
dscasselMeeting time!00:00
dscasselAgenda is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2010-11-1400:00
dscasselFeel free to introduce yourselves.  I'm Darcy and I'm going to be facilitating.  I'm in Waterloo, ON.00:01
ZykoticK9George from Ottawa.  Hello all.00:01
BobJonkmanI'm Bob, in Elmira, just north of Waterloo00:01
hypatiaI'm Leigh, I'm in Toronto, and have been a bit of a flake lately :)00:02
dscasselMass call! [thor] jaguar rgreening txwikinger FiReSTaRT kenjy RobotGrrl billybigrigger ilan IdleOne Kulag sipherdee willwh cxo SmartSsa zul Infoverload starcraftman00:02
dscasselHi ZykoticK9! Did you guys have the Ubuntu Hour last week?00:02
RobotGrrlHi ^^00:03
RobotGrrlooooh this is a meeting? nifty!00:03
ZykoticK9dscassel, yup - only 3 people showed up though (my fault for not advertising)00:03
FiReSTaRTyo yo yo00:03
dscasselHi RobotGrrl. We're settling in for a bit of a meeting.00:03
RobotGrrlnice!! :D00:03
BobJonkman3 people is good.00:03
dscasselZykoticK9: Awesome. :D00:03
hypatiawooo meeting00:03
dscasselcxo: Meeting!  We're going to talk about Ubuntu Canada stuffs.00:04
dscasselIf you've never been before, let us know where you're from and (briefly) what you do, Ubuntu-wise.00:05
FiReSTaRTim just gonna step out for a quick smoke before we REALLY get into it :)00:05
* FiReSTaRT brb00:05
vikramYup, from Ottawa, just a hacker. , and yes, that was me who left :)00:06
vikramLong time Redhat/Fedora convert00:07
dscasselvikram: Welcome!00:07
dscasselvikram: ZykoticK9 runs the monthly Ubuntu Hour in Ottawa, if you've never been.00:08
dscasselI'll give people a minute or two more to wander in.00:08
* BobJonkman waits impatiently for the cookies to be brought out00:08
vikramI've been writing a lot of GTK code recently. And been keen on the idea of formerly contributing to Ubuntu, if it could pay the bills00:09
dscasselBobJonkman: I didn't bring any cookies. But if you're willing to share...00:09
dscasselvikram: Ah, everyone's fondest dream. :)00:10
dscasselAnyway, let's get this thing going...00:10
vikramVery work in progress app that I have high hopes for, one day, http://amatory.sourceforge.net/00:10
dscasselLike I said, agenda here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2010-11-1400:10
dscasselWe submitted our application and wait patiently for an official response.00:11
* FiReSTaRT back00:11
dscasselLooks good, though.  We have several votes in our favour so far. No complaints.00:11
dscasselThe application is here, incidentally: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/ReApprovalApplication201000:11
dscasselI was hoping we'd hear back by the meeting, but it may be a day or two yet.  I'll post to the ML when I hear officially.00:12
dscasselOur illustrious leader 2006-2010, Corey Burger actually stepped down a while ago.00:13
* FiReSTaRT looking over the application in its final form00:13
dscasselHe said he'd stick around and help with the reapproval process.00:13
dscasselAnd now, he's quietly slipped away.00:14
dscasseltxwikinger and I have stepped in to take the role of "LoCo contact."00:14
dscasselAnd I want to emphasize that it's "contact" and not "team leader" or anything like that.00:14
FiReSTaRTlooking good.. i don't see why we wouldn't get approved00:15
dscasselOur job is to act as contact for the LoCo council, so they don't have to go trying to find people.00:15
FiReSTaRThow are we gonna select our new jefe?00:15
BobJonkmanDo we need a Grand Poohbah?00:16
dscasselFiReSTaRT: We just did. Kind of. Like I said, we're more of an autonomous colective.00:16
dscasselIdeally, people just kind of get on with things.00:16
FiReSTaRTahh ok.. i thought it was an interim measure.. not that i feel an overwhelming need for someone on top.. it was more like idle curiosity00:17
hypatiai think if it doesn't work, we can talk elections00:17
hypatiabut let's see how they do? :)00:17
dscasselAs far as I can tell, all a LoCo does, nationally, is run a website and maintain a few channels of communication.00:18
