
wgrantspm: Code imports are back online, right?03:06
wgrantlifeless: You have successfully reached $destination?03:38
lifelesswgrant: yes03:42
lifelesswgrant: no thanks to air nz who rebooked a flight a day later03:42
wgrantlifeless: ... nice.03:42
lifeless*that* I have to sort out still - meant to have an email from the helpdesk supervisor... but no sign.03:42
lifelesstime to up fire skype.03:42
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 4 of 10.11 | PQM is in release-critical mode | firefighting: - | https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | Get the code: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​Getting
henningeHi jtv! ;)08:04
jtvhi henninge08:04
wgrantMorning bigjools.09:01
bigjoolsg'day wgrant09:01
bigjoolshow can so much email be sent over one weekend  :'(09:02
wgrantbigjools: I ran into an issue with the new buildd-manager this morning.09:03
wgrantbigjools: The builder chrootwaited, and then it started dying like this:09:04
wgrant2010-11-15 10:26:29+1100 [QueryProtocol,client]   File "/home/wgrant/launchpad/lp-branches/devel/lib/lp/buildmaster/model/buildfarmjobbehavior.py", line 193, in updateBuild_WAITING09:04
wgrant2010-11-15 10:26:29+1100 [QueryProtocol,client]     build = queueItem.specific_job.build09:04
wgrant2010-11-15 10:26:29+1100 [QueryProtocol,client] exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'build'09:04
wgrantIt's possible something was screwy with my system, but I don't think so.09:04
bigjoolsnew as in the one I just fixed but is not rolled out yet?09:04
=== jelmer is now known as Guest97522
wgrantbigjools: Yes.09:05
wgrantbigjools: r11926, post-invalidation-fix.09:05
bigjoolswhat were you doing with it to make it do that?09:05
wgrantThe slave was under considerable strain, but chrootwaited legitimately, and this was picked up by buildd-manager. It's possible that there was a timeout, but there's nothing in the logs.09:06
wgrantIt looks very relevant to that fix :/09:09
bigjoolscan you force a chrootwait and see if it happens again?09:10
wgrantI was half-studying at the time, so didn't. But I'll try now.09:11
wgrantAlso, buildd-manager seems to put more detailed error messages in the failure notes now, including the URL for failed file retrieval. Does that handle privacy etc. correctly?09:14
bigjoolsno that's a leak :/09:14
bigjoolsand not an easy thing to fix09:14
=== Guest97522 is now known as jelmer
wgrantbigjools: Plain chrootwait worked fine.09:23
wgrantThere must have been a timeout somewhere.09:23
bigjoolswgrant: so it might be a loading issue09:23
wgrantThe slave was having some issues responding earlier (it's a rather slow ARM device).09:24
wgrantbigjools: Er, it came up on qastaging?10:22
wgrantThat's a little concerning.10:22
bigjoolswgrant: yes, lifeless is trying to get a publisher working on it10:23
wgrantThat still shouldn't happen unless the DB is screwed.10:23
bigjoolsnobody asked me so I don't know the details10:24
wgrantSpeaking of qastaging, could you time a query on there or staging for me?10:24
wgrant(it's the source domination one)10:24
bigjoolspaste me something10:25
wgrantDo you know natty's ID?10:25
wgrantbigjools: http://paste.ubuntu.com/532246/10:28
wgrantWill probably return nothing.10:28
wgrantBut I only really care about speed.10:28
bigjoolswith cold cache, about 10 seconds10:29
bigjoolswith warm cache, 500ms10:29
wgrantExcellent, thanks.10:29
bigjoolsyou want the query plan?10:29
wgrantI guess that's a good idea.10:30
wgrantBut it seems like it should beat the current 3-minuter!10:30
bigjoolswgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/532247/10:30
bigjoolsyes :)10:31
wgrantAnd no temp table required, yay.10:31
bigjoolsI love performance fixes10:34
wgrantEven if it is only 10% of the publisher :/10:35
bigjoolsit will be attritional10:35
bigjoolsthink of the PPA gains though10:35
wgrantIt shouldn't be too big there. I think removing the dozens of cache purges per archive might help more.10:36
wgrantBut it's hard to say.10:36
wgrantThere is so much crap on DistroSeries.10:46
wgrantlazr.restful makes me sad.10:46
