
* TheMuso notes that at-spi over dbus is a little painful to use, performance and accessibility wise.05:12
RAOFI've seen a lot of discussion about at-spi2 as an example of how to make dbus performance a non-issue by making calls suitably asynchronous.05:14
TheMusoYeah afaik its being worked on upstream.05:17
TheMusoBut there is more than that, as the framework has often got to iterate over a list of objects. Take the pidgin buddy list. With at-spi via dbus, its rather slow to read out every item as you arrow over them, and the further to the bottom you go, the longer it takes.05:18
TheMusoThe CORBA framework by comparrison, is rather snappy.05:20
didrocksgood morning08:05
nigelbGood morning didrocks :)08:05
didrockshey nigelb :)08:07
TheMusoHey didrocks, nigelb.08:10
didrockshey TheMuso, how are you?08:10
TheMusodidrocks: Not too bad thanks. Yourself?08:10
didrocksTheMuso: I'm fine, thanks. Some snow at less than 100m (of height away)08:11
pittiGood morning08:11
TheMusodidrocks: Nice.08:11
TheMusoMorning pitti.08:11
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti08:12
nigelbHOla TheMuso08:19
didrockssalut huats08:54
didrockshey rodrigo_08:54
huatshello didrocks08:54
rodrigo_salut didrocks, huats08:55
didrocksrodrigo_: speaking French now? :)08:57
rodrigo_un peu :)08:57
didrockstu ne sais pas dans quel engrenage tu mets le doigt :)08:58
didrocks(good luck to translate that)08:58
rodrigo_didrocks, hehe09:05
rodrigo_la mafia française va me couper le doigt? :)09:06
didrocksrodrigo_: ahah ! non, pas à ce point là :) (cela veut plutôt dire: « tu ne sais pas dans quoi tu t'engages »)09:08
rodrigo_porquoi? parler français va me poser des problèmes? :)09:09
didrocksrodrigo_: non, tu seras juste *obligé* de nous parler français après :)09:09
seb128hey rodrigo_09:09
seb128rodrigo_, don't worry, finger cuting is a rusian mafia thing, the frenchs have better ways ;-)09:10
rodrigo_ah, pas de problème, j'aime parler français, mais je ne pratique jamais09:10
rodrigo_hey seb12809:10
rodrigo_seb128, :D09:10
didrocksseb128: that's "la classe à la française", isn't it? :)09:11
rodrigo_seb128, and how is the french way? :)09:11
huatsmorning rodrigo and seb12809:11
seb128rodrigo_, clear head cuting ;-)09:12
rodrigo_ah, oui :)09:12
* rodrigo_ learns russian09:13
pittioh, obviously I'm in the wrong channel, bye!09:13
pittirodrigo_: Больше водки, пожалуйста!09:14
rodrigo_pitti, sorry, just decided to learn russian, so will answer when I learn :)09:14
pittirodrigo_: (it's "more Vodka, please!" :) )09:15
rodrigo_ah :)09:15
seb128hum, here we go again, it's only 10:20 and they start drinking09:19
didrocks"what a team"09:19
huatsseb128, that is didrocks influence...09:20
didrockswhat??? :)09:20
seb128huats, I know, it has started since he feels comfortable there09:20
didrockshuats: you should notice that seb128 always finish his beer before me at UDS, I think that means something :)09:20
rodrigo_yeah, we didn't drink at all until didrocks joined the company09:20
didrocksso easy, so easy… :)09:21
seb128so true at the same time ;-)09:21
huatsrodrigo_,  and seb128 you have no idea how hard it has been to share a room with didrocks at FOSDEM where we all know beers can be found everywhere...09:22
rodrigo_huats, don't go ever again to FOSDEM with him, yes :D09:23
rodrigo_I can feel your pain09:23
* seb128 hugs didrocks09:23
rodrigo_but yeah, we all like didrocks09:24
* rodrigo_ hugs didrocks also09:24
* huats is happy to share that with you all :)09:24
* didrocks hugs seb12809:24
* didrocks hugs rodrigo_ as well09:24
huats(while I am giving a training :))09:26
didrockshow professional it is :)09:26
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i left my laptop running 2 firefox builds last night for me to test this morning, and my laptop ran out of disk space!09:26
pittibuild it in the cloud :)09:28
pitti(or at least in the DC chroots)09:28
chrisccoulsonyeah, i might start doing that. i keep running out of disk space!09:28
chrisccoulsoni guess when i'm always running at 99%, that's going to happen ;)09:29
* chrisccoulson needs a bigger disk09:29
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?09:30
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, i'm good thanks. other than losing time from my overnight builds failing ;)09:30
chrisccoulsonhow are you?09:30
seb128I'm fine thanks09:31
seb128seems laptops are not fit for firefox09:31
seb128you should buy a solid desk config ;-)09:31
pittichrisccoulson: how much do you have?09:31
pittilast time I built ffox it didn't take that much, but it might have grown a lot since then09:32
chrisccoulsonoh, today is going to be a fun day09:37
chrisccoulsonmy laptop crashed about 3/4 of the way through a rebuild!09:37
nigelbchrisccoulson: use *cough* PPA *cough*09:38
chrisccoulsonnigelb - firefox builds in a PPA is usually slower09:39
chrisccoulsonespecially if there are build issues, i need access to the build environment to debug them09:39
nigelblooks like seb is right, time for a solid desktop :)09:40
nigelb(and a netbook to ssh into it)09:40
pittias a start, an USB HD should help a lot09:40
chrisccoulsonyeah ;)09:40
chrisccoulsoni might get a USB HD :)09:40
pittiyou don't already have one?09:41
pittiwhere do you store all your music and videos?09:41
pitti(the backups, I mean)09:41
chrisccoulsonpitti - i do, but it's used to mirror the contents of the disk on my desktop09:41
chrisccoulson(which has all my photos and music on)09:41
chrisccoulsonand that's nearly full too ;)09:41
chrisccoulsonalthough, not quite as bad, that's only running at about 90%09:41
chrisccoulsonomg, /var/cache/pbuilder/build = 25GB!09:42
chrisccoulsonthat's crashed build environments laying around09:42
chrisccoulsoninstant win09:42
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|afk
chrisccoulsonexcellent, i now have *loads* of disk space09:43
chrisccoulson83% full now, that's the lowest it's been for ages09:45
pittichrisccoulson: you actually build all stuff in pbuilder?09:45
chrisccoulsonpitti - not normally09:45
pittiisn't that maximizing pain, time, and disk space?09:45
chrisccoulsononly towards the end of the cycle when i need to be sure stuff really works09:46
chrisccoulsoni usually just use debuild, which is what i'm doing now09:46
chrisccoulsonmy home folder is 65GB09:48
chrisccoulsonoh, i can get rid of ia32-libs source package09:50
chrisccoulsoni'm never going to touch that again ;)09:50
pittichrisccoulson: getting more space with the rm -rf axe - always the best kind :)09:51
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i've just freed up another 9GB with that axe ;)09:52
chrisccoulsonwow, 36GB available now09:57
pittichrisccoulson: that should be enough for how many build trees? 20?10:00
MezHi All, it seems that the ubuntu-desktop ppa cocked up my compiz.  I've now got it close to working, but I've got no window borders. I get the error "compiz (decoration) - Warn: Property ignored because version is 20080901 and decoration plugin version is 20080529" - does anyone know how to fix this?10:04
chrisccoulsonpitti - that's enough for 7 build trees ;)10:04
chrisccoulsonyeah, they're pretty big!10:05
=== MacSlow|afk is now known as MacSlow
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== asac_ is now known as asac
seb128pitti, should somebody send a meeting reminder for today?11:19
seb128pitti, we didn't discuss a new time btw, we said at UDS we would no?11:20
pittiseb128: Jason said he'd still be available today, so we should discuss it today11:20
pittiseb128: right, I'll send one, thanks11:20
seb128pitti, thanks11:21
* seb128 writes activity report11:21
seb128dear update-manager, why does typing completion is all weird with you11:22
seb128pitti, https://edge.launchpad.net/~canonical-desktop-team/+contactuser11:27
seb128pitti, just for info11:27
seb128pitti, it's easier than having to Cc all team members11:28
pittiseb128: I have a local "desktopteam" alias here11:28
pittibut I forgot Rodrigo, it seems11:28
pittiseb128: rodrigo_ isn't in https://edge.launchpad.net/~canonical-desktop-team/+members either, should he?11:29
seb128I guess it would make sense for the cycle11:29
pittimeeting reminder forwarded, too11:30
seb128pitti, thanks11:31
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
cyphermoxgood morning!12:21
