccsm and fusion icon stuff but in xfce there is no compositing option like there is in gnome13:03
moetunestry in terminal   compiz --replace13:05
kidsanybody here who can help out a n00b?13:05
=== kids is now known as MrFido
MrFidoI'm using a laptop and everything's fine except for the USB headset... no audio, nothing13:07
MrFidoit's a Logitech13:07
MrFidothere's audio in the speakers and in headphones with jack13:07
Sysiinstall pavucontrol and try with it13:08
MrFidoany help will be greatly appreciated13:08
MrFidoin terminal?13:08
MrFidoI'm a total n00b with linux, sorry13:08
MrFidoinstalling now13:12
MrFidokeeping fingers crossed13:12
dee_hwindow decorator is set to kde413:13
Sysiyou may need emerald13:14
MrFidoare you talking to me?13:14
MrFidoI have pavucontrol now but can't see where I'd be setting up the headset13:14
Sysiyou should see it as soundcard13:15
Sysiwhat headset?13:15
MrFidoUSB logitech13:16
MrFidositting in an airport and wanting to make calls with gmail13:17
Walthi again, I have another stupid question. How do I add extra boot parameters? I need to add a workaround to make my touchpad not fails half of the time.13:17
MrFidosorry I can't help Walt, I'm most likely the biggest n00b in this room13:19
moetunes!grub2 | Walt13:21
ubottuWalt: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:21
MrFidodon't see any thing about sound cards in pavucontrol13:22
MrFidojust output / input devices13:23
moetunesWalt:  you add to the line   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=    in /etc/default/grub13:24
Waltmoetunes, yeah, thanks. I just managed to googled my way to it13:24
moetunesheh :)13:24
MrFidohmm I might be onn to something13:29
Waltmoetunes, eh. This has become very complicated it seems. I used to know how to edit grubbefore. Now I have no idea how to just append some options to the default boot13:30
Waltshould I edit /etc/grub.d/10_linux?13:30
Waltah, no13:31
Waltthere is a default file. cool13:31
moetunesWalt:  worked it out?13:32
Waltmoetunes, I think so13:33
moetunesthen you run update-grub13:34
Waltah, right, forgot about that13:34
Waltis this URL down for you guys? http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Xmonad/Using_xmonad_in_XFCE13:35
Waltthat's the only resource I have found on combining the DE of xfce with xmonad13:40
Waltand I don't know either well enough to start hacking away myself13:40
Waltor linux in general. been over 2 years since I last touched a distro13:40
MrFidoI just had to install PulseAudio14:04
MrFidoThanks a lot for putting me on the right track14:04
MrFidoall is well now14:04
plainasallright, so I installed deskbar applet on my xubuntu, how do I enable it? Google didn't help15:35
plainasoops, fat finger quit15:40
toobuntuhi there. Is it relatively simple to set up dual head/monitors for xubuntu?17:26
toobuntuI am debating whether to install xubuntu or ubuntu17:27
toobuntucharlie-tca, how so?17:27
toobuntuxfce-4 doesn't support it? why?17:27
charlie-tcaIt takes more effort than in Ubuntu17:27
charlie-tcaYou asked, it is not simple.17:28
toobuntuI have quite a low spec laptop, and don't mind a more complicated set up actually17:28
charlie-tcaIt can be done, but you have will have to do some manual configuring, and maybe some google foo to get it all working17:28
charlie-tcaUbuntu makes everything very easy for new users. Xubuntu thinks the users that want it are a bit more experienced17:29
toobuntudoes xfce-4 play nicely with xrandr?17:29
charlie-tcadepends on the video card17:29
toobuntuwell xrandr worked with my gentoo set up17:30
ubuntu_right, got it working :)17:39
ubuntu_(toobuntu here017:39
ubuntu_who is for some reason still connected17:39
=== ubuntu_ is now known as toobuntu
toobuntuxubuntu is so fast off of livecd17:40
toobuntuit should be faster native.. right?17:40
toobuntumeh.. I'm installing it now17:41
toobuntuI'm a bit fed up of the maintenance of gentoo -_-17:43
toobuntuand when I discovered how fast 10.10 was, decided to switch17:43
charlie-tcaWelcome to Xubuntu!17:43
toobuntuall I really need is dual monitor working - and xrandr has proved it does17:44
charlie-tcabbl, gotta run now17:44
toobuntuthe rest of my stuff is in .dotconfig files on github so it's easy to "move house"17:44
waltis anyone using xmonad as wm? I have a mobile broadband modem that works with the network manager. I have no idea how to get this working under xmonad18:21
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!19:25
ubuntuI am getting a Sparc based workstation soon19:25
ubuntuIs there still a Xubuntu for this architecture?19:26
charlie-tcano. sparc is not suooorted19:26
ubuntuok... thank you/yoo/u19:27

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