=== Adam|Lunch is now known as AdamDV | ||
blueglasses | I already have a branch called testingbzr. How do I create a new branch to put the real code? | 03:23 |
blueglasses | I use launchpad btw | 03:24 |
blueglasses | anyone? | 03:28 |
spiv | blueglasses: you have a branch locally already? | 03:32 |
spiv | blueglasses: if so, just push it to where you want it to be on launchpad, e.g. "bzr push lp:~username/projectname/new-branch" | 03:33 |
blueglasses | i dont think so, let me check | 03:33 |
spiv | Well, perhaps I'm misunderstanding what you're asking. | 03:33 |
spiv | What do you mean by "create a new branch"? You mean start a new branch from scratch, with no prior history? | 03:34 |
blueglasses | locally i have /home/user/python/projectname/files | 03:34 |
spiv | And is that directory already versioned in bzr? | 03:35 |
blueglasses | i think so | 03:35 |
spiv | "bzr info" or "bzr log" or whatever would confirm that if you like. | 03:35 |
blueglasses | i'm not a native english speaker sorry for my delay | 03:35 |
spiv | That's fine! | 03:35 |
spiv | I can only speak one language, so I'm already impressed :) | 03:36 |
blueglasses | I'm trying to use bazaar explorer | 03:36 |
blueglasses | how do I create a new branch... I might have done something wrong | 03:37 |
blueglasses | my project name in lauchpad is "story" | 03:37 |
spiv | Ok. I don't know explorer well, but you should be able to do something like "bzr commit" to make a new commit, and then "bzr push" to publish those changes. | 03:37 |
blueglasses | that far i have done already | 03:37 |
blueglasses | but I'm commiting to a branch called bzrtesting | 03:38 |
spiv | I see, you have lp:~lapisdecor/story/testingbzr already. | 03:38 |
spiv | Oh, when you commit the changes are automatically going to lp:~lapisdecor/story/testingbzr ? | 03:39 |
blueglasses | yes | 03:39 |
blueglasses | and I wanted a new branch to put the real code (when it will come done) | 03:40 |
spiv | Ok, you have what we call a 'checkout' rather than a 'branch'. It's really just a local branch configured to automatically update a remote branch at the same time. | 03:40 |
blueglasses | I have to push after commit | 03:40 |
blueglasses | to get the stuff there | 03:40 |
spiv | Oh, then it's not a checkout, just a branch. | 03:40 |
spiv | Which is fine. | 03:41 |
blueglasses | actually I just dont like the name 'testingbzr' | 03:41 |
spiv | Ok, you can rename that. | 03:41 |
blueglasses | i would like to keep it to learn bzr but i would like a new branch to put the real code | 03:42 |
spiv | If you go to https://code.launchpad.net/~lapisdecor/story/testingbzr/+edit you can change the name. | 03:42 |
spiv | Or you can ignore that old branch on Launchpad and tell bzr explorer to push to a new location with the name you want. | 03:43 |
blueglasses | that one sounded better | 03:43 |
spiv | (To create a new branch on Launchpad you simply push to it. There's no need to register it or initialise it first.) | 03:43 |
blueglasses | cool | 03:43 |
blueglasses | so I can call it main | 03:44 |
blueglasses | ok I will try to make some code and then push it to a new branch | 03:45 |
blueglasses | thank you so much for the help, still a noob here, but with good heart :-) | 03:46 |
blueglasses | time to bed now | 03:46 |
spiv | blueglasses: good night | 03:46 |
blueglasses | good night | 03:47 |
poolie | hi all | 05:50 |
GaryvdM | Hi all | 07:09 |
vila | hi all ! | 07:14 |
vila | hi GaryvdM , poolie | 07:15 |
vila | poolie: feeling better ? Still here ? | 07:15 |
* GaryvdM _o/ @ vila | 07:15 | |
vila | :) | 07:15 |
vila | GaryvdM: I wonder whether you're creative in online glyphs or starting coding in perl :) | 07:15 |
GaryvdM | Huh? | 07:16 |
vila | _o/ @ sounds like noise, aka perl code from the pov of people unaware about perl conciseness ;) | 07:17 |
poolie | hi vila, i am better now | 07:17 |
GaryvdM | vila: ah :-) | 07:17 |
poolie | it does look like perl, or haskell | 07:18 |
vila | cool | 07:18 |
GaryvdM | Hi vila | 07:18 |
