jcastro | yo nigel | 00:06 |
jcastro | I mean nisshh | 00:06 |
jcastro | I mean nigelb | 00:06 |
jcastro | sigh, keyboard fail | 00:06 |
nigelb | hola jcastro | 00:07 |
jcastro | http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/1582239180/make-it-really-easy-to-fix-bugs-on-ubuntu | 00:08 |
jcastro | so what failed with this person here | 00:08 |
jcastro | wrong groups subscribed or ... ? | 00:08 |
* nigelb looks | 00:08 | |
nigelb | jcastro: all the big guys /are/ subscribed | 00:09 |
nigelb | I mean, one of the bugs has zul | 00:09 |
jcastro | yeah | 00:09 |
jcastro | sigh | 00:09 |
nigelb | and the other one has mattias | 00:09 |
jcastro | I hate that we never have enough people | 00:09 |
jcastro | I will resort to mail | 00:09 |
nigelb | I know | 00:09 |
nigelb | I just got my laptop back last weekend | 00:09 |
nigelb | so trying to get cleansweep back and running | 00:10 |
nigelb | so much to do :) | 00:10 |
nigelb | jcastro: did you catch the thing in #debian-ubuntu? | 00:11 |
jcastro | I did | 00:11 |
nigelb | Great \o/ | 00:11 |
nigelb | are we going to have a front desk for debian? | 00:11 |
* popey tickles jcastro | 00:13 | |
jcastro | nigelb: we have that, we just don't really call it that | 00:13 |
nigelb | jcastro: Ah. | 00:13 |
jcastro | nigelb: to be honest, hanging out at the debian front desk kind of handles the other direction | 00:13 |
nigelb | good point | 00:13 |
nigelb | I didn't know how to deal with the problem earlier, hence refered it to you, it was 'tricky' | 00:14 |
jcastro | I mailed mathias and chuck | 00:18 |
nigelb | jcastro: Hey, if you need help for UOW/UDW, or other weeks, just give a shout, be glad to give you a hand | 00:18 |
jcastro | k | 00:22 |
jcastro | doctormo: nice answers today! | 00:22 |
* jcastro sends some upvotes that way | 00:22 | |
nigelb | aaah, spreadsheets, I hate you | 00:22 |
doctormo | thanks man | 00:23 |
nigelb | I wish there was a program to track who has already been interviewed and who hasn't | 00:23 |
doctormo | nigelb: You need a whole program for that? | 00:23 |
nigelb | doctormo: I have a spreadsheet | 00:24 |
nigelb | Now I have a spread and wiki open side by side marking who has and who hasn't been interviewed :/ | 00:24 |
doctormo | nigelb: Script? how many people? | 00:25 |
nigelb | 167 ;) | 00:25 |
nhandler | nigelb: Try and get the wiki up-to-date. Lots of people/things pull from that | 00:25 |
nigelb | nhandler: no no, I wiki has alist of people already interviewed | 00:26 |
nigelb | I'm trying to get a list of people /not/ interviewed so I can shortlist them :) | 00:26 |
nhandler | nigelb: Bleh, that is easy. What type of interviews are you trying to do? | 00:27 |
nigelb | nhandler: Behind the Circle :) | 00:27 |
nigelb | Been slacking lately | 00:27 |
nigelb | aaah, the sheer number of loco teams scare me! | 00:29 |
nigelb | is launchpad.net/~aelmahmoudy kim0? | 00:30 |
nigelb | ah, no | 00:30 |
duanedesign | hello nigelb | 00:52 |
nigelb | oh hey there duanedesign | 00:52 |
nigelb | ok, laters all! | 00:59 |
nigelb | Off to work :) | 00:59 |
nigelb | Nothing like good breakfast and a strong cup of tea :) | 02:31 |
doctormo | nigelb: What kind of tea? | 02:36 |
nigelb | doctormo: Wait, my bad. Coffee! | 02:40 |
doctormo | nigelb: boo! You had coffee shipped all the way from Brazil instead of the tea from the tea plantation you surely live on? ;-) | 02:43 |
nigelb | India does have coffee too you know | 02:44 |
nigelb | I did live on a coffee plantation and never in a tea one :D | 02:44 |
nigelb | doctormo: Coffee is the more fun plant to be around | 02:47 |
nigelb | The last time I was around a tea plantation, the odour wasn't something I liked. Concentrated tea smell to the point I could taste it. | 02:47 |
