
effie_jayxhey all00:02
effie_jayxthis documentation about NetbookPlasma seems a bit old... https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/NetbookPlasma00:02
effie_jayxit suggest filing bugs to launchpad... is that still acurate?00:03
valorieeffie_jayx: packaging bugs are on launchpad00:39
valorieapp bugs are on b.k.o00:39
valorieof course, the trick is knowing which is which00:39
effie_jayxvalorie: i think it is not a packaging issue00:59
effie_jayxvalorie: I would like to fix the wiki entry, I will read a bit on release nots and kubuntu-devel threads about netbook-plasma and document that better01:00
effie_jayxthanks 01:00
effie_jayxalso file my bug against plasma-netbook01:00
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1196756 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (14 files in 5 dirs) (log message trimmed)01:05
CIA-42Port ApplicationView over to AbstractViewBase. We now have full navigability of01:05
CIA-42both subcategorized and normal subviews of the category view! The application01:05
valorieI ran into a bug with it, with my new netbook, but since it died, I don't think I can file a bug01:09
valoriemaybe when it comes back from the repair shop01:10
valorieand thanks for your work on the wiki01:10
effie_jayxvalorie: I have several bugs on my list, but I often lack people that can confirm them :S01:23
valoriewell, you might mention plasma-netbook bug numbers here, and I'll see if I can confirm01:26
valorieright now, though, off to dinner01:26
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1196759 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (12 files in 3 dirs) Navigation in top-level origin-filtered or status-filtered application list views is now possible. These aren't getting their icons passed to the breadcrumb, however. Will look in to that next01:51
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1196760 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationModel/ApplicationListView.cpp Fix the lack of an icon for top-level origin/status-filtered application list views.01:55
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1196761 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/CategoryView/CategoryViewWidget.cpp Give the breadcrumbs for categorized application views a title and icon.01:57
* JontheEchidna does the "navigational model is complete" dance :D-/<01:57
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1196762 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (3 files in 2 dirs) We don't want margins in here, because we place stacked widgets in these layouts that have widgets with layouts, which makes the margins really thick and weird02:12
ScottKeffie_jayx: It is old.  plasma-netbook bugs should be filed the same as any other now.  It'd be nice if you could update that wiki page.03:45
macoapachelogger: remember you tried telling me my checkable button for showing/hiding advanced stuff violated hig?   http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Usability/HIG/Toggle_Buttons#First_option:_Describe_the_state_reached_when_the_button_is_down  disagrees05:32
=== evilnhandler_ is now known as nhandler
hrw|gonebad news: kde4 with plasma-netbook is not usable on 512MB ram (no swap). I reverted from natty to maverick on efika smartbook and after boot to kde4 session nearly whole memory is taken08:26
apacheloggermaco: I do not, but if you send me a screenie I will surely remember why :P09:49
effie_jayxhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/NetbookPlasma  has been updated10:59
effie_jayxI have brought the document to speed with the times11:00
effie_jayxchanged reporting bugs section11:00
effie_jayxreferences to Combined Desktop ISO11:00
effie_jayxsome new external links11:01
valorielooks good11:01
valoriethis sentence isn't finished, though: You can alternatively Select the Netbook Plasma workspace by heading to "System Preferences » Workspace » Workspace Type" and check 11:01
valoriethat's where it ends11:01
effie_jayxI do not know if this is a bug , but Quicksand interface for krunner brings up every application to maximized state when it loads11:04
effie_jayxexample I have desktop as active window (no apps are seen)11:05
valoriein the netbook interface?11:05
valoriethat is the default11:05
valorieI didn't get to use it much so I don't know how to change that11:06
valoriegreat links, effie_jayx11:06
effie_jayxvalorie: but you get what I mean??11:06
effie_jayxvalorie:  thanks did some homework :)11:06
valorieno, I don't know what quicksand it11:07
valoriebut I know that all windows are maximized in netbook11:07
valorieyou have one small mis-spelling11:08
valorieif I fix it, my name will be on the page11:08
valorieselect "Netbook" or "Desktop" as you workspace type. 11:08
valorieshould be "your workspace type"11:08
effie_jayxsure :)11:10
effie_jayxI have duffy fingers11:10
effie_jayxtry this...11:10
apacheloggerdantti: pingy ping, it would be much easier to implement auto-selection of suitable driver by name, if the add-printer thing would, like the pyth0rn thing, first ask for make and then for model on a seperate page11:11