GaryvdM | Hi poolie | 07:18 |
poolie | hi gary | 07:21 |
spiv | mgz: yep, landing something on trunk sorted out the merge proposals that lp hadn't yet noticed were merged. | 08:56 |
=== Guest86531 is now known as jelmer | ||
jelmer | hey GaryvdM, poolie, vila, spiv | 09:13 |
vila | jelmer: hi ! | 09:13 |
vila | spiv: wanna talk about https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~spiv/bzr/checkout-tags-propagation-603395-2.2/+merge/40406 ? Or should we do that earlier tomorrow ? | 09:14 |
vila | jelmer: any feedback about the above ? | 09:15 |
jelmer | vila: you mean the checkout tags propagation? | 09:19 |
jelmer | Ah, I guess so. | 09:20 |
vila | jelmer: yup, the impact of bzr-svn or other foreign plugins in particular, the mp is targeted at lp:bzr/2.2 | 09:20 |
* jelmer has a quick look | 09:20 | |
vila | s/impact of/impact on/ | 09:20 |
jelmer | vila: The way backwards compatibility is handled looks reasonable to me; I can do some testing later today if that would be useful. | 09:23 |
vila | jelmer: yes it would and would be appreciated ;) | 09:23 |
mandel | Hello, quick question, what does bzr do with illegal chars in filenames on windows, example, on linux I use 'stupid: name' what would happen on windows? | 10:54 |
rjek | Excitement! | 11:02 |
beuno | hello hello | 13:14 |
beuno | any bzr devs around? | 13:14 |
* beuno stares at vila | 13:14 | |
vila | hooo beuno ! | 13:19 |
vila | forgive me I was having a small lunch, just back :) | 13:19 |
beuno | hai vila! | 13:20 |
beuno | how's it going? | 13:20 |
vila | better :) | 13:20 |
beuno | I have this horrible bzr traceback: https://pastebin.canonical.com/39793/ | 13:20 |
beuno | but other than that, good | 13:20 |
beuno | better than who? :) | 13:20 |
vila | that, my friend, is very bad (the traceback) | 13:21 |
vila | better than me yesterday :) | 13:21 |
vila | I was already good yesterday :) | 13:21 |
beuno | you been sick? | 13:22 |
vila | beuno: what bzr version are you using (packaged ? from sources ?) | 13:22 |
vila | beuno: no no, just getting better every day :) | 13:22 |
beuno | vila, stock maverick | 13:22 |
beuno | no funny business | 13:22 |
vila | ok | 13:22 |
vila | hmm | 13:22 |
vila | bzr info -v | 13:23 |
vila | trying to find progressive checks | 13:23 |
vila | bzr check (this one could take time) | 13:23 |
vila | branching from the revision just before the commit | 13:23 |
GaryvdM | Hi beuno - How come not a public traceback pastebin? | 13:24 |
lifeless | beuno: fs fail? | 13:24 |
lifeless | bzr: ERROR: zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid distance too far back | 13:24 |
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
beuno | lifeless, no visible fs failures that I know of | 13:24 |
GaryvdM | Thanks lifeless | 13:24 |
beuno | hi GaryvdM, it's a private branch, so was lazy and pasted it in private instead of making sure I wasn't leaking anything :) | 13:24 |
beuno | sorry about that | 13:24 |
GaryvdM | beuno: np | 13:25 |
vila | beuno: number and size of pack files | 13:25 |
beuno | vila, http://paste.ubuntu.com/532994/ | 13:25 |
vila | beuno: I should have started with: this is gzip telling us that the data is corrupted which is unseen so far except when related to fs failue | 13:26 |
vila | failure | 13:26 |
beuno | vila, http://paste.ubuntu.com/532995/ | 13:26 |
beuno | ah | 13:26 |
beuno | I have plenty of space | 13:27 |
vila | beuno: then start with a backup | 13:27 |
beuno | 467 Nov 16 09:25:17 beuno-laptop kernel: [1497398.983861] EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=600 | 13:28 |
vila | beuno: at least the repo (which should be enough) | 13:28 |
beuno | 468 Nov 16 09:25:31 beuno-laptop kernel: [1497412.578739] EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=0 | 13:28 |
beuno | that's the only thing I see | 13:28 |
lifeless | beuno: it might not be this boot | 13:28 |
lifeless | beuno: there are a few options : | 13:29 |
lifeless | - corrupt disk | 13:29 |
lifeless | - memory bit error | 13:29 |