mvoseb128: what is the problem with u-m ?12:21
pittiRiddell: is that known?12:31
pitti python -c 'import PyKDE4.kdecore'12:31
pittipython: /build/buildd/sip4-qt3-4.11.2/siplib/siplib.c:10613: sipEnumType_alloc: Assertion `(((currentType)->td_flags & 0x0007) == 0x0003)' failed.12:31
pittiRiddell: (breaks apport, jockey, and presumably all other python kde apps)12:31
Riddellpitti: nope, I'll take a look12:33
pittiseb128: I've got more trouble with pygi; who could I ask about this?12:50
seb128pitti, #introspection on irc.gnome.org12:50
seb128or you can ask there12:50
pittiseb128: ah, my initial problem is solved by installing gir1.0-gtk-3.0 (it doesn't work with 2.0)13:02
pittiseb128: however, I'm quite puzzled how to tell my python code to use GTK 3 now13:02
pittimoch in #introspection doesn't know either13:02
seb128pitti, Gtk.require_version13:03
seb128pitti, Gtk.require_version = 313:04
seb128>>> print Gtk.get_minor_version()13:05
pittihm, I add that right after the import13:05
pitti$ PYTHONPATH=. python gtk/jockey-gtk13:05
pitti /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/gtk-2.0/gi/module.py:119: Warning: cannot register existing type `GtkActionGroup'13:05
pittistill seems to import the gtk-2.0 bits13:05
seb128I'm not really sure but kenvandine and mterry were discussing it the other day13:05
seb128mterry got it working13:05
seb128he should be online in a bit13:05
pittiseb128: thanks13:06
pittifunnily enough, python2.7 doesn't have above GtkActionGroup problem13:06
seb128pitti, try Gtk.require_version("3.0")13:08
pittiseb128: right, that seems to work better13:08
pittiat least it ignores ... = 4, but properly fails on ("4.0")13:08
pittinow it at least doesn't crash any more, just doesn't display anything yet. that's progress!13:09
seb128pitti, ;-)13:10
cyphermoxfta: ping?13:21
didrockshey cyphermox13:22
cyphermoxhey didrocks13:22
didrockscyphermox: where are you with evolution? Will be nice if we can upload it soon :)13:23
cyphermoxdidrocks, I can't really find something obvious to fix the migration, if that's what you mean13:23
didrockscyphermox: what upstream told? if you provide all the info they are normally helpful13:24
cyphermoxit looks like both evo and e-d-s keep files there and try to migrate them but something fails, not sure what :/13:24
didrocksweird that they didn't fix this13:24
cyphermoxdidrocks, like I said before, mbarnes looked at the code and saw it seemed fine13:24
didrockscyphermox: did you look at the git commits?13:24
cyphermoxnot very recently13:24
chrisccoulson_wow, thanks laptop for ruining another build13:24
didrockscyphermox: did you ask him as told where the code handle that and use git blame?13:25
cyphermoxdidrocks, didn't have to, it's pretty obvious. that's all in shell/e-shell-migrate.c for evo and in the various */libebook-*/e-*-migrate.c for e-d-s :)13:25
cyphermoxthis would be fixed with getting things straight from git HEAD, I haven't tried yet (was busy with synaptic)13:26
didrockscyphermox: so, git blame to find if there are new commits in thse files :)13:27
didrockscyphermox: do you think you will have time this week?13:27
cyphermoxyeah, I could get that done today13:27
didrocksnice :)13:27
chrisccoulson_Nov 16 02:20:24 chris-laptop kernel: [116946.010026] [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged => nice!13:28
* rodrigo_ -> lunch13:33
kenvandinepitti, i think what mterry found was that the gtk version isn't 3.0, it is 2.9113:49
kenvandineactually, i think Gtk.require_version("3.0") worked, but it was confusing because when you would check for the major_version it returned 213:49
kenvandinebecause the real version is 2.9113:49
mterrykenvandine, pitti: without the require_version, you get 2.0.  So you need the require_version.  But yeah, major_version will still be 213:51
mterry(even with require_version 3.0, because it gives you 2.91.x)13:51
kenvandineno confusing at all :)13:52
pittimterry, kenvandine: ok, thanks for confirming; I think Gtk.require_version('3.0') does what I need13:53
kenvandinei think it does13:53
pittinow I run into tons of trouble with assertions/crashes, having to call encode('UTF-8') everywhere (because Gtk expects UTF-8 strings, not unicode), and into all other sorts of type errors13:53
pittislowly crawling through :)13:54
pittibut lunch first13:54
chrisccoulson_hmmm, the x-scheme-handler changes in glib are a pain. http links open in a new browser window rather than a new tab now, because it just uses the standard Exec line from the desktop file13:54
baptistemmseems easy to build as I did it in jhbuild without an itch13:56
baptistemmoups not the right window13:56
ogra_acseb128, didrocks, just to make sure, RB stays supported, in natty, right ?13:56
ogra_ac(bansheed doesnt work on arm and the discussion came up in the meeting)13:57
mterrychrisccoulson_, and I'm assuming that change is what broke ghelp: links13:57
chrisccoulson_mterry, yes13:57
chrisccoulson_mterry - we need to update the desktop files for all the protocol handlers, and then set the defaults in desktop-file-utils as well13:58
chrisccoulson_when i upload firefox later, it will have part of the fix in13:58
chrisccoulson_i'm just wondering whether to change the Exec line for firefox and add -new-tab to it13:58
chrisccoulson_it doesn't seem to affect a normal startup13:58
seb128chrisccoulson_, or you could add a special .desktop just for the handler13:59
seb128ogra_ac, define "supported"13:59
chrisccoulson_seb128 - i could do. the issue is that firefox needs to have knowledge of the desktop file so it can set itself as the default browser14:00
chrisccoulson_and that's already tricky enough, as the desktop files are distro-provided14:00
chrisccoulson_currently, it will just use "firefox.desktop"14:00
chrisccoulson_when they've accepted my patchset ;)14:00
ogra_acseb128, in "main"14:01
ogra_aci.e. getting security attention and SRU love14:01
chrisccoulson_it doesn't need SRU love - it's already perfect!14:01
seb128ogra_ac, I don't know, I don't think rb ever had a security update14:02
ogra_acwe have to ship it for arm14:02
seb128ogra_ac, we do sru things in universe as well14:02
ogra_acwell, i mean the canonical supported set of apps ;)14:02
seb128it will stay available but help to maintain it is welcome14:02
micahgseb128: 4 updates in lucid, none in maverick yet14:02
ogra_ack, thanks14:02
seb128ogra_ac, it's not really clear what we support or not, we don't support everything in main in any case14:03
seb128micahg, security updates?14:03
micahgor rather 1 in maverick in -proposed, no security updates :)14:03
ogra_acseb128, well, unless upstream mono fixes mono on ram we dont have much choice14:03
micahgin Hardy there was one14:03
seb128ogra_ac, in any case those questions don't really make sense14:04
seb128it's not our default player, we still like it and will try to keep it uptodate14:04
seb128but you know how it goes with resources14:04
micahgseb128: and the hardy -security update was for the FF36 transition14:04
seb128micahg, I was just trying to point that the question was rather theoric, rb doesn't have lot of security updates usually14:05
seb128it will get less work for sure not being in the default installation14:05
seb128but it doesn't mean it will not be in a shipable state14:05
ogra_acwell, we'll be your testbed ;)14:05
* ogra_ac shakes up the pillows14:06
seb128well, feel free to take over it if you want ;-)14:06
ogra_aci'll look into bugs i find14:06
ogra_acfor sure14:06
didrocksogra_ac: can you try dget -x http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/netbook-meta_2.036.dsc and build it on an armel system to ensure it's still working? (as ppa doesn't have armel, I can't test it there) please?14:12
ogra_acdidrocks, just upload it, if the images break we will fix it14:13
ogra_acits not that we are close to A1 yet ;)14:13
didrocksogra_ac: ok, I just wait to make unity entering natty and then, will upload that14:13
didrocksogra_ac: I'll do the same for the -settings, just building on armel for now and ask for binary removal14:13
didrocks(not sure a manual removal is needed when getting from arch:all to arch:<something> on !something btw)14:14
didrocksyw :)14:14
seb128didrocks, didiiiiiiiier14:35
seb128<- just updated compiz to 0.914:35
seb128not a success14:35