jmllifeless: hi11:37
jmllifeless: where are you?11:37
lifelesscaribe royale11:42
lifelessby room11:42
lifeless*my room*11:42
lifelessI can get more specific than that but its probably a little redundant at that point11:43
jmllifeless: heh, yeah.11:45
jmllifeless: I mostly meant what tz11:45
jmllifeless: *nod*11:45
lifeless6 hours out from my normal11:45
wgrantWhere did devel r11926 go?12:04
wgrantHmmm. Maybe it was caught in the branchChanged timeouts.12:04
wgrantLP doesn't seem to know about it, but it's in the branch, and LP sees it in stable.12:05
bigjoolsjml: did you get around to updating the derived distros LEP with your thoughts on opening new series early?12:06
deryckMorning, all.12:06
jmlbigjools: no, I haven't.12:06
wgrantbigjools: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa12:06
jmlbigjools: it's on my list though.12:06
bigjoolsjml: ok no rush, I'm busy with the b-m changes for now anyway12:07
lifelesswgrant: it was caught in that I suspect12:17
lifelesswgrant: we haven't actiond that follwup - someone needs to write ze script.12:17
deryckI think I'm at windmill + big honkin' js file fail again, but I have no way to really know this.12:19
deryckMaybe I need more coffee.12:19
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
wgrantlifeless: How was the escalation a policy violation?12:31
wgrantDoes it not permit escalation of issues that make us all look awful?12:31
lifelesswgrant: https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/PolicyandProcess/DefinitionofCriticalPolicy which you can't see12:31
lifelessthere is a table12:32
lifelessI'll paste it, hang on12:32
wgrantI think that if we want to be a credible project hosting service, we might want to actually be able to keep it properly functional outside the working week :)12:32
lifelesswiki paste fail12:33
lifelessbut I'm sure you'll figure it out12:33
lifelessthus I'm going to drive a discussion about this with the whole team.12:33
lifelessI think most of us would agree that this was critical.12:33
lifelessSo the mismatch isn't cultural its technical in the sense that we've written down something that doesn't match our own expectations.12:33
lifeless-> food12:33
wgrantBut then there are other things like the person picker being broken for more than a week.12:34
jmlalso, we only have 6x24 coverage from ops.12:34
lifelessjml: the discussion has to be broader than the canonical lp dev team.12:34
jmlbut that's kind of orthogonal to treating probs like these as critical12:34
lifelessjml: but it needs to happen. In this instance - and *every other instance its mattered* we've had the ops support, via IS escalation.12:34
wgrantjml: That may be, but it has to be easy enough to get assistance during that other 24 hours.12:35
lifelessjml: What I'd like is to help get charlieS appropriate resources to not need special escalation.12:35
jmlwgrant: to me, that seems a separate discussion to "what is critical"12:35
jmllifeless: yeah, that'd be awesome12:35
wgrantjml: It's not entirely orthogonal, I don't think.12:35
lifelessjml: at the same time I'd like us to keep reducing incidences of zomg moments12:35
jmllifeless: I would very much like that too.12:36
bigjoolsso it's agreed - let's fix everything12:36
jmllifeless: although "keep reducing" implies something about the current situation that I'm not sure I agree with :)12:36
jmlwgrant: insofar as if we had infinite resources, we wouldn't have to care about whether a thing is critical or not, I guess.12:37
wgrantjml: Right, exactly. You're probably not going to invoke a sparse emergency resource for something that isn't critical.12:38
lifelessjml: I pushed some new stuff to fixtures, testresources, testrepository and mailed you a brain dump for something meeting layers functional behaviours12:45
jmllifeless: I saw the email12:45
jmllifeless: but not the recent changes12:45
jmllifeless: every time I think about testr I get annoyed with myself that my recent changes to it aren't in the binary that my system gives me12:46
lifelessjml: stay away from the dark side12:46
lifelessthink positive12:46