FiReSTaRThypatia: won't hear any argument from me (another indicator that we're ok without a single head)00:18
dscasselI'd like to see groups spring up on a local level.  And I'm not too picky about how they run themselves, either.00:19
dscasselSo long as everyone plays nice.00:19
FiReSTaRTdarcy: was it michael who wanted to run the show in toronto or am i way off?00:19
dscasselMichael? Is this recent?00:20
FiReSTaRTdarcy: actually pretty stale.. probably at least 6 months old00:20
dscasselIs that genii?00:20
FiReSTaRTdarcy: not sure.. i know i added him on the msn at the time but we never really got into it and haven't talked here00:21
dscasselRight now, hypatia is pretty much heading up Ubuntu Toronto, by virtue of the fact that she's here and she ran a release party. :)00:21
FiReSTaRTagain, no arguments from me00:21
hypatiathe current toronto plan is to alternate between hacklab and linuxcaffe00:22
dscasselI don't want people to get territorial or anything, either.  We should be able to work together.00:22
dscassel(I hope, anyway)00:22
FiReSTaRTgood plan.. actually i like the idea of being out and about, with the only real constraint being suitable locations00:23
dscasselAnyway, I'm going to be contacting the people with team admin status on Launchpad and see if they still want to participate.00:23
FiReSTaRTthat's especially true for release parties where you REALLY need rj45 for installs00:23
dscasselAnd do a little bit of clean-up if they've moved on.00:23
dscasselWe'll probably set up an admin team that we can add people to, but we can talk about that more next meeting.00:24
hypatiawe did that with ubuntu women, it wasn't too tricky00:25
dscasselYeah, the website team is like that too.00:25
dscassel(ubuntu-ca-website, that is)00:25
BobJonkmanSpeaking of Website...00:25
hypatiawoooo website!00:26
dscasselUh, no update, really.  Still waiting on our ticket.00:26
dscasselKinda frustrating. People I've talked to are sympathetic, but we're not the only ones waiting around.00:26
FiReSTaRTgotta love the red tape00:27
dscasselAs a reminder, our future website is at this temporary address: http://ubuntu-ca.jankeconsulting.ca/00:27
dscasselLooks like the twitter feed broke at some point.00:28
dscasselIf there's nothing else, last item on the agenda tonight...00:28
dscasselLUG Outreach!00:28
dscasselI sent a message to the mailing list, talking about what I'm thinking on this one.00:29
* FiReSTaRT eagerly waiting for darcy to start some discussion on mailing list and with individuals :P00:29
FiReSTaRTdarcy: on a bit of a side-note, it looks like i'm not on it for some reason... ill add myself to it00:30
dscasselFiReSTaRT: Oh, yeah... It's been a busy few weeks.  The next few aren't goign to slow down, either. :)00:30
dscasselBasically, if there's a LUG where you are, sign up on their mailing list and maybe attend a meeting.00:31
dscasselLet them know that we exist and we can help them publicize any tangentially Ubuntu-related events.00:31
dscasselAnd it would be nice if they'd join our ML, IRC and forum, so they can help people or get help as needed.00:32
* FiReSTaRT is pretty sure that hypatia knows that we exist :P00:32
dscasselFiReSTaRT: I mean TLUG or GTALUG.  Things like that.00:33
hypatiaFiReSTaRT: i'm aware, yes00:33
dscasselAnyways... The Linux community is really disconnected AFAICT. I know about my LUG, but not much more than that.00:34
dscasselLet's see if we can change that.00:34
* vikram sees no Canadian flag on http://ubuntu-ca.org/00:34
FiReSTaRTthat is a good idea and there isn't much info on the ecosystem out there00:34
BobJonkmanI think the whole tech community is disconnected from each other.00:35
dscasselvikram: ubuntu-ca.org is problematic.  We're trying to move to a different site so we can mess with the theme, etc.00:35
BobJonkmanThere are small movements afoot to fix that.  Gotta be profitable for someone...00:36
* FiReSTaRT on th elist00:36