didrocksseb128: what happened?14:36
didrocks(natty, right?)14:36
seb128the first issue is that you didn't update the shlibs on libdecorator014:36
seb128I still had 0.8 and the deco .so bailed out on missing symbols14:37
seb128(I upgraded by doing an apt-get install compiz)14:37
didrocksshlibs on libdecorator0? there is none IIRC14:38
didrockslet me check14:38
seb128that's the issue14:38
seb128upgrading compiz didn't upgrade libdecorator014:38
didrocksok, will fix that then (a symbols file will be better and easier)14:38
didrockswhat else?14:39
seb128the gnome compat option was not activated ;-)14:39
seb128(but you know about that)14:39
didrockswell, you know why it's not :-)14:39
seb128is ther a way to set my desktop grid from ccsm?14:40
seb128the number of workspace, lines, columns14:40
seb128I don't find it in the wall options14:40
didrocksyeah, I didn't find either, and didn't asked yet sam14:40
seb128ok, find it14:41
didrocksoh? where is it?14:41
seb128it's in the first category options14:41
seb128the general compiz options14:41
didrocksoh, that's an entry14:42
seb128ok, I'm only missing a way to set "go to workspace <n>" shortcuts now14:42
didrockswell, hard to find, I was thinking it was a plugin, didn't notice it doesn't have any checkbox14:42
didrocksseb128: ok, then, the only "unknown issue" was on apt-get install compiz to upgrade, no shlibs/symbols file. Fixing this then :)14:44
seb128thanks ;-)14:44
didrocksseb128: thanks for reporting this, it got eaten in the cdbs -> dh7 transition I thing :)14:45
pittididrocks: oh, you are packaging gnome stuff with dh7 now? do we need a dh_langpacks then?14:46
seb128pitti, no "GNOME" but compiz ;-)14:46
seb128but yeah, having dh7 utility for the cdbs magic we have would be nice14:47
didrockspitti: Amaranth began the compiz work on dh7, so I continued with than. I'll try to have a long on dh7 vs dh_langpacks for A214:47
seb128we have a task open for that since last cycle14:47
didrocks(I should have a WI somewhere for that)14:47
pittiok, that shouldn't be too hard; that would go into gnome-pkg-tools?14:47
seb128didrocks, there is a debhelper bug open and assigned to our team on launchpad14:47
didrockspitti: right now, there is a manual hack in the rules for desktop files only14:48
seb128if you want to claim it14:48
didrocksseb128: sure, looking for it14:48
seb128pitti, well ideally we would get a --with gnome in Debian and modify that one in Ubuntu14:48
seb128that would avoid having to patch the rules in ubuntu to include that14:48
pittiif the Debian GNOME guys can agree to b-dep'ing on gnome-pkg-tools for packages that they convert to dh714:49
didrocksclaimed bug #59500814:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 595008 in debhelper (Ubuntu) "should port the Ubuntu cdbs custom rules to dh7 (affects: 1) (heat: 20)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59500814:49
seb128didrocks, thanks14:51
didrocksyw :)14:51
seb128the "shortcuts to go to workspace <n>" not working is likely to drive me crazy14:51
pittior all my other shortcuts :)14:52
didrocksseb128: use the gconf backend (/!\ not tested)14:55
didrocksI'm used to ctrl + alt + arrows with my ws layout, so not a crazy thing for me :)14:56
chrisccoulson_didrocks, it crashed when i switched it to the gconf backend here ;)14:57
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
didrockschrisccoulson: did you report a bug about it?14:57
chrisccoulsondidrocks, not yet, i wasn't sure if it was just a transitional issue14:58
chrisccoulsonwill try it again later once i've updated again14:58
didrockschrisccoulson: ok, thanks :)14:58
didrocksI try to not clutter my laptop before we decide on either switching the backend or not14:58
seb128didrocks, oh also I get "compiz not responding" when closing the session14:58
seb128you might want to activate the session option?14:58
chrisccoulsonshouldn't it have a GSettings backend? :)14:58
didrocksseb128: session management plugin?14:59
seb128where is the backend selection option?14:59
didrocksseb128: I'll have a try and see if it fixes it14:59
didrocksseb128: in the general options you were talking about lately14:59
didrockschrisccoulson: depends, because the backend looks the GNOME keys from the same backend14:59
didrockschrisccoulson: so, if g-s-d still store its values in gconf and we activate the gsettings backend -> fail :)15:00
seb128the first pixel doesn't react to click, known issue?15:01
didrocksknown issue15:01
didrocksseb128: if you want to workaround it, desactivate the active edge in the wall plugin15:02
seb128that one will annoy me as well I think15:02
didrocksit's hard to live with it for long, I agree :)15:03
seb128didrocks, what option is that?15:03
didrocksseb128: so, in the wall plugin -> Bindings -> Edge flipping -> desactive for all Flip Right/Up/Down/Left15:04
seb128didrocks, ok, gotcha, thanks15:05
didrocksyw :)15:05
seb128didrocks, do you have bugs open to track those issues?15:05
seb128just to make sure they don't fall off the list15:05
didrocksseb128: yes, and it's even fix in trunk for the compiz main plugin (for the edge issue), but last time I tried a make dist, it wasn't stable enough15:06
didrocksand as sam is reorganizing the tree, I prefer him to finish that as cherry-pick wasn't really possible (needs new code in other plugins too)15:06
didrocksalready lost 2 hours on that, was enough :)15:06
didrocksdoes someone know why gsettings had both notion of path and id? seems to be redundantly the same notion to me, so I must miss something15:08
seb128didrocks, ok, using gconf doesn't fix the keybinding issues15:15
didrocksseb128: hum? smspillaz was pretty sure that without the gconf backend, it won't work. Not sure if something else is broken then. I'll have a look15:16
ftacyphermox, pong15:20
ftacyphermox, oh, i see. rm -rf /data/bot/upstream/network-manager.git  <= done15:22
ftacyphermox, next respin in 15h. if you need one faster, let me know15:23
seb128ok, session handling doesn't work15:26
seb128enough playing with compiz, let's get back to work15:26
cyphermoxfta, thanks, it's good enough15:26
didrocksseiflotfy: ok, that for the info (on session handling), will check as well15:30
cyphermoxdidrocks, I may have just found out (finally) what's wrong in the migration code, checking it out now :)15:32
didrockscyphermox: oh nice, what was it?15:33
cyphermoxlooks to me like at least views is being iterated over to get emptied (and it is empty in all cases) but using a different method than other things which doesn't remove the source directory in the end :)15:33
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
cyphermoxdidrocks, there will still be figuring out what happens to .evolution/*/local though, and everything about cache is unsure.15:34
cyphermoxdidrocks, I think I have added enough debug g_print's and stuff to see it properly though15:35
didrockscyphermox: ok, nice :)15:35
cyphermoxI'm just hoping that dropping my old backup in place will be enough to test migration, I'd like to avoid setting up new accounts over and over :)15:36
didrockscyphermox: well, I have another setup, but also not clean at all as I have half a migration :)15:37
cyphermoxdidrocks, right, well, in reality, I think the migration has always worked, there's just leftovers15:39
cyphermoxdidrocks, I don't think cache, for example, matters much. stuff will just get re-cached..15:40
cyphermoxdidrocks, any chance you could find .evolution -print and send me the output, so I can compare with the two other runs I did?15:40
didrockscyphermox: right, but we still need to know if removing the cache live can't damage evolution process :)15:40
didrocks.evolution -print ?15:40
cyphermoxfind .evolution -print15:41
didrockscyphermox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/533061/15:41
didrockscyphermox: should be empty at the end IIRC15:41
cyphermoxdidrocks, right15:41
cyphermoxbut look, no cache for you ;)15:41
cyphermoxanyway, thanks, I'm looking. I think at least in your case it's really views that isn't getting removed when it should, but there are other issues because I have more files around in both the attempts I did at home15:43
didrocksok :)15:44
seb128didrocks, so the g-s-d issue was a gcc one?15:56
seb128mterry, did you try to figure why lpi failed to build?15:57