apacheloggeror that fishy column file browsing in dolphin would probably also be a more browsable method11:12
effie_jayxhave some apps open and move to another workspace, hit alt+f2 and all apps are brought up again11:12
valorieeffie_jayx: my netbook is in the shop11:12
apacheloggerdantti: that way we can always select the make even if the model is not matched11:12
apacheloggernarrowing down the amount of models to select from11:12
apacheloggereffie_jayx: sounds like a bug in quicksand11:13
effie_jayxnow this only happnes in plasma-netbook11:13
apacheloggereffie_jayx: sounds like a bug in quicksand11:14
* effie_jayx reports bug11:14
* apachelogger finds quicksand rather useless anyway :P11:15
valorieI didn't have time to find out11:16
apacheloggeroh dear11:17
apacheloggerdantti: the code base needs a nice and cosy debug number thing :D11:17
* apachelogger just got lost in qcups the third time11:30
apacheloggeroh dear11:33
apacheloggerdantti: did you look at the logic behind the pyth0rn app that allows it to preselect that stuff?11:33
apacheloggerthis is so scary11:34
effie_jayxbug filed if any one can reproduce it I would a ppreciate a comment https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25688211:34
ubottuKDE bug 256882 in quicksand "Quicksand brings up all running applications when summoned in plasma-netbook" [Minor,Unconfirmed]11:34
effie_jayxalso I do not want to feel like I'm the only soul using quicksand :(11:35
apacheloggereffie_jayx: chances are there are between 1 and 3 other users :P11:35
apachelogger                       " multifuntion",     # There are HP PPDs with this typo11:36
apacheloggerdantti: if you really want to implement such a monster, can it please be a QMap<QVector, QString> or something like that?11:38
apacheloggerthe ifs there make me feel sickish11:38
effie_jayxis ubuntu avilable for ARM yet?12:01
effie_jayxi ask because there is docs refering to Plasma Netbook availablity for ARM12:04
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
apacheloggereffie_jayx: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-netbook/ports/releases/10.04/release/12:17
apacheloggeror for maverick: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ports/releases/10.10/release/12:18
apacheloggernot sure how well it works though12:18
apacheloggerdantti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/531703/ a couple of maps ;)12:21
effie_jayxthanks apachelogger 12:33
* apachelogger hints http://apachelog.wordpress.com/2010/08/25/i18n-semantics-cheat-sheet/ to dantti12:39
apachelogger!find gdebi.mo12:41
ubottuFile gdebi.mo found in language-pack-af-base, language-pack-ar-base, language-pack-ast-base, language-pack-be-base, language-pack-bg-base, language-pack-bn-base, language-pack-br-base, language-pack-bs-base, language-pack-ca-base, language-pack-cs-base (and 49 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=gdebi.mo&mode=&suite=maverick&arch=any12:41
apacheloggeroh oh oh12:42
* apachelogger remembers12:42
apacheloggeranyone with magical translated system around?12:42
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1196939 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (7 files in 2 dirs) (log message trimmed)13:38
CIA-42Add an "AbstractViewContainer" class that acts as a base class for top-level13:38
CIA-42AbstractViewBase-containing views such as AvailableView and ApplicationListView.13:38
danttiapachelogger: hey13:43
danttiapachelogger: first about the ui, I really think the ui I wrote is easier to use, since you can do all you can in python witouth going back and forth13:44
danttiapachelogger: you just click on the down arrow and pick you make13:44
danttiand you can search on all the models which you can't in the py version13:44
danttiso I guess you found the piece of code that does have the magic13:44
danttitoday I have other things to do, so probably on wednesday I'll look into these things13:45
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1196940 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (AbstractViewContainer.cpp AbstractViewContainer.h) Use a KVBox as the base class for AbstractViewContainer. It's basically what we were using with the QWidget + QVBoxLayout, and it manages the addition of widgets to the layout for us.13:47
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1196941 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/AbstractViewContainer.cpp SVN_SILENT: Spacing tweak13:51
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you clearly should be gitting ;)13:52
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1196944 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/Application.cpp Give out a default icon string in Application::icon() if the .desktop file lacks one.13:56
apacheloggerdantti: that make dropdown is super not obvious14:26
apacheloggerthat needs description text or some stuff14:27
* apachelogger has a general confusion about that thing now14:28
