
bazhangpeople who preface their 'support' questions with "Ubuntu is garbage.."00:13
ubottutucemiux called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()04:30
=== evilnhandler_ is now known as nhandler
Jordan_ULemonpart in #ubuntu06:33
Jordan_UAnd k-lined :)06:33
ubottuJordan_U called the ops in #ubuntu (wookiehangover)07:10
Tm_Twhat's wookie?07:26
macoubuXubu and lea123... what?07:37
Flannelmaco: looks normal-ish07:38
macothe "baby" had me wondering07:38
Flannelshe (assuming its a she) greeting him first, in a rather excited tone, so looks reasonable07:39
macooh i dont mean in a "he's bothering her" way... i just recall a week or so back, there was a pair of folks getting very PDA in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic07:41
macoso was cautious they may have returned07:42
Flannelaye, although I believe those folks were actually the same folk07:42
ubottuDoyle called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()08:41
jayneI'm drafting a blog posting. Do you all mind if I use ##ubuntu-ops as an example of a project that has a -ops channel for reaching channel ops?11:58
tsimpsonjayne: sure12:18
topylijayne: it's #ubuntu-ops though :)12:22
jayneer. yeah.12:23
jayneI did actually have it as single-# in my vi window :-)12:23
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (sdsewe appears to be abusive - 5)15:03
=== nhandler is now known as evilnhandler
jaynenew blog is up... thanks for letting me use you guys as an example16:28
ikoniajayne: can I see ?16:50
jayneikonia: blog.freenode.net :-)16:51
ikoniaah a freenode blog16:51
ikoniaa nice read16:53
ikoniaI should point out that trying to reason with poutine in pm is getting massive abuse back17:22
ikonia7:20 <poutine> what kind of faggot name is matt darcy anyways17:22
ikonia17:20 <poutine> I will defame the fuck out of you17:22
ikoniaand other such delights17:22
ikoniapoutine now getting chum majik to join #ubuntu and question his ban17:34
ikoniauser majik now making threats to post transcripts (???) on freenode to expose the oppression of freenode17:40
ikoniajoined after poutine's ban, but seemed to know all about it, so I can only assume someone is feeding him information or he's poutine ban dodging17:40
ikoniakarthick87: hello19:50
karthick87ikonia: hai19:51
ikoniakarthick87: how can we help you today ?19:51
karthick87I like to contribute in this channel.What can i do for that..?19:52
ikoniawhat do you mean contribute to thsi channel19:52
ikoniakarthick87: this channel is for resolving issues within the ubuntu core channel name space19:53
ikoniakarthick87: check the topic19:53
karthick87Oh sorry19:53
ikoniano need to apologise19:54
ikoniakarthick87: so is there anything you need from the operator team ?19:55
karthick87ikonia: I wanna know abt ubottu bot.Can anyone say me..?19:56
ikoniakarthick87: what do you want to know ?19:56
karthick87ikonia: how to add ubottu factoids database to my bot?19:58
ikoniayou need to create your own bot and manage your own factoids, it's just a supybot19:58
ikonia!ubottu | karthick8719:58
ubottukarthick87: Hi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots19:58
ikoniakarthick87: have a read of those links, they may help. Any questions about ubottu should be addressed in the ubuntu bots channel19:59
ikonia(the channels are listed in links)19:59
karthick87ikonia: i can found its database here http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi but no information on adding it20:00
ikoniabecause your not meant to add it to your bot20:00
ikoniathat database is ubottu's and authorized bots20:00
karthick87Oke thankyou20:01
ikoniakarthick87: anything else you need ?20:03
ikoniacool, then if you'd like to check the topic, you'll see there is a no-idle policy for this channel, but your welcome back if you need/want something20:04
karthick87sure :)20:04
ikoniathank you20:04
ikoniakarthick87: if there is nothing else, as I've said, there is a non-idle policy in this channel, so if you could leave, you'd be welcome back if you need anything from the team20:10
karthick87ok bye..!20:11
ikoniataybot: hi22:06
Picitaybot: Is there anything we can help you with?22:10
ikoniaI wonder if it's a bot22:23
PiciWe were mentioned on frenode's blog though.22:23
ikoniayes, I saw22:23
popeyPici: fyi taybot whois looks like an archlinux user23:31
elkythey're also gone23:34

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