
=== Turl1 is now known as Turl
=== evilnhandler_ is now known as nhandler
AlanBellplanet rss breaks all the time on HTML entities that should not be in XML10:35
AlanBelldownload and open in firefox or view in chromium13:54
AlanBellerror on line 49 at column 26: Entity 'uuml' not defined13:54
AlanBell<title>Sebastian K&uuml;gler: we are out of househacking &amp;amp; KDE e.V. Board Meeting in Nijmegen</title>13:55
AlanBellSebastian Kügler has an umlaut in it13:56
=== nhandler is now known as evilnhandler

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!