vikramWe have something called CodeFactory in Ottawa, Have you heard of it?00:37
dscasselThere was CLUE (http://cluecan.ca/).  And I haven't ruled out working with them somehow.00:37
dscasselDon't seem quite as active lately...00:37
vikramI've given some Linux Boot Camp presentations there00:38
vikram(rather open source boot camp)00:38
hypatiai don't think CLUE really exists anymore00:38
hypatiaottawa also has the ModLab00:39
dscasselhypatia: I know Russel's still around doing stuff, but yeah.00:39
dscasselvikram: Maybe they'd be willing to let you give a presentation?00:40
dscasselI'm going to try to figure out how to do a "getting involved in Ubuntu" talk.  I'll be happy to share whatever I come up with.00:41
dscasselThat's all I had... If there's nothing else...?00:43
BobJonkmanThe re-approval application says something about reviving LinuxFest-- does that tie in?00:43
dscasselBobJonkman: Yeah, definitely.00:43
BobJonkmantie in with outreach, &c?00:43
dscasselI'm still sad about Linux fest.00:44
BobJonkmanMe too. FSOSS didn't seem a suitable alternative00:44
dscasselNo. I'd like to go, but it's not a user conf.00:44
BobJonkmanI heard someone talking about SoOnCon2011 already ;-)  Any Ubuntu tie-in to that?00:45
dscasselBobJonkman: txwikinger is the one involved in the LinuxFest stuff.  He's being a bit coy about it (early days), but he might be willing to let you know what's going on there.00:45
dscasselBobJonkman: Yeah, we'll probably do something.  I'm likely going to be there, anyway.00:46
dscasselIt's a different focus, though.  But there are lots of Ubuntu users there.00:47
hypatiasooncon was awesome :D00:47
BobJonkmanWhoa!  2012!!00:47
dscasselYeah. :D00:48
hypatia2012 is SoOnCamp, which will also be epic00:48
hypatia2011 is going to hopefully be held in downtown toronto at...drumroll....00:48
hypatiathe bell lightbox00:48
dscassel2011 will be in Toronto. 2012 has taken over the front page due to epicness.00:48
hypatianerd camping ftw00:48
vikramand whats with the logo even00:49
dscasselvikram: You're still looking at ubuntu-ca.org?00:49
dscasselDon't look at it.  It's painful.00:49
vikramno soonco.ca...00:49
dscasselOh, that.  I have no idea, actually.00:49
dscasselI think it was just meant to look cool laser-etched on ABS plastic and side-lit by LEDs.00:50
dscassel(That tends to be the sort of aesthetic this crowd goes for. :)00:50
vikramI have a 1hr presentation to give to an Engineering Management class at the University of Ottawa this Wednesday on Using and Producing open sauce. Could throw some Ubuntuism into the mix00:51
dscasselvikram: Awesome.00:51
dscasselMm, open sauce.00:51
hypatiavikram: cool!  have you seen the "Producing Open Source Software" book the svn folks wrote?00:51
vikramI've heard of it. Havent read it00:51
hypatiait's great :)00:52
vikramMy talk will be very much about $$ related things. Politics, Legal issues. All the yucky stuff actually :)00:52
hypatiathat's a lot of what that book is about00:54
hypatiaalso worthwhile: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-421601196152281864500:55
willwhhi guys00:56
willwhsorry I'm late!00:56
dscasselHi willwh, just wrapping up. :)00:56
dscasselAnything you'd like to add before we close it down?00:56
willwhnope :)00:56
dscassel(Feel free to stick around, of course :)00:56
vikramI'll embed subliminal "Use Ubuntu" slides inbetween pages. Given the crowd is usually made up of Apple users. They might not even get it00:56
dscasselOkay, I'll formally end the meeting.  Thanks everyone. :)00:57
dscasselvikram: don't let me interrupt. :)00:57
* FiReSTaRT blows chunks at the very mention of (cr)apple00:57
vikramActually getting Apple consumers to use Ubuntu on the desktop is a good initiative in my opinion.00:58
FiReSTaRTsmall market and most of them already received HUGE doses of kool-aid00:58
vikramThere are a lot more people using iPhones and Windows than an entire Apple ecosystem00:58
