
dpmgood morning everyone08:05
TLEdpm: adjusted template is ready for feedback: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/LanguagePackUpdatesQA/LanguagePackUpdateScheduleTemplate08:48
TLEafter making any corrections you may have I'll scratch it from the specification work plan08:49
andrejzgreat work, TLE08:51
TLEandrejz: thanks08:53
TLEdpm: hey, did you see my message earlier10:21
dpmTLE, hey! :) I got disconnected, but I've just read it now.10:26
dpmandrejz, happy belated birthday, I guess that the answer on the first question about your age is no longer correct ;)10:28
dpmThere was a nice comment on the article as well10:29
dpmAgain, good work10:29
dpmTLE, after a quick glance, the page looks good. Give me some time to have a more detailed look at it during the course of the day and then we see if we can call this part done10:30
TLEdpm: sounds good, I have also started on the Maverick schedule10:36
TLEI do have one questions though, do you remember how long the language pack build takes?10:37
TLEor should I ask pitti10:37
dpmTLE, pitti would know best, but IIRC, the last time it took ~1 to 1,5 days for all final language packs to be build before release, although by then all builders were probably being stressed10:38
TLEdpm: ok thanks10:39
dpmTLE, we should probably quantify how much time takes each one of the steps on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/LanguagePackUpdatesSchedule?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=LangpackSRU.png and I should update the diagram with some approximate figures10:40
TLEdpm: yes, I'll investigate since I need to know anyway, and then I'll let you know, then you can update the figure10:41
dpmsounds good, thanks10:41
TLEoh well, back to work, venting a vacuum chamber, and yes, that is not usually something we would want to do ;)10:42
TLEafk most of the day10:42
dpmok, have fun TLE! ;)10:58
andrejz@dpm: Do you think the comment could be changed into a translation story?11:23
dpmandrejz, that's actually a very good idea, although unfortunately the poster did not leave any way of contacting him :(11:24
andrejzyes, that is unfortunate. i know a couple of people like the one in the comment so maybe i will try to convince some to share their experience11:25
andrejzthanks for the congratulations, and the age is still correct, as i rounded it up to 25 :)11:26
andrejzAlso i had a nice linux-like birthday cake - http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs566.ash2/148894_1716092624750_1311262275_1906427_5549501_n.jpg11:27
dpmandrejz, haha, awesome, great cake!11:31
andrejzalso the age is written in binary11:31
dpmyeah, I was wondering that11:31

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