apacheloggerdantti: I do not think it is a good idea to combine make and model in that one drop down/search14:28
apacheloggerthe drown down offers makers but the search in context of the driver list permits search of driver names14:29
apacheloggerputting both on one GUI element is really not the best of things WRT obvious user interface usage14:30
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1196951 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (4 files in 2 dirs) Add a "find in the menu" feature like in KPackageKit and the Ubuntu Software Center14:38
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1196953 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationDetailsView/ApplicationDetailsWidget.cpp Improve long desc. and screenshot thumbnail layout14:47
danttiapachelogger: the idea is that the user don't need to care about Make, just type in his model or something and it will be filtered14:47
danttithe make is uselles the driver is important14:47
apacheloggeryeah, see, he types in the model :P14:47
apacheloggernot the make14:48
apacheloggerso why does the dropdown offer the make14:48
danttijust to offer a filter 14:48
apacheloggerwhich is pointless because the user is supposed to search for the model anyway :P14:48
danttilike we already know it's HP printer then we select make, but as we can't find the model the list is shorter to him14:49
apacheloggerif OTOH the user selected the make beforehand and then filtered from all drivers for the make...14:49
danttia description like type in your search or click on the dropdown and select you manufaturer to find a best match14:50
apacheloggerbut you are messing with perception of make and model, so either the user clicks the drop down notices that the thingies in there are all manfucaturers and selects his and then thinks that the bar is there to filter a manfacturer, making him manually search for his printer14:51
apacheloggeror he does not click the drop down and searches for his printer right away14:52
apacheloggerin either case you are rendering part of the functionality unused because you are assigning two use cases to one GUI element14:52
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1196956 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationWindow.cpp Sync up the strings for the origins filtered by installation with the "all applications" origins14:52
danttiapachelogger: well then we can have an extra combo14:53
apacheloggerI agree14:54
danttii just don't want that go back and forth thing that the py ui has14:54
apachelogger[Manufacturer   v]14:54
apachelogger[Filter....                 ]14:54
danttiapachelogger: i think the ui should be more like 14:55
dantti[ Make v ]14:55
dantti[ list ]14:55
dantti[ filter ]14:55
apacheloggerdantti: what does list contain?14:56
danttithe drivers14:56
apacheloggerthat is not good14:56
apacheloggerfilters must be ontop of lists14:56
apacheloggersee... kaddressbook, timezone config, ....14:56
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1196957 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/BreadcrumbWidget/ (BreadcrumbItem.cpp BreadcrumbWidget.cpp) A kludge for arrows in the Breadcrumb15:00
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1196959 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/BreadcrumbWidget/BreadcrumbItem.cpp Prevent the attack of the undead arrows15:10
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1196960 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/BreadcrumbWidget/BreadcrumbItem.cpp A more efficient way to decide whether or not to add an arrow to a breadcrumb item15:12
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1196961 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/add-printer/PageChoosePPD.ui s/qcombobox/kcombobox15:13
apacheloggerdantti: I really cannot find any showstoppers for a proper release though? :S15:17
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1196964 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/add-printer/ (6 files) s/qurl/kurl15:22
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1196965 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/add-printer/AddPrinterAssistant.cpp debug--15:22
danttiapachelogger: welll the samba thing doesn't work for example15:23
apacheloggerdantti: well, for a 0.1 release it surely is enough15:24
* apachelogger builds krazy15:25
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: did you not want to package it?15:25
JontheEchidnaI've not felt the urge, no15:26
apacheloggerbut you mentioned it?15:28
* apachelogger fears that his madness is making him imagine things now15:28
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1196967 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/add-printer/ChooseIpp.ui context for translators15:29
=== nhandler is now known as evilnhandler
JontheEchidnaI think that was somebody on #debian-qt-kde15:29
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1196969 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/add-printer/ChooseLpd.ui context for translators15:30