lifeless | beuno: md5sum your packs | 13:29 |
lifeless | and check the sums match the pack names | 13:29 |
vila | we really should have that in core | 13:29 |
* beuno checks | 13:29 | |
beuno | lifeless, they all match | 13:32 |
lifeless | oh, my bad | 13:32 |
lifeless | its in an index. | 13:32 |
beuno | http://paste.ubuntu.com/532998/ | 13:32 |
lifeless | one of your indices is naffed | 13:32 |
beuno | so, these *.six/tix/rix? | 13:33 |
lifeless | voidspace: yes | 13:41 |
lifeless | bah | 13:41 |
lifeless | beuno: yes | 13:41 |
vila | lifeless: so 'bzr pack' time ? Or do we use the indices for that ? | 13:47 |
beuno | vila, lifeless, so, do I have a way out of this? | 13:58 |
vila | beuno: if you did a backup, try 'bzr pack; | 13:59 |
vila | beuno: if you did a backup, try 'bzr pack' | 13:59 |
beuno | I'll backup now | 13:59 |
beuno | vila, packing! | 14:04 |
beuno | vila, same tb | 14:06 |
vila | wow | 14:07 |
beuno | vila, http://paste.ubuntu.com/533014/ | 14:07 |
vila | ah, during the pack | 14:08 |
lifeless | to be expected | 14:08 |
lifeless | pack has to read data :) | 14:08 |
lifeless | bzr dump-btree can help you find the damaged index | 14:08 |
vila | yeah, I expected he could rebould the indices from the packs :-/ | 14:09 |
vila | s/expected/hoped/ | 14:09 |
vila | which is what we need | 14:09 |
lifeless | no | 14:10 |
vila | oh good | 14:13 |
beuno | so, run bzr dump-btree? | 14:13 |
vila | beuno: yes, starting with the .cix indices as they seem to be the ones causing problem (from the tb) | 14:19 |
vila | lifeless: you still haven't elaborate on this 'no' | 14:20 |
lifeless | vila: the indices have unique data | 14:20 |
vila | urgh, still ? | 14:21 |
lifeless | vila: until we fix it | 14:21 |
beuno | vila, so run that command against each .cix? | 14:22 |
vila | yes | 14:22 |
vila | beuno: quick check: you don't have *empty* indices right ? | 14:23 |
beuno | vila, let me look | 14:24 |
vila | lifeless: but then there is probably no escape for beuno other than recreating its repo from scratch (or almost) ? | 14:24 |
lifeless | indeed | 14:24 |
beuno | vila, all of them ahve more than zero bytes | 14:24 |
beuno | ah | 14:24 |
beuno | ok | 14:24 |
beuno | that sounds fun | 14:24 |
vila | :-/ | 14:24 |
beuno | I guess I can re-branch from launchpad | 14:24 |
lifeless | restore from backup :) | 14:25 |
beuno | do you want this bug reported? | 14:25 |
beuno | it's a few hundred mb, so not terrible | 14:25 |
lifeless | you've had a fs glitch, for sure. | 14:25 |
lifeless | its not a sync-crash, or you'd have an empty index. | 14:25 |
beuno | okk | 14:25 |
lifeless | you've either got a bad memory dimm - in which case rebooting may fix this. | 14:25 |
vila | beuno: let see if we can isolate which index is the culprit | 14:25 |
beuno | so maybe I need to run fsck | 14:25 |
beuno | vila, sure | 14:25 |
lifeless | or you've got a bad block which lost data | 14:26 |
* beuno nods | 14:26 | |
beuno | I can try rebooting | 14:26 |
beuno | I haven't done that in a few weeks | 14:26 |
lifeless | note that if reboot does not fix it, it doesn't mean that the block is bad - a bad dimm that results in a bad write is indistinguishable (except via disk read stats) | 14:26 |
beuno | ok, I'll let you know in 2 minutes | 14:27 |
beuno | re-packing... | 14:30 |
beuno | 3/7 | 14:30 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch | ||
vila | beuno: you've connected from another pc ? | 14:31 |
vila | s/'ve/'re/ | 14:32 |
maxb | IRC proxies ftw :-) | 14:32 |
beuno | vila, no, irss + ssd disk | 14:33 |
beuno | reboot in 12 seconds | 14:33 |
beuno | 4/7 | 14:33 |
beuno | I think ti's fixed | 14:33 |
beuno | because it's way further than before | 14:33 |
vila | let's wait | 14:33 |
beuno | 6/7 | 14:40 |
beuno | vila, lifeless, reboot made pack work | 14:41 |
beuno | so thank you :) | 14:42 |
vila | beuno: retry commit now | 14:42 |
lifeless | beuno: replace your memory. | 14:42 |
beuno | vila, commit worked | 14:42 |
vila | beuno: I won't feel secure *at all* if I were you :-/ | 14:42 |