jmllifeless: if I did that, I doubt I'd ever write any code at all :)12:47
lifelesshttp://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html - python-fixtures12:47
lifelessjpds: hi12:55
jmllifeless: what do you mean by "edge node"?12:56
lifelessjml: layer = Foo12:57
lifelessjml: Foo will be on the edge of the DAG, at least while the tests using it are running.12:58
jmllifeless: you mean a leaf node?12:58
lifelessclose enough; sleep deprived ravings :)12:59
jmllifeless: np. :)12:59
lifelessjml: root node strictly speaking - the pointers go away from it12:59
jmllifeless: ahh yes, I see what you mean13:00
jmllifeless: "there is nothing in the graph that (depends on|points to) Foo yet"13:00
jmllifeless: "leaf node" is probably the best name for that, despite the directions of the arrows. e.g. a package that nothing depends on is sometimes called a leaf package.13:06
lifelessjml: I ran out of puff somewhere around texas, or I think I would have just got it done13:10
jmllifeless: I know the feeling.13:10
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
jmlemail, in tray & IRC back log dealt with. I hardly know what to do next.13:22
jmlI know, lunch and the thirty or so things on my 'launchpad' list.13:22
lifelessjml: reset - did you read the prose in fixtures/NEWS about it ?13:29
lifelessjml: under shared dependencies13:29
jmllifeless: no, haven't. can do.14:00
deryckmars, ping14:35
rockstarderyck, yo15:10
deryckhi rockstar15:10
rockstarderyck, how goes the lazr-js?15:11
* deryck wants to drive rockstar's lazr-js branch into the ground like nick fairly on a UGA quarterback.15:11
rockstarderyck, also, war eagle.15:11
rockstarderyck, :)15:11
deryckwar eagle!15:11
rockstarderyck, are the tests still failing?15:11
deryckrockstar, yup.  I'm too the point of creating my own lazr-js branch pre yui 3.2 and back porting the two fixes I need....15:12
deryckbut that's non-trivial too15:12
deryckrockstar, my guess is that's it's the size of launchpad.js again that's playing poorly with windmill.  1.3 Mb file now.15:12
rockstarderyck, yeah, that's what I suspected too, but I couldn't get any evidence.15:13
deryckrockstar, there's lots of thread contention and mars said earlier that this is likely because we're trying to go off-site for resources, but I can't find that happening.15:13
deryckrockstar, trying another ec2 run now with any yui config option that relates to css or combo loading set to false to see if that helps.15:14
deryckrockstar, beyond that, I really have no idea what to try next.15:14
rockstarderyck, I think our configs already block going to the net.15:14
deryckrockstar, right.  but if yui is trying to go to the net and being blocked a test could hang, right?  Which is some of what seems to be happening.... i.e. windmill test hangs and the test runner kills the run.15:15
rockstarderyck, it could fail the test, because it wouldn't be able to load js or css.  I can't imagine it would hang a browser indefinitely.15:16
rockstarDid I tell you that mikael said windmill is dead?  No one is working on it anymore.15:16
deryckrockstar, well not indefinitely, but at least 600 seconds, which is enough to kill the run.15:17
deryckrockstar, and yeah, I think you mentioned that.15:17
rockstarderyck, okay.  I'm rooting for you.15:18
deryckrockstar, :)  thanks.15:19
rockstarderyck, also, fwiw, I'm deleting most of lazr-js, and I think it's sane to require that you have a working use case in an app before moving the feature "upstream" into lazr-js.15:20
rockstarThis "trickle down" things causes too many headaches.  The wizard widget would have done well to be Launchpad for a bit first...15:20
deryckrockstar, really?  Your deleting stuff that is unused?  Is there really that much unused?15:20
rockstarderyck, unused or unneeded, yes.15:21
deryckwow, ok.15:21
deryckrockstar, is landscape using a combo loader?15:21
rockstarderyck, I replaced the PrettyOverlay with about 10 lines of javascript and some CSS.15:22
rockstarderyck, I don't think so.  I'm going to try and convince beuno that we need the combo loader for U1.15:22
