
=== JaMa|Zzz is now known as JaMa|Wrk
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loologra_ac: poke11:23
* ogra_ac falls over11:25
ogra_achey lool11:25
loologra_ac: You wanted to merge back my x-loader changes which got dropped last cycle?11:26
ogra_acstill busy with WI tracker stuff11:26
ogra_acits next on my list together with some leftover merges11:27
loolwill you upload a fix for the FTBFS?11:27
ogra_acis it urgent ?11:27
ogra_acyes, that too11:27
loolI'd like to stop thinking about it, there were some build fixes in there11:27
ogra_acright, stop thinking about it and move it to my brain ;)11:28
ogra_aci havent forgotten it11:28
=== amitk is now known as amitk-afk
ogra_aclool, rsalveti takes over x-loader (FYI)13:55
=== xfaf is now known as zul
Sp0tterI've been told that the pandaboard supports 1080p playback,  but that xbmc and mythtv do not work with that yet, but  "ubuntu does"..  could anyone clarify the usefulness of a  pandaboard with ubuntu as a media front end?14:11
* ogra_ac hasnt tried mythbuntu yet14:11
loologra_ac: What does that mean?14:11
loologra_ac: Will he do the fishing?14:12
ogra_acit plays full HD videos with totem for me14:12
rsalvetieverything that uses gst will be able to do hd videos14:12
ogra_aclool, he takes over bugfixing and re-merging of your packaging changes14:12
Sp0tterinteresting, i'm thinkinga bout replacing my atom media computers with these14:12
rsalvetiSp0tter: for natty we have a spec to propose a supported media center application to be used at arm14:13
rsalvetibut anything that uses gst should work fine14:13
ogra_acas long as you have all the TI addon packages ;)14:15
ogra_acwhich you get by clicking the TI icon on the desktop after install14:15
Sp0tterok so you would both recommend unbutu+pandaboard as a low power media frontend?14:15
ogra_acwell, what would you expect us to answer in the #ubuntu-arm channel :D14:16
Sp0tteri would expect knowledge and turth14:16
Sp0ttertruth :)14:16
ogra_actruth is that totem works fine and every other gst based frontend should too14:17
rsalvetiSp0tter: I'm planning to use it as my main media center14:17
Sp0tterthe wiki says its a known bug that things don't work well if you are playing 1080p on a 1024 monitor, is this still an issue?14:17
Sp0tterrsalveti: do you know offhand how many watts it uses idle/load ?14:17
rsalvetieasy to work with, small, doesn't consume much power and can decode in full hd without just fine14:17
ogra_acand right, given that we plan to implement a spec for media center on panda in 11.04 plenty of us will use it that way14:17
Sp0ttermy atom is eating up 32 idle / 39 load14:18
ogra_acoh, panda surely takes less14:18
rsalvetiSp0tter: don't know offhand, but there was a discussion at the pandaboard m-l about how much power it consumes14:18
Sp0tterare there any guides for good homemade cases that you know of?14:19
rsalvetiSp0tter: there will be one, called bamboo14:19
rsalvetilet me find the link14:19
Sp0tteri've seen the wiki for that, looks liek an expansion setup14:19
hrwSp0tter: count 10W for pandaboard14:19
ogra_acit has about the size of a CD cover you should be able to use something that size if you prefer custom made14:19
Sp0tterthanks hrw14:19
* hrw wants Dave to release bamboo...14:20
ogra_acnote that TI hasnt added any power management to the kernel yet14:20
ogra_acthe power consumption will drop drastically in 11.0414:20
Sp0tterwhats the eta on 11.0414:20
hrwsure, but you can use board with 750mA so with 2A it should fly14:20
ogra_acapril that means ;)14:21
hrwI use 5V 3.5A psu with panda14:21
Sp0tteri wish there were not a  1 month wait right now heh14:21
hrwas smaller ones were 1A only14:21
Sp0ttera lot can change in 1 month14:21
Sp0tterto order a pandaboard i mean14:21
hrwSp0tter: sure, atom N550 will arrive in cheap miniitx boards14:21
hrwand will replace d525 maybe14:22
Sp0ttermy two media computer have Atom 330's in them, they don't support speed stepping14:23
