
vincentxavierI'm requesting an irc cloack00:43
nhandlervincentxavier: Do you have a link to your Launchpad profile handy?00:58
nhandlerjussi, tsimpson, Pici, topyli:  ^^^00:59
Picinhandler: Could you do the honors?01:03
nhandlerPici: Sure01:03
* tsimpson|n800 fails at typing/tapping01:03
nhandlervincentxavier: You are now cloaked01:04
vincentxaviernhandler: thanks01:04
Picinhandler: er, what about the pdpc cloak?01:04
nhandlerPici: Yeah, I just noticed in the fake quit message. Thanks for catching that01:05
Picinhandler: I just noticed it too01:05
nhandlervincentxavier, Pici: That should be much better. Sorry about that01:07
vincentxavierno problem01:07
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
lubotu3AliTarihi called the ops in #ubuntu-ir ()16:44
lubotu3AliTarihi called the ops in #ubuntu-ir ()16:51
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter

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