doctormo | nigelb: Kindly explain how you can know that if you have never lived on a tea plantation? | 02:48 |
doctormo | ah ok | 02:48 |
nigelb | doctormo: Far too many tea plantations here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ootacamund | 02:49 |
nigelb | I've been there several times | 02:49 |
Windwalker52 | I'm trying to find the right channel to get help in organizing a community team | 07:08 |
nigelb | and he waited for 1 minute... | 07:12 |
duanedesign | nigelb: good to hear you got your laptop back | 07:50 |
nigelb | duanedesign: :) | 07:50 |
nigelb | duanedesign: when I made the list of things to do this cycle.... | 07:51 |
nigelb | it was HUGE! | 07:51 |
duanedesign | yeah. I have officially had to stop taking on anything new for awhile :P | 07:51 |
nigelb | I took only 1 item new | 07:52 |
nigelb | everything else is old items I need to finish | 07:52 |
duanedesign | nigelb: one change i am hoping to make this cycle is moving the screencast team upp on my priority list | 07:55 |
nigelb | duanedesign: \o/ | 07:57 |
nigelb | with the new site, etc, I think that's a good idea | 07:57 |
duanedesign | yes. I talked with the Nicaraguan Team. They have been doing short screencasts they call 'pills' | 07:58 |
nigelb | ooooh | 07:59 |
duanedesign | I am thinking how to incorporate multilingual screencasts into the new site | 07:59 |
dholbach | good morning! | 08:04 |
nigelb | Morning dholbach :) | 08:04 |
duanedesign | morning | 08:04 |
dholbach | hi nigelb | 08:04 |
dholbach | hey duanedesign | 08:04 |
dholbach | hey dpm | 08:13 |
dholbach | ¿qué tal? | 08:15 |
dpm | hola dholbach, bien, bien, ¿y tu? | 08:16 |
dpm | morning everyone | 08:17 |
duanedesign | hello dpm | 08:17 |
dholbach | dpm, bien también! :) | 08:18 |
dpm | hey duanedesign | 08:18 |
dpm | dholbach, genial :) | 08:18 |
nigelb | morning dpm, ara :) | 08:19 |
dpm | hey nigelb | 08:19 |
ara | morning nigelb | 08:20 |
nigelb | dholbach, ara: Did y'all rock Berlin yesterday? :) | 08:21 |
ara | nigelb, sure thing, it was a great idea to meet every one else :) | 08:26 |
nigelb | \o/ | 08:33 |
huats | morning | 08:52 |
* nigelb spys kim0 on twitter :p | 09:51 | |
dholbach | can you go and RT http://identi.ca/notice/58709448 and http://twitter.com/#!/dholbach/status/4467021882331136 please? 0:-) | 10:55 |
* nigelb RTs | 10:56 | |
popey | 10:58 | |
nigelb | ;) | 10:58 |
dholbach | thanks czajkowski | 11:09 |
dholbach | popey, it's an alternative, not a replacement for anything else | 11:10 |
czajkowski | dholbach: no bother | 11:11 |
popey | sure dholbach I just wondered why you linked to fb rather than your blog | 11:13 |
dholbach | popey, eh? | 11:14 |
czajkowski | dholbach: those links in twiitter link to fb | 11:15 |
czajkowski | and not everyone has a fb ac | 11:15 |
dholbach | oh, that was about a facebook page - maybe I should've made that clearer in the tweet | 11:15 |
popey | http://identi.ca/notice/58709448 -> http://is.gd/hcmKA -> http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ubuntu-Development/141173545934275 | 11:16 |
popey | if it went --> http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/?p=818 I'd certainly retweet it :D | 11:16 |
dholbach | I tweeted that separately :) | 11:16 |
popey | \o/ | 11:16 |
* popey hugs dholbach | 11:17 | |
dholbach | two different topics: 1) facebook page and 2) more dev training sessions | 11:17 |
popey | done | 11:17 |
dholbach | I just hope we can get a few people from the facebook train on the dev training train :) | 11:17 |
popey | make it so people can "like" bug reports, and you're set :) | 11:18 |
dholbach | haha | 11:19 |