apacheloggerI am not even lurking there15:30
apacheloggersurely it must be the mandess15:30
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1196970 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/add-printer/ChoosePrinters.ui context for translators15:31
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1196971 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/add-printer/ChooseSamba.ui context for translators15:34
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1196973 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/add-printer/ChooseSerial.ui context for translators15:36
JontheEchidnaI think bug 609247 might be a new record for MIR-wait15:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 609247 in qapt (Ubuntu) "[MIR] qapt" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60924715:36
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: take a stick and poke as hard as you can15:37
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1196975 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/add-printer/ChooseSocket.ui context for translators15:37
JontheEchidnaIt really shows just how flawed the system is15:37
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1196976 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/add-printer/ChooseUri.ui context for translators15:38
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1196977 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/add-printer/PageAddPrinter.ui context for translators15:39
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1196978 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/add-printer/PageChoosePPD.ui context for translators15:40
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1196979 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/add-printer/PageDestinations.ui mark dummy label as not translatable15:41
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1196980 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/add-printer/PageIntro.ui context for translators15:42
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1196982 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/printer-manager-kcm/PrinterDescription.ui context for translators15:45
apacheloggerdantti: is libqcups going to be detatched from the print-manager src?15:46
danttiapachelogger: i don't see an use for it outside15:46
apacheloggersteveire: since I did not yet have time to read your blog post on l10n magic in grantlee... did you make klocale Qtish or something like that?15:46
apacheloggerdantti: why is it qtonly then :P15:46
* apachelogger shall add context to ui files in qcups then15:47
danttiapachelogger: not need for kde thingsd there15:47
danttiah right15:47
danttinp 15:47
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1196984 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/printer-manager-kcm/PrintKCM.ui context for translators15:48
apacheloggerdantti: btw, because I just noticed, I am not sure having icons without labels for add, remove and configure15:48
apacheloggerultimately I suppose you should implement it as toolbar and follow the KDE setting for those15:48
apacheloggerseele surely will not like icons only15:48
danttiapachelogger: well that was discussed with some oxygen devs and we liked it15:49
danttiand i'm not big fan of kde usability15:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: can we set the Neon home dirs via a xsession file? like... making sure that the right binaries are used15:50
sheytanapachelogger dantt: are you talking about the new printer stuff?15:50
apacheloggerdantti: there is little use if the user does not know how to add a printer I suppose15:50
danttisheytan: hey :D yes15:50
shadeslayerlike kwin from /opt/project-neon is used not from /usr15:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: suppose so15:50
danttiapachelogger: the user won't know how to add a printer if he can read15:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: how? :P15:50
sheytandantti: do not add text lables. As toolips i might agree but don't add text to icons :D15:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: magic15:51
shadeslayerbecause thats all we have to do to get Project neon going imo15:51
danttiapachelogger: there is a label Click on the plus sign to add a printer15:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes, thats needed as well :P15:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~neon/project-neon/meta-project-neon/annotate/head:/usr/share/xsessions/project-neon.desktop15:51
apacheloggerdantti: and if there already is a printer...?15:51
apacheloggerbecause I have one there and there is no label15:51
danttithen he already knows15:51
apacheloggerwhat is worse, the plus icon thingy has no hover info thingy15:51
apacheloggerdantti: no15:51
apacheloggermy system automagically added the printer15:51
apachelogger(no idea how)15:52
danttiwell a tooltip sure will be nice15:52
apacheloggerso I currently as user have no idea how to add a new printer15:52