beuno | lifeless, remote hardware diagnosing, this is a new one for me! | 14:43 |
beuno | vila, I should be able to replace the ram fairly quickly | 14:43 |
beuno | 99% of what I care about is on the interwebs | 14:43 |
beuno | so i'll backup the remaining 1% and turn on paranoid mode | 14:43 |
vila | ha, I feel better then :) | 14:43 |
beuno | thank you much! | 14:43 |
jam1 | morning all | 14:49 |
=== jam1 is now known as jam | ||
GaryvdM | Hi jam! | 14:49 |
jam | hi GaryvdM | 14:49 |
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha | ||
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk | ||
txdv | is there to way to merge 2 commits seperated by other commits? | 15:43 |
txdv | i got c1,c2,c3,c4/head, where cX stands for commit with number X and head for the tip or whatever you bzr guys calls | 15:43 |
txdv | call* | 15:43 |
txdv | i want to somehow put the changes from c4 into c1 | 15:43 |
Odd_Bloke | txdv: It doesn't make sense to talk about putting changes from one commit "into" another commit. What would you expect it to look like? | 15:45 |
txdv | well i got a fucking commit nazi in my work force | 15:46 |
txdv | and whenever there is an additional empty line added by accident | 15:46 |
txdv | he forces me to rewrite the complete history | 15:46 |
txdv | So let's just pick a scenario like, i need to remove a simple line in a past commit | 15:47 |
txdv | adding just another commit fixing exactly that issue won't help | 15:47 |
Odd_Bloke | txdv: Sounds like you want rebase... | 15:51 |
dash | or a tire iron | 15:52 |
txdv | Odd_Bloke: this scenario doesn't include diverged trees at all | 15:52 |
txdv | Or can you explain how to incorporate the changes from c4 into c1 with rebase? | 15:53 |
vila | txdv: wow, I feel your pain (I do a a lot of typos and my histories are nothing close to linear) | 15:54 |
vila | txdv: so roughly you wan to cherry-pick and may be with luck use a bit of rebase | 15:54 |
vila | txdv: so you start with a "clean" branch | 15:54 |
vila | txdv: then you cherry-pick 'bzr merge ../dirty -c<1>' 'bzr merge -c<4>' | 15:55 |
vila | txdv: -c<4> is a shortcut for -r3..4 | 15:56 |
vila | txdv: and rebase should do for 2 and 3 | 15:56 |
vila | txdv: 'bzr revert --forget-merges' if for whatever reason you need to commit changes without tracking where they come from | 15:57 |
txdv | awesome | 15:58 |
vila | txdv: ... or may be you just do a single big commit with the --forget-merges trick above, after all if "he" doesn't care about history "he" may even prefer that :-/ | 16:00 |
txdv | that motherfucker is uncommiting shit from trunk all the time because of the history | 16:01 |
txdv | even his own commits | 16:01 |
vila | right, but let's just try to watch our language here :-D You're welcome to express your pain otherwise ;) | 16:01 |
vila | txdv: may be 'bzr merge --interactive' can help you too ? | 16:02 |
txdv | ill look into it | 16:04 |
txdv | the checkout the cherry picking first | 16:04 |
txdv | thanks again | 16:07 |
vila | anytime ;) | 16:11 |
txdv | this dude is ridicolous | 16:12 |
txdv | he forces me to rewrite the history on my branch | 16:12 |
txdv | yet he puses right away to the trunk and uncommits it after a while | 16:12 |
vila | the uncommit is very damaging if the branch is shared :-/ | 16:16 |
GaryvdM | txdv: You can turn on append-revisions-only so that he can't uncommit. | 16:17 |
txdv | O i already spent 2 hours of debugging stuff because i thought my merge messed up, while he uncomited his bad commit meanwhile | 16:18 |
vila | txdv: may be you should start using qlog and its ability to hide lower level commits (have a look at the bzr history) | 16:18 |
txdv | GaryvdM: on launchpad too? | 16:18 |
GaryvdM | txdv: Yes - easy with the new bzr config command, with out, you need to modify the branch config with sftp | 16:19 |
vila | GaryvdM: wow, I didn't thought about using 'bzr config' for that ! Did you try it ? (/me frantically notes to add tests for remote branches) | 16:20 |