Sp0tteryea they were about $230 each total too, i really wish i had held out for a pandaboard for at least one of them14:24
ogra_acthey have a fan i bet14:25
Sp0tterthey dont have to, but i added one14:26
Sp0tterthey come passive cooled14:26
Sp0tterbut it makes me nervous14:26
ogra_acpanda wont need any cooling14:26
Sp0tteryea lack of noise in the bedroom is a nice feature14:26
ogra_acit doesnt go over 70°C14:26
Sp0tteri think the atom was at 70c14:26
ogra_aceven under the heaviest laod and without any PM14:26
Sp0tterand the fan puts it clsoer to 40c14:27
ogra_acwith PM i would expect it to stay aroud 5014:27
ogra_acor less14:27
Sp0tteris what i'm at right now14:27
* rsalveti lunch14:28
Sp0tterwith 1 80mm case fan14:28
hrwfans... radiators...14:32
hrwI have 3x140mm fans in desktop case (one in psu) and nearly 1kg of al/cu on cpu14:33
* ogra_ac doesnt have any fans around him anymore14:33
ogra_acthats something i really love about the ac10014:33
hrwI cant work with 10" screen and crappy keyboard14:34
hrwI cant work with non-ergonomical keyboard basically14:35
ogra_aci really have a prob to adapt to my normal lappie since i use the ac100 constantly14:38
Sp0tterno fans? that is nice14:38
Sp0ttermy desktop has 6 full size fans14:38
Sp0tter120 to 160mm14:38
Sp0tterquite loud14:38
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=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
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=== You're now known as ubuntulog
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=== You're now known as ubuntulog
=== sbambrough is now known as scottb-lunch
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
=== JaMa|Wrk is now known as JaMa|Off
GrueMasterLooks like the Beagle XM DVI fix was reverted instead of being released.18:53
ogra_acask the kernel team18:54
ogra_aci think they changed their bug policies18:54
GrueMasterLooking at bjf's email.18:54
GrueMasterIt was reverted for "lack of verification".18:54
ogra_acyes, i get the bugmail too18:55
GrueMasterEven though it was tested and verified.18:55
ogra_acthe tag wasnt changed though18:56
rsalvetiit was18:56
rsalvetiI turned it back because I thought it was tested with linaro's kernel18:56
ogra_acyou added verification-needed two days ago18:56
rsalvetidon't know if it really got reverted, but we need to ping the kernel team about it18:56
Nekowhats the beagle xm dvi bug?18:56
GrueMastersigh.  Now we get to go through the whole verification process again.18:57
akshhi all i have .c prgram which i compiled using arm tool chain now i like to emulate it on x86 system ,, can anyone tell how to emulate arm executable on x8618:57
rsalvetiogra_ac: but before that it was already as verification-done18:57
GrueMasterNeko: It fixes the A3 change that requires a gpio for dvi to work.18:57
rsalvetiand 2 days ago it was already in the limit, that was nov 1118:57
Nekooh so just a change here.. ok18:57
GrueMasteraksh: qemu18:57
GrueMasterrsalveti: It was tested on Nov 8.18:58
akshGrueMaster, i have installed qemu but dont know exactly how to18:58
rsalvetiGrueMaster: on time18:58
akshi am newto arm18:58
rsalvetiso I don't know why it was automatically reverted18:58
ogra_achow about we go over to #ubuntu-kernel and talk to brad instead ?18:59
Nekois it so hard for the damn beagleboard guys to ship a PDF with an index18:59
Nekoanyone know what dvi transmitter they use on XM?19:00
=== scottb-lunch is now known as sbambrough
ogra_aclook into the TRM (and ask on #beagle for the url, i dont have it)19:01
NekoI have the TRM19:03
Nekobut searching through the damn thing for real page numbers .. bah19:03
Nekookay I got it, TFP41019:03
=== robclark_ is now known as robclark
NekoI'm wondering if there is a decent LVDS to HDMI bridge around somewhere19:05
NekoI'm guessing that's kinda painful as most LVDS display buses only go up to 112MHz :(19:10
Nekosigh sigh19:10
=== hrw|gone is now known as hrw
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
=== robclark_ is now known as robclark

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