jussi | has anyone got alison's email? if so, Id appreciate a PM with it :) | 11:34 |
popey | its her first name at canonical.com | 11:35 |
popey | two Ls | 11:35 |
jussi | popey: thanks! | 11:36 |
popey | np | 11:36 |
popey | I am of course assuming you mean Allison Randal :) | 11:37 |
nigelb | jussi: I got spam with your name in the subject. laughed hard :) | 11:44 |
nigelb | s/name/email | 11:45 |
jussi | nigelb: nasty | 11:45 |
jussi | popey: of course | 11:45 |
jussi | nigelb: so, was it "cheap software" ? or something more nasty... :P :P | 11:46 |
popey | KDE | 11:47 |
popey | :) | 11:47 |
jussi | LOL | 11:47 |
popey | you decide which category that falls into ;) | 11:47 |
nigelb | haha | 11:50 |
nigelb | jussi: nasty one. | 11:50 |
jussi | hehe | 11:50 |
dholbach | salut huats | 11:55 |
jussi | dholbach: a friend of mine asked where some good tekno clubs are in berlin... suggestions? | 11:55 |
czajkowski | hmm first time I've organised an event and not been there. very odd feeling | 11:56 |
huats | hello dholbach | 11:56 |
dholbach | jussi, popular ones are certainly tresor, berghain, watergate, but there's hundreds of them in Berlin (note that it's not my first choice of music, so my immediate experience is somwhat limited and accidental only :-)) | 11:57 |
vish | hmm, i received the UDS survey twice, now i got a reminder that i did not fill the survey..[in the second one?] | 13:59 |
vish | are everyone getting two voices? or am i just special :D | 13:59 |
doctormo | vish: I got the second one too. | 14:28 |
Pici | I never got any of them. :/ | 14:30 |
jcastro | dholbach: hi2u | 14:33 |
scott-work | apparently this is a Microsoft Kinect running Ubuntu to look at photographs http://digitizor.com/2010/11/15/hacked-kinect-brings-futuristic-user-interface/ | 14:36 |
scott-work | doctormo: i am ready to help you, just let me know when you are ready | 14:36 |
doctormo | scott-work: Yes, sorry about the delay. Too much to do. :-) | 14:38 |
dholbach | hey jcastro | 14:38 |
jcastro | dholbach: you get my mail from yesterday about those patches? | 14:38 |
scott-work | doctormo: no problem, whenever you are ready i will make myself available :) | 14:38 |
dholbach | jcastro, yes | 14:38 |
doctormo | scott-work: So as distro guy, I'd like it if we could put together a plan for testing wacom support. We should be there 100% technically speaking on the core support and lacking in the tools to update the settings. | 14:39 |
dholbach | jcastro, want me to do something about it? | 14:39 |
jcastro | dholbach: no I was just wondering what you thought. | 14:39 |
jcastro | dholbach: for example ... | 14:39 |
jcastro | we talk about the sponsorship queue and maintaining how healthy it is, etc. | 14:39 |
jcastro | what about dudes like this guy who just have patches attached | 14:39 |
dholbach | that's what cleansweep was trying to solve | 14:40 |
dholbach | but there's still a lot to do | 14:41 |
dholbach | but harvest now shows patches and branches too | 14:41 |
dholbach | jcastro, http://harvest.ubuntu.com/opportunities/?pkg.set=ubuntu-server&opp= → libnss-ldap | 14:43 |
jcastro | dholbach: right but are people using that? | 14:45 |
dholbach | using Harvest? | 14:46 |
dholbach | it's just been up and running for a few weeks | 14:46 |
jcastro | well, overall I mean are people going "time to look at my bugs with patches for opportunities!" | 14:46 |
dholbach | in the future I hope folks are going to go "ok, I'll upload xyz now - I'll see which other bugs I can quickly get out of the way" | 14:47 |
dholbach | especially if there's like trivial patches and branches to be merged | 14:47 |
jcastro | https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+patches | 14:47 |