willwhhey vikram; I'd be interesting to read your notes - as I obviously won't be at your talk00:59
willwhthat sounds like the kind of icky stuff I'm interested in.00:59
hypatiathere are plenty of people using iCrap who are unhappy with it :)01:00
hypatiaoh for sure01:00
vikramI thought the saying was "Apple users love their Macs, and PC users 'put up' with their PCs"01:01
willwhwell talking to a few friends, some devs...01:01
willwhosx does some silly things01:01
willwhespecially in the shell01:01
vikramDo you guys know whats happening with the *office on the next Ubuntu? Is it going to be libreoffice based or OO.org?01:03
hypatiait's already go-oo01:03
hypatiabut i think the plan is to go with libreoffice01:04
willwhwell, many people are not so hot on oracle01:04
willwhwill be interesting to see what happens to OOo01:04
vikramI'm worried with all the brand recognition that would be lost if not going with openoffice01:04
willwhI certainly think that is an issue vikram01:05
vikramI mean people know what OpenOffice is. And even Microsoft has started actively campaigning against it. Its definitely a sign its on the way up01:05
dscasselBut if Oracle owns the brand and they're willing to let it stagnate, what's the alternative?01:06
vikram(If you guys havent seen their latest campaign yet - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoZv6Gb_mYo )01:07
willwhI have not.01:07
dscasselYeah, saw that. :)01:07
vikramI dont know what Oracle is doing. They are chasing everyone using Java now with their "java patents"01:07
vikramHTC and Motorola are now both in court because Google is too big for Oracle to chew on01:08
vikramI wonder what would have happened if SUN didnt GPL Java before the acquisition. What might have happened01:09
willwhhrm, interesting vid01:10
dscasselThank heavens for free software. :)01:11
vikramWell Gandhi knew what he was talking about. All this modern management literature (Innovators Solution) just points to that business of incumbents first ignoring you. If you're keeping score, next stage is, we win01:13
vikramI take that ad campaign as a "Hello  World. We now recognise openoffice as being on par with Microsoft Office"01:14
* BobJonkman is working on meeting minutes01:15
BobJonkmanWe didn't really accomplish much, did we?01:15
dscasselThanks, BobJonkman01:15
dscasselNot as many exciting things going on.01:15
dscasselWe're going to have to start making our own excitement. :)01:16
BobJonkmanBasically, we checked off each agenda item, nodded our heads and said "Yup, uh huh."01:16
hypatiaBobJonkman: much of the accomplishment is just in showing up01:16
dscasselBobJonkman: It would probably help if people had jobs, but I don't even know what *I*'m supposed to do half the time. :)01:27
BobJonkmandscassel:  Well, as long as you know what to do the other half of the time :-)01:28
dscasselOne thing I like out of this is reporting on the stuff you've done.  Which I noticed got left out of this meeting.01:30
* dscassel said in passive voice, knowing full well he was the one who left it out.01:30
dscasselMonthly report time is two weeks away, but it doesn't hurt.01:31
dscasselMaybe we should formalize the city team thing a little.  Then have people do team reports at the meeting...01:32
hypatiawe should at least have reporting on the agenda for next meeting01:35
BobJonkmanThere was the report on the Ottawa Ubuntu Hour01:40
BobJonkmanOK, minutes done.  Pls check and fix any deficiencies: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2010-11-14#Minutes01:56
dscasselAwesome. Thanks, BobJonkman.02:03
dscasselUgh. OpenOffice.org just crashed gdm for the second time.02:38
dscasselIt really doesn't like me dragging stuff around this presentation.02:38
dscasselI'm starting to believe that Microsoft video..02:38
KombuchaKipWow, Ubuntu Vancouver made a great promo video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i22efbYLj7023:38
* hiko_hitokiri is away: Estoy ocupado23:57

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