deryckrockstar, we have to figure something out.  1.3 Mb is ridiculous for a single js file, if we keep this 3.2 upgrade.15:22
rockstarderyck, yeah, and U1 doesn't combine any of its js.15:23
deryckrockstar, yeah, in devmode FF goes gray with this 3.2 upgrade because of all the files loaded.  ./utilities/yui-deps.py|wc -l == 446 :(15:24
jmlsinzui: strongly tempted to fix blacklisting.15:25
beunoI am convinced.15:25
beunohe just has to do it15:25
sinzuijml, The card is in the registry backlog. EdwinGrubbs and I agree to add a column for the team that can override the constraint15:27
jmlsinzui: oh cool.15:27
sinzuijml: the editing ui landed on Friday. I used it15:27
sinzuijml: https://launchpad.net/+nameblacklist15:28
lifelessjpds: sorry, lost your paste15:29
rockstarderyck, have you brought this specific issue up on the list (in its own thread, not as a mention on another thread).15:37
deryckrockstar, which issue (of the numerous I ranted about)? :-)  The file size?15:38
rockstarderyck, at this point, I think we seriously need to think about killing windmill.15:43
rockstarIt's either windmill goes or we stop adding javascript.  That's all there is to it.15:43
rockstarderyck, because the yui 3.2 may not break it (and we can stay on YUI 3.0 forever...) but eventually we're going to hit this again.15:43
rockstarAnd by "we" I mean "you launchpadders" since beuno owns me for the next six months.15:44
* beuno saved his reciept15:45
deryckrockstar, yeah.  but I'm not hosting that discussion.  I've said my peace about this mess, and no one else seems concerned.15:45
bigjoolshanging windmill tests.... :'(16:01
jmlsinzui: hello16:02
sinzuihi jml16:03
abentleyjkakar: Remember how I solved my getBuilds problem on Friday by using a subselect?  Now I've got a resultset where count() == 1 but list() produces a 25-element list.16:05
jkakarabentley: On a call, can't help you just now, will ping in a while.16:06
abentleyjkakar: okay.16:06
bigjoolsjml: async uploading for b-m works on DF.  We now have a fully async b-m.  \o/16:08
jmlbigjools: sweet :)16:08
abentleybigjools: Yay!16:08
jmlbigjools: may I see the branch?16:08
bigjoolsjml: it's 1k lines of diff - but please be my guest. https://code.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/launchpad/async-file-uploads-bug-66263116:09
bigjoolsabentley: indeed.  I got you a login on dogfood BTW.  when you're ready we can have a chat.16:09
jmlbigjools: ta, I won't do a review but I'd like to glance at least.16:10
bigjoolsI just made a WIP MP16:10
abentleybigjools: Anytime today is good.16:10
bigjoolsjml: I added a new method to fetch all the files from the builder in one go16:10
jmlsinzui: http://mumak.net/lp-bugjam-2010/ btw16:11
lifelesssinzui: bigjools: we still have a [smaller] issue with Archive:+packages https://bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/67562117:01
_mup_Bug #675621: Archive:+packages timeouts <timeout> <Soyuz:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/675621>17:01
bigjoolslifeless: grar, that page is a PITA17:09
bigjoolsI wonder if we can make our model speed-friendly sometimes17:10
lifelessbigjools: I made the source only version happy17:12
lifelessbigjools: we just need to fix the binary package version17:12
bigjoolsit's a start17:12
bigjoolswe have the exact same problem on the queue page17:12
bigjoolsI optimised the hell out of it a couple of years ago but the custom uploads need sorting out still17:13
lifelessthe high python time is a red flag to me17:13
lifelessbut I want to get the sql time sane first17:13
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
lifelessflacoste: fyi rt 4247217:19
jkakarabentley: Here now, sorry for the delay.17:21
abentleyjkakar: No worries.17:21
sinzuideryck[lunch], I would like your +1 for my data fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/660475. The last three comment show the sql, the run time, and examples of what is fixed between production and staging.17:21
_mup_Bug #660475: Merged profile listed in the Top contributors <404> <trivial> <Launchpad Registry:In Progress by sinzui> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/660475>17:21