didrocksseb128: right, no --as-needed related or DSO linking though15:57
mterryseb128, no, didn't get to it.  Let me check now15:57
didrocksseb128: doko will look at it, I pastebin him the example and the command line, should be short enough15:57
seb128didrocks, weird, did it fail locally for you?15:57
didrocksseb128: yeah, it failed locally too15:58
didrocksnot for you?15:58
seb128I'm still on gcc-4.4 ;-)15:58
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
seb128I will update gcc now15:58
didrocksok, it seems you cherry-pick natty upgrade? :-)15:58
seb128well I added natty to my sources.list and I do apt-get install "things I need"15:59
seb128or want15:59
seb128I usually take the desktop stack but let other things16:00
seb128mterry, thanks16:00
didrockswaow, you get a mixed host :)16:00
seb128didrocks, well I like a stable system16:00
didrocksnatty isn't so ackward to me (until now)16:00
seb128like I should have stayed away from the new compiz, having the bugs don't bring me a lot since I don't work on it16:00
didrockswell, I should reboot, but let's see tomorrow morning :)16:00
didrocksapart from the session management and the keybinding, you don't have any other bug, isn't it?16:01
seb128no, but that's enough to slow me in my work ;-)16:01
didrocksI never used Ctrl + Alt + num, but maybe that's because my layout is 3x2 and not 4x2 (it's easy to get with arrows from the first to the last ws)16:02
seb128my layout is 3x2 for some time16:04
seb128but like my email client and IRC are not on workspaces next to each others16:04
seb128so I'm used to hit the "go to workspace <n>" for IRC and email16:04
seb128having to deal with down, left, right is not as efficient16:04
asacfirst steps in unity for stupid asac ... i start firefox and cannot say "keep in launcher" ;) ... is that a feature?16:08
seb128asac, unity on maverick or natty?16:09
seb128mvo, sorry I forgot to reply to your comment about update-manager earlier16:10
seb128mvo, while typing in the packages list weird things happen16:11
jcastrodidrocks: Is that all we have so far? https://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?query=product:banshee%20whiteboard:ubuntu16:11
seb128like I start typing "libgtk" and it goes "lbigkt" or whatever, the cursor jump back to the previous position while it's thinking16:11
seb128jcastro, we would need somebody with time to work on that to have extra issues16:12
didrocksjcastro: yep, this is just the list of bugs needed to be fixed upstream (apart from other bugs "don't work", but we need a hugday for that)16:12
asacseb128: maverick16:12
seb128jcastro, I don't think we communicated to anybody that we need testing or feedback on those16:12
jcastroseb128: upstream is willing to work on bugs for us that we tag as important for the switch16:13
jcastrothat list just seems "low"16:13
asacseb128: does it use "StartupWMClass=Namoroka16:13
asacto figure out which desktop file it is and if that doesnt match somehow, it doesnt offer keep launcher?16:13
seb128didrocks, ^16:13
mvoseb128: oh, I vaguely remember about out-of-order chars, but I can't quite remember what the cause was :/16:14
asacwhere is chris? lagger ;)16:14
seb128jcastro, well as said nobody had time to build a list yet16:14
mvoseb128: but its something more generic16:14
seb128jcastro, didrocks has sort of been busy getting the new compiz and unity going16:14
asacchrisccoulson: ^^16:14
seb128jcastro, and we didn't do any call for feedback16:14
jcastroseb128: ok, what can I do to help?16:14
asacchrisccoulson: unity does not offer to keep namoroka in launcher16:14
asacis that WMClass problem?16:14
didrocksjcastro: I really don't have the time to work on that seriously, we need maybe the QA team to get a list of important bugs. I got the "functions" we need16:15
jcastroseb128: btw Laney and co got the deps split and under control, the diskspace issue isn't going to be as bad as we thought16:15
chrisccoulsonasac - probably. i've fixed all the WMClass issues in the 4.0 builds16:15
chrisccoulsonit was broken before in 3.616:15
asacchrisccoulson: whats the right WMClass i should put there?16:15
seb128jcastro, not sure, what about doing a call for feedback from users on the forums on ask ubuntu16:15
jcastrodidrocks: ok I will work on that!16:15
* asac just wants it in launcher ;)16:15
seb128jcastro, I've seen, great16:15
chrisccoulsonasac - is this 3.6 dailies?16:15
asacchrisccoulson: ack16:15
didrocksjcastro: nice, but you should set a hug day first, a ot of bugs are quite old to be useful16:15
asacchrisccoulson: StartupWMClass=Namoroka16:15
asacthats what i have16:15
seb128jcastro, then we could go through the discussion and file bugs for things which are appropriate16:15
jcastroseb128: well, I don't want a call for pet bugs, this is for bugs we really need.16:15
jcastrook sounds good to me, I'll talk to pedro16:16
chrisccoulsonasac - it's usually just the branding name, but if that doesn work, you can try running xprop on the browser window16:16
asacchrisccoulson: hmm ... WM_CLASS(STRING) = "Navigator", "Namoroka"16:16
seb128jcastro, well, I would do a call for them to dump what they think match on the forum discussion and then we can filter out16:16
asacchrisccoulson: thats what i get with xprop16:16
asaclook right:((16:16
seb128jcastro, I don't want them to open the bugs16:16
chrisccoulsonasac - and the desktop file has StartupWMClass=Namoroka?16:16
seb128jcastro, it would just be easier for us to review that discussion16:16
asacchrisccoulson: ack16:16
asacdidrocks: any idea what unity checks to offer "keep in launcher" ?16:16
jcastroI don't think a forum discussion would help16:17
chrisccoulsonthat's weird, that should work. it must be doing some other magic ;)16:17
jcastroit'll just turn into mono flamewar16:17
jcastrodesktop mailing list perhaps?16:17
mterryseb128, figured it out.  I put the install-gtk3-version logic inside a block in debian/rules that only got run for an 'all' package, when it should be for an 'any' package.  fixing now16:17
didrocksasac: no, I know there is a bug where it doesn't offer that (it's not implemented yet on the compiz rewrite), so as the code was different, I didn't check that. But it's obviously a bug16:17
asacdidrocks: its maverick16:17
chrisccoulsonasac - did you have a chance to look at the ubufox merge? :)16:18
chrisccoulson(whilst you're here) ;)16:18
asacchrisccoulson: yes ... half way through16:18
asaccurrently at meegoconf16:18
asactomorrow i will finish it i hope16:18
seb128mterry, oh, great, thanks16:18
didrocksasac: yeah, it's a bug that's on the list of things to fix as a SRU16:19
asacdidrocks: is it because we have more than one WMCLASS here:16:19
asacdidrocks: WM_CLASS(STRING) = "Navigator", "Namoroka"16:19
asacthats what i get for that window16:19
asacmaybe its not checking the second string?16:20
didrockshum, ok, so bamf doesn't get the right matching16:20
didrocksshould be that16:20
* asac changes to .desktop to use Navigator16:20
* asac tries16:20
* asac thinks he has to killall mutter to trigger rereading desktop :((16:21
didrocksasac: bamf-daemon16:21
didrocksasac: kill that one16:21
asacshit ... mutter doesnt restart :((16:21
asacok lets see16:21
rodrigo_jcastro, the nautilus elementary people forked?16:22
asacsigh ... didnt help didrocks ... anyway. thanks!16:22
seb128rodrigo_, they sort of stopped working on it, why?16:22
asachow can i add the launcher manually? only gconf hackery?16:22
didrocksasac: file a bug, (and think about the .desktop file cache, if triggered or not?)16:23
didrocksasac: yeah, gconf under /desktop/unity16:23
rodrigo_seb128, ah, just saw a comment about it from jcastro on the blueprint16:24
rodrigo_seb128, so, no more nautilus elementary?16:24
jcastrorodrigo_: yeah it's called marlin now or something16:24
seb128rodrigo_, what do you want to know exactly?16:24
rodrigo_seb128, if they really forked16:24
seb128ok, I don't know16:25
rodrigo_at UDS we talked about them addressing the upstream concerns in their patches16:25
rodrigo_but seems they preferred forking16:25
seb128some of them replied to jcastro's email that nobody is actively working on it16:25
rodrigo_oh, so they forked to stop working on it? jcastro??16:25
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
jcastrothey stopped working on -elementary16:25