dholbach | yes, I know that page | 14:48 |
jcastro | vs say ... | 14:48 |
jcastro | https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+patches | 14:49 |
dholbach | where do I get a list of the packages that this team is bug contact for? | 14:50 |
jcastro | hmm, I am not sure, I only know how to get it per package | 14:50 |
dholbach | nevermind, foun dit | 14:50 |
dholbach | oh, weird - that's not how it works | 14:51 |
dholbach | https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+packagebugs | 14:51 |
dholbach | https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+packagebugs | 14:51 |
dholbach | but that's very revealing | 14:51 |
dholbach | the list for -server is 924769274967429674269 times longer | 14:51 |
dholbach | so that might be part of the reason why | 14:51 |
dholbach | let me pull it up in harvest | 14:51 |
scott-work | doctormo: forgive my ignorance, by "core support" do you mean a kernel module or a package? | 14:52 |
scott-work | doctormo: if you mean a package then we need to first make sure it gets into the seeds for ubuntu studio | 14:52 |
doctormo | scott-work: I mean, it works for most people as far as we can tell. | 14:53 |
jcastro | dholbach: ah, good pointing out | 14:53 |
jcastro | dholbach: I'm not trying to assign blame or anything | 14:53 |
jcastro | just trying to figure out how doomed we are | 14:53 |
dholbach | http://harvest.ubuntu.com/opportunities/?pkg.set=ubuntu-desktop&pkg.set=desktop-core&opp.list=branches&opp.list=patches | 14:53 |
dholbach | http://harvest.ubuntu.com/opportunities/?pkg.set=ubuntu-server&opp.list=branches&opp.list=patches | 14:53 |
dholbach | jcastro, I know | 14:54 |
* popey wonders what he has to do to get 642792 fixed in maverick | 14:56 | |
popey | bug 642792 even | 14:56 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 642792 in metacity (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 6 other projects) "ALT+PrtSc not recognised: breaks built-in screenshot function (affects: 85) (dups: 6) (heat: 478)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/642792 | 14:56 |
jcastro | that one drives me absolutely batty | 14:56 |
popey | suggestions welcome | 14:56 |
jcastro | O_O | 14:57 |
jcastro | kernel bug? | 14:57 |
popey | yup | 14:57 |
jcastro | popey: my recommendation is to just annoy JFo over and over | 14:57 |
popey | they changed the way SysRq is grabbed | 14:57 |
jcastro | though that won't scale | 14:57 |
JFo | heh | 14:57 |
popey | and there seems to be some push back to """"fix"""" it | 14:57 |
dholbach | mail http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-maverick.git;a=commitdiff;h=97f5f0cd8cd0a05449cbb77d1e6f02e026875802 to the kernel team mailing list :) | 14:58 |
popey | is that a serious suggestion? | 14:58 |
popey | despite the smiley | 14:58 |
JFo | jcastro, the problem, as popey and I discussed is that the kernel team indicates we are handling 'appropriately' what we are being sent | 14:58 |
JFo | hmmm, | 14:58 |
* JFo looks at dholbach's diff | 14:59 | |
dholbach | popey, they kernel team's review process is very much like the upstream review process, it's discussed on a mailing list | 14:59 |
jcastro | popey: maybe it's using a memcpy | 14:59 |
JFo | very interesting | 15:00 |
JFo | dholbach, is that the one that seems to have broken the SysRQ handling? | 15:00 |
JFo | or is that a fix? | 15:00 |
popey | that's allegedly what broke it | 15:00 |
popey | it's linked in the bug | 15:01 |
popey | AIUI | 15:01 |
popey | ENOTAPROGRAMMER | 15:01 |
dholbach | 642792 | 15:01 |
JFo | popey, I see | 15:01 |
JFo | popey, I'll mail the team list about it and copy you | 15:02 |
popey | ta | 15:02 |
