
alouriegood morning09:59
akgranernhandler, I'm working on all that today15:43
akgranerwe are missing sections as people weren't able to do their sections and for me to do them all in a day is just impossible right now15:43
akgranerand that is not a statement directed at any one  - it is what it is  - and that includes me right now as well15:44
alourieakgraner: yea, sorry about that15:52
alourieI'm too swamped right now, forgot to tell you15:52
akgraneralourie, no worries - life happens :-)15:53
akgranerso I'll shoot for getting it out on Wednesday so that I don't stress about it or rush through it today and we'll come up with a game plan for handing it off this cycle to someone else - as I don't think it's fair for the team, or the readers that I can't devote as much time to the newsletter - at least for the next 3 or 4 months... but we can figure all that out at the meeting in a few weeks15:55
alourieakgraner: I might be able to find few articles tomorrow16:23
akgraneralourie, I'll try to have let everyone know in the morning where it all stands  - thanks!!!16:23
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alourieakgraner: great! just mind the gap - my next morning begins in ~ 14 hours16:31
akgranernhandler, forward from editor.ubuntu.news@gmail.com to editor.ubuntu.news@ubuntu.com completed16:42
akgranersent thank you to the RT folks as well...16:43
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=== You're now known as ubuntulog
akgranerI'll be back online if a few hours23:09
akgranerand hopefully asking for people to proof Issue 218 :-)23:09

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