jcastroand now have this thing called marlin16:26
jcastrowhich they say isn't ready so they haven't made any releases16:26
kenvandinerodrigo_, i think they forked it because some of the changes they wanted to make were painful because the binary was named nautilus16:29
kenvandinerodrigo_, i don't know if they want to remain forked... but they needed to not conflict with nautilus, afaik16:29
pittihm, meeting time, isn't it?16:30
pittino Jason apparently16:30
seb128yes, meeting time16:30
pittiI'm still catching up with tech board meeting, the designated chair didn't appear either16:31
seb128pitti, do you want me to start the meeting there?16:32
pittiseb128: need 3 more mins16:33
seb128pitti, ok, as you want16:34
seb128I can already ping people16:34
rodrigo_kenvandine, painful because of the binary name??16:34
pittiso, let's start16:34
pittibryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, tkamppeter: meeting time?16:35
seb128rodrigo_, they got comments because they should work with nautilus upstream rather do what they want I guess and they had enough of those, they really want to do a different application16:35
* kenvandine waves16:35
didrockshey o/16:35
rodrigo_pitti, yes16:35
pitti[TOPIC] Outstanding actions from last meeting16:36
pittijasoncwarner - follow up with tkamppeter about paper size bp16:36
pittididn't see activity on the BP, so let's carry over16:36
pittidoko/Riddell - investigate ARM issue with kubuntu16:36
Riddell * Qt still broken on ARM, new problem found with gcc, will upload with assembly fix later today but won't work until gcc gets fixed, bug 67534716:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 675347 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "volatile int causes inline assembly build failure (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67534716:37
pittiRiddell: I guess at that point we can track it in the bug report? or do you want to keep the action as a reminder?16:37
Riddellbug report is fine16:38
pittididrocks - update wiki template w/ updated agenda and rodrigo16:38
didrocksdone  :)16:38
pittiapparenlty done16:38
pittipitti - prepare initial release page16:38
pitticarried over, will prepare for this Friday's release meeting16:38
pittijasoncwarner - follow up meeting w/ TheMuso16:38
pittiunknown at this point16:38
pitti[TOPIC] Partner Update16:39
pittikenvandine: floor is your's16:39
kenvandineUbuntu One16:39
kenvandineWork item planning is taking shape, they resolved team assignment problems they had last cycle. We should be able to effectly view their status throughout the cycle. They will get all the work items in by the end of this week.16:39
kenvandineQA has finished an initial API for automated testing16:39
kenvandineand unity landing in natty this week, but i guess didrocks will cover that16:40
pittimago tests for unity?16:40
kenvandinei don't think so16:40
kenvandinethis is an API for driving tests via dbus16:41
kenvandinei think16:41
pittiah, so not using a11y16:41
kenvandinedon't know the details, lamalex did it :)16:41
kenvandinenot yet... a11y work is just getting started16:41
kenvandinethat's all i have16:41
pittikenvandine: thanks16:41
lamalexpitti, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/QA/StateIntrospection16:41
lamalexthat's what we're doing for unity debugging on mago right now16:41
pittilamalex: ah, interesting16:42
pitti[TOPIC] Kubuntu update16:42
pittiRiddell: anythign worth mentioning this week?16:42
Riddell * Qt 4.7.1 and QtWebKit 2.1 in progress16:42
Riddell * Probable switch to gstreamer in the near future16:42
Riddell * Qt still broken on ARM, new problem found with gcc, will upload with assembly fix later today but won't work until gcc gets fixed, bug 67534716:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 675347 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "volatile int causes inline assembly build failure (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67534716:42
Riddell * tech board approved updates can go into -updates with sufficient testing and procedure16:42
Riddellpitti: I uploaded kdebindings to fix the python-kde issue you came across16:42
pittiRiddell: yay you16:42
pittiwow, gstreamer in KDE?16:43
pittiperhaps one day we'll just have one set of codec packages then :)16:43
Riddellthat's the hope16:43
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pittiseems bryceh is not online, and RAOF is tight asleep, so let's skip the X update16:44
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
pitti[TOPIC] Unity update16:44
didrocks * After a semi-marathon with the dx team, unity is now out in the unity ppa (https://launchpad.net/~unity/+archive/ppa) !16:44
didrocks So, if you want to try it (it's really a pre-alpha), make sure to read this: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/InstallationGuide16:44
didrocks * There are some known bugs on i386 which will be fixed this week release. We will upload it to natty on next release (Thursday probably) and kill ubuntu-netbook on arch !armel at the same time.16:44
didrocks * Some remaining bugs on compiz too, we'll dive in this week as well and talk about migration.16:45
didrocksthat's look good, prepare one NEWing :) nux16:45
mvodidrocks: does it support alt-f2?16:45
didrocksmvo: if gnome-panel is launched, yes, but a dedicated app will come (not for A1 in any case)16:46
pittiso, thanks didrocks; looking forward to next Thursday :)16:47
rodrigo_why would gnome-panel be launched when running unity?16:47
pitti(and when do we get our compiz keybindings back..)16:47
didrockspitti: well, tricky question16:47
pittididrocks: so the configuration migration from 0.8 is still an unsolved problem, I guess?16:47
didrocksrodrigo_: as it's not the default right now, it doesn't replace gnome-panel16:47
rodrigo_didrocks, ah16:47
didrockspitti: yeah, it's an upstream issue, we will talk about that eow with upstream16:47
didrockspitti: about the keybindings…16:48
didrocksthe thing it that if we want GNOME keybindings, we have to use gconf backend (as keys are in gconf)16:48
didrockswhich means storing plugins settings in gconf too16:48
pittididrocks: it could be an one-time migration, too?16:48
didrocksupstream wants either init or gsettings backend to be used for performance16:48
pittianyway, if that's to be discussed, that's fine16:49
didrockspitti: g-s-d will still store in gconf16:49
didrocksif we don't pick the new version16:49
rodrigo_didrocks, 2.91.x will store in gsettings as soon as lists are supported in gsettings16:49
didrocks(that's why the normal of viewport isn't picked as well)16:49
rodrigo_ah, sorry, you're talking about 2.3216:49
didrocksrodrigo_: right, but we are not sure to use it AFAIK16:49
pitti[TOPIC] USC update16:50
tremolux * Ratings and Reviews:  ISD has officially kicked off server-side development this week16:50
tremolux * Work items defined for Ratings and Reviews, Donations for Free Software blueprints16:50
tremolux * Started work on tracking Software Center performance metrics through automatic testing throughout the cycle16:50
tremolux * Targeted UI code refactoring16:50
pittitremolux: you can automatically exercise clicking buttons in s-c? using atk/mago?16:51
* pitti is pleased to see automatic tests appear in our projects now16:51
tremoluxpitti: this is mainly for performance at the start (startup in particular)16:51
tremoluxnot sure we are doing mago yet?  mvo?16:52
pittiah, I see16:52
tremoluxpitti: but we do have a set of automatic tests we do at build time, since maverick16:52
pittiok, thanks tremolux16:53
pitti[TOPIC] work items & release status16:53
tremoluxpitti: welcome  :)16:53
mvopitti: not mago, but automatic16:54
pittiI don't have a release status page yet, still a bit early; I'll do one for Friday, though, when we'll have our first release meeting16:54
pittiwrt. natty specs we seem to be in great shape16:54
pittihttp://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-desktop-team.html looks good so far :)16:54
pittidoes anyone have a spec which should be targetted for natty, but doesn't appear there?16:54
pittiok, seems not16:56
pitti[TOPIC] AOB16:56
pittianythign else?16:56
seb128not from me16:57
pittiso, thanks everyone!16:57
seb128thanks pitti16:57
tremoluxthanks everybody16:58
kenvandinehey jasoncwarner16:59