JFo | popey, any particular address you'd like me to CC? | 15:02 |
popey | alan@popey.com is fine | 15:02 |
JFo | cool | 15:02 |
popey | thanks | 15:02 |
JFo | my pleasure :) | 15:02 |
jcastro | see, look at that | 15:04 |
jcastro | they DO care. | 15:04 |
jcastro | now if we only cared about regressions we wouldn't have this problem | 15:05 |
* jcastro drools on himself a little bit | 15:05 | |
* jcastro hugs JFo | 15:06 | |
jcastro | dholbach: ok should we reset the line now? | 15:07 |
dholbach | jcastro, best to ask jono if everything's on there | 15:07 |
jcastro | oh, right | 15:07 |
JFo | jcastro, I care about regressions... there are just so many :-( | 15:08 |
jcastro | http://www.thevarguy.com/2010/11/15/tensions-between-ubuntu-fedora-mount-over-new-website/ | 15:08 |
jcastro | hah awesome | 15:08 |
jcastro | "tensions" | 15:08 |
doctormo | lol | 15:09 |
jcastro | hey JFo | 15:10 |
jcastro | phoronix says a 200 line patch can fix my desktop performance, can I haz? | 15:10 |
popey | seen the video? | 15:10 |
* jcastro backs away slowly from his pc | 15:10 | |
JFo | jcastro, where is the patch? | 15:11 |
vish | dholbach: hey, is there a team which focuses only on *fixing* bugs? | 15:11 |
dholbach | fixing bugs is something that every team does | 15:11 |
dholbach | ... as part of their work | 15:11 |
popey | JFo: http://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=128978361700898&w=2 | 15:11 |
doctormo | jcastro: If phoronix said bridge jumping was an excellent way to increase velocity performance, would you do it? | 15:11 |
jcastro | wow, popey had that one in his buffer already | 15:11 |
jcastro | doctormo: I was making a joke | 15:12 |
popey | you so funny | 15:12 |
JFo | thx popey | 15:12 |
* JFo looks | 15:12 | |
JFo | doctormo, lol | 15:12 |
vish | dholbach: yea, each team looks into their bugs, but is there a generic team?, like the BugSquad for bug triage? | 15:12 |
popey | the videos are worth watching http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux_2637_video&num=1 --> page 2 | 15:12 |
dholbach | vish, MOTU does it partly | 15:12 |
dholbach | it's a bit like the Debian QA team, taking care of packages that are in the "periphery" :) | 15:13 |
vish | dholbach: oh! I though was MOTU mainly packaging but not so much code fixing? | 15:13 |
vish | thought* | 15:13 |
JFo | popey, sent | 15:13 |
jcastro | so I built nux/unity from trunk last night | 15:14 |
jcastro | the speed is like night and day | 15:14 |
dholbach | vish, well it's both part of it | 15:15 |
* doctormo can never get jokes right, goes back to huddled tea | 15:15 | |
JFo | jcastro, I am going to see if that can be pushed to stable | 15:16 |
jcastro | wooo | 15:16 |
jcastro | popey: 2 for 2! | 15:16 |
vish | dholbach: ok.. cool thx.. :) | 15:16 |
popey | jcastro: \o/ | 15:26 |
JFo | well, 2 for 2 inquiries :) | 15:33 |
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach | ||
scott-work | doctormo: tell you what, i'm going to buy a tablet now, i know we talked about the other kind of tablet but i'll probably get a wacom for the time being | 15:37 |
scott-work | doctormo: that way i can reasonable understand what is going on :) | 15:37 |
JFo | scott-work, got a quick second for a private chat? | 15:38 |
JFo | :-) | 15:38 |
doctormo | scott-work: Sure thing, let me know. | 15:39 |
scott-work | doctormo: if you have a suggestion on a particular model that would be awesome, if not i can still manage though :) | 15:43 |
doctormo | Intuos4 is good, bamboo if your short of money. | 15:45 |
dholbach | hey jono | 15:46 |
jono | hey dholbach | 15:46 |
doctormo | jono: ready for another blog entry? | 15:46 |
jono | doctormo, eh? | 15:47 |
doctormo | jono: Did you read some of the new comments on my blog post? | 15:47 |