abentleyjkakar: I've tracked down the bug to specifying order_by on a column of a table that's not in the resultset.17:21
jkakarabentley: Cool.17:22
abentleyjkakar: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/532464/17:23
abentleyjkakar: The ResultSet used to refer to BuildFarmJob before I introduced the subselect.17:23
jkakarabentley: Ah, interesting.17:24
abentleyjkakar: I guess this is valid, if crazy, SQL?17:24
jkakarabentley: It sounds suspicious... do you know exactly what query is being generated?  It'd help to see it.17:25
abentleyjkakar: I don't.  If I drop to a debugger, can I see it?17:25
jkakarabentley: If you do a from storm.tracer import debug; debug(True) it'll get printed to the screen when the code path is executed.17:29
abentleyjkakar: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/532473/17:33
jkakarabentley: Yeah, so the table is being included, which makes the query valid, but there are no BuildFarmJob columns so the order by is effectively useless.17:35
abentleyjkakar: Hmm, why is BuildFarmJob in the FROM?17:37
jkakarabentley: Because it was specified in the order by.17:38
jkakarabentley: When you don't explicitly define tables (with store.using) Storm does some automatic inspection to make sure all the tables you need in your query are included in the FROM clause.17:39
abentleyjkakar: I see.  And in this case, it found the BuildFarmJob in the order_by clause.17:39
abentleyjkakar: But I don't know if that is actually desirable behaviour.  Because if a table is only mentioned in the order_by clause, the order_by clause won't be effective.17:40
jkakarabentley: Yeah, in this particular case it is undesirable, but in others, like an implicit join, you want the behaviour.17:42
jkakarabentley: Perhaps we could special-case the logic to check for order by's that don't match any columns and blow up, though.17:42
abentleyjkakar: But if there's an implicit join, the table will be mentioned in the WHERE clause, no?17:42
jkakarabentley: Yes.17:42
abentleyjkakar: So getting the table from the order_by seems like it doesn't help implicit joins.17:43
jkakarabentley: True.17:44
jkakarabentley: It would be good to file a bug about it.17:45
* jml gone17:52
sinzuijcsackett, I cannot locate the bug that lead me to question why we were querying official_*. I am certain though that we should question the intent of any SQL operation that wants to know the answer. Talk to me if you see something that is not 100% needed.17:59
jcsackettsinzui: dig.18:00
abentleyjkakar: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/storm/+bug/67566718:01
jkakarabentley: Thanks.18:01
_mup_Bug #675667: Storm accepts order_by clauses that mention columns not present in the output <Storm:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/675667>18:01
=== benji is now known as benji-lunch
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
derycksinzui, you have my +1.  That's well put together and easy to follow in the comments.  I appreciate the before and after shots from lpnet and staging, too.18:42
joeybac: around?18:52
=== benji-lunch is now known as benji
jcsackettwhen working with the sqlbase cursor, what's the easiest way to get a look at the actual sql being thrown at the database?19:33
lifelessa storm tracer19:51
lifelesswhat are you trying to determine/debug/fix/?19:51
lifelesswe have some precanned ones19:51
jcsackettlifeless: sorry, didn't see the reply. i actually just finished checking it out (with a storm tracer). i just needed to confirm some values being passed in were what i thought they were.19:54
lifelessjcsackett: alternatives19:58
lifelessLP_SQL_DEBUG=1 bin/test or whatever19:59
lifelessOOPS's gather whats being sent [but elide the parameters at the moment]19:59
lifelessQueryCollector (grep for it) gathers it19:59
jcsackettlifeless: thanks. the LP_SQL_DEBUG one in particular sounds useful for situations i've hit. the tracer in this instance was perfect since i could flip it on around the one spot i cared about and then turn it back off.20:00
