
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
newz2000AlanBell: I got your merge proposal, looks good but I'm a tiny bit concerned about cross-browser support fur text-align: start16:24
newz2000do you know anything about that?16:24
newz2000oh, I know who to ask...16:24
newz2000yaili: when you have a moment, can we chat here about a text-align prob we're having?16:25
newz2000the issue is that the css reset uses text-align: left which breaks pages that are right-to-left.16:25
newz2000One proposal was to switch to text-align: start which should respect that. Do you agree this is the best solution or do you have a better idea?16:26
AlanBellyeah, interesting point that16:43
AlanBellthis doesn't list start as a possible value http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_text_text-align.asp16:44
AlanBellbut this does http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-css3-text-20101005/#text-align16:45
yaili_newz2000: just a sec16:46
newz2000AlanBell: yes, I came across the same info. I know some CSS3 features have been common for a while, not sure if that is one of them.16:47
=== yaili_ is now known as yaili
AlanBellthere are quite a few "reset.css" files about on the web that do text-align:left16:52
newz2000all right, I guess we're not going to hear back from yaili today18:18
newz2000AlanBell: I did some testing with text-align not specified and it seemd to work OK18:18
newz2000Since a browser that doesn't respect text-align: start will likely revert to whatever the default is, I say we merge your change18:19
newz2000I'll approve the mp and will merge it in with my other changes this week18:19
newz2000thanks for your work on it18:19
=== CaioAlonso_ is now known as CaioAlonso

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