danttiapachelogger: printer applet must have added it15:52
apacheloggerand am at the mercy of my system to add another printer also automagically ^^15:52
danttiwell if you look at mac os ui they don't have text next to the + and - and users know how to do that..15:53
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1196985 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/printer-manager-kcm/PrintKCM.ui context for translators, also remove secondary pointless spacer15:53
apacheloggerdantti: this is not about right or wrong15:53
apacheloggerthis is about having a consistent setup15:53
apacheloggerhence I recommended having it as a ktoolbar15:54
apacheloggerin which case the consistency comes naturally15:54
apacheloggerand if a distro or user feels like not having text next to icons they can have that15:54
sheytanapachelogger well, what a + or - button can mean in a printer manager app other then 'add new' or 'remove' ? :D15:54
apacheloggersheytan: <apachelogger> dantti: this is not about right or wrong15:55
apachelogger<apachelogger> this is about having a consistent setup15:55
sheytanapachelogger but in this case icons without text look much better making the ui cleaner :)15:56
danttii think consistent setups makes ui don't evolute15:56
apacheloggersheytan: that is not the point15:56
sheytandantti is right15:56
sheytanthere are things in kde usability i would change.15:56
danttiwhich is why i don't think we must have a way to do it15:57
* apachelogger feels not listened to15:57
danttiI think if it''s completely not obvious then there isn't good usability15:57
danttiwhich is why I like Think Different (tm) :P15:57
sheytanapachelogger but what's good in making an app less usable or clutter the ui only to have consistent look with the rest?15:57
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1196988 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/printer-manager-kcm/SystemPreferences.ui context for translators15:58
sheytanin this case, the rest of KDE apps should follow us ]:->15:58
* sheytan is evil15:58
* apachelogger goes grumpy15:58
danttiapachelogger: have you seem the printer queue?15:58
danttiyou will say the same15:59
apacheloggerkmenu -> system settings -> app appearnace -> style -> fine tuning -> main toolbar text: no text15:59
danttithruth is that we need to reinvent ourselfs15:59
apacheloggerthat is your KDE apps should follow us15:59
apacheloggerbecause you are not obeying the setting15:59
danttiapachelogger: no, because I don't think my other apps should be like this16:00
apacheloggerwhich is next to no programming effort16:00
apacheloggerbut gives user the option to add text16:00
danttithis isn't a tool bar16:00
danttithis is a like where you add/rm/configure16:00
apacheloggerand if a half blind user wants to have text for the sake of usign the freaking desktop and they shall have flipping text labels next to icons16:00
danttilike a new widget16:00
apachelogger<apachelogger> dantti: this is not about right or wrong16:00
apachelogger<apachelogger> this is about having a consistent setup16:00
apachelogger<apachelogger> hence I recommended having it as a ktoolbar16:00
danttiapachelogger: right and then you call good usability kmix channel selector? a default kde widget16:01
danttiwhich sucks hard even for I that can see16:01
apacheloggerwhat sort of argument is that?16:01
apacheloggerkuser has crappy ui, lets all make crappy uis16:01
danttiwell there you don't have text either16:01
danttiand even worst you have to drag and drop16:02
sheytanapachelogger dantti: add text as tooltips, and we're good ;)16:05
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1197009 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/printer-manager-kcm/ (PrintKCM.cpp PrintKCM.h PrintKCM.ui) multiple qtoolbuttons in horizontal alignment == qtoolbar16:42
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1197012 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/add-printer/AddPrinterAssistant.cpp context for translators16:47
shadeslayerRiddell: i think Neon is nearly done16:51
shadeslayerwe now have a xsession entry as well16:51
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1197013 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/add-printer/ (11 files) context for translators16:51
shadeslayerwe just need to export vars and stuff16:51
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1197021 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/printer-manager-kcm/PrintKCM.cpp make strings translatable16:52
yofelmake that: nearly something that's actually usable, the packaging todo has enough left to do :/16:53
CIA-42[print-manager] sitter * 1197024 * trunk/playground/base/print-manager/add-printer/ (ChooseSerial.cpp DevicesModel.cpp) guess what... more context for translators16:56
apacheloggerdantti: add-printer all i18nc'd it seems16:59
apacheloggerwell, except for commented out stuff and pino does not like me fixing things, so...16:59
shadeslayeroh boy oh boy..... Nov 18 is beta 1 tag.... KDE 4.6 Beta 1 packaging is coming! \o/17:05