leonardrjoey: calling project.lp_refresh() after "project = lp.projects[project_name]" will solve the problem20:09
leonardrin your version of launchpadlib, lp.projects[project_name] is a shim object. it doesn't go over the network until you access one of its properties20:09
joeyleonardr: ok will try now20:09
leonardrso you won't get a KeyError if it doesn't exist20:09
leonardrthat also explains why httplib2 debug wasn't printing anything20:09
leonardrthere was no network call20:10
joeyleonardr: same with team?20:10
leonardrjoey: yes, wherever you do lp.object[name]20:10
joeylazr.restfulclient.errors.HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found20:11
joeyleonardr: so it works for instantiated projects now20:12
joeyleonardr: but gives me that 404 for non-existent objects that I try to refresh20:12
joeyleonardr: and that's IN a try20:12
leonardrjoey: can you give me an example command line?20:13
leonardroh, i see what you mean20:13
joeyleonardr: https://pastebin.canonical.com/39779/20:13
leonardrtry catching NotFound instead of KeyError. KeyError is dictionary semantics20:13
leonardrand in this version of launchpadlib, lp.object[] doesn't have dictionary semantics20:13
joeyleonardr: NameError: global name 'NotFound' is not defined20:16
joeysorry my python skills are showing20:16
* joey reaches for his python book.20:16
leonardrjoey, it's lazr.restfulclient.errors.HTTPError20:17
leonardrthe one you had in that paste20:17
leonardrin later versions there is a specific NotFound error, but not in this version20:18
leonardrso try catching HTTPError and checking its .status20:18
joeyleonardr: yeap that did it20:18
joeyleonardr: strangly team is now a keyerror20:19
joeyleonardr: thanks a heap. It's working on staging now20:19
joeyleonardr: I didn't want to bypass it just in case there were other issues. Thankfully it looks ok20:19
leonardrok, good20:20
cr3leonardr: flacoste just informed me about contributes_to in lazr.restful and I just finished reading the documentation, expect a hug for you and salgado next time I see one of you :)20:35
leonardrcr3: i think you can give most of that hug to salgado20:36
cr3leonardr: ok, I'll only give you half a hug then and 1.5 hugs to salgado20:36
leonardrsounds like a good allotment20:37
cr3leonardr: by the way, do you happen to know where contributes_to is being used, perhaps ubuntuone or something? I just made sure I had a fresh copy of lp-branches/devel and couldn't find any usage of it20:44
leonardrcr3: i'm fairly sure salgado was using it in launchpad, but it might have been something to do with the openid provider or ubuntu one. you should ask him20:45
james_wI don't think he actually got to using it, as unfortunately that project got paused due to higher priority work coming in20:46
flacosteleonardr: i think the KeyError and NotFound error is probably due to a server side change, which means that we broke backward compatibility20:48
leonardrflacoste: i'm pretty sure it's due to a client-side change that we reverted because it caused a lo20:50
leonardra lot of confusion20:50
flacosteah ok20:50
wallyworld_thumper: i've pushed the new code so you can look at the new diff in the mp before we talk21:19
thumperwallyworld_: ok, ta21:19
jelmerlifeless: hi21:40
marslifeless, thank you for catching the landing numbers error.  That changes things a bit :)21:49
jelmerwgrant: hi21:50
lifelessmars: I'm curious where you got 1/53 minutes :)21:50
marslifeless, https://spreadsheets.google.com/a/canonical.com/ccc?key=0Aq6EjGubW4qydF90TElqaV9CRFR0QndmX0twV3ZDN3c&hl=en21:50
marslifeless, Google docs date calculation insanity.  What works in OO Calc does not work when ported.21:51
marslifeless, it came out to 27 branches/day, which is one every 53 minutes21:51
marsthe total of 127 above that did not click21:52
mars27 days, not 27 branches/day21:53
lifelesshey, adding 99% to that would be nice.21:55
lifeless100% is 'max', which isn't terribly interesting.21:55
lifelessyour quartile breakdown21:55
lifeless25th percentile21:56
marsthe quartiles - I already had to truncate those21:56
lifelesscould you add 99th percentile?21:56