GaryvdM | vila: no - I just assumed. Will test now. | 16:21 |
vila | GaryvdM: I'm just silly, I made sure you can *read* remote configs and then totally forget you can update them too :) | 16:21 |
txdv | where can i get this qlog? | 16:21 |
vila | txdv: it's part of the qbzr plugin | 16:21 |
GaryvdM | txdv: it's part of the qbzr plugin. What os are you using? | 16:21 |
vila | txdv: what OS/distro version are you... | 16:21 |
vila | damn GaryvdM | 16:21 |
vila | :) | 16:22 |
txdv | y i already got it installed | 16:22 |
txdv | debian i am using: apt-get install qbzr | 16:22 |
=== You're now known as ubuntulog | ||
vila | txdv: less than one minute between 'where can i get' and 'got it installed'... | 16:28 |
txdv | i did a 'aptitude search qlog' after you mentioned qlog | 16:31 |
txdv | couldn't find it, therefore i thought it was not in the deb repos | 16:31 |
vila | still, I'm always amazed by how easy it can be to get the right tools... | 16:32 |
txdv | not with windows | 16:32 |
txdv | windows is a timewaste | 16:32 |
txdv | 2hours in order to install visual studio on a brand new machine | 16:33 |
vila | right, you need a good packaging community, that was my point ;) | 16:33 |
txdv | actually im not too happy with the unix way of directory structure | 16:33 |
txdv | the only thing that you should do in order to install a programm is to unzip it in a directory | 16:33 |
txdv | or untar | 16:33 |
vila | but they tried that with SunOS and you end up with nightmearish PATH MANPATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH and so on | 16:34 |
vila | and that doesn't even start addressing compatibility and dependencies... | 16:34 |
dash | OSX did it | 16:35 |
dash | sort of kind of. | 16:35 |
vila | right, but user-facing apps only | 16:35 |
txdv | the problem with linux is the compatibility | 16:35 |
vila | yeah, agree, sort of kind of, the .app is very nice, don't get me wrong though | 16:35 |
txdv | everything changesi n the system | 16:35 |
dash | vila: can't say i'm a fan, really | 16:35 |
GaryvdM | Yhea - That's one of the things that bugs me with windows, is adding to PATH, and adding to PATH, and adding to PATH.... | 16:36 |
txdv | they should automatically check programm\*\bin | 16:36 |
txdv | why path? | 16:36 |
vila | dash: it's pretty cool to be able to test an app and throw it away without worrying about hidden dependencies though (I know, I know there are exceptions) | 16:36 |
txdv | vila: CDE enables one to build and run standalone apps with all dependencies | 16:37 |
vila | CDE, you mean the CDE in Solaris or something else ? | 16:37 |
vila | but anyway, the problem starts when you want to share libraries | 16:38 |
vila | or any other kind of resources | 16:38 |
txdv | http://goo.gl/h6IP3 | 16:38 |
Odd_Bloke | Sounds like a guaranteed way to mean you don't have to write portable code, and a huge resource waste. | 16:40 |
Odd_Bloke | N.B. Not portable code is probably bad code. | 16:40 |
txdv | if you just want to get shit running on an old machine it is good enough | 16:41 |
vila | hehe, right, but I like my machines to be lean and clean ;) | 16:41 |
Odd_Bloke | So's Debian. :p | 16:41 |
=== You're now known as ubuntulog_ | ||
vila | note the 'S' here, I think I'm currently maintaining ~5 physical and ~15 virtual machines and I don't want to *debug* them :) | 16:44 |
=== You're now known as ubuntulog | ||
fullermd | Of course not. When you need to, you just bug me :p | 16:50 |
vila | hehe, I wish I can do that for all of them ;) | 16:50 |
fullermd | Oh, you totally can. "I found the problem with this one, it's running a weird OS..." | 16:51 |
vila | lol, yeah *that* will apply to *all* of them :) | 16:51 |
* fullermd wonders if you have the test suite running on Plan 9... | 16:52 | |
* vila searches for a Plan9.iso | 16:52 | |
vila | there is one ! :D | 16:53 |
fullermd | I wonder if anybody's ever tried using bzr on it. | 16:53 |
vila | is there a python there to start with ? | 16:53 |
fullermd | No idea. | 16:54 |