danttiapachelogger: thanks17:30
ScottKapachelogger: I am thwarted.  Bug #67524018:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 675240 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu Natty) "New GCC upload breaks implicit-it=thumb" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67524018:11
macoanyone need a blue narwhal laptop decal? http://www.etsy.com/listing/61786553/friendly-narwhal-laptop-decal  :P i wonder if "narwhal" is getting tagged "geekery" on etsy for *buntu reasons...18:18
ScottKhrw|gone: Be careful not to upgrade to the latest Natty gcc-4.5 if you want to keep building packages with implicit-it=thumb.18:21
apachelogger<3 gcc18:23
ScottKor something.18:25
* ScottK considers "Qt/KDE default compiler for Natty is gcc-4.4" as an option.18:26
hrw|goneScottK: already noticed that :(19:59
ScottKhrw|gone: OK.  Just trying to warn you before it was too late.20:00
hrw|goneScottK: anyway kde4 and 512MB ram = fail20:00
ScottKWe need to work on that.20:00
hrw|gonedesktop runs and 5MB free20:00
ScottKYou'll find the plasma-netbook uses less ram than plasma-desktop, AIUI.20:01
hrw|gonethis with plasma-netbook...20:01
ScottKOne of the things we plan to do this cycle is see about breaking out some of the packages so it's possible to run a lighter system with fewer services.20:02
hrw|goneI am considering xfce + kde apps20:03
ScottKThat would still bring in ~all of kdelibs.20:03
hrw|goneand 1GB swap but on 22MB/s disk :(20:04
hrw|goneScottK: but not plasma stuff20:04
ScottKWhich disk is that?20:04
hrw|goneefika internal pata is slow. alternative is microsd or sd. pata is still fastest..20:05
hrw|gonearm hardware usually sucks when it comes to storage speed20:06
hrw|gonebeagleboard has 5MB/s sd, panda has 17 with same card.20:08
hrw|gonechips which handle sata with good speed usually lack graphics20:08
apacheloggertwo compiles with -j2020:10
* apachelogger is going crazy20:10
ulyssesapachelogger: you're totally mad20:16
CIA-42[pbuilder-hooks] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20101114201943-gfwg5ov86mb538kv * D20icecc stop killing iceccd when starting a pbuilder, simplyfy code, comment out ccache support (for now), create a gcc tar to use by nodes, to ensure every machine uses the right GCC as the pbuilder20:20
CIA-42[pbuilder-hooks] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20101114202056-wb35qd0pqweauy98 * (B90kill C90kill) stop killing iceccd altogether20:21
CIA-42[pbuilder-hooks] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20101114202414-ra4qbq70utmsds09 * D20icecc add icecc to path if it is not already there20:24
* hrw|gone upgrades armel to latest gcc20:29
hrw|gonewill look at kdepimlibs problem20:29
hrw|gonewill require few rebuilds of gcc probably20:31
* bulldog98 is questioning weather Kubuntu is able to run on the n821:14
CIA-42[pbuilder-hooks] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20101114213034-gc3871ws5aor5jtw * D20icecc fix native tarball creation && moving21:30
apacheloggerbulldog98: most unlikely21:32
apacheloggerrbelem will know for sure ^^21:32
rbelembulldog98, i think that jaunty is suposed to work on it21:38
rbelembut needs lots of hacks21:39
rbelemand a working bootloader21:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: when is kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts going to be renamed?21:51
CIA-42[kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20101114220444-vtgzhpxpuvbct2y5 * (4 files in 3 dirs) Add uman - search Ubuntu Manuals/manpages22:04
CIA-42[pbuilder-hooks] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20101114220510-9t9h40xeanqo3x2o * D20icecc exporting in hooks will not work because pbuilder is parent and the env is only inherited by children... maybe /etc/environment would work? for now additionally requirements are necessary22:05
CIA-42[pbuilder-hooks] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20101114220719-x5pvk3gbm0jyr0at * D20icecc make comment more copyandpasteable22:07
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I subscribed kubuntu-bugs to bluedevil22:17
apacheloggerafiestas: are you on top of the bug reports btw? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts/11.04ubuntu122:18
apacheloggerdantti: so, when are you releasing printer-manager 0.1? ^^22:19
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1197097 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationWindow.cpp Oops, meant to change the text in that situation, not change what we were checking for22:20
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1197099 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (6 files in 3 dirs) (log message trimmed)22:22
CIA-42-Split and/or filtering in to and filtering and or filtering. They really can't22:22
CIA-42be combined. -Implement package section filtering in the proxy model As a22:22
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1197104 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationModel/ApplicationProxyModel.cpp Implement "exclude by package name" filtering in the proxy model22:26