marsyeah, I looked for a way to do that, nothing popped out - one of those moments when you say "I must be missing something obvious"21:56
lifeless3*stdev + avg21:56
lifelessis close enough21:57
marshmm, ok21:57
wallyworld_thumper: talk now?21:58
thumperwallyworld_: talk talk, or irc talk?21:59
wallyworld_maybe talk talk21:59
thumperok, let me get set up21:59
marslifeless, not much difference - 343 hours at the 99th percentile vs. 356 for the 100th22:04
wallyworld_thumper: https://code.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/launchpad/built-packages-listing/+merge/4063422:06
lifelessmars: thats good to know - thanks for adding it22:17
flacostesinzui: we can't still add a private team as a member of another private team?22:23
sinzuiWe certainly cannot do that until we prevent open teams from being members of restricted and moderated teams22:24
sinzuisee the team backlog22:24
sinzuiWe also need to fix lots of TP calls22:24
wgrantjelmer: Hi.22:30
lifelesshi flacoste22:36
flacostehi lifeless22:36
flacostesinzui: how is that related? a private team is a private team, no? it can only be restricted22:38
flacostesince you have to be a member to have access22:38
flacostelifeless: how's Orlando?22:39
lifelessflacoste: good, its been a very interesting day.22:39
lifelesswe haven't done a lot of modelling yet, nor tackled things like coexistence.22:39
flacostewill it be useful for us?22:40
thumperIOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'logs/thread-140648257480448.request' ??!?22:40
sinzuiThey relate because that is the path we believe that must be taken to achieve private in private...22:40
thumperwhen running a test22:40
wgrantthumper: Looks like nothing creates logs/ yet (except maybe dev appserver startup?)22:42
thumperwallyworld_: I think that was because your branch removes the logs directory22:42
thumperwallyworld_: but doesn't add it in make build22:42
wgrantHm, no, it's in bzr.22:43
thumperwgrant: wallyworld_ removed it in one of his branches22:43
sinzuiflacoste ... recall the argument of private in private was muddled by for a year. the real issue is proper constraints, private teams should be members of, or comprised of team that can be trusted. That is what must be fixed to allow use to build a hierarchy. Once we have established trust, we can fix Lp to not leak your trust22:43
wallyworld_i thought i added it in the branch the consolidated the log files22:43
wgrantIt is there in devel.22:43
flacostesinzui: i think this is the public in a private team issue22:44
wallyworld_wgrant: thumper: i did have it so that the logs dir was explicitly created but was told in the code review just to add it to bzr22:44
thumperwallyworld_: but your current branch I'm messing with removes it22:44
flacostesinzui: which could be solved independantly of private in private22:44
flacosteor private in a public22:45
wallyworld_thumper: not on my system it doesn't....22:45
thumperwallyworld_: line 611 (the last) of https://code.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/launchpad/built-packages-listing/+merge/4063422:46
sinzuiflacoste it is not.  We have discussed this many times and I cannot summarise it over IRC. consider this. We all want. It has been tried many times, and all were failures. We have a path to success and I can see this fix happening soon22:46
sinzuiflacoste You are hoping that a strict rule of private in private is easier to implement. It is not22:47
flacostesinzui: your team has put more thoughts than I in this, so I trust your judgement22:47
wallyworld_thumper: hmmm. can't explain that. the logs dir is still in lp:devel at least22:48
thumperwallyworld_: yes it is.22:49
thumperwallyworld_: it is removed in your built-packages-listing branch22:49
thumperwallyworld_: you may want to revert that removal :-)22:49
lifelessflacoste: perhaps22:49
lifelessflacoste: the modelling is the crucial bit22:50
wallyworld_thumper: yep. i checked the logs of the branch. i merged from devel trunk after creating the branch and it was removed then for some reason22:52

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