doctormo | after yours | 15:47 |
jono | doctormo, not yet | 15:48 |
jono | will do when I get some time | 15:48 |
jcastro | jono: is everything set with the specs? | 15:53 |
czajkowski | some intersting ( i think) info coming from event on open source and business http://twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23OSSbizValue | 15:53 |
jcastro | having the line finalized would be nice | 15:53 |
jono | jcastro, you are all good | 15:53 |
jono | the whole team is sorted | 15:54 |
jcastro | ok so we can fix the line? | 15:54 |
jono | jcastro, yeah, dholbach can you ask pitti to fix the burndown? | 15:54 |
jcastro | he can do it | 15:54 |
jono | jcastro, would appreciate a tweet of www.severedfifth.com/pay if you could | 15:54 |
jcastro | just waiting for the confirmation | 15:54 |
jono | the new campaign | 15:55 |
dholbach | just a second | 15:55 |
dholbach | hum | 15:57 |
dholbach | I can't find how it's done now, I'll ask pitti | 15:57 |
jcastro | jono: have $10 on me | 15:58 |
jono | jcastro, nice, thanks pal! | 15:58 |
jono | if anyone can tweet http://www.severedfifth.com/pay/ that would really help | 15:58 |
jcastro | in the old days that CD would have been 17 bucks | 15:58 |
jcastro | and you would have gotten 3 cents | 15:58 |
popey | Can I pay double to not release it? | 15:58 |
jono | we think the album could have a a real impact on bringing free culture to the music industry | 15:59 |
jono | popey, lol | 15:59 |
popey | :) | 15:59 |
jono | you can pay double.... | 15:59 |
jono | popey, tweet tweet, tweet tweet ;-) | 15:59 |
jono | :-) | 15:59 |
popey | i have no idea who that was who just typed on my keyboard then walked away | 15:59 |
popey | Oh HAI jono | 16:00 |
popey | etc | 16:00 |
JFo | lol | 16:00 |
jono | lol | 16:00 |
JFo | lol @ the FAQ "Can I get a refund?" | 16:01 |
jcastro | 5,554 Followers | 16:01 |
jcastro | ugh | 16:01 |
jono | JFo, ahem, tweet | 16:01 |
jcastro | I have just under 900 | 16:01 |
jcastro | this is so unfair | 16:01 |
JFo | jono, will do | 16:01 |
czajkowski | done | 16:01 |
jono | JFo, I wuv you | 16:01 |
popey | jono: the "amount to pay" thing on that page doesn't list currency | 16:01 |
popey | I appreciate you're in the USA, but your FAQ suggests people can donate from anywhere | 16:01 |
jono | ooh good point | 16:01 |
popey | so 20 rupees | 16:01 |
JFo | jono I wuv you too wittle snookums | 16:01 |
JFo | :-) | 16:02 |
jcastro | JFo: can you come up here? And bring your knife | 16:02 |
dholbach | jono, jcastro: should be fixed with the next cron run, at :05 - I think | 16:02 |
* JFo gets the knife | 16:02 | |
jono | popey, fixed | 16:02 |
jono | thanks dholbach | 16:02 |
popey | nice one | 16:03 |
doctormo | 900 followers? hmm, that's an army. | 16:03 |
popey | i have no idea how many followers I have | 16:03 |
popey | wonder how many of mine are spambots | 16:04 |
doctormo | popey: mind if I ppm you for a second? | 16:04 |
popey | go ahead | 16:04 |
JFo | lookit popey getting all package managed by perl over there :-P | 16:05 |
popey | geek humour \o/ | 16:05 |
JFo | heh | 16:05 |
doctormo | JFo: Use strict; | 16:07 |
JFo | :) | 16:07 |
sense | goedenavond | 16:25 |
=== You're now known as ubuntulog | ||
JFo | not here I won't sense | 16:31 |
JFo | me makes a bad joke | 16:31 |
JFo | sigh* | 16:31 |
JFo | <-fail at typing | 16:31 |
sense | JFo: Good evening to you too! | 16:31 |
JFo | hiya sense :) | 16:31 |
jcastro | jono: I still need unity.u.c access | 16:37 |
jcastro | dholbach: graph is all set, WOO. | 16:38 |
=== You're now known as ubuntulog_ | ||
=== You're now known as ubuntulog | ||
dholbach | jcastro, sweet | 16:44 |