rodrigo_thanks :)16:59
seb128hey jasoncwarner16:59
seb128jasoncwarner, just on time to avoid the meeting it seems ;-)16:59
pittihello jasoncwarner, how's .au?16:59
jasoncwarnerhey guys...17:00
kenvandinei think that 3g lag is tough :)17:00
didrockshey jasoncwarner :)17:00
* kenvandine ducks17:00
jasoncwarnerseriously ;)17:00
kenvandinemove go ok?17:00
jasoncwarnerI guess I am victim of google calendar again...so meeting was an hour ago?17:00
seb128jasoncwarner, 30 minutes ago17:01
kenvandine30m ago17:01
seb128jasoncwarner, we did wrap up a minute before you joined17:01
seb128jasoncwarner, you should go back to bed ;-)17:01
tremoluxjasoncwarner: seen lots of dingoes?17:01
jasoncwarnerseb128: thanks :) wonder why my calendar says otherwise. GAH.17:02
jasoncwarnertremolux: not yet, but I did eat Kangaroo last night. Interesting.17:02
rodrigo_seb128, there are a couple of new packages in the PPA that don't have a LP project, so can't push to ~ubuntu-desktop branches, so should I create those projects in LP?17:02
tremoluxjasoncwarner: woah17:02
rodrigo_hey jasoncwarner17:02
jasoncwarnerrodrigo_: morning!17:02
seb128rodrigo_, ideally yes17:02
rodrigo_seb128, ok, it's librest and libgnome-media-profiles17:02
seb128rodrigo_, that will be useful to open upstream bug tasks as well17:03
rodrigo_seb128, ok, creating them then17:03
rodrigo_seb128, I do it via https://launchpad.net/projects/+new right?17:03
seb128rodrigo_, yes17:07
micahgrodrigo_: did you get my comments on the librest upgrade?17:08
rodrigo_micahg, hmm, I think not17:08
rodrigo_micahg, ah, on the bug?17:08
micahgrodrigo_: yes17:08
rodrigo_micahg, yes, working on fixing the issues17:08
brycehheya jasoncwarner17:09
rodrigo_micahg, I'll push the branch to an ~ubuntu-desktop branch and will fix all of them there17:09
micahgrodrigo_: ok, that sounds fine17:09
jasoncwarner bryceh: good morning17:09
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
pittiseb128: FYI, I'm off today, there's a holiday in my part of Germany17:18
seb128pitti, tomorrow you mean?17:18
pittierm, yes17:18
seb128pitti, ok, noted17:18
seb128do you need me to cover for anything while you are not there?17:18
* pitti -> dinner17:18
pittiseb128: no, just in case someone asks17:19
seb128pitti, have fun!17:19
pitticheers, you too!17:19
seb128"desktop team meeting in 10 minutes"17:20
seb128calendar reminder just being displayed...17:20
pittiheh, ehre to17:20
pittihere, too17:21
kenvandineyeah... google doesn't handle UTC17:21
brycehpitti, I'll be attending the eastern edition meetings with raof going forward17:22
seb128mterry, did you tell me had you a fix for lpi and I missed the diff or did you say you were working on it?17:30
seb128kklimonda, hey17:39
mterryseb128, working on it, then I hit lunch  :)17:43
seb128mterry, ok, fair enough, I saw that you didn't screw the meeting time this week ;-)17:44
kklimondaseb128: hola17:48
seb128kklimonda, how are you?17:48
kklimondaseb128: great, and you?17:48
seb128kklimonda, I'm fine thanks17:48
seb128kklimonda, I saw you got atkmm1.6 in the debian pkg-gnome svn17:49
seb128kklimonda, did somebody review or sponsor it now?17:49
kklimondaseb128: not yet17:49
seb128kklimonda, do you plan to update the other part of the gtkmm stack? would you be interested to work on glom as well?17:49
kklimondaseb128: yes, I'm planning on updating whole gtkmm stack - as for glom I can't say I care about it much but I can work on it once I'm done with other updates.17:52
kklimondaseb128: would you like me to just update it or work on getting it into debian ?17:52
seb128kklimonda, it's your call, I don't think the debian guys would say no to have somebody helping updating those in debian as well...17:53
jcastrokklimonda: upstream glom's been frustrated with the lack of love it's getting in ubuntu, even a little help would go a long way17:54
kklimondajcastro: ok, I'll do what I can - I guess the least we can do is to update it and keep it this way.17:57
kklimondajcastro: should we update to 1.19.x (which is unstable) or to 1.18.x? I can see that the last release we have is from the unstable branch.17:58
seb128kklimonda, thanks17:58
seb128starting to go to 1.18 would be a nice start17:59
seb128the issue they have is that we ship an unstable serie which is buggy and over a year old17:59
kklimondabah, their NEWS file is broken18:00
kklimondait's 1.16.1 and 1.19.118:01
kklimondaso we'll go with 1.16.1, which is stable, for now18:01
kklimondajcastro: we'll have to update gtkmm to 2.22.0 to get glom updated but I've added it to my todo list.18:02
seb128kklimonda, let me know if you need review or sponsoring18:09
seb128kklimonda, I can probably review atkmm to start I guess ;-)18:09
kklimondaseb128: yes, that would be great :)18:10
jcastrorodrigo_: ready for another one? http://code.google.com/p/yad/18:21
dobeyso i just upgraded to narwhal a bit ago18:23
dobeyand i see that links i click on are being opened in chromium now, instead of firefox (which is set as the default)18:24
seb128dobey, GNOME changed the way handlers work18:26
seb128we need to update the desktop files to claim new mimetypes18:26
seb128they stopped using the gconf handlers18:26
dobeyoh, so it actually checks the file type at the other end of the link and opens stuff in appropriate applications now?18:27
chrisccoulsondobey, no, it handles protocols with a x-scheme-handler mime-type now. so, if you click on a http: URI, it will open in an app that handles x-scheme-handler/http18:28
chrisccoulsonat least, that's my understanding of it18:29
kenvandinechrisccoulson, i noticed that... clicking on a link to a jpeg opens the image viewer :)18:29
* kenvandine rather likes that behavior18:29
seb128chrisccoulson, well, what does it do when there is no handler set?18:30
kklimondachrisccoulson: does it mean we can now, instead of using gconf, add x-scheme-handler/scheme to .desktop files for applications?18:30
seb128dobey, I think it does check the file content because there is no handler18:30
* kenvandine just read back... links open in chromium from firefox?18:31
chrisccoulsonseb128 - not sure. i think it would fall back to the same mechanism that's used when a handler for a particular content type isn't found18:31
kenvandinethat isn't optimal :)18:31
chrisccoulsonie, for me, it opens http links in gedit ;)18:31
kenvandinei was also happy to see it open json in gedit18:31
seb128kenvandine, no, I think it's when clicking on url from a desktop application18:32
seb128xchat for example18:32
dobeyseb128: well chromium has the x-scheme-handler types listed18:32
kenvandinei guess i have noticed it mostly from in gwibber18:32
kenvandineso yeah18:32
dobeyseb128: but i added them to firefox.desktop in ~/.local/share/applications and chromium still opens :(18:32
seb128the browsers don't rely on the GNOME handler to open urls from webpages ;-)18:32
kenvandinetoo bad... it would be nice :)18:33
* kenvandine hates browsers :-D18:33
seb128dobey, weird, maybe check on #gnome-hackers18:33
dobeyah, needed to update-desktop-database on .local/share/applications18:33
dobeyand now firefox opens18:33
dobeybut i suppose it's by luck that it's doing so18:34
dobeykenvandine: yay! spread the hate :)18:34
chrisccoulsondobey - we will set firefox as the default in desktop-file-utils18:49
chrisccoulsonthere's also currently no graphical way to change your default browser18:49
chrisccoulsong-c-c, firefox and chromium all update the old gconf entries :/18:49
dobeygotta love upstream coordination18:50
chrisccoulsoni've sent some patches upstream for firefox, but i need to work through their review comments18:50
chrisccoulsonbut g-c-c needs fixing too18:50
seb128rodrigo_, ^18:52
seb128do you know what the new g-c-c do for the preferred application selection?18:52
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it uses the x-scheme-handler mechanism and gio now18:53
chrisccoulsonseb128 - http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-control-center/tree/panels/default-applications/gnome-da-capplet.c#n9018:54
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, so basically if we go for the new g-c-c we have nothing to do18:58
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, that would work. we'd still need to fix other things that are using the old mechanism (thunderbird, firefox, chromium, and i guess, evolution too)18:59