apacheloggerrbelem: do you think kubuntu-mobile for n900 by 11.04 is a sensible target?22:32
ScottKJontheEchidna and apachelogger: Canonical is doing some work on improving multi-monitor experience for Gnome and RAOF said he'd be happy to mentor someone to do similar improvements for KDE.  Any idea who might do this (I know this is stuff that upstream (at least generally) wants)?22:32
rbelemapachelogger, yup :-)22:32
ScottKapachelogger: I think it's an excellent target.22:32
ScottKIf it's not, I want my n900 back that I just mailed to the guy that's going to do the kernel work.22:33
apacheloggerScottK: afiestas wanted to look into display config IIRC22:33
rbelemapachelogger, with linaro kernel it will work fine :-)22:33
ScottKrbelem: linaro kernel plus the stuff mpoirier is going to do.22:33
ScottKafiestas: If you're interested in display config stuff have I got a proposition for you ....22:34
ScottKPlease ping me when you're around.22:34
rbelemAnd some improvements on our userland side22:34
apacheloggerwell, I just announced to the intartubes, so you better make that work :P22:35
rbelemhahahahah :-D22:36
apacheloggerNightrose: can you please get someone to send me a n900 or similar device thingy?22:36
apacheloggersince you are close to the source right now...22:36
afiestasScottK: :o?22:36
apacheloggerrbelem: no laughing matter that is :P ... http://identi.ca/notice/5861578622:37
rbelemapachelogger, we will work hard ;-)22:39
rbelemwe will not disappoint our users :-)22:40
apacheloggeryeah, that just made his day, so you better dont :P22:41
CIA-42[muon] jmthomas * 1197113 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationModel/ApplicationProxyModel.cpp Implement package name wildcard filtering in the proxy model22:41
danttiapachelogger: dunno, I want the basic stuff working first22:41
apacheloggerdantti: really, the basic stuff is working 22:41
danttithe add printer has many unfinished things22:41
apacheloggerdantti: so call it 0.1 beta1?22:42
apacheloggerbasic stuff IMHO == add local printer && print queue displaying stuff properly22:42
apacheloggerdantti: you never know, maybe someone feels like contributing22:43
apacheloggermeaning less work for you :D22:43
danttiapachelogger: well I've blogged a lot about it22:43
apacheloggerblogging can only communicate so much awesomenss :)22:45
danttiwell out of time also22:45
danttidebconf stuff is still in kde review22:45
danttitoo many things todo22:46
apacheloggerI see22:52
ScottKafiestas: Canonical is investing engineering effort into "improving the multi-monitor experience" in this Ubuntu development cycle.22:57
ScottKafiestas: As is not unheard of, they are doing it for Gnome, but not KDE.22:58
ScottKIf we could get some KDE person to work with them, we could have something which we'd try out as a distro patch this cycle that would go upstream KDE in 4.7.22:58
ScottKafiestas: Since I know this is an area that KDE really needs work in, you were just blogging about looking for something useful to do, and from your bluetooth work, I know you can handle things that aren't simple, it might be a good project for you.22:59
danttiScottK: I have a friend the could maybe help on this too, but he knows only few Qt, he works with java23:00
apacheloggersurely we could find a mentor, or two ;)23:01
ScottKRAOF will mentor on the X stuff.23:01
rbelemapachelogger, which bzr repos is the best to clone and apply ksambashare patches? https://code.launchpad.net/kdelibs23:03
rbelemkubuntu-members or vcs-imports?23:04
apacheloggerkubuntu-members only contains our packaging23:05
rbelemapachelogger, is vcs-imports used by project neon?23:06
apacheloggerI suppose so23:06
rbelemapachelogger, are there kde trunk pkgs?23:08
apacheloggerwell, yes, technically, not sure how well they work23:09
rbelemnice :-D23:09
apacheloggershadeslayer indicated that there are still runtime issues23:09
rbelemapachelogger, those packages have weird names. how them work?23:13
apacheloggerrbelem: which ones? where?23:13
rbelemapachelogger, the neon packages23:13
apacheloggerhow do they have weird names?23:14
rbelemapachelogger, project-neon-qt_1.0+2295-22~maverick1_i386.deb (54.6 MiB)23:14
ScottKThat's because they install in /opt so they need different names than regular system packages.23:15
=== muesli_ is now known as muesli
rbelemthat's pretty cool!23:16
rbelemi can use them without mess with my current installation23:16
apacheloggerrbelem: that is the whole idea :D23:19
yofelrbelem: join us in #project-neon if you're interested, we're still not finished as you can see from the package list23:20
yofelyou *can* log in though, even it's just basic plasma desktop with errors currently :/23:21
ScottKyofel: I'm working on building your branches on arm to see if they build.23:21
yofelthat's certainly interesting, let's hope for the best ^^23:22
apachelogger*omnomnom* ice cream23:23
rbelemthx yofel 23:26
rbelemi will try to help :-)23:26

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