jcastro | you my friend | 16:46 |
jcastro | you | 16:46 |
dholbach | you! | 16:48 |
dholbach | jcastro, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZtbASCE7ZY | 16:49 |
jcastro | heh | 16:52 |
dholbach | ok my friends - I call it a day | 17:08 |
dholbach | see you all tomorrow | 17:08 |
JFo | see you :) | 17:08 |
sense | jcastro: https://twitter.com/murraycumming/statuses/4577028221177856 Possible opportunity for Canonical to show its commitment to some of the core technologies of the GNOME Shell and Unity based GNOME desktops? | 17:26 |
dpm | time to go, see you all tomorrow! | 17:29 |
JFo | jcastro, on the perf patch from phoronix... 'it needs to make it into the upstream kernel first and then I can get it into stable' | 17:30 |
jcastro | sense: hurry and snag them before it's too late! | 17:30 |
jcastro | :) | 17:30 |
jcastro | JFo: yep, I figured | 17:30 |
sense | jcastro: Yeah! The headlines will probably be: "Canonical strenghtens its grip on the GNOME project" or something like that. But I wouldn't care! | 17:31 |
JFo | jcastro, as there is a possibility of changes before it is finally done | 17:31 |
sense | JFo: Where did this wonder patch came from? Was it written by faries? Everyone seems to be so jubilant about it. | 17:32 |
JFo | sense, not sure... catching up on the backlog of conversation now | 17:32 |
JFo | popey, still around? | 17:41 |
JFo | popey, what happens when you press the SysRq now versus what used to happen? | 17:41 |
JFo | popey, nevermind... I R Dumb | 17:57 |
AlanBell | JFo: ctrl+alt+sysrq is the key sequence that preceeds REISUB | 18:36 |
AlanBell | and now you can do it with just alt+sysrq | 18:36 |
jcastro | heya vish | 18:48 |
jcastro | vish: do you have a list of things you want to papercut yet or ? | 18:48 |
jcastro | or sense ^ | 18:49 |
jcastro | I think I found out the mystery of that WI | 18:49 |
sense | jcastro: I have edited the wiki page with the latest requirements: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PaperCut | 18:49 |
sense | jcastro: What's the story behind it? Tell us! | 18:50 |
jcastro | ok | 18:50 |
jcastro | where is the bp again? | 18:50 |
sense | jcastro: <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-design-n-papercuts> | 18:51 |
sense | I've already removed the reference to the upstream applications from the wi, though. | 18:51 |
jcastro | [jorge] Ensure that upstreams being papercutted are aware of our efforts and how to collaborate: TODO | 18:51 |
jcastro | that one | 18:51 |
sense | ok | 18:51 |
jcastro | Andreas basically wants to announce when we start so he can post it on d-d-l so that module maintainers are more aware of when they're getting papercutted | 18:52 |
jcastro | I'll adjust the WI with more detail | 18:52 |
sense | jcastro: I think we are at step two now, though we still need to finalise the milestones. Vish will come with those soon. | 18:52 |
sense | jcastro: I (or Vish) will ping you once we really start, if you haven't noticed it yourselves. | 18:53 |
jcastro | nod | 18:53 |
jcastro | also | 18:53 |
jcastro | [sense] Talk to Vincent Untz about common discriptions between upstreams and downstreams: TODO | 18:53 |
jcastro | I started that conversation on the distributions list on fdo | 18:53 |
jcastro | if you want to keep that going | 18:54 |
sense | jcastro: I'm not on that list, but that is necessary, right? | 18:54 |
jcastro | it's low traffic, I just couldn't think of any other place | 18:54 |
sense | jcastro: Got much response? | 18:55 |
jcastro | Same as us | 18:55 |
jcastro | "we should do that" | 18:55 |
sense | We need to come up with a place to store the descriptions. | 18:55 |
jcastro | it needs alot of things | 18:56 |
sense | yes | 18:56 |