chrisccoulsonevo has a default mail client check doesn't it?19:00
chrisccoulsonso, that would need fixing too19:00
didrocksgoo night everyone19:05
chrisccoulsonoh, http links *do* open in a new tab here19:08
chrisccoulsonthat's ok then19:08
dobeychrisccoulson: well i would hope that upstream is fixing the evolution one19:09
dobeychrisccoulson: and probably epiphany too19:09
chrisccoulsondobey, yeah, they might already be fixed19:09
chrisccoulsoni didn't check19:09
rickspencer3seb128, is there a blueprint for the 2d experience?19:14
rickspencer3if only there was an engineering manager now :)19:15
rickspencer3jasoncwarner, ^ ?19:15
jasoncwarnerrickspencer3: here19:16
rickspencer3jasoncwarner, is there a blueprint for the 2d experience?19:18
jasoncwarnerI don't believe explicitly. I think it is part of the bigger unity one. Let me check19:20
kklimondarodrigo_: ping :)19:23
jasoncwarnerlooks like there is. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-dx-n-2d-experience-fallback (under other, not desktop)19:24
kenvandinewow... gwibber was throttled by facebook only 76 minutes today... down from 968 minutes last tuesday19:33
bcurtiswxand it's yes to make it to everyone :) gj Ken!19:33
kenvandineyeah... i can't believe that enough people have already gotten the fix in -proposed to make this big of an impact19:34
el_wholerwhat happened?19:34
kenvandineel_wholer, long story... :)19:35
=== bratsche is now known as bratsche-brb
bcurtiswxi did blog/tweet about it ;) its _obviously_ because of that :P19:35
kenvandinebcurtiswx, haha :)19:35
kklimondakenvandine: so what has been the problem? you were misusing some APIs?19:35
bcurtiswxi think it boils down to bad documentation..19:36
kenvandinewell, kind of19:36
bcurtiswxon facebooks part19:36
el_wholerok no problem ;)19:36
kenvandinethey give an application an allocation for "API Requests"19:36
kenvandinebut one call to their "fql.query" rest API19:36
kenvandinewould result in thousands of DB queries on their infrastructure19:37
kenvandinethey count DB queries as API requests19:37
kenvandinewhich of course isn't documented anywhere19:37
kenvandineand makes no sense at all19:37
kenvandinehow would anyone be able to calculate how many DB queries happen behind their web service :)19:38
kenvandine1 of gwibber's calls to facebook was causing 266 million DB queries per day19:38
kenvandineand... because of another bug i fixed right before UDS... that query was completely useless for gwibber anyway :)19:39
kenvandineso i just had to backport that fix to lucid and maverick and drop the API call19:39
el_wholerc'mon let's tell everyone to use gwibber ;)19:39
kenvandinekklimonda, the DB query count thing was something i have specifically asked about, over and over since july and they ignored me19:40
kenvandinemore users is fine... the allocation grows (in theory) based on number of users19:40
bcurtiswxthen he had the entire country's worth of people in bangladesh come and "like" that bug report basically19:40
kenvandinehehe :)19:40
kenvandinethose votes is what got us acknowledged!19:41
mterryseb128, fixed ftbfs and snuck in another change: https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/launchpad-integration/ftbfs-and-override/+merge/41002  (I can prepare just a pristine ftbfs fix if you'd prefer)19:41
kenvandinemterry, is launchpad-integration in good shape for me to use to model the dbusmenu and libindicator changes on?19:42
kenvandinei am about to start that now19:42
mterrykenvandine, in that branch I linked to, I believe so, yes.  It basically builds a gtk3 version in a subdirectory and installs it into debian/tmp too19:43
kenvandinemterry, thx19:46
=== bratsche-brb is now known as bratsche
mterrypitti, I've got a version of gtksourceview3 that uses a symbol file.  It's still in NEW.  Shall I wait until approval and update in universe or is it better to have it rejected and re-NEW?20:09
seb128mterry, what do you mean?20:25
vishmterry: hi, when can we expect the next version of gtk to land in natty? specifically the resize grip patch which has been backported to gtk2 as well?20:25
mterryseb128, I took your suggestion and made a version of gtksourceview3 that used a .symbols file20:25
seb128mterry, what do you mean "It's still in NEW."20:26
seb128mterry, you can queue a -0ubuntu2 in new if that's what you mean20:26
* mterry thought it hadn't gone through yet, will check20:26
mterryseb128, oh really?  didn't know NEW handled that so gracefully20:26
seb128mterry, you mean "the previous upload is still in new and I've an update which uses a .symbols"20:26
seb128mterry, you can upload the same version twice in NEW as well20:27
mterryseb128, correct20:27
seb128so your choice20:27
mterryseb128, ! that's neat20:27
seb128I can reject the current -0ubuntu1 if you want20:27
seb128Riddell, will you do NEW review today?20:28
mterryseb128, -0ubuntu2 uploaded20:31
seb128mterry, great20:32
seb128vish, there current gtk2 is basically what is in git20:44
seb128vish, there is no grip backport pending upload20:44
seb128vish, the patch is in gtk3 in natty though20:44
vishseb128: but we aernt going to be updating many apps using gtk3 in natty, right?20:46
seb128dunno yet how many but not a lot no20:46
vishseb128: there is a workitem to get the grip in natty using the gtk2 backport : https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/packageselection-dx-n-resizing-windows20:46
vishmaybe we need to milestone that ?20:47
seb128the work item is assigned to bratsche so better to ask him about it20:47
vishseb128: bratsche said to ask you folks.. :)20:48
seb128bratsche, ?20:48
seb128vish, it's the first time somebody ask us about that20:48
seb128I only know about it being in gtk3 because I read some IRC comments20:49
seb128kenvandine, ^ did bratsche or somebody from dx talked to you about this one?20:49
vishseb128: yea, iirc, no one from the desktop team was in that session, most dx folk alone there..20:49
bratscheThe thing I wanted to find out from seb128 is about how many apps in Natty will be based on gtk3 vs gtk2.20:49
seb128seems a communication issue20:49
seb128bratsche, we don't know yet, we will get updates over time as we feel they are ready20:50
seb128bratsche, but let's say it will be probably less than 15 using gtk320:50
kenvandineseb128, i hadn't heard :)20:52
seb128kenvandine, k20:52
seb128bratsche, in any case is the number of gtk3 softwares changing something?20:53
vishbratsche: so i guess we need a backport to gtk2 for sure if we want more apps to have the grip, and that would make it easier to backport to maverick?  you want me to file a bug for that?20:53
seb128bratsche, we will still have gtk2 softwares around so it should be available for those?20:53
bratscheseb128: I was trying to gauge how important it is to backport this feature to gtk2.  I think it creates a maintenance burden for things like Chromium which makes frequent releases.20:53
seb128does it change gtk2 behaviour?20:54
seb128or does it just add an extra api that applications are free to use?20:54
bratscheWell, Chromium and Firefox are the only apps I can think of off hand which are likely affected because this grip window will be in the way of their scrollbars.  gtk's scrollbars are smart enough to avoid the grip, but Chromium's are not yet.20:55
seb128hum ok20:55
bratscheSo in my PPA I patched Chromium, but there seem to be pretty frequent updates to Chromium and they replace what's in my PPA.20:55
seb128did you talk to chrisccoulson and fta about the impact of this?20:56
bratscheBut maybe in a real release this wouldn't be an issue the way it is in a PPA, because we can just get the Chromium patch into the package.20:56
seb128well, we can get patches in ppa builds as well20:57
bratscheAnd evmar is aware of the feature and will deal with it in Chromium upstream, but not until they actually begin linking to gtk3.20:57
bratscheYeah, I have the patch in my ppa build.. but my ppa doesn't auto-update and apply the patch against a new version of Chromium when it gets obsoleted.  Is that possible?20:58
micahgbratsche: chrisccoulson has started work on getting Firefox working with GTK320:58
chrisccoulsonnot yet i've not ;)20:58
micahgchrisccoulson: oh, hmm20:58