fullermd | I'd assume it's popular enough (and near enough to POSIX in various ways) that perl and python both exist on it. | 16:54 |
fullermd | But I've been wrong before. Occasionally. And after I killed all the witnesses, it never REALLY happened... | 16:55 |
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga | ||
SimonK | ? | 18:13 |
jelmer | hi SimonK | 18:16 |
GaryvdM | Hi SimonK | 18:17 |
jelmer | hey Gary | 18:18 |
GaryvdM | Hi jelmer | 18:21 |
GaryvdM | ubot: tell me about bug #647204 | 18:21 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 647204 in QBzr "qbrowse show log crashes: AttributeError: 'BzrBranch7' object has no attribute 'startswith' (affected: 3, heat: 26)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/647204 | 18:21 |
GaryvdM | SimonK: Ok - I don' | 18:23 |
LeoNerd | bzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "git://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git <== Did I do something wrong, or is it not supported? | 18:23 |
GaryvdM | SimonK: Ok - I don't like it when the bug just goes away, so I'll try reproduce it in older revisions. | 18:24 |
GaryvdM | SimonK: Thanks for testing. | 18:24 |
maxb | LeoNerd: no, that works | 18:25 |
maxb | LeoNerd: oh, and we're thinking thursday in the office here | 18:26 |
LeoNerd | Righty.. I'm busy this end Thursday I think.. :/ but never mind... | 18:26 |
LeoNerd | maxb: Well, it doesn't work for me.. ;) | 18:26 |
maxb | I assume you just don't have bzr-git and/or dulwich installed | 18:26 |
LeoNerd | Oh. Duh! I was sure I had installed it :p | 18:26 |
LeoNerd | EWRONGMACHINE | 18:26 |
maxb | Hmm, what's Wednesday like for you, we are vacillating as usual | 18:27 |
* LeoNerd admits user error, returns to lurking in the shadows | 18:27 | |
LeoNerd | Oh... OK... now dulwich won't install... massive "SyntaxError" complaints | 18:27 |
maxb | ! | 18:27 |
maxb | pastebin? | 18:27 |
LeoNerd | http://paste.leonerd.org.uk/?show=1135 | 18:27 |
maxb | erm, eek | 18:28 |
* maxb reads in detail | 18:28 | |
jelmer | we don't support python 2.3 | 18:28 |
LeoNerd | OK... So... Why's it trying to run it? | 18:28 |
jelmer | I guess we don't have that declared in debian/control | 18:28 |
LeoNerd | Anything I can do to fix it? | 18:28 |
maxb | Why on earth do you even have python 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 installed on a squeeze machine? :-) | 18:28 |
LeoNerd | No idea | 18:28 |
LeoNerd | Probably never removed them | 18:29 |
jelmer | uninstall python2.3 ? | 18:29 |
LeoNerd | OK.. | 18:29 |
jelmer | I'll fix the package to add >= 2.4 | 18:29 |
LeoNerd | Riiiighty... Having done that, it's now running nicely smooth.. thanks. | 18:30 |
maxb | LeoNerd: :-) ... and Wednesday? | 18:31 |
LeoNerd | Probably busy then also... | 18:31 |
maxb | k | 18:31 |
LeoNerd | Don't worry this week | 18:31 |
LeoNerd | Hah... ENOSPC | 18:32 |
LeoNerd | guess I'd better grow my home then.. :/ | 18:32 |
SimonK | GaryvdM: I've got a pending update for BzrExplorer that populates %%selected in tool definitions with what is selected in the working tree browser. How do you completely cancel a selection in the qbzr working tree browser? | 18:35 |
GaryvdM | Um.. | 18:36 |
GaryvdM | I'm sure it's fine to just do treewidget.selectionModel().clear() -http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/static/Docs/PyQt4/html/qitemselectionmodel.html#clear | 18:41 |
SimonK | GaryvdM: Ah but how does the user do it? | 18:41 |
GaryvdM | Oh | 18:42 |
* GaryvdM goes to look at the mp | 18:42 | |
GaryvdM | SimonK: If you have 1 item selected, and you ctrl+click on it, then you have no selection. | 18:45 |
GaryvdM | SimonK: then you need to use the context menu key on your keyboard, cause when you right click, you get a selected item. | 18:47 |
SimonK | GaryvdM: Thanks | 18:50 |
SimonK | GaryvdM: While on the subject, should I update it to support %selected in 'shell' tools? | 18:52 |
GaryvdM | SimonK: I'm not sure what that is. I've never used the tools utility in bzr-exporer. If it would be usefull to you, then yes I guess. | 18:54 |