sense | Otherwise we'll end up patching anyway. | 18:56 |
jcastro | I don't expect anyone from platform will be given the time to do it | 18:56 |
jcastro | so I am kind of happy with just discussion with other projects for now | 18:56 |
sense | Is it worth joining the distributions list for me, so I can participate in the discussion? | 18:56 |
jcastro | following up on the archive should be enough | 18:57 |
sense | ok | 18:57 |
jcastro | http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/distributions/2010-November/000402.html | 18:57 |
sense | thx | 18:57 |
sense | jcastro: FOSDEM would be a good place to discuss this. | 19:03 |
jcastro | yeah | 19:03 |
vish | jcastro: hey, yea.. mpt wanted to add the resize grip as a milestone.. so was looking into it and was hoping that it would land soon enough and we could announce the list... | 19:03 |
jcastro | find vuntz there, and report | 19:03 |
vish | i guess if it aint out within the next week, we can start and just hope the grip lands at some point.. | 19:04 |
jcastro | heh | 19:07 |
jcastro | afaik it's in upstream gtk already, so whenever that stack starts to land | 19:07 |
jcastro | vish: mterry probably knows when that is | 19:07 |
jcastro | either him or rodrigo | 19:07 |
vish | cool, will poke them | 19:08 |
vish | gah, i find no way to add filters for lp mailing lists :s | 19:13 |
sense | GMail has special filter features for mailing lists, are you using Google? | 19:14 |
vish | sense: not for me, but for the ninja team … not sure how to send only the assigned mails and not bug comments.. | 19:15 |
vish | send== allow | 19:15 |
sense | vish: You mean with the new bug mail notification level stuff Launchpad has implemented? | 19:15 |
vish | sense: hmm, not sure which you mean? well , the goal is to allow only mails to the list when the team is assigned or unassigned, but none of the bug comments are to reach the team's mailing list | 19:17 |
vish | to reduce the noise there.. | 19:17 |
sense | I think we now mean the same thing. | 19:18 |
vish | ooh! but while reading the help, i'm not able to find an option to not receive those mails.. | 19:19 |
sense | vish: Have you asked on #launchpad ? | 19:38 |
vish | sense: yea, no reply.. seems no one knows or the option might not even be there.. | 19:38 |
vish | but i'm now thinking of workaound.. | 19:38 |
vish | i think we can route the mails to gmail, then filter them and forward the mails to the mailing list.. | 19:39 |
sense | That would be an option, but it seems a lot of work. | 19:40 |
* vish nods and shakes fist at lp.. | 19:41 | |
jcastro | they mentioned at UDS that they were fixing a bunch of sorting issues with gmail | 19:41 |
jcastro | so we can use it. :) | 19:41 |
jono | czajkowski, ping? | 19:52 |
jono | czajkowski, just want to see if we are still having calls? | 19:57 |
czajkowski | jono: we are but it's tomorrow | 20:31 |
czajkowski | unless you need to change | 20:31 |
jono | czajkowski, no, I just wanted to confirm that tomorrow is good for you? | 20:41 |
czajkowski | yup | 20:57 |
czajkowski | it's good for me | 20:57 |
czajkowski | just had yummy divine dinner cooked by popey | 20:57 |
czajkowski | divine | 20:57 |
popey | too kind | 20:59 |
popey | hang on, are we talking to eachother over irc and we're 3 feet apart | 20:59 |
czajkowski | less than 3 feet | 20:59 |
czajkowski | nyommy food | 20:59 |
popey | stoppit! | 20:59 |
jono | czajkowski, glad we can chat tomorrow, speak then :) | 22:34 |
czajkowski | jono: lovely jubbly my dear, shall send agenda on tomorrow | 22:38 |
jono | thanks! | 22:50 |
jcastro | hey JFo | 22:50 |
czajkowski | .c | 22:51 |
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