chrisccoulsoni've got it working with other gnome 3 technologies20:58
micahgjust gsettings then?20:58
chrisccoulsonbut not gtk3 yet ;)20:58
seb128bratsche, not sure how you do your updates, but usually it's up to maintainer to update the patch when it fails to apply20:59
bratscheseb128: Okay, nevermind then.  Maybe this is a non-issue.20:59
seb128bratsche, but I would think the code you patch doesn't change every day so most of the time the patch should work20:59
=== Bertrand is now known as bl8
chrisccoulsonbratsche, are you going to break firefox then? ;)21:08
seb128be careful, breaking firefox is chrisccoulson's job, don't steal it ;-)21:09
chrisccoulsonwell, breaking it is everyone elses job. it's my job to fix it afterwards ;)21:09
bratschechrisccoulson: If I backport this patch to gtk2 then we'll probably need to apply a 1-line patch to Firefox.21:12
chrisccoulsonbratsche, what will the patch do?21:12
bratschechrisccoulson: Or if you get Firefox running on gtk3 then you'll probably need to do the same thing.21:12
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure i'll manage that tbh ;)21:12
chrisccoulsonbut i'll give it a go if nobody else does it21:12
bratschechrisccoulson: http://blogs.fedoraproject.org/wp/mclasen/2010/10/09/getting-a-grip/21:13
bratschechrisccoulson: That resize grip is on GtkWindow, it just needs to be disabled.  That's it.21:13
chrisccoulsonbratsche, wouldn't it be better to be able to use ther resize grip?21:14
bratscheFirefox's or gtk's?21:15
chrisccoulsonbratsche, ff-4.0 doesn't have a resize grip (the status-bar is gone)21:15
bratschechrisccoulson: Then this is probably going to be more of a problem.21:16
chrisccoulsonheh, that's not good21:17
bratscheIs Firefox's scrollbar part of gtk or is it a xul widget?21:17
chrisccoulsonbratsche, it's a xul widget21:17
bratscheOkay, that's going to be the issue.  gtk's scrollbars are smart enough to get out of the way of the resize grip, but Firefox's won't be.  So the easiest thing to do will be to disable the resize grip on Firefox.21:18
dobeyit's not xul exactly21:18
bratscheIf it's a gtk scrollbar, maybe this will all just work.21:18
dobeybut it's not gtk+ either21:18
bratscheOkay.. for the purposes of this discussion, anything that's not a gtk scrollbar is the same. :)21:18
dobeybratsche: it just uses gtk+ off screen widgetry to paint the scrollbar21:19
dobeybratsche: but webkit-gtk uses the exact same code (it's copied over from gecko)21:19
bratschechrisccoulson: If you want to do something really badass for Firefox 4, look at modify_allocation_for_window_grip() in gtkrange.c and try to do the same thing for Firefox's scrollbars. :)21:23
dobeyalthough the scrollbar widgets might be subclasses of GtkScrollable or something now21:24
dobeyso it might Just Work21:25
bratscheThat would be even better, of course. :)21:25
dobeyoh actually, webkit-gtk might not be an issue, because i think the embedded widget you use is actually a GtkScrolledWindow, or you get a widget that's supposed to go into one21:26
dobeybut that's testable with epiphany. chrome of course does something weird21:27
bratscheYeah, but I talked to evmar about it at some point.  I think he's planning to deal with it similarly in Chromium.21:27
devildanteis there a mailing list specially for ubiquity? or is ubuntu-devel-discuss the place to discuss it?21:40
TheMusodevildante: There is ubuntu-installer.21:47
devildanteTheMuso: thanks :)21:47
TheMusoBoth mailing list, and IRC channel.21:47
devildantethanks again :)21:49
robert_ancelljasoncwarner, hey, welcome to Australia!21:50
* bryceh waves21:51
kklimondais any git master on board? :)21:54
devildantekklimonda: I certainly am not a master, but I know *some* basics21:54
devildantedecoder: I'm a n00b :p21:55
AmaranthDang, I'm never around to discuss compiz21:56
AmaranthI knew the answer to everything they were talking about too :P21:56
jasoncwarnerrobert_ancell: thanks!21:56
TheMusojasoncwarner: I am quite surprised you are sticking to PST atm. That would be difficult.21:57
kklimondadevildante: fortunately I have managed to work it out myself but for the future reference - can I merge branches while omiting some commits?21:57
jasoncwarnerTheMuso: for now, until I can figure out what works for everyone around the world :)21:57
TheMusojasoncwarner: Understood.21:58
devildantekklimonda: I think so21:58
devildantekklimonda: but I never tried21:58
robert_ancellrodrigo_, are you there?22:19
rodrigo_hi rob22:26
rodrigo_hi robert_ancell22:26
robert_ancellrodrigo_, oh hey,  you shouldn't be here :P  I was wondering if you'd done anything on the new webkit - I was working on it yesterday to get the new yelp to work22:34
rodrigo_robert_ancell, no, nothing on that22:34
robert_ancellrodrigo_, how's things going? I've been trying to improve the versions page so we can see what's available better22:38
rodrigo_robert_ancell, oh, where's the versions page?22:38
robert_ancellrodrigo_, http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html22:39
rodrigo_robert_ancell, the stuff we have packaged seems to work ok, except for some g-c-c issues which are being solved upstream22:39
rodrigo_robert_ancell, ok22:39
robert_ancellI want to put a switch at top that switches between natty and GNOME3 mode.  But my DOM+Javascript skill are a bit rusty22:39
rodrigo_the upstream version column shows the very latest, either 2.32 or 2.91, right?22:40
robert_ancellrodrigo_, yes22:41
rodrigo_and, what are the colors for?22:41
rodrigo_ah, it says it at the bottom :)22:41
robert_ancellkey is at the bottom, but basically it's ordered from most  out of date to least22:41
rodrigo_robert_ancell, ok, so there are lots of stuff to package, so what are you going to work next?22:42
rodrigo_if you're not, I'll work on 'platform' stuff, like gvfs, telepathy, etc22:42
robert_ancellI normally just go through and grab the ones that I feel like at the time, if it's part worked on I commit the changes to bzr with "UNRELEASED".  Today I'll probably look at yelp, gdm, rhythmbox, nautilus etc22:43
rodrigo_robert_ancell, send me a mail when you end your day and I'll pick up where you left, ok?22:44
robert_ancellrodrigo_, ok22:44
rodrigo_ok then, back to the sofa now :-)22:46
robert_ancellnice :)22:46
rodrigo_talk to you tomorrow, I hope :-)22:47
rodrigo_good night22:47
brycehis there an eastern edition meeting today?23:06
TheMusobryceh: No, moved to our Thursday/your Wednesday.23:08
TheMusobryceh: One of us can probably invite you to the calendar entry for it.23:09
brycehTheMuso, ah thanks yes please23:09
TheMusoHrm google calendar is not an option for new calendar in evolution...23:17
* TheMuso hasn't yet set up his calendar in evolution since doing a fres install of natty.23:17
TheMusohrm... Necessary packages are installed...23:19
TheMusoHrm second time, its shown up.23:22
TheMusobryceh: Hrm doesn't look like I can add additional participants, I think you may need to poke jasoncwarner about it.23:25
jasoncwarnerI'll see what I can do. I do not claim to be able to do anything w/ google calendar, however!23:28
jasoncwarnerfreakin' app has been killing me these past couple of days!23:28
TheMusoHeh I think you were the one who created the event originally, so you are the only one who can invite.23:29
TheMusoWhen I tried to add bryceh using my phone, my calendar app crashed. :)23:29
TheMusoEvolution gave me the add/remove buttons, but they were greyed out.23:30
jasoncwarnerbryceh: you should have it in your inbox now...hopefully23:33
rickspencer3RAOF, around at all?23:52
RAOFrickspencer3: Yeah.  What's up?23:52
rickspencer3RAOF, I jut dist-upgrade to natty, and my display is "blurry" now23:52
RAOFWhat hardware?23:53
rickspencer3things IRL are not23:53
RAOFGot an Xorg.0.log for me?23:54
Sarvattsounds like a non-native mode is being used and scaled to fit the screen. got a /var/log/Xorg.0.log handy?23:54
rickspencer3Sarvatt, I can look23:54
RAOFSarvatt: That would indeed be my first guess, yeah.23:54
rickspencer3and please excuse my ignorance of these things23:54
rickspencer3as RAOF can attest, I am a bit of an xorg-nincompoop23:54
rickspencer3Sarvatt, RAOF: http://paste.ubuntu.com/533284/23:57
rickspencer3I figured I should get this sorted before I install new unity ;)23:58

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