SimonK | GaryvdM: It's not particularly useful - I just thought it would be more consistent | 18:55 |
mtaylor | you know what would be great? if there were a url shortcut which expanded to my username... | 20:22 |
mtaylor | so that instead of doing bzr push lp:~my-long-ass-username/drizzle/branchname, I could do: bzr push lp:~/drizzle/branchname or something | 20:22 |
GaryvdM | mtaylor: I think jam recently fixed that for lp. | 20:27 |
GaryvdM | mtaylor: It previously work for other urls, e.g. sftp://server/~/mybranch | 20:27 |
mtaylor | GaryvdM: wow. I llove it when I request something and it just happens :) | 20:32 |
poolie | hello | 20:34 |
GaryvdM | Hi poolie | 20:39 |
GaryvdM | mtaylor: I just checked, it was added in 2.3b1 | 20:40 |
mtaylor | GaryvdM: excellent. I'm excited to use that when 2.3 lands! | 20:40 |
poolie | hi monty | 20:43 |
poolie | jam, hi? | 20:48 |
poolie | mtaylor: i think you only need 2.3b1 (or now b2?) on the client to use it | 20:49 |
poolie | so you're waiting for that in... maverick-updates? | 20:49 |
maxb | No, maverick is in 2.2.x | 20:50 |
maxb | s/in/on/ | 20:51 |
poolie | oh of course | 20:54 |
poolie | so you'd need to use the ppa, or wait for natty | 20:54 |
poolie | it's early :) | 20:54 |
poolie | GaryvdM: i think it's quite likely that fixing 483388 would fix 588698 | 20:59 |
poolie | which i guess is the real test for whether they are a dupe | 20:59 |
poolie | and of course it has a good simple reproduction case | 21:04 |
poolie | hullo? | 21:07 |
fullermd | Shhh. I'm hunting wabbits. | 21:08 |
SimonK | exit | 21:08 |
GaryvdM | poolie: I agree (sorry - did not think it was a question.) | 21:09 |
txdv | i am the ruler of the worlds | 21:09 |
poolie | anyhow, if you want to talk about it more, i'll be around, otherwise just go for it | 21:09 |
GaryvdM | Ok | 21:09 |
jam | hi poolie | 21:13 |
poolie | hi there, shall we have a talk? | 21:16 |
jam | poolie: sure | 21:16 |
poolie | skype or pots? | 21:17 |
jam | poolie: skype is easy | 21:18 |
homeasvs | Hi. I have a local branch that I want to now merge onto an lp branch. BOth are the same up to revision 23 | 21:44 |
homeasvs | however, the public branch has a revision 24, while the local branch has 24-30 | 21:44 |
homeasvs | I am trying to merge all of 24-30 onto 23, but keep the separate commits | 21:45 |
homeasvs | I started by doing merge -r 24 my/local/branch | 21:45 |
homeasvs | that applies revision 24 of the local branch | 21:45 |
homeasvs | when I do commit, it says that I have a pending merge, the same as the one I just tried to merge | 21:45 |
dash | homeasvs: you shouldn't have to specify the revision at all | 21:46 |
homeasvs | is that normal? How can I commit exactly revision 24 of the local branch onto my public checkout, keeping the commit message? | 21:46 |
homeasvs | dash, if I don't specify anything, it just merges all changes at once it seems | 21:46 |
homeasvs | dash, 'squashing' the 6 commits into one as it were | 21:46 |
homeasvs | unless I'm missing something? | 21:46 |
dash | homeasvs: it doesn't squash them, it nests them. :) | 21:46 |
homeasvs | how can I convince myself it nests them ? | 21:46 |
homeasvs | and how can I mark the one commit that had a conflict as 'this one goes separate, but let all others pass through as separate commits' ? | 21:47 |
dash | homeasvs: so 'bzr log' shows the merge commit as a single commit - but 'bzr log -n0' shows the nested subcommits | 21:47 |
homeasvs | dash, my local branch is a mistake and I don't want a record of it later | 21:47 |
homeasvs | ie i'd prefer to cherrypick all but one revision and commit them as unnested. is that possible? | 21:47 |
dash | anything's possible, i'm sure | 21:48 |
homeasvs | heh | 21:48 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-dinner | ||
maxb | homeasvs: OK, so it sounds like bzr merge -c is what you want | 22:01 |
