
sagaciyay, natty is finally booting for me02:17
sagaciat what point do the names change over, it still thinks it's maverick on the interface02:18
=== napster_ is now known as napster
napsterThe calender and the panel applet has a huge gap in between them. How to fix this problem apart from moving the applet to the top panel?02:29
Tweakyanyone know the argument for dir or ls to list all files in subdirectories too02:33
IdleOneTweaky: ls -R02:36
TweakyIdleOne: thanks02:37
sagacihas anyone thought of making ~/Templates ~/.templates03:03
=== dsxack_ is now known as dsxack
slixztrying to install ubuntu netbook 1010 from 10.04 so cant use gui to get it. neone know a command i could use in term10:34
slixzno cd drive10:34
bazhangslixz, this is for 11.0410:34
bazhangtry #ubuntu10:34
slixzu know a command10:35
slixzjust wanting to make sure i get the netbook iso and not the regular 101010:35
gnomefreakubuntu.com will have it. please use #ubuntu for further help10:36
slixzthey suck i was just there10:36
gnomefreakuse the forums. this channel is not for help with 10.1010:37
_Groo_hi/2 all13:45
_Groo_are you guys thinking in porting this to maverick? http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux_2637_video&num=113:46
wzssyqa_Groo_: for maverick , #ubuntu13:47
_Groo_wzssyqa: k tks13:48
ikoniaIan_Corne: please don't random stuf like that14:39
Ian_Cornebut it's a bug?14:39
Ian_CorneI won't sorry :)14:39
ikonia(and nice gag)14:39
virtualdian_corne: haha you got me :>14:48
virtuald"is it inside the screen?"14:49
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
sinurgedoes anyone have a link to get the alpha release of natty16:38
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=== You're now known as ubuntulog
mhall119has the alpha been released?16:59
yofel_mhall119: no, se !schedule in /topic17:05
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelsinurge: alpha isn't released yet, there are daily builds though already17:06
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/17:06
sinurgewasnt there something to be released for 4th november17:08
yofelnot from the schdule, alpha1 is due dec 2nd17:12
BajK_I edited the kubuntu default plymouth theme to support the ask-question routine as well (it has been "forgotten" (Marked as TODO) and I someway cloned the ask-for-password routine) because I need them both20:27
BajK_where can I submit that patch or so. Or should I file a bug report?20:28
BajK_It works fine except there is no text scrolling on overflow but well I look into this20:28
Ian_CorneThe following packages are RECOMMENDED but will NOT be installed: compiz21:16
Ian_Corneand that's how it will stay!21:16
Ian_Cornedoes the xorg-edge ppa contain the latest nvidia blob?21:20
bjsnidernot for natty21:23
AmaranthIan_Corne: Without compiz you can't get unity :)21:59
BUGabundobjsnider: any tips on how to get nouveau 3D working again?22:08
robs2hello everyone22:22
robs2I have a question I'm hoping someone might be willint to comment on22:22
robs2Recently, I converted,  or attempted to conver an rpm package to debian by using alien.  However,  the resulting debian files did not contain a  .deb  extension.  And I cannot get the newly converted package to install.  Any ideas from anyone would be helpful.  thanks22:22
bjsniderBUGabundo, have you arsked in the other channel?22:25
BUGabundoI have22:26
robs1Anyone in here really familar with the "alien" package converter command and its usage?22:54

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