maxb | So, you'd freshly branch the public branch to a new local work area, then you would 'bzr merge -c 24 ../mistake-branch', 'bzr commit' | 22:02 |
maxb | and then you would repeat for each revision of mistake you actually wanted to keep | 22:02 |
homeasvs | maxb, yeah, tried that, but it still records the fact that it's a merge from some other branch | 22:07 |
homeasvs | I bruteforced it by creating 6 diffs, one for each rev, and applying them manually | 22:07 |
maxb | oh, I see | 22:07 |
maxb | bzr merge -c will only record the merge if you are actually merging the 'next' revision, without skipping any | 22:08 |
dash | homeasvs: i believe the 'rewrite' plugin is for these situations | 22:08 |
maxb | if you really really do want to throw away that info, 'bzr revert --forget-merges' before committing | 22:08 |
maxb | rewrite could have partially applied here, but I don't believe it allows you to drop a revision | 22:09 |
mgz | that's not the right answer to the question posed by homeasvs | 22:16 |
seiflotfy | is poolie around | 22:17 |
poolie | seiflotfy: hi, i am, but i'm on the phone right now | 22:17 |
mgz | the right answer is "it's okay branches have different revision 24s, and it's okay that when you merge your revisions 24-30 become part of a new revision 25" | 22:17 |
mgz | the log doesn't need to be a line with dvcs, it can have branchy bits. | 22:18 |
mgz | going straight to bzr-rewrite with that kind on query is leading people down the wrong path. | 22:18 |
homeasvs | mgz, in this particular case I specifically do not want this to show up as a merge from a branch | 22:18 |
maxb | That's true, but homeasvs also mentioned omitting one of the revisions from the existing branch | 22:18 |
homeasvs | mgz, so I do think that a rewrite would have been the right case here | 22:18 |
maxb | homeasvs: Of course, another very relevant question is: Why do you care about it not showing as a merge? | 22:19 |
mgz | you need to justify why you need that to be the case | 22:19 |
homeasvs | because the branch was wrong ? it was a cleanup of some work I did a long time ago and part of that work I already did publically apparently | 22:19 |
homeasvs | not sure why I need to 'justify' though :) | 22:20 |
mgz | if you want to revert a wrong revision that's publicly available, you merge -rN..N-1 | 22:20 |
mgz | s/justify/explain/ if you like. | 22:20 |
mgz | if it's a revision you've not shared yet, uncommit. | 22:21 |
homeasvs | uncommit seems to completely lose the work that was in the commit though | 22:22 |
GaryvdM | homeasvs: uncommit dose not revert. It goes back to were you were before the commit. | 22:24 |
mgz | generally just reverting bad revisons in a seperate commit with a "I screwed up" commit message is what you want when there's enough history to be worth preserving | 22:26 |
mgz | either you care about the history, of which your screwup was a possibly-significant-later part, or you don't and may as well just commit the diff as one revision | 22:26 |
mgz | am interested what you actually ended up doing homeasvs | 22:42 |
homeasvs | mgz, like I said above, just generate a patch for each revision, then apply the ones I wanted by hand | 22:43 |
GaryvdM | poolie: ah - ok - after further investigating I see that 588698 and the initial example given in 483388 are in fact different. | 22:44 |
poolie | k | 22:47 |
mgz | homeasvs: can use uncommit and shelve to do similar thing with marginally less labour for future note. | 22:49 |
homeasvs | mgz, will keep that in mind, thanks for the tip | 22:49 |
poolie | mgz, hello | 23:33 |
poolie | spiv, good morning? | 23:33 |
StuartPB | How do I make a new version of a branch where one file doesn't exist in the history? | 23:34 |
poolie | StuartPB: you want to pretend it never happened? | 23:34 |
poolie | i think bzr-rewrite can do that | 23:35 |
StuartPB | how do I use it | 23:39 |
StuartPB | is it in the default bzr windows install | 23:39 |
spiv | poolie: good morning | 23:40 |
mgz | 33 failures... 5 failures... | 23:51 |
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